169 research outputs found

    Problem of hard domestic wastes in towns

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    Mathematical modelling of the mechanism of motion of the cilium: Internal hydrodynamic drive

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    A physical approach is proposed to the description of the mechanism of motion of cilia based on the assumption of the importance of the hydrodynamic interactions within the cilium and the mechanism of synchronization of the beats in the metachronal waves is proposed. © 1992

    Annealing effect on temperature stability and mechanical stress at the “CdxPb1−xS film – substrate” interface

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    The article establishes the upper temperature steadiness limit of СdxPb1-xS supersaturated solid solutions obtained by chemical bath deposition. СdxPb1-xS (x = 0.06; 0.122; 0.176) and (x = 0.02–0.05) films remained stable under the heating up to 405–410 and 450 K, respectively. SEM studies have shown that heating of СdxPb1-xS films (x = 0.02–0.05) to 620 K leads to the structure destruction. Internal mechanical compressive stresses at the "СdxPb1-xS film-substrate" interface was calculated in the range of 300–900 K for the first time ever, the highest values reached 2000–2750 kN/m2 for a number of the films compositions. In contrast to solid solutions, the expansion stresses up to 100 kN/m2 were derived for the CdS layer at 900 K. The obtained temperature steadiness boundaries and the mechanical stresses of СdxPb1-xS films must be taken into account in the development of photonic devices based on such materials

    Коалесценция частиц дисперсной фазы при экструзии смесей этиленпропиленовый каучук (СКЭПТ) – полипропилен

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    The effect of crosslink density (Nc) of the inner EPDM rubber phase on the coalescence of its domains during capillary extrusion of 20/80 EPDM/PP blends has been studied. The EPDM phase was preliminary loaded with varying amounts of vulcanization agents followed by the reactive blending with PP matrix on a roll mill at 185 o C. The samples were extruded through a capillary rheometer at 185 o C. It is demonstrated that even at low shear rate the convergent flow results in strong coalescence efficacy of droplets in raw blends and in complete suppression of coalescence at low Nc.а примере смесей 20/80 СКЭПТ/ПП исследовано влияние степени сшивания (Nc) дисперсной фазы СКЭПТ на коалесценцию ее частиц в процессе капиллярной экструзии. Фазу СКЭПТ с предварительно введенными в нее различными количествами вулканизующих агентов подвергали реакционному смешению с матрицей ПП на вальцах при 185 o C. Образцы экструдировали с использованием капиллярного реометра при 185 o C и постоянной скорости сдвига. Показано, что даже при низкой скорости сдвига конвергентный поток приводит к сильной коалесценции капель в невулканизованных смесях и к полному ее подавлению уже при низких значениях Nc

    Formation of the investment portfolio on the basis of adaptive-discrete model, considering globalization effects

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    The article implements the idea of usage of universal properties of an adaptive regression modeling procedure in the processes of making investment solutions with predictor optimality. The necessity of using of universal properties is that the same value in the stock market can be predicted on the basis of inertial changes, and on the basis of discrete, discontinuou