158 research outputs found

    Sobre a microestrutura em dicionários semasiológicos do alemão

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    According to the metalexicographical theory, there are three main components in a semasiological dictionary: macro-, micro- and middles structure. The aim of this article is to describe and analyze the microstructure of three general semasiological dictionaries of the German language. As methodological framework, it takes in account the distinction between formal and semantic comment and between definition and density of the constant information program

    Panorama da lexicografia alemã

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    This paper offers a description of the contemporary German lexicography using dictionary taxonomy. The parameters used for the classification of dictionaries are the number of languages (monolingual against bilingual dictionaries), the user’s perspective (how useful is each kind of dictionary for the Brazilian scholar) and the two perspectives of the act of speech (text reception against text production)

    Balanço e perspectivas da lexicografia

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