68 research outputs found

    On the construction of Chern-Simons terms in the presence of flux

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    We develop a method for relating the boundary effective action associated with an orbifold of the D+1 dimensional theory of a p-form field to D dimensional fluxed Chern-Simons type of terms. We apply the construction to derive from twelve dimensions the Chern-Simons terms of the eleven dimensional supergravity theory in the presence of flux.Comment: Minor corrections mad

    Higher Spin Fields in Hyperspace. A Review

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    We will give an introduction to the so-called tensorial, matrix or hyperspace approach to the description of massless higher-spin fields.Comment: 62 pages, invited review, references and clarifications added, published versio

    Universality of Gauge Thresholds in Non-Supersymmetric Heterotic Vacua

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    We compute one-loop threshold corrections to non-abelian gauge couplings in four-dimensional heterotic vacua with spontaneously broken N=2→N=0\cal N = 2 \to \cal N = 0 supersymmetry, obtained as Scherk-Schwarz reductions of six-dimensional K3 compactifications. As expected, the gauge thresholds are no-longer BPS protected, and receive contributions also from the excitations of the RNS sector. Remarkably, the difference of thresholds for non-abelian gauge couplings is BPS saturated and exhibits a universal behaviour independently of the orbifold realisation of K3. Moreover, the thresholds and their difference develop infra-red logarithmic singularities whenever charged BPS-like states, originating from the twisted RNS sector, become massless at special loci in the classical moduli space.Comment: 12 pages, corrected eqs. 3.19, 3.20 and 3.23 and an overall factor of 2 in all threshold

    Higher Spins in Hyper-Superspace

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    We extend the results of arXiv:1401.1645 on the generalized conformal Sp(2n)-structure of infinite multiplets of higher spin fields, formulated in spaces with extra tensorial directions (hyperspaces), to the description of OSp(1|2n)-invariant infinite-dimensional higher-spin supermultiplets formulated in terms of scalar superfields on flat hyper-superspaces and on OSp(1|n) supergroup manifolds. We find generalized superconformal transformations relating the superfields and their equations of motion in flat hyper-superspace with those on the OSp(1|n) supermanifold. We then use these transformations to relate the two-, three- and four-point correlation functions of the scalar superfields on flat hyperspace, derived by requiring the OSp(1|2n) invariance of the correlators, to correlation functions on the OSp(1|n) group manifold. As a byproduct, for the simplest particular case of a conventional N=1, D=3 superconformal theory of scalar superfields, we also derive correlation functions of component fields of the scalar supermultiplet including those of auxiliary fields.Comment: 25 pages, discussion in section 4.1 improved, references added; subsection 2.4 and conclusions expanded, typos corrected, references added, published versio

    On Tensorial Spaces and BCFW Recursion Relations for Higher Spin Fields

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    In this short review we briefly consider two topics in the higher spin gauge theory: the method of "tensorial (super) spaces" and application of BCFW recursion relations to higher spin fields.Comment: 26 pages, Invited Review, discussion improved, references adde

    Higher Spins in Hyperspace

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    We consider the Sp(2n) invariant formulation of higher spin fields on flat and curved backgrounds of constant curvature.In this formulation an infinite number of higher spin fields are packed into single scalar and spinor master fields (hyperfields) propagating on extended spaces, to be called hyperspaces, parametrized by tensorial coordinates.We show that the free field equations on flat and AdS-like hyperspaces are related to each other by a generalized conformal transformation of the scalar and spinor master fields. We compute the four--point functions on a flat hyperspace for both scalar and spinor master fields, thus extending the two-- and three--point function results of arXiv:hep-th/0312244. Then using the generalized conformal transformation we derive two--, three-- and four--point functions on AdS--like hyperspace from the corresponding correlators on the flat hyperspace.Comment: 23 pages, typos corrected, references added. Published versio

    Interacting Higher Spins and the High Energy Limit of the Bosonic String

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    In this note, we construct a BRST invariant cubic vertex for massless fields of arbitrary mixed symmetry in flat space-time. The construction is based on the vertex given in bosonic Open String Field Theory. The algebra of gauge transformations is closed without any additional, higher than cubic, couplings due to the presence of an infinite tower of massless fields. We briefly discuss the generalization of this result to a curved space-time and other possible implications.Comment: Published Version; typos corrected, references added; (v3) Some typos corrected and a minor clarification about eq. (3.29
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