7 research outputs found

    Novel Methodology for Creating Macaque Retinas with Sortable Photoreceptors and Ganglion Cells

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    Purpose: The ability to generate macaque retinas with sortable cell populations would be of great benefit to both basic and translational studies of the primate retina. The purpose of our study was therefore to develop methods to achieve this goal by selectively labeling, in life, photoreceptors (PRs) and retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) with separate fluorescent markers. Methods: Labeling of macaque (Macaca fascicularis) PRs and RGCs was accomplished by subretinal delivery of AAV5-hGRK1-GFP, and retrograde transport of micro-ruby™ from the lateral geniculate nucleus, respectively. Retinas were anatomically separated into different regions. Dissociation conditions were optimized, and cells from each region underwent fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS). Expression of retinal cell type- specific genes was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR to characterize isolated cell populations. Results: We show that macaque PRs and RGCs can be simultaneously labeled in-life and enriched populations isolated by FACS. Recovery from different retinal regions indicated efficient isolation/enrichment for PRs and RGCs, with the macula being particularly amendable to this technique. Conclusions: The methods and materials presented here allow for the identification of novel reagents designed to target retinal ganglion cells and/or photoreceptors in a species that is phylogenetically and anatomically similar to human. These techniques will enable screening of intravitreally- delivered AAV capsid libraries for variants with increased tropism for PRs and/or RGCs and the evaluation of vector tropism and/or cellular promoter activity of gene therapy vectors in a clinically relevant species

    Neuroscience: Visual restoration with optogenetics

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    Tissue-Dependent Expression and Translation of Circular RNAs with Recombinant AAV Vectors In Vivo

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are long-lived, covalently closed RNAs that are abundantly expressed and evolutionarily conserved across eukaryotes. Possible functions ranging from microRNA (miRNA) and RNA binding protein sponges to regulators of transcription and translation have been proposed. Here we describe the design and characterization of recombinant adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors packaging transgene cassettes containing intronic sequences that promote backsplicing to generate circularized RNA transcripts. Using a split GFP transgene, we demonstrate the capacity of vectors containing different flanking intronic sequences to efficiently drive persistent circRNA formation in vitro. Further, translation from circRNA is efficiently driven by an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES). Upon injecting AAV vectors encoding circRNA in mice, we observed robust transgene expression in the heart, but low transduction in the liver for the intronic elements tested. Expression in the murine brain was restricted to astrocytes following systemic or intracranial administration, while intravitreal injection in the eye yielded robust transgene expression across multiple retinal cell layers. These results highlight the potential for exploiting AAV-based circRNA expression to study circRNA function and tissue-specific regulation in animal models, as well as development of therapeutic platforms using this approach. Keywords: adeno-associated virus, circular RNA, gene therap