146 research outputs found
Mathematical Foundation of a Functional Implementation of the CNF Algorithm
The conjunctive normal form (CNF) algorithm is one of the best known and most widely used algorithms in classical logic and its applications. In its algebraic approach, it makes use in a loop of a certain well-defined operation related to the “distributivity” of logical disjunction versus conjunction. For those types of implementations, the loop iteration runs a comparison between formulas to decide when to stop. In this article, we explain how to pre-calculate the exact number of loop iterations, thus avoiding the work involved in the above-mentioned comparison. After that, it is possible to concatenate another loop focused now on the “associativity” of conjunction and disjunction. Also for that loop, we explain how to calculate the optimal number of rounds, so that the decisional comparison phase for stopping can be also avoided
El componente P300 como correlato neurofisiológico de la memoria de trabajo conductual en adolescentes con trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad
Deficit in the executive functions has been widely studied in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The interest in its neurophysiological correlates has led to an immprovement in the identification of the symptoms, the characteristics and the treatment of the disorder. The objective of this study was to analyse the correlation between latency and amplitude of the P300 component and an ecological measure of working memory in a sample of adolescents. Patients and methods. The sample consisted of 24 boys and 7 girls aged between 12 and 18 years. P300 cognitive evoked potentials in auditory mode at Cz were registered and analysed. Furthermore, the parents filled in an executive behaviour home rating scale (BRIEF), which the working memory index was extracted from. Results. Significant correlations were found between the P300 amplitude and the working memory index of the BRIEF-P. Conclusions. Results underline the usefulness of the P300 component for the study of its executive correlates, as well as the need to conduct further studies involving larger samples and greater complexityIntroducción. El déficit en funciones ejecutivas ha sido ampliamente estudiado en el trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad (TDAH). El interés por sus correlatos neurofisiológicos apunta a una mejora en la identificación de los síntomas, las características y los tratamientos para el trastorno. Objetivo. Analizar, en una muestra de adolescentes con TDAH, la correlación entre la latencia y amplitud del componente P300 y una medida ecológica de memoria de trabajo.
Pacientes y métodos. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 24 chicos y 7 chicas de 12 a 18 años. Se realizó un registro y análisis de potenciales evocados cognitivos P300 en modalidad auditiva en Cz. Además, los padres cumplimentaron una escala de comportamiento ejecutivo en el hogar (BRIEF), de la que se extrajo el índice de memoria de trabajo. Resultados. Se hallaron correlaciones significativas entre la amplitud del P300 y el índice de memoria de trabajo del BRIEF-P. Conclusión. Los resultados enfatizan la utilidad del componente P300 para el estudio de sus correlatos ejecutivos, y la necesidad de ampliar con estudios que aporten mayores muestras y mayor complejidad
The valuation of intangibles process from the cost method : a study case for the Know How
ABSTARCT: One of the greatest challenges, at the start of the 21st century, is to quantify assets in transfer of
knowledge processes generating a value in organizations; therefore it is important to recognize different
valuation of intangibles proposals that are having a positive impact in enterprises competitiveness and
sustainability. This being so, the main objective of this study is to identify the primary methodologies of
valuation of intangibles assets and applying a Know How valuation methodology. To this end, a blend
between documentary research and cost method was used as a methodological resource. It is obtained
in the results that referring to valuation of intangibles, the most used methods in the academic and
corporate field are as follows: cost, market and revenue value, being the cost method the ideal when
quantifying this kind of intangible assets affecting an organization
Potenciales evocados y funcionamiento ejecutivo en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad
Cognitive evoked potentials (P300) have been core of interest in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) research. The identification of its relationship with the most ecological aspects of executive dysfunction involves a link between neurophysiological and functional frames for a better treatment approach and monitoring of the evolution of the disorder. To explore the differences in latency and amplitude of P300 component in Cz, Fz and Pz, between ADHD and no- ADHD children, and to analyze the correlations between variables of P300 and indexes of a measurement of executive functioning at homeLos potenciales evocados cognitivos (P300) han sido centro de interés en el estudio del trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad (TDAH). Identificar su relación con los aspectos más ecológicos del déficit ejecutivo supone una conexión entre el ámbito neurofisiológico y funcional para un mejor abordaje del tratamiento y seguimiento de la evolución del trastorno. Explorar las diferencias en latencia y amplitud del componente P300 entre un grupo de niños con TDAH y un grupo de controles sin TDAH, y examinar las correlaciones entre las variables del P300 y los índices de una medida de funcionamiento ejecutivo en el hogar
Mercadotecnia y comercialización en las pymes productoras de alimentos y bebidas artesanales en Mexicali
In today’s society, creativity and necessity lead to thecreation of SMEs that operate in different economic sectors. This entrepreneurial opportunity is reflected in thepopulation of Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico, whichtakes advantage of the production of the primary sector,transforming raw materials into finished products to market for the consumption of the same community and tourists. This research has the objective of identifying theway in which SMEs producing artisanal foods use themarketing activities at the actual time of commercialize. The applied methodology had a non-experimental,quantitative, transversal and descriptive design. The result obtained through the instrument found that more thanhalf of entrepreneurs have knowledge in marketing tools,however, it is not the same proportion that uses thesetools in the commercialization of their products.En la sociedad actual, la creatividad y la necesidad llevan a detonar la creación de pymes que operan en diferentes sectores económicos. Esta oportunidad de emprendimiento se refleja en la población de Mexicali, BajaCalifornia, la cual aprovecha la producción del sectorprimario, transformando la materia prima en un productoterminado que comercializan y que sirve al consumo dela comunidad y del turismo en general. Estas oportunidades de emprendimiento llevaron a realizar esta investigación, la cual tiene por objetivo identificar como las pymesproductoras de alimentos artesanales utilizan las actividades de mercadotecnia al momento de comercializar. Lametodología aplicada tuvo un diseño no experimental,cuantitativo, transversal y descriptivo, utilizando un instrumento que generó resultados donde se puede encontrarque por poco más de la mitad de los empresarios tienenconocimiento en herramientas mercadológicas pero menos de esa mitad utiliza herramientas de mercadotecniaen la comercialización de sus productos
Matemática Discreta y Álgebra Lineal
En estas notas se da la teoría básica y ejemplos (muchos de ellos implementados en maxima) sobre álgebra lineal y matemática discreta.In these notes we explain the basics of linear algebra and discrete mathematics. We provide plenty of examples implemented in maxima
Estudio y análisis de Zonas Económicas Especiales. Propuestas de mejora para las Zonas Francas españolas actuales
La actual coyuntura global, con el decrecimiento del comercio y los nuevos acuerdos de libre comercio, hace que las Zonas Económicas Especiales sean un tema extremadamente vigente, con una importancia estratégica y económica creciente. Dentro del área de comercio internacional, juegan un papel muy importante en las políticas económicas de fomento y desarrollo de zonas deprimidas. El artículo pretende ser una ayuda para la gerencia de empresas vinculadas al comercio, una aportación para el mundo académico e incluso para el gubernamental.
Utilizando clasificaciones existentes en la literatura, se han estudiado y analizado algunas de las principales Zonas Económicas Especiales existentes en el mundo, ya que su crecimiento ha sido exponencial. Existen grandes diferencias según el país y la región en la que se encuentran, pero su tipología tiende a ser similar por región. En este sentido, las Zonas Francas europeas se podrían clasificar como regímenes exclusivamente aduaneros, presentando sólo ocasionalmente ventajas fiscales cuando coexistan con regímenes fiscales compatibles con estas áreas.
Este trabajo permite comparar las ventajas que Zonas Económicas Especiales puedan poseer con respecto a las Zonas Francas españolas y plantea propuestas para mejorar su competitividad. Aunque no hay una única fórmula, se puede afirmar que cuanto mayor sea la vinculación de la zona con la economía doméstica mayor será el éxito.The existing global situation shows a sharp decline in global trade; this together with new free trade agreements under discussion, makes the debate of Special Economic Zones an extremely current topic. Promoting and developing special economic zones play an important role in policies to promote deprived areas. This article aims to support the management of organizations involved in trade, the academic world as well as government.
Employing classifications that exist in current literature, since Special Economic Zones have been showing an exponential increase some of the existing ones around the world have been studied and analyzed. Numerous differences exist depending upon the country or region where the Special Economic Zones are located, but its typology tends to be similar by region. The Special Economic Zones in Europe could be classified as Free Trade Zones, exhibiting tax advantages only when they coexist with other compatible regimes.
This study allows a comparison of the advantages different special economic zones may have with those located in Spain and puts forward proposals to improve its competitiveness. Even though there is not a single formula for success, we can say that the greater the relationship the area with the economic zone the bigger the success
Cost accounting in family SMES as a factor to guarantee their stability and permanence / La contabilidad de costos en las PYMES familiares como factor para garantizar su estabilidad y permanencia
This work aims to analyze the barriers that are perceived as obstacles for family SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) to implement and consider cost accounting; detecting the benefits obtained in the adoption of a cost system and the existing relationship between performance and degree of use of cost management control techniques, with their permanence and generation of profits. The study was carried out with 90 family SMEs from the business line of the city of Mexicali, Mexico. The results show that the most important barriers to implementing cost accounting and management techniques are: The perception that they increase the work of accounting staff and the lack of cost specialists within the company. Among the expected benefits, when introducing new management systems, is to achieve accuracy in the information on the profitability of the product and obtain a reduction in costs in the company
Valoración del interés manifestado por las enfermeras asistenciales acerca de disponer de un cuestionario de evaluación enfermera de las capacidades comunicativas en la afasia
La afasia es el trastorno de los procesos implicados en la expresión y comprensión del lenguaje secundario a un daño cerebral adquirido. La afasia genera un gran impacto sobre la calidad de vida, afectando al desarrollo de las ABVD. Objetivo: evaluar el interés que manifiestan las enfermeras por disponer de un instrumento de fácil aplicación, que evalúe, según áreas de interés para el cuidado, las capacidades comunicativas en pacientes con afasia. Método: estudio descriptivo mediante una encuesta administrada a 70 enfermeras de diferentes ám-bitos de atención. Resultados: el 50% de las enfermeras manifestaron que este instrumento resultaría de bastante utilidad, con un alto nivel de aplicabilidad. Conclusión: este estudio apoya la necesidad de un instrumento enfermero con las características planteadas.Aphasia is the disorder of the processes involved in the formulation and interpreting lan-guage secondary to acquired brain damage. Aphasia has a great impact on quality of life, affecting the development of ABVD. Objective: to explore the interest expressed by nurses in having an easy-to-apply instrument that assesses, according to areas of interest for care, communication skills in patients with aphasia. Method: Descriptive study through a survey administered to 70 nurses from different healthcare settings. Results: 50% of nurses reported that this instrument would be quite useful with a high level of applicability in healthcare practice. Conclusion: This preliminary study supports the need for a nursing instrument with the proposed characteristics
Feasibility assessment of the interactive use of a Monte Carlo algorithm in treatment planning for intraoperative electron radiation therapy
This work analysed the feasibility of using a fast, customized Monte Carlo (MC) method to perform accurate computation of dose distributions during pre- and intraplanning of intraoperative electron radiation therapy (IOERT) procedures. The MC method that was implemented, which has been integrated into a specific innovative simulation and planning tool, is able to simulate the fate of thousands of particles per second, and it was the aim of this work to determine the level of interactivity that could be achieved. The planning workflow enabled calibration of the imaging and treatment equipment, as well as manipulation of the surgical frame and insertion of the protection shields around the organs at risk and other beam modifiers. In this way, the multidisciplinary team involved in IOERT has all the tools necessary to perform complex MC dosage simulations adapted to their equipment in an efficient and transparent way. To assess the accuracy and reliability of this MC technique, dose distributions for a monoenergetic source were compared with those obtained using a general-purpose software package used widely in medical physics applications. Once accuracy of the underlying simulator was confirmed, a clinical accelerator was modelled and experimental measurements in water were conducted. A comparison was made with the output from the simulator to identify the conditions under which accurate dose estimations could be obtained in less than 3 min, which is the threshold imposed to allow for interactive use of the tool in treatment planning. Finally, a clinically relevant scenario, namely early-stage breast cancer treatment, was simulated with pre- and intraoperative volumes to verify that it was feasible to use the MC tool intraoperatively and to adjust dose delivery based on the simulation output, without compromising accuracy. The workflow provided a satisfactory model of the treatment head and the imaging system, enabling proper configuration of the treatment planning system and providing good accuracy in the dosage simulation
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