1,088 research outputs found

    An Optimal Training Signal Structure for Frequency-Offset Estimation

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    FDG–PET. A possible prognostic factor in head and neck cancer

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    Previous studies have shown that high uptake of 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose in head and neck cancer, as determined by the standardized uptake value on positron emission tomography scan, was associated with poor survival. The aim of this study was to confirm the association and to establish whether a high standardized uptake value had prognostic significance. Seventy-three consecutive patients with newly diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck underwent a positron emission tomography study before treatment. Age, gender, performance status tumour grade, stage, maximal tumour diameter and standardized uptake value were analyzed for their possible association with survival. The median standardized uptake value for all primary tumours was 7.16 (90% range 2.30 to 18.60). In univariate survival analysis the cumulative survival was decreased as the stage, tumour diameter and standardized uptake value increased. An standardized uptake value of 10 was taken as a cut-off for high and low uptake tumours. When these two groups were compared, an standardized uptake value >10 predicted for significantly worse outcome (P=0.003). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that an standardized uptake value >10 provided prognostic information independent of the tumour stage and diameter (P=0.002). We conclude that high FDG uptake (standardized uptake value>10) on positron emission tomography is an important marker for poor outcome in primary squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Standardized uptake value may be useful in distinguishing those tumours with a more aggressive biological nature and hence identifying patients that require intensive treatment protocols including hyperfractionated radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy

    Errors in kinematic distances and our image of the Milky Way Galaxy

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    Errors in the kinematic distances, under the assumption of circular gas orbits, were estimated by performing synthetic observations of a model disk galaxy. It was found that the error is < 0.5 kpc for most of the disk when the measured rotation curve was used, but larger if the real rotation curve is applied. In both cases, the error is significantly larger at the positions of the spiral arms. The error structure is such that, when kinematic distances are used to develope a picture of the large scale density distribution, the most significant features of the numerical model are significantly distorted or absent, while spurious structure appears. By considering the full velocity field in the calculation of the kinematic distances, most of the original density structures can be recovered.Comment: Accepted for publication in A

    Eturauhassyövän entsyymikuvantaminen PET-menetelmällä

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    Eturauhassyövän PET-kuvantamisessa on käytetty eri merkkiaineita. Uusi prostataspesifinen merkkiaine (PSMA) on korvannut lähes kaikki aiemmin käytetyt PET-merkkiaineet. PSMA tarjoaa uusia mahdollisuuksia taudin levinneisyyden selvittelyyn ja uusiutumien toteamiseen hyvin pienillä PSA-arvoilla. Näiden lisäksi PSMA:n sopivia käyttöaiheita ovat esimerkiksi oligometastaattisen taudin tunnistaminen ja systeemihoidon tehon seuranta. Menetelmän haasteena ovat usein esiintyvät hyvin pienet luustokertymät (maxSUV </em

    A time-domain control signal detection technique for OFDM

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    Transmission of system-critical control information plays a key role in efficient management of limited wireless network resources and successful reception of payload data information. This paper uses an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) architecture to investigate the detection performance of a time-domain approach used to detect deterministic control signalling information. It considers a type of control information chosen from a finite set of information, which is known at both transmitting and receiving wireless terminals. Unlike the maximum likelihood (ML) estimation method, which is often used, the time-domain detection technique requires no channel estimation and no pilots as it uses a form of time-domain correlation as the means of detection. Results show that when compared with the ML method, the time-domain approach improves detection performance even in the presence of synchronisation error caused by carrier frequency offset