20 research outputs found

    Poslovni analitičar u funkciji stvaranja nove vrednosti preduzeća

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    The most important aspect of survival, growth and career development of each expert is guidance towards strengthening the competencies. The work focuses on the categorization and description of the relevant competencies of a successful business analyst. Every organization has a different approach to the importance of business analysts, and if it wants to develop and improve his work, it must recognize the level of competence in various areas of skills and than take necessary measures for their improvement. Profession and qualification of the business analysts are focused on building a system that meets the needs of professional management support. In modern conditions, business analysts can survive and prosper if there is an offer for a wider set of competencies that provide them to demonstrate how they identify, analyse and develop options for increasing company value. The greatest challenge for business analysts are areas of personal qualities. That means, they should use their behavioral skills to undo stereotypes and overcome the resistance, in order to provide information about the possibilities of survival and continuous improvement of business development.Usmerenje ka jačanju kompetencija je najznačajniji aspekt opstanka,rasta i razvoja karijere svakog stručnjaka. Težište rada je na kategorizaciji i opisu relevatnih kompetencija uspešnog poslovnog analitičara. Svaka organizacija ima različiti pristup o značaju rada poslovnog analitičara, a ako se želi razviti i unaprediti njegov rad morate prepoznati nivo kompetentnosti u raznim oblastima veština i zatim preduzeti neophodne mere radi njihovog poboljšanja. Profesija i kvalifikacije poslovnog analitičara su fokusirane na izgradnju sistema koji ispunjava potrebe stručne podrške upravljanju. U savremenim uslovima poslovni analitičari mogu opstati i razvijati se ako nude širi skup kompetencija koje omogućuju da dokažu kako identifikuju, analiziraju i razvijaju opcije za uvećanje vrednosti preduzeća. Oblasti ličnih kvaliteta najveći izazov za poslovne analitičare. Naime, oni treba da koriste sve svoje bihejvioralne veštine da bi poništili stereotipe i prevazišli otpor, kako bi mogli da informišu o mogućnostima opstanka i neprekidnog unapređenja razvoja poslovanja

    Impact of Marketing Consulting on Performances of Agrarian Clusters in Serbia

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    The subject of this paper is the role of marketing consulting in development of performances of agrarian clusters in Serbia. The research that was carried out has pretensions to point out to many issues that are linked to these problems, initiate their solving, inform those that are obligated to be interested on the role and significance of consulting, as well as the methods of its use. About everything that could contribute to an increase in benefit and improvement of agriculture, including proposing solutions that resulted from exact researches through application of scientific methods by logical conclusions. The empirical research of impact of marketing consulting on the performances of agrarian clusters in Serbia was carried out by a survey. Audit was performed by a procedure by which some relevant scientific conclusions were achieved—by researching data in the field specifically, by collecting adequate data on the agrarian clusters which operate in Serbia. In this paper we started from the following hypothesis: Using marketing consulting improves marketing performances of agrarian clusters, which indirectly leads to an improvement in their financial performance. The basis of the research hypothesis is the so called, PIMS program whose starting point is the influence of the market’s strategy on an enterprise’s profit, i.e., it shows the connection between marketing and financial performance of an enterprise. Finally, regardless to the level of success of the research, and proving the obtained results, this paper will surely represent a basis for future researches of marketing consulting and their support to business management

    Pravni i ekonomski aspekti konkurentnosti organske proizvodnje u Republici Srbiji

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    Strategic Benefits of a Customer-Centric Approach in Customer Relationship Management System

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    Since services are a major contributor to practically every economic process and one of the main movers of the global economy, they are extremely important in the global business environment. On the other hand, the demand for rapid changes and quality improvement at all levels coincides with the development of the service sector and presupposes the existence of a practical, rational, and socio-economically justified development strategy. The main topic of this article is the customer-facing aspect of the CRM process. According to this viewpoint, all customer-facing functions will receive customer intelligence, and a single view of the customer will be created across all communication channels. This point of view emphasizes how crucial it is to coordinate information across contacts and times. The development of new computer technologies, the Internet, and database creation software also plays a significant role in the implementation of CRM. Service quality is a key factor in attracting and retaining customers, leading to their satisfaction and loyalty. The traditional understanding of quality is production-oriented, but customer orientation indicates that the concept of quality is marketing-based. To achieve business survival, growth, and development, companies must plan, organize, and monitor the development of relationships with customers

    The impact of relevant factors on wheat supply and demand in the Republic of Serbia

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    The aim of the study is to conduct the wheat balances analysis, to research the supply and demand in the domestic market, and to examine the partial impact of the relevant factors on the supply and demand. The research results of wheat production and trade flows can contribute to the increase of supply and to the structural changes in production, the strengthening of competitiveness, the increase of trade exchange, improvement in production and processing, new investments, higher employment rate, and so on. The methods used in the research are the wheat balances analysis, the functional and correlation analysis (the functional correlation analysis), the variance analysis, T-test, as well as other general methods. The results of the wheat production and consumption balances analysis indicate the existence of surplus and potential for export of an average of 805.29 thousand tons with a trend of increase after 2013. The impact of production, initial stocks, imports, and purchase prices on wheat supply is high (R = 0.99). The impact of consumption, sales prices, income, exports, and final stocks on wheat demand is high (R = 0.95). By analyzing the correlation coefficient of wheat production and supply, a coefficient of 0.96 was obtained, while for the wheat consumption and demand the obtained coefficient was 0.82, which indicates high correlation dependence. In the period 2000-2016, the export of wheat was increased 8.7 times along with the increase in price per kg and the total export value

    Kontroling kao faktor novog javnog menadžmenta u zdravstvenim ustanovama Republike Srbije

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    The issue of solvency, i.e. the risk of bankruptcy of the company, is always a subject of concern for management and stakeholders, especially creditors and investors. Understanding the impact of indicators of profitability, liquidity and dynamic solvency on the risk of bankruptcy expressed by Altman’s Z-score is the goal of the research, which is significant for both theory and practice. The research analyzes large companies from the branch of processing and preserving of meat of the Republic of Serbia for the five-year period 2018-2022. The findings for large companies for the processing and preserving of meat, based on regression analysis, show that ROA and Current Liquidity Ratio make a statistically significant contribution predicting the Altman Z score

    Modern concept of managing the performance of public health institutions in the Republic of Serbia

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    In practice, our hospitals measure and report on financial and nonfinancial performance. However, the interconnection of the performance measurement and the management is not adequate or fully expressed. According to the concept of a balanced system of indicators, the direction of research in this paper is to contribute to the development of performance measures and management practices in the public health institutions, which is relatively little known, and to try to refine the model of measures which adequately reflect the mutual relations between institutions, employees and patients

    Strategic analysis of the performance of companies trading pharmaceutical products in the Republic of Serbia: As a integrated system of indicators

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    Modern approach to strategic analysis is based on the usage of appropriate systems of indicators, economic and financial, that especially stand out, recommending certain models that are discussed in this paper. In addition to the limitations of the availability of data for a specific analysis which is the subject of this paper, attention is focused on the presentation of the method of 'Force Five' pESTLE. This method has been applied for external analysis of the strategic plan as well as a comparative method of analysis of the financial performance of the related activities of the company, as a core internal resource analysis and management of the companies in the business of trading pharmaceutical products in the Republic of Serbia. In the presented analysis we have indicated the possibility of using an integrative internal and external analysis that produced the financial and non-financial information in order to understand the strategic position of the company. Such an integral concept analysis (strategic and operational) creates a unique information and objective basis for the relevant assessment of growth and development and competitive capacity of enterprises


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    Serbia has a long tradition in thermal baths tourism development. In the second half of the twentieth century, this branch of tourism attracted a significant segment of tourist demand, both domestic and foreign. However, due to difficult business conditions in the nineties, its infrastructure became outdated. This resulted in negative trends in tourism development and a negative image appeared in the tourism market. On the other hand, rural tourism is a relatively new form of tourism. In Serbia, it started developing from the 1970ies. A significant interim in this form of tourism was also noticed during the nineties. Today, these two forms of tourism are emphasized as the development chance of Serbian tourism and economy in diverse development-strategic documents by the Government and the departmental ministry. The conceptual approach to these forms of tourism is used in this work, in order to scope the possibilities of their complementary development. What is primarily borne in mind is the resource basis that Serbia possesses for their development, but also the newer tendencies and trends on the tourism market. Expectations are that a synergic cooperation of these forms of tourism would ensure better results, and Serbia would position itself higher on the international tourism market