14 research outputs found

    Quantitative risk assessment of human salmonellosis and listeriosis related to the consumption of raw milk in Italy.

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    Two quantitative risk assessment (RA) models were developed to describe the risk of salmonellosis and listeriosis linked to consumption of raw milk sold in vending machines in Italy. Exposure assessment considered the official microbiological records monitoring raw milk samples from vending machines performed by the regional veterinary authorities from 2008 to 2011, microbial growth during storage, destruction experiments, consumption frequency of raw milk, serving size, and consumption preference. Two separate RA models were developed: one for the consumption of boiled milk and the other for the consumption of raw milk. The RA models predicted no human listeriosis cases per year either in the best or worst storage conditions and with or without boiling raw milk, whereas the annual estimated cases of salmonellosis depend on the dose-response relationships used in the model, the milk storage conditions, and consumer behavior in relation to boiling raw milk or not. For example, the estimated salmonellosis cases ranged from no expected cases, assuming that the entire population boiled milk before consumption, to a maximum of 980,128 cases, assuming that the entire population drank raw milk without boiling, in the worst milk storage conditions, and with the lowest dose-response model. The findings of this study clearly show how consumer behavior could affect the probability and number of salmonellosis cases and in general, the risk of illness. Hence, the proposed RA models emphasize yet again that boiling milk before drinking is a simple yet effective tool to protect consumers against the risk of illness inherent in the consumption of raw milk. The models may also offer risk managers a useful tool to identify or implement appropriate measures to control the risk of acquiring foodborne pathogens. Quantification of the risks associated with raw milk consumption is necessary from a public health perspective

    Listeria monocytogenes Circulating in Rabbit Meat Products and Slaughterhouses in Italy: Prevalence Data and Comparison among Typing Results

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    Rabbit meat has outstanding dietetic and nutritional properties. However, few data on microbiological hazards associated with rabbit productions are available. In this study, the presence of Listeria monocytogenes was determined in 430 rabbit carcasses, 256 rabbit meat cuts and products, and 599 environmental sponges collected from four Italian rabbit slaughterhouses over a period of 1 year. Prevalence of L. monocytogenes among the 1285 rabbit meat and environmental samples was 11%, with statistically significant differences between slaughterhouses. The highest prevalence (33.6%) was observed in rabbit meat cuts and products; the majority of positive environmental samples were collected from conveyor belts. Overall, 27.9% and 14.3% of rabbit cuts and carcasses, respectively, had L. monocytogenes counts higher than 1 colony-forming unit (CFU)/10 g. A selection of 123 isolates from positive samples was genotyped and serotyped to determine genetic profiles and diversity among L. monocytogenes isolates contaminating different slaughterhouses and classes of products investigated. Discriminatory power and concordance among the results obtained using multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), automated EcoRI ribotyping, and serotyping were assessed. The isolates selected for typing were classified into serotypes 1/2a (52.8%), 1/2c (32.5%), and 1/2b (14.6%). The majority of the isolates were classified as ST14 (34.1%), ST9 (35.5%), ST121 (17.9%), and ST224 (14.6%). The greatest discriminatory power was observed with the MLVA typing, followed by MLST, PFGE, and ribotyping. The best bidirectional concordance was achieved between PFGE and MLST. There was 100% correlation between both MLST and MLVA with serotype. Moreover, a high unidirectional correspondence was observed between MLVA and both MLST and PFGE, as well as between PFGE and both MLST and serotyping. The results of this study show for the first time in Italy prevalence and genetic profiles of L. monocytogenes isolated in rabbit products and slaughterhouses

    I neuropeptidi melanocortinici nell’approccio cardioprotettivo contro il danno da ischemia e da riperfusione

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    In questi ultimi anni abbiamo documentato che dosi nanomolari di melanocortine (neuropeptidi appartenenti al gruppo ACTH/MSH) hanno la capacità di attenuare in modo significativo, nel ratto, il danno conseguente ad ischemia/riperfusione miocardica e ad occlusione coronarica permanente, Dai nostri dati emerge che le melanocortine, previa stimolazione di recettorimelanocortinici MC3 localizzati nel sistema nervoso centrale, durante l’episodio ischemico innescherebbero l'attivazione di una via vagale efferente cardioprotettiva. La tappa finale di tale via cardioprotettiva sembra essere rappresentata dall’attivazione di recettori muscarinici periferici. I nostri dati suggeriscono che le melanocortine potrebbero fornire il potenziale per lo sviluppo di una nuova classe di farmaci per un approccio innovativo alla patologia ischemica cardiaca

    Effectiveness of washing procedures in reducing Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes on a raw leafy green vegetable (Eruca vesicaria)

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    Vegetables are an important source of nutrients, but they can host a large microbial population, particularly bacteria. Vegetables are an important source of nutrients, but they can host a large microbial population, particularly bacteria. Foodborne pathogens can contaminate raw vegetables at any stage of their production process with a potential for human infection. Appropriate washing can mitigate the risk of foodborne illness consequent to vegetable consumption by reducing pathogen levels, but few data are available to assess the efficacy of different practices. In the present work, six different washing methods, in the presence or absence of sanitisers (peracetic acid and percitric acid, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hypochlorite) and vinegar, were tested for their effectiveness in reducing Salmonella and Listeria counts after artificial contamination of raw rocket (Eruca vescicaria). Results showed that washing with sodium hypochlorite (200 mg/L) was the only method able to produce a significant 2 Log reduction of Salmonella counts, but only in the case of high initial contamination (7 Log CFU/g), suggesting potential harmful effects for consumers could occur. In the case of Listeria monocytogenes, all the examined washing methods were effective, with 200 mg/L sodium hypochlorite solution and a solution of peracetic and percitric acids displaying the best performances (2 and 1.5 Log reductions, respectively). This highlights the importance of targeting consumers on fit for purpose and safe washing practices to circumvent vegetable contamination by foodborne pathogens

    Detection and quantification of <i>Vibrio parahaemolyticus</i> in shellfish from Italian production areas

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a marine microorganism, recognized as an important cause of foodborne illness particularly in Asia, South America and United States. Outbreaks are rarely reported in Europe, but they can occur unexpectedly in relation, among other reasons, to the spread of highly virulent strains. It is known that the risk is proportional to exposure levels to pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus (i.e. carrying the tdh and/or the trh genes) but currently there is a lack of occurrence data for pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus in shellfish production areas of the Member States. In this study a total of 147 samples of bivalve molluscs, from harvesting areas of two Italian regions (Sardinia and Veneto) were analyzed for Escherichia coli and salmonella, according to Reg 2073/2005, and for detection and enumeration of total and toxigenic V. parahaemolyticus strains using a new DNA colony hybridization method. Environmental parameters (water temperature and salinity) were also recorded. Results of E. coli were consistently in agreement with the legislation limits for the harvesting class of origin and Salmonella was detected only in one sample. The average contamination levels for total V. parahaemolyticus were 84 and 73 CFU/g respectively for Sardinia and Veneto, with the highest value reaching 8.7 Ă— 103 CFU/g. Nineteen samples (12.9%) resulted positive for the presence of potentially pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus strains, with levels ranging between 10 and 120 CFU/g and most of the positive samples (n = 17) showing values equal or below 20 CFU/g. A significant correlation (r = 0.41) was found between water temperature and V. parahaemolyticus levels, as well as with isolation frequency. The data provided in this study on contamination levels of total and potentially pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus, seasonal distribution and correlation with water temperature, will help in defining appropriate monitoring programs and post-harvest policies for this hazard, improving the management of the harvesting areas and the safety of bivalve molluscs.</br

    Azione neuroprotettiva dei peptici melanocortinici nell’ictus ischemico sperimentale

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    L’ictus ischemico è una delle cause principali di disabilità e di morte nei paesi occidentali. Negli ultimi anni abbiamo dimostrato che dosi nanomolari di peptidi melanocortinici, somministrati per via sistemica nel gerbillo e nel ratto, promuovono (verosimilmente in modo definitivo) il recupero funzionale dopo un attacco ischemico cerebrale globale o focale. Infatti, il trattamento con [Nle4, D-Phe7]--MSH (NDP--MSH, agonista sintetico dei recettori melanocortinici MCI, MC3, MC4 e MC5), causa una riduzione della risposta infiammatoria, come indicato dalla diminuzione dell’attività dei fattori regolatori della trascrizione JNKs, p38 ed ERKs, e dei livelli delle citochine proinfiammatorie TNF- (tumour necrosis factor-) e interleukina-6 (IL-6); NDP- -MSH riduce anche l’attività della caspasi-3 (proteina proapoptotica effettrice) e la frammentazione del DNA nelle aree cerebrali danneggiate. Inoltre, NDP--MSH dimostra un’ampia finestra terapeutica, infatti il trattamento è efficace anche quando inizia 12 ore dopo l’insulto ischemico e probabilmente 18 ore sono il tempo limite per la somministrazione del neuropeptide. I meccanismi di neuroprotezione sembrano coinvolgere direttamente I’attivazione dei recettori melanocortinici MC4, Infatti, il blocco farmacologico di questi recettori non solo previene l’effetto neuroprotettivo dell' NDP-a-MSH, ma addirittura peggiora il recupero funzionale. I nostri dati suggeriscono che agonisti melanocortinici, ahmente selettivi per i recettori MC4 e capaci di superare la barriera ematoencefalica, potrebbero rappresentare il mezzo per un approccio più mirato, innovativo e sicuro nell'ictus umano

    Human campylobacteriosis related to the consumption of raw milk sold by vending machines in Italy: quantitative risk assessment based on official controls over four years

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    open18noA quantitative risk assessment (RA) model was developed to describe the risk of campylobacteriosis linked to consumption of raw milk sold in vending machines in Italy. Exposure assessment was based on the official microbiological records of raw milk samples from vending machines monitored by the regional Veterinary Authorities from 2008 to 2011, microbial growth during storage, destruction experiments, consumption frequency of raw milk, serving size, consumption preference and age of consumers. The differential risk considered milk handled under regulation conditions (4°C throughout all phases) and the worst time-temperature field handling conditions detected. Two separate RA models were developed, one for the consumption of boiled milk and the other for the consumption of raw milk, and two different dose-response (D-R) relationships were considered. The RA model predicted no human campylobacteriosis cases per year either in the best (4°C) storage conditions or in the case of thermal abuse in case of boiling raw milk, whereas in case of raw milk consumption the annual estimated campylobacteriosis cases depend on the dose-response relationships used in the model (D-R I or D-R II), the milk time-temperature storage conditions, consumer behaviour and age of consumers, namely young (with two cut-off values of ≤5 or ≤6 years old for the sensitive population) versus adult consumers. The annual estimated cases for young consumers using D-R II for the sensitive population (≤5 years old) ranged between 1013.7/100,000 population and 8110.3/100,000 population and for adult consumers using D-R I between 79.4/100,000 population and 333.1/100,000 population. Quantification of the risks associated with raw milk consumption is necessary from a public health perspective and the proposed RA model represents a useful and flexible tool to perform future RAs based on local consumer habits to support decision-making on safety policies. Further educational programmes for raw milk consumers or potential raw milk consumers are required to encourage consumers to boil milk to reduce the associated risk of illness.openFederica Giacometti; Paolo Bonilauri; Simonetta Amatiste; Norma Arrigoni; Manila Bianchi; Marina Nadia Losio; Stefano Bilei; Giuseppe Cascone; Damiano Comin; Paolo Daminelli; Lucia Decastelli; Giuseppe Merialdi; Renzo Mioni; Angelo Peli; Annalisa Petruzzelli; Franco Tonucci; Silvia Piva; Andrea Serraino.Federica Giacometti; Paolo Bonilauri; Simonetta Amatiste; Norma Arrigoni; Manila Bianchi; Marina Nadia Losio; Stefano Bilei; Giuseppe Cascone; Damiano Comin; Paolo Daminelli; Lucia Decastelli; Giuseppe Merialdi; Renzo Mioni; Angelo Peli; Annalisa Petruzzelli; Franco Tonucci; Silvia Piva; Andrea Serraino

    Molecular Typing of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Strains Isolated from Mollusks in the North Adriatic Sea

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is an emerging foodborne pathogen in the Mediterranean, usually associated with shellfish consumption. The increase in the number of outbreaks in Europe is primarily associated with the global warming of the ocean that has a great impact on the spread and genetic selection of waterborne pathogens. The primary role of Italy in Europe's mollusk production, together with the fact that cases of infections with V. parahaemolyticus are not always notified to the European community, highlighted the necessity of acquiring new information about the epidemiological involvement of shellfish products

    Microbiological recovery from bovine, swine, equine, and ovine carcasses: comparison of excision, sponge and swab sampling methods

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    Legislation introduced under European Commission Regulation (EC) n&#176; 2073/2005 and later amendments (Reg. 1441/2007/EC, Reg. 365/2010/EC, Reg. 1089/2011/EC, Reg. 209/2013/EC) mandates that food business operators carry out microbiological analyses on meat carcass surfaces after slaughter procedures as part of hygiene monitoring of production. Besides setting forth general rules for sampling and sample preparation, Regulation EC 2073/2005 requires that operators comply with ISO 17604, which lists destructive and non-destructive sampling methods, selection of sampling sites, and rules for sample storage and transport. This study compares the effectiveness of destructive (excision) and non-destructive (sponge and wet-dry swabbing) methods for the recovery of total viable count (TVC) and Enterobacteriaceae on carcass surfaces. To do this, we pooled samples collected from carcasses of four animal species (cattle, n = 120; pigs, n = 130; horses, n = 84; and small ruminants [sheep and goats], n = 121). TVC and Enterobacteriaceae were enumerated and compared for each sampling method. Microbiological analyses were performed according to ISO 4833:2003 for TVC and ISO 21528:2004 for Enterobacteriaceae. The effectiveness of the sampling methods was analyzed by comparing the differences between the median of colony forming units per square centimeter (CFU/cm2) for TVC and Enterobacteriaceae recovered by each method. Non-parametric analysis of variance for repeated measures was applied for each species separately. Excision was the most effective method. The relationship between the CFU recovered by swabbing, by sponge, and by excision, for all species, was generally better than 1:5. This is in contrast with the Italian Ministry of Health Memorandum (23 December 2002), which states that non-destructive methods recover 20% of the destructive method