1,855 research outputs found

    Numerical simulations of the wing wake and tip vortex for air-to-air refuelling

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    The present research was carried out in the framework of the ASTRAEA II project, in collaboration with Cobham Mission Equipment. One part of the overall ASTRAEA II project is to design an autonomous air-refuelling system based on a wake model computed in real-time, which allows the flow field to be visualised in a Synthetic Environment. In a previous part of the ASTRAEA project a MATLAB® code was developed based on the extended lifting line method (referred to as the ELL code) which provides a refuelling tanker wake model. The aim of this project is to understand the tanker wake, to provide more detailed flow field predictions and to compare the results with the results from the ELL code to validate this reduced fidelity method. The understanding of the tanker wake and tip vortices was carried out through the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. CFD simulations of three geometries were carried out and post-processed: the DLR- F6 aircraft geometry, the CRM aircraft geometry (both similar to the A330) and the NACA0015 swept wing model of Gerontakos and Lee. The latter was used as a validation test case for the CFD modelling of the wake and the tip vortex. The CFD simulations were performed using a geometry definition compatible with the idealised model scale aircraft definitions used in the wind tunnel experiments. Finally comparisons between the available CFD results and the ELL code were carried out. The ELL code computes a qualitatively similar wake and tip vortex flow field, but only when the code is run with a different set-up which requires more computing resources. The addition of the simple fuselage model to the ELL code has provided an improvement in the results compared with the CFD solutions. The ELL code does not model the vortex roll up and there are notable differences in the near-field region in particular. Although the flow field structure is similar between the ELL and the CFD results, there are notable differences in the local disturbance flow field. In particular, for some configurations, the tip vortex strength is underpredicted by up to a factor of three relative to the CFD results

    Senior Recital: Miranda Alquist and Alice Thornburgh, sopranos

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    A Twitter Analysis on the Social Media Storm of CoronaVirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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    Given the current ongoing worldwide outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019(COV-19), the goal of our project is to analyze the impact of the Coronavirus on social media platform Twitter. In this project, we gather data from Twitter based on tweets with hashtags, such as “Coronavirus”,”Covid-19”, etc. Using data science tools, we perform data analysis to gain understanding of the general attitude towards this global health crisis in the social media sphere. We also created visualization to help understand how the crisis develops in various parts of the world

    El factoring, analisis de un negocio novedoso y su aplicacion en Chile

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    57 p.La siguiente tesis no es autorizada por el autor para su difusion en formato digitalEl factoring como técnica de financiamiento, es una alternativa novedosa y ventajosa para los empresarios, especialmente para los pequeños y medianos, sin embargo, su aplicación en Chile dista de ser óptima a pesar de la gran acogida que ha tenido en el comercio chileno. Por ello, luego de analizar el negocio del factoring, conociendo sus orígenes,su evolución, sus características, su naturaleza jurídica y legislación aplicable, se obtiene una aproximación una visión global del mismo, y de cómo se ha implantado el factoring en nuestro país. Partiendo de esta base, se podrá determinar las reacciones del mercado e industria del financiamiento hacia el factoring y así constatar la ineficacia del factoring para los pequeños y medianos empresarios

    Changing the food environment in secondary school canteens to promote healthy dietary choices:a qualitative study with school caterers

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    Background: Typical adolescent diets do not meet current dietary recommendations. There is a need to address these dietary patterns to reduce the risk of obesity and other diet-related diseases. Schools provide an opportune setting to do so, as students consume a substantial proportion of their daily dietary intake whilst at school. There is a developing evidence base on the use of choice architecture (food choice cues) to promote healthy eating in school contexts. It is necessary to understand the acceptability and feasibility of implementing such interventions. We aimed to explore these factors from the perspectives of secondary school caterers. Methods: We conducted qualitative interviews with caterers from secondary schools across the West Midlands, UK and national/regional catering representatives. A semi-structured topic guide and visual aid were used to guide interviews. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. Framework analysis was conducted in NVivo v12. Results: Twelve participants took part. Seven themes were identified and grouped into three categories: Acceptability (Suitability; Salient cues; Student engagement), Barriers (Catering decision drivers; Limits of influence), and Enablers (Perceived role; Opportunities). Caterers considered healthy food cues to be suited to adolescents as they require minimal reflective motivation. Salient cues included enhancing the placement, presentation and portability of healthy items, improving the dining environment and focusing pricing/incentive strategies on increased quantity. Student engagement was considered important. Some catering decision drivers conflicted with healthy food cues, and many felt that their role in healthy eating was limited due to the overwhelming influence of external food environments, adolescent resistance, and features of the secondary school canteen setting e.g. short duration of lunchtime, lack of space. However, caterers appeared motivated to implement healthy food cues and identified key opportunities for implementation, including integration into whole-school approaches to healthy eating. Conclusions: Interventions using healthy food cues appeared acceptable to secondary school caterers, key potential implementers of these strategies. Future interventions could incorporate strategies relating to placement, presentation and pricing to prompt healthy selections, and actions to engage the student body and improve the dining environment. Evaluations should consider potential impacts upon food purchasing, consumption and waste to address caterers’ concerns about these issues

    Engagements with the pastoral mode in the poetry and plays of Derek Walcott

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    The intention of this thesis is to investigate engagements with the pastoral mode in the poetry and plays of Derek Walcott. This will be achieved through a focus upon four key areas: Edenic symbolism, classical reception, allusions to the visual arts, and pastoral drama. The pastoral is a complex mode, with a long literary history. I argue that Walcott engages with the mode in a process of transformative interactions with the legacy of Eurocentric representations of Caribbean settings, the notion of the Caribbean as an Edenic space, the classical tradition including the pastorals of Theocritus and Virgil, the tradition of landscape art and both the piscatory pastoral and pastoral drama. These engagements allow for the subversion of generic expectations, and a revisionary, transformative approach to the pastoral mode and its many associations. This results in a distinctly Walcottian type of pastoral, one which evades reductive idealisation and restrictive uses of aesthetic models, in favour of a creative and profound engagement with pastoral’s core themes

    Molecular determinants of Influenza A virus cross-species jumps 

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    Influenza A viruses (IAVs) represent a significant risk to human and animal health and thus determining the mechanisms of cross-species transmission is critical in understanding viral emergence. H3N8 equine influenza virus (EIV) is a virus of avian origin that emerged in horses in the early 1960s and is still circulating in horses despite the availability of vaccines. Therefore, H3N8 EIV provides unique opportunities to study the underpinning mechanisms of cross-species jumps and adaptation in mammalian hosts. The aim of this project was to determine the role of evolution on EIV adaptation to the horse. To this end, equine and avian cell lines were infected as well as horse tracheal explants with a panel of phylogenetically distinct EIVs and compared their infection phenotypes. Viral replication was quantified and changes in the histology and ciliary activity of infected explants were assessed to compare the phenotype of infection of each virus. Phylogenetically distinct EIVs exhibited different infection phenotypes: while early EIVs grew more efficiently in avian cells, late EIVs grew to higher titres in equine explants. This phenotype was demonstrated to be largely due to the late EIV viral polymerase. Using an in vitro measure of polymerase activity, late EIVs were observed to have more efficient activity in mammalian cells than early EIVs. The Polymerase Acidic (PA) and Nucleoprotein (NP) segments were shown to be the greatest drivers of the mammalian-adapted polymerase phenotype. Including either of these segments from a late EIV in the polymerase complex significantly increased minireplicon activity. Our results suggest that EIV adapted to the horse along its evolutionary history partly by mutations in the PA and NP genes

    Una aproximación a la gestión sostenible del agua en comunidades rurales del semiárido brasileño

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    El agua posibilita la gran diversidad de la vida en el planeta. Su ciclo natural afecta a todos los biomas existentes y afecta también los múltiplos aspectos de la vida humana. Consiste en un elemento de impulsión del desarrollo de la sociedad y determinante para el asentamiento de los grupos humanos. Entretanto, el agua disponible para el consumo humano representa una fracción muy pequeña del agua existente, y, además, está distribuida de forma desigual por los territorios del mundo. La acción humana, principalmente en los últimos dos siglos, está generando un proceso de degradación del medio natural y de escasez de los recursos hídricos. Las regiones semiáridas del planeta sufren aún más con esos procesos desencadenados, que han resultado en el fenómeno del cambio climático, sumados a las condiciones climatológicas extremas naturales de estas zonas. La necesidad de una gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos se hace ya evidente en todo el mundo y se encuentra en la pauta de la mayoría de las administraciones públicas. La región semiárida de Brasil vive hoy una situación hídrica bastante crítica, dónde las administraciones están implementando de políticas, programas y proyectos que puedan estimular esta gestión sostenible. Con el intuito de comprender el contexto de la gestión del agua en las comunidades rurales del semiárido brasileiro, utilizándose de la metodología de análisis DAFO para la simplificación de la información, el presente trabajo busca evidenciar las diversas dimensiones de la problemática y servir de referencia para el establecimiento de criterios para una gestión sostenible del recurso hídrico en contexto semejantes

    Una aproximación a la gestión sostenible del agua en comunidades rurales del semiárido brasileño

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    El agua posibilita la gran diversidad de la vida en el planeta. Su ciclo natural afecta a todos los biomas existentes y afecta también los múltiplos aspectos de la vida humana. Consiste en un elemento de impulsión del desarrollo de la sociedad y determinante para el asentamiento de los grupos humanos. Entretanto, el agua disponible para el consumo humano representa una fracción muy pequeña del agua existente, y, además, está distribuida de forma desigual por los territorios del mundo. La acción humana, principalmente en los últimos dos siglos, está generando un proceso de degradación del medio natural y de escasez de los recursos hídricos. Las regiones semiáridas del planeta sufren aún más con esos procesos desencadenados, que han resultado en el fenómeno del cambio climático, sumados a las condiciones climatológicas extremas naturales de estas zonas. La necesidad de una gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos se hace ya evidente en todo el mundo y se encuentra en la pauta de la mayoría de las administraciones públicas. La región semiárida de Brasil vive hoy una situación hídrica bastante crítica, dónde las administraciones están implementando de políticas, programas y proyectos que puedan estimular esta gestión sostenible. Con el intuito de comprender el contexto de la gestión del agua en las comunidades rurales del semiárido brasileiro, utilizándose de la metodología de análisis DAFO para la simplificación de la información, el presente trabajo busca evidenciar las diversas dimensiones de la problemática y servir de referencia para el establecimiento de criterios para una gestión sostenible del recurso hídrico en contexto semejantes