10 research outputs found

    Means (<i>M</i>), standard deviations (<i>SD</i>) and differences between the groups (<i>t</i>-tests) in age, self-pain ratings, POM ratings and the SPF.

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    <p><i>Note</i>. <i>POM</i>, <i>Pain of model; SPF</i>, <i>Saarbruecker Persoenlichkeitsfragebogen</i>. Self-pain ratings and POM ratings were each measured on 11-point NRSs (0–10).</p><p>Means (<i>M</i>), standard deviations (<i>SD</i>) and differences between the groups (<i>t</i>-tests) in age, self-pain ratings, POM ratings and the SPF.</p

    Correlation of personal distress with the slopes of the BOLD response.

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    <p>The statistical maps are shown superimposed on the averaged T1-weighted dataset of all subjects. Yellow/orange colours signify positive correlations.</p

    One sample t-test against zero for the slopes of the BOLD response (pain pictures > neutral pictures) across the whole sample.

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    <p>The statistical maps are shown superimposed on the averaged T1-weighted dataset of all subjects. Blue/green colours signify negative slopes of the BOLD response significantly different from zero, i.e. neural habituation.</p

    Two sample t-test between the groups’ slopes of the BOLD response (pain exposure versus touch exposure).

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    <p>The statistical maps are shown superimposed on the averaged T1-weighted dataset of all subjects. Yellow/orange colours signify larger values of the slopes of the BOLD response, i.e. less neural habituation.</p

    Correlation of trait fantasy with the slopes of the BOLD response.

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    <p>The statistical maps are shown superimposed on the averaged T1-weighted dataset of all subjects. Yellow/orange colours signify positive correlations.</p

    Scatterplots of correlations.

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    <p>Behavioural data were z-transformed. As smaller slope values of the BOLD response express stronger habituation, positive correlations between personal distress/fantasy scale and the slopes of the BOLD response indicate that a high occurrence of this trait corresponds to less neural habituation. As smaller slope values for both the BOLD response and POM ratings express stronger habituation, a positive correlation of these variables indicate that a stronger reduction in POM ratings corresponds to stronger neural habituation.</p

    Cluster maxima of clusters for which the ratings of trait fantasy correlated with the slopes of the BOLD response across the whole sample (n = 62).

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    <p>Thresholds are based on cluster-level thresholding with an initial threshold of <i>p</i> < .01 and a cluster threshold of <i>p</i> < .05 (minimum cluster size: 1944 mm<sup>3</sup>).</p

    Cluster maxima of clusters for which the slopes of the BOLD response for the contrast pain > no pain were ≠ 0 (one sample <i>t</i>-test) across the whole sample (n = 62).

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    <p>All t values were negative, indicating negative slopes and thus habituation. Thresholds are based on cluster-level thresholding with an initial threshold of <i>p</i> < .01 and a cluster threshold of <i>p</i> < .05 (minimum cluster size: 1944 mm<sup>3</sup>).</p