1,260 research outputs found

    La identidad femenina en La última niebla

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    Judith Butler discute la tendencia heterosexual de definirse a partir del otro. Tal planteamineto resulta relevante si se observa desde la novela La última niebla, de María Luisa Bombal, en la que, al parecer, la mujer obtiene el sentido de su identidad con base en la relación que establece con el hombre. En el presente trabajo se pretende responder a las interrogantes ¿acaso tiene razon Butler al proponer que "una es mujer [...] en la medida en que funciona como [tal] en la estructura heterosexual dominante"? Si no es así, entonces dentro de la novela ¿en qué se basa o en qué consiste ser mujer? ¿Es un trayecto?, tal como afirmaba Simone de Beauvoir.  

    Ransomware Attacks in the Software Supply Chain: A Review of Attack Vectors, Defenses and Gaps

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    The proliferation of cyberattacks in the software supply chain domain is a pressing concern making them a formidable threat to software security and compromising its integrity and credibility which needs to be critically acknowledged and investigated. The lack of familiarity with the design and pattern of emerging attacks has contributed to the occurrence of several vulnerable software supply chain attacks in the preceding years. This project aims to conduct a comprehensive study of the various tactics and techniques employed by cybercriminals in this domain along with a focus on exploring the influence of software supply chain stakeholders’ traits, limitations, and actions on the likelihood of a successful attack. Furthermore, this research also identifies the regulatory tools and protocols administrating software supply chains that assist in reducing an organization’s susceptibility to these challenges. Using a rigorous methodology, we investigate the frequency, how, and where ransomware attacks occur. We review current defense techniques and gaps. The findings will provide valuable insights concerning the recent trends in disrupting the security and efficiency of the software supply chains and offer recommendations to researchers, organizations, and practitioners to remain cautious and proactive in their cybersecurity posture

    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the processes of distribution and use of knowledge in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

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    This research aims to relate Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the processes of distribution and use of knowledge in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). The methodology used was based on the quantitative approach, descriptive scope, and non-experimental cross-sectional design, the sample was non-probabilistic, convenience sampling. We used the survey as a technique for data collection, through a questionnaire with Likert and ordinal scales applied to the directors and vice-rectors of research in the research departments. The methodology developed allowed us to show that the profiles of the universities to carry out knowledge management focus on two components: distribution and use of knowledge. © 2021 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved

    Diseño e implementación de un modelo de gestión por procesos y su influencia en la rentabilidad de la empresa Contratista Peralta EIRL, 2022

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito determinar la influencia del modelo de gestión por procesos en la rentabilidad de la empresa Contratista Peralta E.I.R.L., 2022. La presente investigación es de tipo aplicada con diseño preexperimental en la que se tomó una muestra de los procesos clave de la empresa los cuales fueron gestión de la producción, gestión del abastecimiento y gestión comercial. La muestra de observaciones fueron 12 semanas pre y post para el contraste de los resultados. Para diseñar la gestión por procesos se evaluó las causas raíz de la baja productividad, resaltando que presentó una deficiente gestión de inventarios por lo que se proyectó la demanda, se estimó los costos de operación y mantenimiento de los inventarios, se calculó el lote económico de producción para establecerla como política en la organización, posteriormente se evaluó la reducción de los costos. Para diseñar la gestión por procesos se realizó una revisión documental del historial de indicadores financieros de los últimos 3 años y se validó la hipótesis con SPSS. La utilidad no ha cambiado significativamente, por lo aceptamos la hipótesis que el modelo de gestión por procesos incrementa la rentabilidad de la empresa Contratista Peralta E.I.R.L

    Evaluating the seismic behaviour of rammed earth buildings from Portugal: From simple tools to advanced approaches

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    Despite the use of rammed earth became marginal in the second half of the past century, Portugal still holds an important built heritage. Recently, a growing use of rammed earth has been observed in modern constructions, but it is putting aside the roots of traditional rammed earth construction. The seismic behaviour of rammed earth buildings is still insufficiently comprehended, constituting a matter of great concern, since most of the traditional dwellings are built on regions with important seismic hazard. Moreover, the complex architecture of modern rammed earth buildings is expected to make their seismic behaviour even more fragile. This paper intends to provide a better comprehension on the seismic behaviour of rammed earth constructions from Portugal. For this purpose, twenty traditional dwellings were evaluated on the basis of a simplified approach, while a modern construction was investigated by means of destructive and non-destructive testing approaches. The main findings of these approaches are discussed in detail, but it can be highlighted that the architectural features of traditional rammed earth buildings benefit their seismic behaviour, while the complex architecture of modern rammed earth buildings demands using advanced engineering tools for their seismic assessment.This work was partly financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016737 (PTDC/ECM-EST/2777/2014). The support from grant SFRH/BPD/97082/2013 is also acknowledged. The authors wish also to express gratitude to Eng. Sergio Morgado and Mr. Francisco Seixas for providing access to the house of Forjales and conditions to perform the destructive and non-destructive tests.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Real-time motion analytics during brain MRI improve data quality and reduce costs

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    Head motion systematically distorts clinical and research MRI data. Motion artifacts have biased findings from many structural and functional brain MRI studies. An effective way to remove motion artifacts is to exclude MRI data frames affected by head motion. However, such post-hoc frame censoring can lead to data loss rates of 50% or more in our pediatric patient cohorts. Hence, many scanner operators collect additional 'buffer data', an expensive practice that, by itself, does not guarantee sufficient high-quality MRI data for a given participant. Therefore, we developed an easy-to-setup, easy-to-use Framewise Integrated Real-time MRI Monitoring (FIRMM) software suite that provides scanner operators with head motion analytics in real-time, allowing them to scan each subject until the desired amount of low-movement data has been collected. Our analyses show that using FIRMM to identify the ideal scan time for each person can reduce total brain MRI scan times and associated costs by 50% or more

    Percepción de la arquitectura doméstica en tiempos de confinamiento en Hermosillo, Sonora, México

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    The study presents the result of an investigation whose purpose was to determine if domestic architecture positively or negatively influences user behavior in times of confinement due to covid-19 based on an exploratory analysis. In such a situation, there is the possibility that the space inhabited to comply with a confinement was decisive to benefit or harm the health of the user regardless of whether or not they were infected and, where appropriate, identify if they had relief and benefit with the different characteristics of the space. to confine The methodology proposes a non-probabilistic sampling by applying a questionnaire in eight neighborhoods of different social strata in the city, for which the information was collected and its variables were defined, which were integrated into a database for statistical analysis. The main results revealed that the influence of architectural variables on the physical and psychological well-being of the inhabitan is altered by the confinement situation.El estudio presenta el resultado de una investigación cuyo propósito fue determinar si la arquitectura doméstica influye positiva o negativamente la conducta del usuario en tiempos de confinamiento por covid-19 a partir de un análisis exploratorio. En tal situación existe la posibilidad de que el espacio habitado para cumplir un confinamiento fuese determinante para beneficiar o perjudicar la salud del usuario sin importar que estuviera o no contagiado y en su caso, identificar si tuvo un alivio y beneficio con las diferentes características del espacio a confinarse. La metodología plantea un muestreo no probabilístico aplicando un cuestionario en ocho colonias de distintos estratos sociales en la ciudad, para lo cual se colectó la información y se definieron sus variables que se integraron en una base de datos para realizar un análisis estadístico.  Los principales resultados revelaron que la influencia de las variables arquitectónicas sobre el bienestar físico y psicológico del habitante está alterada por la situación de confinamiento

    Software Supply Chain Security Attacks and Analysis of Defense

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    The Software Supply chain or SSC is the backbone of the logistics industry and is crucial to a business\u27s success and operation. The surge of attacks and risks for the SSC has grown in coming years with each attack\u27s impact becoming more significant. These attacks have led to the leaking of both client and company sensitive information, corruption of the data, and having it subject to malware and ransomware installation, despite new practices implemented and investments into SSC security and its branches that have not stopped attackers from developing new vulnerabilities and exploits. In our research, we have investigated Software Supply Chain security tools and their infrastructure along with ways to help mitigate and reduce the risk of an attack. As well as following the route an Attacker takes, and the steps taken to cause such an attack. Ransomware is one of the more popular attacks in recent years in which the attacker gains access to the system and blocks its usage from anyone else until a ransom is paid. This ransom is often delivered in cryptocurrency to ensure anonymity from the attacker. Our goal is to extend the research to where Software Supply Chain attacks can be reduced for companies and develop solutions for vulnerable systems

    Manifestaciones maxilofaciales de la polimiositis

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    Introducción: La polimiositis es una miopatía inflamatoria idiopática que puede producir manifestaciones a nivel orofacial. Objetivo: Describir las manifestaciones maxilofaciales de la polimiositis. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de serie de casos, en pacientes diagnosticados con polimiositis en el periodo comprendido entre septiembre de 2017 y febrero de 2018. El universo estuvo constituido por los 25 pacientes diagnosticados con polimiositis. Se tuvieron en cuenta variables como localización intrabucal, extrabucal de las lesiones, y alteraciones de la articulación temporomandibular. Resultados: Predominaron las periodontopatías, al representar un 51,1 %. La localización intrabucal se realizó en el periodonto de protección, para un 54,2 %. Como manifestaciones extrabucales los linfonódulos representaron el 50 % y el 70 %. De ellas, se localizaron en la región parotídea, el 80 % de los pacientes presentaron alteraciones en la articulación temporomandibular. Conclusiones: Se evidenció un predominio de las periodontopatías, seguidas de los linfonódulos y las alteraciones en la articulación temporomandibular