37 research outputs found

    Atrazine Exposure Induces Hepatic Metabolism Disorder in Male Adult Zebrafish

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    Atrazine (ATZ) is a herbicide used in agricultural production and has been detected in surface water due to its widespread use worldwide. This may pose a threat to the health of aquatic animals. To explore the ATZ−induced hepatic metabolism disorder, male zebrafish were exposed to 300 and 1000 μg/L ATZ for 21 days, respectively. The results revealed that ATZ exposure significantly reduced hepatic triglyceride (TG) levels, while significantly (p p < 0.05) different metabolites were observed and identified in the ATZ−treated group. Moreover, the most disturbed pathways by ATZ were the arginine and proline metabolic pathways, followed by the glutathione metabolic pathway. Three and two metabolites were significantly altered in the arginine and proline metabolic pathways and glutathione metabolic pathway, respectively. Based on these results, we suggested that ATZ was capable of altering liver metabolism in zebrafish and that its ecological risk to aquatic organisms cannot be ignored

    Fragmentation of deprotonated diacylhydrazine derivatives in electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry: generation of acid anions via intramolecular rearrangement.

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    The gas-phase fragmentation pathways of deprotonated diacylhydrazine derivatives (R1(C = O)-N(t-Bu)NH(C = O)R2, Compounds 1-6) were investigated by the combination of electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) and theoretical calculations. Upon collisional activation, the deprotonated molecular ions [M - H](-) dissociate in two reaction channels, both of which involve intramolecular rearrangement. The main product ion is confirmed to be an anionic acid species, [R1-CO2](-), generated through intramolecular rearrangement of [M - H](-) initiated by the nucleophilic attack of the amide O6 on the carbonyl C2 (Path-1). The minor fragment channel (Path-2) involves methylpropene elimination of the precursor ion, followed by a similar nucleophilic displacement reaction to produce another acid anion [R2-CO2](-). Density functional theory calculations at the B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) level indicate that Path-1 is more favorable than Path-2 for dissociation of the deprotonated halofenozide

    Sub-Chronic Difenoconazole Exposure Induced Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis in Mice

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    Difenoconazole (DIF) is a widely separated triazole fungicide in many countries. The excessive usage of DIF increases the high volume of residues in agriculture production and water bodies. Some previous studies demonstrated the toxic effects of DIF on non-target animals, however, there were still some gaps in the knowledge of the potential hazards of DIF to mammals and human health. Herein, 7-week-old male mice were exposed to 30 and 100 mg/kg/day DIF for 14 and 56 days. We observed that 56 days of DIF exposure decreased the colonic mucus expression of alcin blue-periodic acid-schiff (AB-PAS) stain and the immunochemical stain of muc2 protein. The transcript levels of mucin protein (muc1, muc2 and muc3) decreased significantly in the gut of mice followed 56 days of 100 mg/kg/day DIF exposure. In addition, the gut microbiota composition was also affected after 14 or 56 days of DIF exposure. Although the mucus expression after 14 days of DIF exposure only decreased slightly, the gut microbiota composition compared with the control group was changed significantly. Moreover, the DIF-30 and DIF-100 caused respectively different changes on the gut microbiota. The relative abundance of Bacteroidetes decreased significantly after 14 days and 56 days of DIF exposure. After 14 days of DIF exposure, there were 35 and 18 differential genera in the DIF-30 and DIF-100 group, respectively. There were 25 and 32 differential genera in the DIF-30 and DIF-100 group after 56 days of exposure, respectively. Meanwhile, the alpha diversity indexes, including observed species, Shannon, Simpson, Chao1 and ACE, in gut microbiota decreased significantly after 56 days of DIF exposure. Interestingly, the relative abundance of Akkermansia increased significantly after 56 days of 100 mg/kg/d DIF exposure. Although Akkermansia was considered as one probiotic, the phenomenon of dramatic Akkermansia increase with the decrease in gut microbiota diversity needed further discussion. These results provided some new insights on how DIF exposure impacts the mucus barrier and induces gut microbiota dysbiosis

    Stereoselective bioaccumulation and degradation of chiral pesticide hexythiazox in earthworm-soil microcosm

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    The chiral pesticide hexythiazox was extensively employed in agricultural activities and has garnered growing concern for its harmful impact on the ecosystem. This study investigates the toxicodynamic earthworm at the enantiomeric level of hexythiazox. Earthworms exhibited notable enantioselectivity during the accumulation stage. Furthermore, the presence of earthworms can impact the rate of degradation and enantioselectivity of hexythiazox in soil. The accumulation of the two hexythiazox enantiomers in the earthworm adhered to the one-compartment model, whereas the elimination phase was governed by the first-order kinetics equation. Furthermore, it was discovered that there was no notable enantioselectivity observed during the elimination phase

    Investigation on the Gas-Phase Decomposition of Trichlorfon by GC-MS and Theoretical Calculation

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    <div><p>The gas phase pyrolysis of trichlorfon was investigated by the on-line gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) pyrolysis and theoretical calculations. Two reaction channels were proposed in the pyrolytic reaction, by analyzing the detected pyrolytic products in the total ion chromatography, including 2,2,2-trichloroacetaldehyde, dimethyl phosphite, and dichlorvos. Theoretical calculations showed that there is an intramolecular hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl group and the phosphate O atom in trichlorfon, through which the hydroxyl H atom can be easily transferred to phosphate O atom to trigger two pyrolytic channels. In path-a, migration of H atom results in direct decomposition of trichlorfon to give 2,2,2-trichloroacetaldehyde and dimethyl phosphite in one step. In path-b, migration of H atom in trichlorfon is combined with formation of the O-P bond to give an intermediate, followed by HCl elimination to afford dichlorvos. Path-a is kinetically more favorable than path-b, which is consistent with the GC-MS results.</p></div

    The schematic potential energy diagrams for the pyrolytic reactions of trichlorfon.

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    <p>The schematic potential energy diagrams for the pyrolytic reactions of trichlorfon.</p

    Structures for the deveratives of diacylhydrazine.

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    <p>Structures for the deveratives of diacylhydrazine.</p

    MS/MS of the deprotonated compounds 1–6 measured by ESI-IT MS at the normalized collision energy of 25%.

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    <p>MS/MS of the deprotonated compounds 1–6 measured by ESI-IT MS at the normalized collision energy of 25%.</p

    Energy-resolved plot (Relative abundance I<sub>i</sub>/∑I<sub>i</sub><i>VS</i> Normalized collision energy) of the deprotonated Halofenozide (<i>m/z</i> 329), by an LCQ IT-MS spectrometer.

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    <p>Energy-resolved plot (Relative abundance I<sub>i</sub>/∑I<sub>i</sub><i>VS</i> Normalized collision energy) of the deprotonated Halofenozide (<i>m/z</i> 329), by an LCQ IT-MS spectrometer.</p

    TIC of dichlorvos (a) and trichlorfon (b) by GC-MS.

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    <p>TIC of dichlorvos (a) and trichlorfon (b) by GC-MS.</p