107 research outputs found

    Automatization of Patient Characteristics report

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    ABSTRACT This paper describes a standardized and presentable patient characteristics report. In an effort to standardize the appearance of the patient characteristics' report our team decided to create one macro that will produce patient characteristics tables for all studies. This macro provides an easy method for producing standardized and nicely formatted tables. It uses the same logic and structure across all studies. In addition the macro automatically computes all stratification parameters based on number of strata and number of levels within each strata. This paper will outline the features of the macro including examples of code and output. This paper is intended for programmers with a sound foundation in SAS macro programming

    Teški metali u vodi gradske vodovodne mreže Novog Beograda

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    In this work, the subject of research is the scale formed by heating the drinking water that flows through the city water supply of New Belgrade. Analysis of the scale showed that its main ingredient is CaCO3, but in the scale and in drinking water could be found alkali and alkaline earth metals, heavy metals, semimetals and radioactive elements. In tested drinking water elements whose presence in large quantities is not desirable (eg, Pb) are proven to exist, as well as elements that, so far, have not been found in the water of the Belgrade water supply (eg, Ni). Based on the results of fractional analysis, it is concluded that the uranium found in the scale and in the drinking water is in the form of potentially accessible and mobile fractions which indicate its anthropogenic origin. Analysis of scale, with all the parameters of scale existing (water flow, temperature, etc..), presents an indirect method of analyzing the quality of drinking water, especially for low levels of pollutants which are harmful to the human body.Predmet ispitivanja u radu bio je kamenac nastao zagrevanjem vode za piće koja protiče kroz gradsku vodovodnu mrežu Novog Beograda. Analiza kamenca pokazala je da je njegov glavni sastojak CaCO3, ali se u kamencu, a samim tim i u vodi za piće, nalaze i alkalni i zemnoalkalni metali, teški metali, polumetali i radioaktivni elementi. U ispitivanoj vodi za piće dokazani su elementi čije prisustvo u većoj količini nije poželjno (npr. Pb), ali i elementi koji, do sada, nisu nađeni u vodi beogradskog vodovoda (npr. Ni). Na osnovu rezultata frakcione ekstrakcije, zaključuje se da se uran u kamencu, a samim tim i u vodi za piće, nalazi u obliku potencijalno pristupačnih i mobilnih frakcija koje ukazuju na njegovo antropogeno poreklo. Analiza kamenca, uz poznavanje svih parametara nastanka kamenca (protok vode, temperatura i dr.), predstavlja posrednu metodu analize kvaliteta vode za piće, posebno za polutante niskih sadržaja štetnih za ljudski organizam

    New records and remarks on earthworms of the Vojvodina Province (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Criodrilidae)

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    The aim of this paper is to present the results of the recent collecting earthworms, with new localities and new habitats in Vojvodina Province. The sporadic field investigation was carried out during 2013-2020. In this paper we report new records of Criodrilus lacuum Hoffmeister, 1845 (family Criodrilidae) proved to be new species for the fauna of Vojvodina Province. Also, information on the taxonomic status of individual species was provided. Fifteen earthworm species and subspecies from family Lumbricidae have been registered. Six taxa were found to be synonymous with nominal species, so that the number decreases to 31 species, from 10 genera. Our data demonstrate clearly that the earthworm fauna of the Vojvodina Province is relatively poor, monotonous and that the impact of intensification of agricultural practices effect on loss of soil biodiversity.Publishe

    Ispitivanje korelacije faze razvoja pšenice sorte Pobeda i udaljenosti od industrijske zone na dinamiku usvajanja teških metala u pojedinim delovima biljke

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    In selected parts of the wheat plant variety Pobeda in various stages of growth examined the content of heavy metals. Samples were taken from the fields and regions are at different distances from the oil refinery in Pančevo. Determination of heavy metals was carried out by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the flame acetylene/air, Research on the effects of varieties, stage of wheat development and distance from the industrial zone on the dynamics of the adoption of heavy metals in some parts of the wheat plant (root and stem) was carried out on experimental fields of the Institute ”Tamiš” in the fields of Old Tamiš and Vojlovica. The results showed significant differences between the distance from the refinery to the content of heay metals in different parts of the wheat plant.Na odabranim delovima biljke pšenice sorte Pobeda u različitim fenofazama ispitivan je sadržaj teških metala. Uzorci su uzimani sa polja i regiona koji su na različitoj udaljenosti od Rafinerije nafte u Pančevu. Ispitivanje teških metala je obavljeno primenom atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije. Istraživanja korelacije faze razvoja pšenice i udaljenosti od industrijske zone na dinamiku usvajanja teških metala u pojedinim delovima biljke (koren i stablo) obavljeno je na uzorku pšenice sorte Pobeda sa Oglednog polja Instituta „Tamiš”, polja Starog Tamiša i Vojlovice. Dobijeni rezultati prikazali su značajnost razlike između udaljenosti od Rafinerije u odnosu na sadržaj teških metala u različitim delovima biljke pšenice

    Earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) of the Kopaonik National Park (Serbia)

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    This paper presents the first list of earthworm fauna of the Kopaonik National Park, a total of 16 taxa, belonging to eight genera of the family Lumbricidae. The genera with the largest number of the registered taxa are Dendrobaena and Lumbricus, while the genera Aporrectodea, Bimastos, Eisenia, Eiseniella, Octodrilus and Octolasion are represented by one species each. Also, the review of zoogeographical types and ecological categories of registered species are presented. Half of the species are peregrine, while the rest are autochthonous. Regarding ecological categories, anecic (2) and endogeic (4) species are more sensitive to high mountain environmental conditions than epigeic (12) species, which are more adapted to such conditions. Overall, our results highlight how little was previously known about the earthworm fauna in this area and emphasize the need for further collecting to better understand the hidden earthworm diversity in Kopaonik NP.Publishe

    Is Balint training associated with the reduced burnout among primary health care doctors?

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    The aim of our study was to examine whether the participation in Balint group is associated with the reducing burnout syndrome among primary health care doctors. This investigation was conducted on a population of 210 doctors employed in primary health centers in Belgrade. Out of 210 doctors, 70 have completed Balint training for a period of at least 1 year, whereas 140 doctors have never attended this training (the Non-Balint group). The level of burnout among physicians was assessed with the Serbian translation of the original 22- item version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey which defines burnout in relation to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. We found that 45.0% of the Non-Balint participants and 7.1% of the Balint-trained participants responded with symptoms of high level of emotional exhaustion, with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). In relation to depersonalization, 20% of the Non-Balint subjects were highly depersonalized compared to 4.4% of the Balint-trained subjects, with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). Regarding the personal accomplishment, 21.4% of the Non-Balint subjects and 7.1% of the Balint-trained subjects had a perception of low personal accomplishment, with a statistical significance (p < 0.001). In the multiple ordinal logistic model, with emotional exhaustion as a dependent variable, statistically significant predictor was female gender (OR = 2.51; p = 0.021), while Balint training was obtained as a protective factor (OR = 0.12; p < 0.001). Non-specialists were detected as a risk factor for depersonalization (OR = 2.14; p = 0.026) while Balint group was found as a protective factor (OR = 0.10; p < 0.001), according to the multiple ordinal logistic regression analysis. Regarding the reduced personal accomplishment, our results indicated that nonspecialists were at risk for this subdimension (OR = 2.09; p = 0.025), whereas Balint participants were protected (OR = 0.18; p < 0.001). Participation in Balint groups is associated with the reduced burnout syndrome among primary health care doctors.Keywords: Doctor-patient relationship; Balint groups; burnout; primary health care; patientcentered; approac

    Značaj sorte u organskoj proizvodnji povrća

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    The organic farming system differs fundamentally in soil fertility management, weed, disease and pest management, and has higher demands on product quality and yield stability compared to conventional farming. By stimulating internal self-regulation through functional agrobiodiversity in and above the soil, organic farming system aim at resilience and buffering capacity in the farm-ecosystem. For futher optimisation of organic product quality and yield stability new varieties are required that are adapted to organic farming systems.Organski sistemi uzgoja povrća su u pogledu upravljanja plodnošću zemljišta, korova, bolesti i štetočina i zahtevom za povišenim kvalitetom i stabilnošću prinosa različiti konvencionalnim. Stimulišući unutrašnju samoregulaciju putem funkcionalnog agrobiodiverziteta u i iznad zemljišta, umesto spoljne regulacije sredstvima zaštite, cilj organskih sistema je povećanje otpornosti proizvodnog ekosistema. Izbor visokokvalitetnog organskog semena i sadnog materijala pogodnih sorti je ključ uspešne organske proizvodnje. Dalja optimizacija kvaliteta organskih proizvoda i stabilnosti prinosa zahteva uvođenje novih sorata adaptiranih na specifične uslove organske proizvodnje

    Intracerebral hemorrhage as a first sign of pheochromocytoma: case report and review of the literature

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    Pheochromocytomas and sympathetic paragangliomas are rare catecholamine-secreting tumours that represent very rare causes of intracerebral haemorrhage in the young, with only a few cases reported. A 32-year-old man presented to our emergency department because of sudden onset of severe headache. He had a six-month history of paroxysmal headache, palpitations, and sweating. During examination he became somnolent and developed left-sided hemiplegia. A computed tomographic (CT) scan of the brain showed a right temporoparietal haematoma. He was admitted to the Clinic for Neurosurgery and the haematoma was evacuated. The patient was comatose, on assisted respiration, with frequent hypertensive crises. An examination for possible secondary causes of hypertension was undertaken. Plasma metanephrine value was elevated (414 pg/mL, reference values < 90 pg/mL). Abdominal CT scans revealed a large mass (6 cm) in the right adrenal gland. After adequate control of the hypertension was achieved with nonselective alpha- and beta-adrenergic blockers the tumour was excised. The histopathologic findings confirmed the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. The genetic analysis demonstrated a duplication in exon 1 of the VHL gene. We reported a rare, potentially fatal complication of pheochromocytoma — an intracerebral haemorrhage. This case and review of similar rare cases in the literature illustrate the importance of early recognition of the characteristic symptoms of catecholamine excess in young patients with hypertension