70 research outputs found

    Arabidopsis miR827 mediates post‐transcriptional gene silencing of its ubiquitin E3 ligase target gene in the syncytium of the cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii to enhance susceptibility

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a major class of small non-coding RNAs with emerging functions in biotic and abiotic interactions. Here, we report on a new functional role of Arabidopsis miR827 and its NITROGEN LIMITATION ADAPTATION (NLA) target gene in mediating plant susceptibility to the beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii. Cyst nematodes are sedentary endoparasites that induce the formation of multinucleated feeding structures termed syncytia in the roots of host plants. Using promoter:GUS fusion assays we established that miR827 was activated in the initial feeding cells and this activation was maintained in the syncytium during all sedentary stages of nematode development. Meanwhile, the NLA target gene, which encodes an ubiquitin E3 ligase enzyme, was post-transcriptionally silenced in the syncytium, to permanently suppress its activity during all nematode parasitic stages. Overexpression of miR827 in Arabidopsis resulted in hyper-susceptibility to H. schachtii. In contrast, inactivation of miR827 activity through target mimicry or by overexpression a miR827-resistant cDNA of NLA produced the opposite phenotype of reduced plant susceptibility to H. schachtii. Gene expression analysis of several pathogenesis-related genes together with Agrobacterium–mediated transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana provided strong evidence that miR827-mediated downregulation of NLA to suppress basal defense pathways. In addition, using yeast two-hybrid screens we identified several candidates of NLA-interacting proteins that are involved in a wide range of biological processes and molecular functions, including three pathogenesis-related proteins. Taken together, we conclude that nematode-activated miR827 in the syncytium is necessary to suppress immune responses in order to establish infection and cause disease

    Candidate Effectors From Uromyces appendiculatus, the Causal Agent of Rust on Common Bean, Can Be Discriminated Based on Suppression of Immune Responses

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    Rust fungi are devastating pathogens for several important crop plants. The biotrophic lifestyle of rust fungi requires that they influence their host plants to create a favorable environment for growth and reproduction. Rust fungi secrete a variety of effector proteins that manipulate host target proteins to alter plant metabolism and suppress defense responses. Because of the obligate biotrophic lifestyle of rust fungi, direct evidence for effector function is difficult to obtain, and so suites of experiments utilizing expression in heterologous systems are necessary. Here, we present results from a yeast cell death suppression assay and assays for suppression of PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) and effector triggered immunity (ETI) based on delivery of effectors through the bacterial type III secretion system. In addition, subcellular localization was tested using transient expression of GFP fusion proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana through Agrobacterium infiltration. We tested 31 representative effector candidates from the devastating common bean rust pathogen Uromyces appendiculatus. These effector candidates were selected based on features of their gene families, most important lineage specificity. We show that several of our effector candidates suppress plant defense. Some of them also belong to families of effector candidates that are present in multiple rust species where their homologs probably also have effector functions. In our analysis of candidate effector mRNA expression, some of those effector candidates that gave positive results in the other assays were not up-regulated during plant infection, indicating that either these proteins have functions at multiple life stages or that strong up-regulation of RNA level in planta may not be as important a criterion for identifying effectors as previously thought. Overall, our pipeline for selecting effector candidates based on sequence features followed by screening assays using heterologous expression systems was successful in discriminating effector candidates. This work lays the foundation for functional characterization of U. appendiculatus effectors, the identification of effector targets, and identification of novel sources for resistance in common bean

    Increased signal-to-noise ratios within experimental field trials by regressing spatially distributed soil properties as principal components

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    Environmental variability poses a major challenge to any field study. Researchers attempt to mitigate this challenge through replication. Thus, the ability to detect experimental signals is deter-mined by the degree of replication and the amount of environmental variation, noise, within the experimental system. A major source of noise in field studies comes from the natural heterogeneity of soil properties which create microtreatments throughout the field. In addition, the variation within different soil properties is often nonrandomly distributed across a field. We explore this challenge through a sorghum field trial dataset with accompanying plant, microbiome, and soil property data. Diverse sorghum genotypes and two watering regimes were applied in a split-plot design. We describe a process of identifying, estimating, and controlling for the effects of spatially distributed soil properties on plant traits and microbial communities using minimal degrees of freedom. Importantly, this process provides a method with which sources of environmental variation in field data can be identified and adjusted, improving our ability to resolve effects of interest and to quantify subtle phenotypes

    Suppression or Activation of Immune Responses by Predicted Secreted Proteins of the Soybean Rust Pathogen Phakopsora pachyrhizi

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    Rust fungi, such as the soybean rust pathogen Phakopsora pachyrhizi, are major threats to crop production. They form specialized haustoria that are hyphal structures intimately associated with host-plant cell membranes. These haustoria have roles in acquiring nutrients and secreting effector proteins that manipulate host immune systems. Functional characterization of effector proteins of rust fungi is important for understanding mechanisms that underlie their virulence and pathogenicity. Hundreds of candidate effector proteins have been predicted for rust pathogens, but it is not clear how to prioritize these effector candidates for further characterization. There is a need for high-throughput approaches for screening effector candidates to obtain experimental evidence for effector-like functions, such as the manipulation of host immune systems. We have focused on identifying effector candidates with immune-related functions in the soybean rust fungus P. pachyrhizi. To facilitate the screening of many P. pachyrhizi effector candidates (named PpECs), we used heterologous expression systems, including the bacterial type III secretion system, Agrobacterium infiltration, a plant virus, and a yeast strain, to establish an experimental pipeline for identifying PpECs with immune-related functions and establishing their subcellular localizations. Several PpECs were identified that could suppress or activate immune responses in nonhost Nicotiana benthamiana, N. tabacum, Arabidopsis, tomato, or pepper plants

    Engineering a Decoy Substrate in Soybean to Enable Recognition of the Soybean Mosaic Virus NIa Protease

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    In Arabidopsis, recognition of the AvrPphB effector protease from Pseudomonas syringae is mediated by the disease resistance (R) protein RPS5, which is activated by AvrPphB-induced cleavage of the Arabidopsis protein kinase PBS1. The recognition specificity of RPS5 can be altered by substituting the AvrPphB cleavage site within PBS1 with cleavage sequences for other proteases, including proteases from viruses. AvrPphB also activates defense responses in soybean (Glycine max), suggesting that soybean may contain an R protein analogous to RPS5. It was unknown, however, whether this response is mediated by cleavage of a soybean PBS1-like protein. Here, we show that soybean contains three PBS1 orthologs and that their products are cleaved by AvrPphB. Further, transient expression of soybean PBS1 derivatives containing a five-alanine insertion at their AvrPphB cleavage sites activated cell death in soybean protoplasts, demonstrating that soybean likely contains an AvrPphB-specific resistance protein that is activated by a conformational change in soybean PBS1 proteins. Significantly, we show that a soybean PBS1 decoy protein modified to contain a cleavage site for the soybean mosaic virus (SMV) NIa protease triggers cell death in soybean protoplasts when cleaved by this protease, indicating that the PBS1 decoy approach will work in soybean, using endogenous PBS1 genes. Lastly, we show that activation of the AvrPphB-dependent cell death response effectively inhibits systemic spread of SMV in soybean. These data also indicate that decoy engineering may be feasible in other crop plant species that recognize AvrPphB protease activity

    A Plasmodium‐like virulence effector of the soybean cyst nematode suppresses plant innate immunity

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    ‱ Heterodera glycines, the soybean cyst nematode, delivers effector proteins into soybean roots to initiate and maintain an obligate parasitic relationship. HgGLAND18 encodes a candidate H. glycines effector and is expressed throughout the infection process. ‱ We used a combination of molecular, genetic, bioinformatic and phylogenetic analyses to determine the role of HgGLAND18 during H. glycines infection. ‱ HgGLAND18 is necessary for pathogenicity in compatible interactions with soybean. The encoded effector strongly suppresses both basal and hypersensitive cell death innate immune responses, and immunosuppression requires the presence and coordination between multiple protein domains. The N-terminal domain in HgGLAND18 contains unique sequence similarity to domains of an immunosuppressive effector of Plasmodium spp., the malaria parasites. The Plasmodium effector domains functionally complement the loss of the N-terminal domain from HgGLAND18. ‱ In-depth sequence searches and phylogenetic analyses demonstrate convergent evolution between effectors from divergent parasites of plants and animals as the cause of sequence and functional similarity

    GmNF-YC4-2 Increases Protein, Exhibits Broad Disease Resistance and Expedites Maturity in Soybean

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    The NF-Y gene family is a highly conserved set of transcription factors. The functional transcription factor complex is made up of a trimer between NF-YA, NF-YB, and NF-YC proteins. While mammals typically have one gene for each subunit, plants often have multigene families for each subunit which contributes to a wide variety of combinations and functions. Soybean plants with an overexpression of a particular NF-YC isoform GmNF-YC4-2 (Glyma.04g196200) in soybean cultivar Williams 82, had a lower amount of starch in its leaves, a higher amount of protein in its seeds, and increased broad disease resistance for bacterial, viral, and fungal infections in the field, similar to the effects of overexpression of its isoform GmNF-YC4-1 (Glyma.06g169600). Interestingly, GmNF-YC4-2-OE (overexpression) plants also filled pods and senesced earlier, a novel trait not found in GmNF-YC4-1-OE plants. No yield difference was observed in GmNF-YC4-2-OE compared with the wild-type control. Sequence alignment of GmNF-YC4-2, GmNF-YC4-1 and AtNF-YC1 indicated that faster maturation may be a result of minor sequence differences in the terminal ends of the protein compared to the closely related isoforms

    QQS orphan gene and its interactor NF‐YC4 reduce susceptibility to pathogens and pests

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    Enhancing the nutritional quality and disease resistance of crops without sacrificing productivity is a key issue for developing varieties that are valuable to farmers and for simultaneously improving food security and sustainability. Expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana species‐specific AtQQS (Qua‐Quine Starch) orphan gene or its interactor, NF‐YC4 (Nuclear Factor Y, subunit C4), has been shown to increase levels of leaf/seed protein without affecting the growth and yield of agronomic species. Here, we demonstrate that overexpression of AtQQS and NF‐YC4 in Arabidopsis and soybean enhances resistance/reduces susceptibility to viruses, bacteria, fungi, aphids and soybean cyst nematodes. A series of Arabidopsis mutants in starch metabolism were used to explore the relationships between QQS expression, carbon and nitrogen partitioning, and defense. The enhanced basal defenses mediated by QQS were independent of changes in protein/carbohydrate composition of the plants. We demonstrate that either AtQQS or NF‐YC4 overexpression in Arabidopsis and in soybean reduces susceptibility of these plants to pathogens/pests. Transgenic soybean lines overexpressing NF‐YC4 produce seeds with increased protein while maintaining healthy growth. Pull‐down studies reveal that QQS interacts with human NF‐YC, as well as with Arabidopsis NF‐YC4, and indicate two QQS binding sites near the NF‐YC‐histone‐binding domain. A new model for QQS interaction with NF‐YC is speculated. Our findings illustrate the potential of QQS and NF‐YC4 to increase protein and improve defensive traits in crops, overcoming the normal growth‐defense trade‐offs
