800 research outputs found

    The Moon Treaty and the Law of the Sea

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    This Comment explores the connections between the law of the sea and the evolving law of outer space. The author suggests that the questions of resource exploitation are common to both areas and will remain the subject of heated international debate until a practical method of resource management is adopted. The author explains that the law of the sea experience illustrates the difficulties that are encountered when legal norms trail behind technological advances and that a wiser framework would be to establish the basic legal framework in advance of technological developments. The author concludes that, if this were done, the law would determine the direction of technology, rather than technological might and marketplace interests determining the direction of the law

    Nuove forme di protagonismo urbano: servizi e strumenti per la città policentrica

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    Nella città contemporanea il dibattito sui “beni comuni” è evidentemente legato alla necessità di ridiscutere la fornitura pubblica di servizi e infrastrutture, aprendosi a nuovi organismi insorgenti nelle comunità locali. Oggi l'inefficacia delle formule di regolamentazione tradizionali imbrigliano le organizzazioni sociali in formule rigide incapaci di rispondere ad efficaci regimi di produzione. In particolare il sistema normativo ha spesso impedito una diffusione su larga scala di nuovi esperimenti istituzionali da parte degli attori privati, considerandoli come marginali, più indirizzati a soddisfare solamente i propri interessi che quelli “comuni”. Il contributo proposto mira a investigare le caratteristiche ed il funzionamento di questi meccanismi operativi, mostrando la capacità di produzione di un “servizio collettivo” come espressione di iniziative volontarie e indipendenti delle comunità locali. L'analisi si concentrerà sull'approfondimento di due strumenti particolari: l'utilizzo della rendita per nuove formule finanziarie private di fornitura di servizi urbani collettivi; gli schemi istituzionali contrattuali per la gestione di servizi energetici locali. Attraverso questi strumenti si definisce una strategia per la città policentrica, ossia capace di accogliere le aspirazioni dei propri cittadini, abilitandoli ad agire liberamente ed indipendentemente dalla posizione e dal ruolo che rivestono in ambito urbano. Questo aspetto consente alla città di adattarsi ai repentini cambiamenti dei paradigmi tecnologici, economici ed ambientali, rispondendo concretamente alle esigenze delle comunità locali

    Hydraulic Performance of Inverted Siphons for Irrigation Water Supply Using Physical Modeling

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    In this paper, we investigated the performance of the Rambatan siphons in Indramayu Regency, Indonesia, via physical modeling. The model was built in the laboratory with a scale of 1:10, consisting of two siphons, each with a diameter of 0.3 m and a length of 14 m for the model scale. Several scenarios were considered for the physical modeling, of which the focus was on analyzing the discharge capacity, sediment flushing, flow pattern, and pressure. Using the (prototype) design discharge of 6.36 m3/s and some variations of sediment size for the original configuration of the model, we observed the insufficient hydraulic capacity of the siphons. Several modifications were thus applied to the original design, namely by modifying the upstream channel and extending the upper wall of the downstream channel. The result showed that the hydraulic performance increased after applying such modification scenarios, where the siphons were able to discharge 6.36 m3/s. In addition, we observed that the flushing pipe diameter of 0.5 m was faster to flush the sediment inside the siphons. The results of this study are useful for the related stakeholders to increase water supply productivity

    Hydraulic Performance of Inverted Siphons for Irrigation Water Supply Using Physical Modeling

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    In this paper, we investigated the performance of the Rambatan siphons in Indramayu Regency, Indonesia, via physical modeling. The model was built in the laboratory with a scale of 1:10, consisting of two siphons, each with a diameter of 0.3 m and a length of 14 m for the model scale. Several scenarios were considered for the physical modeling, of which the focus was on analyzing the discharge capacity, sediment flushing, flow pattern, and pressure. Using the (prototype) design discharge of 6.36 m3/s and some variations of sediment size for the original configuration of the model, we observed the insufficient hydraulic capacity of the siphons. Several modifications were thus applied to the original design, namely by modifying the upstream channel and extending the upper wall of the downstream channel. The result showed that the hydraulic performance increased after applying such modification scenarios, where the siphons were able to discharge 6.36 m3/s. In addition, we observed that the flushing pipe diameter of 0.5 m was faster to flush the sediment inside the siphons. The results of this study are useful for the related stakeholders to increase water supply productivity

    Climate scenarios for coastal flood vulnerability assessments: a case study for the Ligurian coastal region

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    Extreme sea levels and coastal flooding are projected to be among the most uncertain and severe consequences of climate change. In response, a wide development of coastal vulnerability assessment methodologies has been observed in research to support societal resilience to future coastal flood risks. This work aims to explore the scope of application of index-based methodologies for coastal vulnerability assessment, in terms of their suitability to convey information on variations in climate variables potentially leading to sea-level changes and inundation. For this purpose, the InVEST Coastal Vulnerability model was coupled for the first time with the ERA5 reanalysis and used to develop a case study assessment of the biophysical exposure component of vulnerability to coastal flooding for Liguria, an Italian coastal region facing the Mediterranean Sea. Different scenarios of wind speed and wave power were created in order to test the sensitivity of this approach to climate data inputs. The results support the applicability of this approach to provide a preliminary grasp of local vulnerability to coastal inundation. Yet, this work also highlights how the method’s data aggregation and indicator computation processes result in its insensitivity to wind and wave variations, and therefore in its unsuitability to reproduce climate scenarios. The implications of these findings for research methodology and regarding the operationalisation of vulnerability assessment results are discussed

    A New Approach to Estimate the Potential Assets Loss due to Dam-Break Event in Indonesia

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    A dam break is a devastating natural catastrophe that can lead to huge losses. In general, the severity of a disaster can be determined by the amount of damage it causes. The greater the loss, the more severe the disaster and vice versa. However, determining the potential asset loss as a result of a disaster is a challenging task. So far, there is no method for calculating potential asset loss that is specifically made for dam-break disasters. Therefore, this study proposes a new approach in calculating the potential asset loss for a dam-break. In this study, the potential asset loss is calculated by considering four factors, namely the Potential Loss of Lives (PLOL), Potential Loss of Incomes (PLOI), Potential Loss of Houses Damage (PLOHD), and Potential Loss of Productive Land (PLOPL). In addition, the study calculates the potential asset loss of the Ketro Dam dam-break disaster. Based on the evaluation results, the PLOL might reach Rp. 26,419,715,661.  PLOI might reach maximum value of  Rp. 1,185,600,000. PLOHD might reach maximum value of Rp. 4,255,325,000. And  lastly , PLOPL might reach maximum value of  Rp. 25,375,080,780. Thus, the potential asset loss for the Ketro Dam dam-break disaster based on the analysis can reach Rp. 57,235,721,441 or USD 4,026,304

    Entrepreneurial education and learning at universities: exploring multilevel contingencies

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    AbstractDespite the worldwide increase in entrepreneurship education offered at universities, there is an ongoing debate whether and under which conditions this type of education contributes to students' entrepreneurial learning. Building on human capital theory, we hypothesize that the exposure to various entrepreneurship education initiatives has an inverted U-shaped relationship with entrepreneurial learning outcomes. We also argue that this relationship is moderated by the entrepreneurial experience of the students, the teaching pedagogy applied in entrepreneurial initiatives offered at the university and the prevalence of opportunity-driven entrepreneurship in the country. A multi-level analysis on a cross-country sample of 87,918 students resulting from GUESSS ('Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey') strongly confirms our hypotheses, and allows us to discuss implications for researchers, educators and policy makers with respect to the nature of entrepreneurial learning, the desi..

    Definición estratégica de la marca: Mino Ilusionista

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo era crear una base estratégica para que el autor fuera más competitivo en el campo del ilusionismo. Para ello, el autor de este TFM asumió el papel de consultor y desarrolló un trabajo de análisis, diagnóstico y definición de la marca: Mino illusionist. Este trabajo sigue el modo profesional, ya que está diseñado para ser implementado y activado en la realidad del mundo laboral. Además, se espera que sea una contribución a la valorización del arte del ilusionismo dentro de las Industrias Creativas

    Homogenization of near-surface wind speed and gust series across Sweden

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    Póster presentado en: EGU General Assembly 2019 celebrada del 7 al 12 de abril en Viena, Austria.Studies which evaluate the impact of wind-related hazards need to have access to reliable and homogeneous measurements. Unfortunately, observed wind series can be affected by several non-climatic artifacts, which may introduce inhomogeneities that mislead the study of climate trends and multi-decadal variability. This study compares different homogenization approaches using the R-package CLIMATOL to identify the best technique for homogenizing near-surface mean wind speed (WS) and daily peak wind gust (DPWG, i.e. the highest near-surface wind gust speed recorded in 24 hours) across Sweden.This work has been supported by the project “Detection and attribution of changes in extreme wind gusts over land” (2017-03780) funded by the Swedish Research Council