776 research outputs found

    Watertight low-cost electrical connector

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    Fabrication is described of waterproof electrical connector assembly for use with Teflon jacketed cables and constructed so that assembly will remain sealed under extreme environmental conditions. Conditions are specified as: pressure from vacuum to atmospheric; temperature from 280 K to 450 K; exposure to saturated steam; and steam suddenly introduced into vacuum

    Ohio's Statute of Limitations for Medical Malpractice

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    The Relationship Between Trespass and Fourth Amendment Protection After Katz v. United States

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    Analysis of pregnancy-associated plasma protein a production in human adult cardiac progenitor cells

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    IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) and their proteases regulate IGFs bioavailability in multiple tissues. Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) is a protease acting by cleaving IGFBP2, 4, and 5, regulating local bioavailability of IGFs. We have previously shown that IGFs and IGFBPs are produced by human adult cardiac progenitor cells (haCPCs) and that IGF-1 exerts paracrine therapeutic effects in cardiac cell therapy with CPCs. Using immunofluorescence and enzyme immunoassays, we firstly report that PAPP-A is produced and secreted in surprisingly high amounts by haCPCs. In particular, the homodimeric, enzymatically active, PAPP-A is secreted in relevant concentrations in haCPC-conditioned media, while the enzymatically inactive PAPPA/proMBP complex is not detectable in the same media. Furthermore, we show that both homodimeric PAPP-A and proMBP can be detected as cell associated, suggesting that the previously described complex formation at the cell surface does not occur easily, thus positively affecting IGF signalling. Therefore, our results strongly support the importance of PAPP-A for the IGFs/IGFBPs/PAPP-A axis in CPCs biology

    Bose-Einstein Condensation in the Framework of κ\kappa-Statistics

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    In the present work we study the main physical properties of a gas of κ\kappa-deformed bosons described through the statistical distribution function fκ=Z1[expκ(β(1/2mv2μ))1]1f_\kappa=Z^{-1}[\exp_\kappa (\beta({1/2}m v^2-\mu))-1]^{-1}. The deformed κ\kappa-exponential expκ(x)\exp_\kappa(x), recently proposed in Ref. [G.Kaniadakis, Physica A {\bf 296}, 405, (2001)], reduces to the standard exponential as the deformation parameter κ0\kappa \to 0, so that f0f_0 reproduces the Bose-Einstein distribution. The condensation temperature TcκT_c^\kappa of this gas decreases with increasing κ\kappa value, and approaches the 4He(I)4He(II)^{4}He(I)-^{4}He(II) transition temperature Tλ=2.17KT_{\lambda}=2.17K, improving the result obtained in the standard case (κ=0\kappa=0). The heat capacity CVκ(T)C_V^\kappa(T) is a continuous function and behaves as BκT3/2B_\kappa T^{3/2} for TTcκTT_c^\kappa, in contrast with the standard case κ=0\kappa=0, it is always increasing. Pacs: 05.30.Jp, 05.70.-a Keywords: Generalized entropy; Boson gas; Phase transition.Comment: To appear in Physica B. Two fig.p

    Quali-quantitative analysis of eight Rosmarinus officinalis essential oils of different origin. First report.

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    Aim. It is well known that the pharmacological activity of essential oils depends on their major components, which may vary enormously. The aim of the present study was to determine the chemical composition of samples of essential oil of rosemary of different origins, in order to identify the main therapeutic constituents, according to European Pharmacopoeian (EP). Material and Methods. Analytical GC/MS was carried out on a total of eight samples of essential oil of rosemary: seven samples were commercial products from producers located in different geographical areas; the last sample was prepared in our labo- ratory from fresh flowering terminal sprigs of rosemary collected in Siena’s Province. results. The most representative constituents of the essential oils tested, were 1,8-cineole and camphor. Other components also occurred in significant quantities in some samples, for example and α- and β-pinene, limonene and caryophyllene, in- dicating clear phytochemical differences among samples. discussion. The high quantity of eucalyptol and camphor detected in the samples made them particularly suited for treating minor respiratory disorders. Eucalyptol is expectorant and liquefies bronchial secretions; camphor increases the interval bet- ween inspiration and expiration and increases the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, facilitating respiration. On the other hand, the essential oils analyzed by us were not suitable for perfume production, because they contained little or no positive aromatic components

    Limits of field theory: tensions in its relative autonomy

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    Este artigo investiga a teoria dos campos desenvolvida por Bourdieu, tendo como objeto de análise os limites do conceito de autonomia relativa e suas implicações para a relação entre os campos. A construção do argumento retoma a história do conceito de campo na teoria bourdieusiana, observando sua relevância conjuntural e o impacto teórico que ele gerou. Destaca-se nesta análise que, embora Bourdieu tenha sido rigoroso na sistematização da lógica interna de funcionamento dos campos, o mesmo não ocorreu com a formalização conceitual da relação que os campos estabelecem entre si, pois, ao definir os campos como relativamente autônomos, Bourdieu não foi claro na explicação sobre em que condições e em relação a que se dá essa autonomia. A investigação desse problema teve como material de análise os próprios escritos de Bourdieu, os quais, uma vez lidos tendo em vista essa questão, revelaram duas possibilidades explicativas: a primeira se refere ao movimento de inter-relação entre os campos, determinado tanto pelo impacto que mudanças estruturais em um campo podem causar em outros quanto pelo trânsito de agentes entre campos; já a segunda possibilidade diz respeito à relação entre os campos e o Estado, o qual, dada a sua história de formação e poder físico e simbólico acumulado, tem condições, segundo Bourdieu, de desferir golpes de tirania capazes de afetar as dinâmicas internas dos campos. Com isso, este artigo oferece uma contribuição crítica à teoria dos campos para que ela seja atualizada diante das novas dinâmicas e desafios do mundo social contemporâneo.The article investigates Bourdieu’s field theory, analyzing the concept of relative autonomy’s limits and its implications for the relations between the fields. It begins by revisiting the history of fields in Bourdieusian theory, their conjunctural] importance and theoretical impact. Although Bourdieu provided a rigorous systematization of the fields’ internal logic, that was not the case for the conceptual treatment of the relations between fields. While the fields are theorized as relatively autonomous, the conditions and relations under which such an autonomy is given are unclear. The analysis based on Bourdieu’s writings revealed two possibilities. The first highlights the inter-relation between the fields, determined both by the impact that structural change in one field may have on another, and by agents transiting between fields. The second possibility is set in the relations between the fields and the state, which, given its historical formation and accumulated symbolic and physical power, is able to tyrannically strike the fields and affect their internal logics. The article offers a critical contribution to field theory and to its update to face the new dynamics and challenges of the contemporary world