1,180 research outputs found

    Explaining the magnetic moment reduction of Fullerene encapsulated Gadolinium through a theoretical model

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    We propose a Theoretical model accounting for the recently observed reduced magnetic moment of Gadolinium in fullerenes. While this reduction has been observed also for other trivalent rare-hearth atoms (Dy3+, Er3+, Ho3+) in fullerenes and can be ascribed to crystal field effects, the explanation of this phenomena for Gd3+ is not straightforward due to the sphericity of its ground state (S=7/2, L=0). In our model the momentum lowering is the result of a subtle interplay between hybridisation and spin-orbit interaction

    Characterization of multilayer stack parameters from X-ray reflectivity data using the PPM program: measurements and comparison with TEM results

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    Future hard (10 -100 keV) X-ray telescopes (SIMBOL-X, Con-X, HEXIT-SAT, XEUS) will implement focusing optics with multilayer coatings: in view of the production of these optics we are exploring several deposition techniques for the reflective coatings. In order to evaluate the achievable optical performance X-Ray Reflectivity (XRR) measurements are performed, which are powerful tools for the in-depth characterization of multilayer properties (roughness, thickness and density distribution). An exact extraction of the stack parameters is however difficult because the XRR scans depend on them in a complex way. The PPM code, developed at ERSF in the past years, is able to derive the layer-by-layer properties of multilayer structures from semi-automatic XRR scan fittings by means of a global minimization procedure in the parameters space. In this work we will present the PPM modeling of some multilayer stacks (Pt/C and Ni/C) deposited by simple e-beam evaporation. Moreover, in order to verify the predictions of PPM, the obtained results are compared with TEM profiles taken on the same set of samples. As we will show, PPM results are in good agreement with the TEM findings. In addition, we show that the accurate fitting returns a physically correct evaluation of the variation of layers thickness through the stack, whereas the thickness trend derived from TEM profiles can be altered by the superposition of roughness profiles in the sample image

    Reviewing GPU architectures to build efficient back projection for parallel geometries

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    Back-Projection is the major algorithm in Computed Tomography to reconstruct images from a set of recorded projections. It is used for both fast analytical methods and high-quality iterative techniques. X-ray imaging facilities rely on Back-Projection to reconstruct internal structures in material samples and living organisms with high spatial and temporal resolution. Fast image reconstruction is also essential to track and control processes under study in real-time. In this article, we present efficient implementations of the Back-Projection algorithm for parallel hardware. We survey a range of parallel architectures presented by the major hardware vendors during the last 10 years. Similarities and differences between these architectures are analyzed and we highlight how specific features can be used to enhance the reconstruction performance. In particular, we build a performance model to find hardware hotspots and propose several optimizations to balance the load between texture engine, computational and special function units, as well as different types of memory maximizing the utilization of all GPU subsystems in parallel. We further show that targeting architecture-specific features allows one to boost the performance 2–7 times compared to the current state-of-the-art algorithms used in standard reconstructions codes. The suggested load-balancing approach is not limited to the back-projection but can be used as a general optimization strategy for implementing parallel algorithms

    Improving the spatial and statistical accuracy in X-ray Raman scattering based direct tomography

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    An algorithm to simultaneously increase the spatial and statistical accuracy of X-ray Raman scattering (XRS) based tomographic images is presented. Tomography that utilizes XRS spectroscopy signals as a contrast for the images is a new and promising tool for investigating local atomic structure and chemistry in heterogeneous samples. The algorithm enables the spatial resolution to be increased based on a deconvolution of the optical response function of the spectrometer and, most importantly, it allows for the combination of data collected from multiple analyzers and thus enhances the statistical accuracy of the measured images.Peer reviewe

    Electron-phonon interaction in n-doped cuprates: an Inelastic X-ray Scattering study

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    Inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) with very high (meV) energy resolution has become a valuable spectroscopic tool, complementing the well established coherent inelastic neutron scattering (INS) technique for phonon dispersion investigations. In the study of crystalline systems IXS is a viable alternative to INS, especially in cases where only small samples are available. Using IXS, we have measured the phonon dispersion of Nd_{1.86}Ce_{0.14}CuO_{4+\delta} along the [x,0,0] and [x,x,0] in-plane directions. Compared to the undoped parent compound, the two highest longitudinal optical (LO) phonon branches are shifted to lower energies because of Coulomb-screening effects brought about by the doped charge carriers. An additional anomalous softening of the highest branch is observed around q=(0.2,0,0). This anomalous softening, akin to what has been observed in other compounds, provides evidence for a strong electron-phonon coupling in the electron-doped high-temperature superconductors.Comment: Proceedings of the SATT11 conference, Vietri sul Mare - Italy (March 2002); accepted for publication on Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Doping and temperature dependence of Mn 3d states in A-site ordered manganites

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    We present a systematic study of the electronic structure in A-site ordered manganites as function of doping and temperature. The energy dependencies observed with soft x-ray resonant diffraction (SXRD) at the Mn L_{2,3} edges are compared with structural investigations using neutron powder diffraction as well as with cluster calculations. The crystal structures obtained with neutron powder diffraction reflect the various orbital and charge ordered phases and show an increase of the Mn-O-Mn bond angle as function of doping and temperature. Cluster calculations show that the observed spectral changes in SXRD as a function of doping are more pronounced than expected from an increase in bandwitdh due to the increase in Mn-O-Mn bond angle, and are best described by holes that are distributed at the neighbouring oxygen ions. These holes are not directly added to the Mn 3d shell, but centered at the Mn site. In contrast, the spectral changes in SXRD as function of temperature are best described by an increase of magnetic correlations. This demonstrates the strong correlations between orbitals and magnetic moments of the 3d states

    Measuring magnetic profiles at manganite surfaces with monolayer resolution

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    The performance of manganite-based magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) has suffered from reduced magnetization present at the junction interfaces that is ultimately responsible for the spin polarization of injected currents; this behavior has been attributed to a magnetic "dead layer" that typically extends a few unit cells into the manganite. X-ray magnetic scattering in resonant conditions (XRMS) is one of the most innovative and effective techniques to extract surface or interfacial magnetization profiles with subnanometer resolution, and has only recently been applied to oxide heterostructures. Here we present our approach to characterizing the surface and interfacial magnetization of such heterostructures using the XRMS technique, conducted at the BEAR beamline (Elettra synchrotron, Trieste). Measurements were carried out in specular reflectivity geometry, switching the left/right elliptical polarization of light as well the magnetization direction in the scattering plane. Spectra were collected across the Mn L2,3 edge for at least four different grazing angles in order to better analyse the interference phenomena. The resulting reflectivity spectra have been carefully fit to obtain the magnetization profiles, minimizing the number of free parameters as much as possible. Optical constants of the samples (real and imaginary part of the refractive index) in the interested frequency range are obtained through absorption measurements in two magnetization states and subsequent Kramers-Kronig transformation, allowing quantitative fits of the magnetization profile at different temperatures. We apply this method to the study of air-exposed surfaces of epitaxial La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (001) films grown on SrTiO3 (001) substrates.Comment: 11 pages + 3 figures; accepted to JMMM (2009

    Profile of the U 5f magnetization in U/Fe multilayers

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    Recent calculations, concerning the magnetism of uranium in the U/Fe multilayer system have described the spatial dependence of the 5f polarization that might be expected. We have used the x-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity technique to obtain the profile of the induced uranium magnetic moment for selected U/Fe multilayer samples. This study extends the use of x-ray magnetic scattering for induced moment systems to the 5f actinide metals. The spatial dependence of the U magnetization shows that the predominant fraction of the polarization is present at the interfacial boundaries, decaying rapidly towards the center of the uranium layer, in good agreement with predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetic and electronic Co states in layered cobaltate GdBaCo2O5.5-x

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    We have performed non-resonant x-ray diffraction, resonant soft and hard x-ray magnetic diffraction, soft x-ray absorption and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements to clarify the electronic and magnetic states of the Co3+ ions in GdBaCo2O5.5. Our data are consistent with a 3+ Py Co HS state at the pyramidal sites and a 3+ Oc Co LS state at the octahedral sites. The structural distortion, with a doubling of the a axis (2ap x 2ap x 2ap cell), shows alternating elongations and contractions of the pyramids and indicates that the metal-insulator transition is associated with orbital order in the t2g orbitals of the 3+ Py Co HS state. This distortion corresponds to an alternating ordering of xz and yz orbitals along the a and c axes for the 3+ Py Co . The orbital ordering and pyramidal distortion lead to deformation of the octahedra, but the 3+ Oc Co LS state does not allow an orbital order to occur for the 3+ Oc Co ions. The soft x-ray magnetic diffraction results indicate that the magnetic moments are aligned in the ab plane but are not parallel to the crystallographic a or b axes. The orbital order and the doubling of the magnetic unit cell along the c axis support a non-collinear magnetic structure. The x-ray magnetic circular dichroism data indicate that there is a large orbital magnetic contribution to the total ordered Co moment
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