392 research outputs found

    Far-field waveforms from an arbitrarily expanding, transparent spherical cavity in a prestressed medium

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    Stress relaxation due to a growing cavity in a uniformly prestressed (pure shear) elastic medium is investigated, using the transparent source approximation of Archambeau (1972). A simple representation of the far-field radiation is obtained. A planar, circular dislocation of same growth history as the cavity is constructed which yields the same far-field pulses, except for geometrical effects. It is shown that different ‘equivalent’ dislocations must be used to model P and S pulses wherever the rupture velocity is trans-sonic. Simple analytical forms for the far-field pulses are derived which hold even in the case of relatively complicated source growth history. The dependence of waveforms on the various source parameters is illustrated by selected waveform calculations. It is suggested that this model yields an adequate representation of the far-field tectonic release radiation from underground explosions

    A numerical boundary integral equation method for elastodynamics. I

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    The boundary initial value problems of elastodynamics are formulated as boundary integral equations. It is shown that these integral equations may be solved by time-stepping numerical methods for the unknown boundary values. A specific numerical scheme is presented for antiplane strain problems and a numerical example is given

    Report of the panel on plate motion and deformation, section 2

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    Given here is a panel report on the goals and objectives, requirements and recommendations for the investigation of plate motion and deformation. The goals are to refine our knowledge of plate motions, study regional and local deformation, and contribute to the solution of important societal problems. The requirements include basic space-positioning measurements, the use of global and regional data sets obtained with space-based techniques, topographic and geoid data to help characterize the internal processes that shape the planet, gravity data to study the density structure at depth and help determine the driving mechanisms for plate tectonics, and satellite images to map lithology, structure and morphology. The most important recommendation of the panel is for the implementation of a world-wide space-geodetic fiducial network to provide a systematic and uniform measure of global strain

    Predictability of Self-Organizing Systems

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    We study the predictability of large events in self-organizing systems. We focus on a set of models which have been studied as analogs of earthquake faults and fault systems, and apply methods based on techniques which are of current interest in seismology. In all cases we find detectable correlations between precursory smaller events and the large events we aim to forecast. We compare predictions based on different patterns of precursory events and find that for all of the models a new precursor based on the spatial distribution of activity outperforms more traditional measures based on temporal variations in the local activity.Comment: 15 pages, plain.tex with special macros included, 4 figure

    Notes on a scandal: the official enquiry into deviance and corruption in New Zealand police

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    Since 2004, the New Zealand Police Service has been engulfed by a series of scandals relating to allegations that officers have committed rape and sexual assault and conducted inappropriate sexual relations with vulnerable people. Moreover, it has been claimed that other officers engaged in corrupt practices to thwart the investigation and prosecution of criminal behaviour of police officers. In 2007, a Commission of Inquiry report established a program of reform intended to shape the future direction of the police service. This article provides an overview of these scandals, the context in which they have emerged, and the political and policing response to them. The analysis contained in the Commission report is compared with that offered by comparable investigations of police deviance and corruption in other countries. The methodological and conceptual limitations of the Commission are outlined and the prospects of the recommendations are considered

    Thermal history modeling of the H chondrite parent body

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    The cooling histories of individual meteorites can be empirically reconstructed by using ages from different radioisotopic chronometers with distinct closure temperatures. For a group of meteorites derived from a single parent body such data permit the reconstruction of the cooling history and properties of that body. Particularly suited are H chondrites because precise radiometric ages over a wide range of closure temperatures are available. A thermal evolution model for the H chondrite parent body is constructed by using all H chondrites for which at least three different radiometric ages are available. Several key parameters determining the thermal evolution of the H chondrite parent body and the unknown burial depths of the H chondrites are varied until an optimal fit is obtained. The fit is performed by an 'evolution algorithm'. Empirical data for eight samples are used for which radiometric ages are available for at least three different closure temperatures. A set of parameters for the H chondrite parent body is found that yields excellent agreement (within error bounds) between the thermal evolution model and empirical data of six of the examined eight chondrites. The new thermal model constrains the radius and formation time of the H chondrite parent body (possibly (6) Hebe), the initial burial depths of the individual H chondrites, the average surface temperature of the body, the average initial porosity of the material the body accreted from, and the initial 60Fe content of the H chondrite parent body.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    The Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for the Derivation of Range and Range Distributions from Laser Pulse Waveform Analysis for Surface Elevations, Roughness, Slope, and Vegetation Heights

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    The primary purpose of the GLAS instrument is to detect ice elevation changes over time which are used to derive changes in ice volume. Other objectives include measuring sea ice freeboard, ocean and land surface elevation, surface roughness, and canopy heights over land. This Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) describes the theory and implementation behind the algorithms used to produce the level 1B products for waveform parameters and global elevation and the level 2 products that are specific to ice sheet, sea ice, land, and ocean elevations respectively. These output products, are defined in detail along with the associated quality, and the constraints, and assumptions used to derive them