1,568 research outputs found

    Derechos sociales y teoría de la integración europea: ubicando la jurisprudencia del TJUE en tres contextos nacionales

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    This article examines the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) concerning the social rights of mobile EU citizens from the perspective of European integration theory. Our aim is to situate the effects of EU jurisprudence in 3 Member States – Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK and examine to what extent the selected Member States change their policies on social rights in relation to CJEU jurisprudence. Europeanization through law has been described as one of the most powerful meta-narratives of European integration: the adoption of common laws and standards coupled with the primacy and direct effect of EU law force the Member States to adjust their national policies and legislations in order to comply with EU rules. Europeanization literature has taken a keen interest in legislative acts, and although the importance of CJEU jurisprudence is acknowledged, Europeanization through case law remains a somewhat lesser explored area. The argument put forward in this article is that although EU legislative measures remain an important source of Europeanization of the welfare state, CJEU decisions play an equally important role in clarifying Member State obligations towards economically inactive mobile EU citizens.Este artículo examina la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE), en relación a los derechos sociales de ciudadanos comunitarios que migran dentro de la UE, y lo hacen desde la perspectiva de la teoría de la integración europea. Nuestro objetivo es analizar los efectos de la jurisprudencia comunitaria entre Estados Miembros -Alemania, los Países Bajos, y el Reino Unido- para ver hasta qué punto modifican sus políticas de derechos sociales en base a dicha jurisprudencia. La europeización a través de la ley (europeanisation through law) ha sido descrita como una de las más poderosas meta-narrativas de la integración europea: la adopción de leyes y estándares comunes junto con la primacía y efecto directo del derecho comunitario fuerzan a los Estados Miembros a ajustar sus políticas y legislaciones nacionales para poder cumplir con las normas de la UE. La literatura sobre europeización se ha centrado fundamentalmente en los actos legislativos, pero si bien la importancia de la jurisprudencia del TJUE es bien conocida, la europeización a través del derecho consuetudinario es un área menos explorada. El argumento defendido en este artículo es que las decisiones de la TJUE juegan un papel igualmente importante a la hora de clarificar las obligaciones de los Estados Miembros hacia los ciudadanos de la UE económicamente inactivos

    Biomechanics in congenital heart disease:Using advanced imaging techniques

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    This thesis aims to answer questions on the pathophysiology in congenital heart disease focusing on personalized biomechanical and geometric risk factors. Using detailed advanced non-invasive imaging techniques and state-of-the-art techniques, personalized and local data were extracted from imaging techniques (mainly cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR)) and studied for its pathophysiological role in congenital heart disease. The first part of this thesis focused on accurate assessment of valvular flow. The next part describes the role of wall shear stress in aortic disease in patients with a bicuspid aortic valve using 4D flow CMR. In the third part, long-term outcomes and the influence of aortic geometry in patients with an aortic coarctation are described. In the final part, we developed a method to calculate wall stress in the free wall of the right ventricle in Tetralogy of Fallot patients and associated serial wall stress measurements with right ventricular function

    Biomechanics in congenital heart disease:Using advanced imaging techniques

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    This thesis aims to answer questions on the pathophysiology in congenital heart disease focusing on personalized biomechanical and geometric risk factors. Using detailed advanced non-invasive imaging techniques and state-of-the-art techniques, personalized and local data were extracted from imaging techniques (mainly cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR)) and studied for its pathophysiological role in congenital heart disease. The first part of this thesis focused on accurate assessment of valvular flow. The next part describes the role of wall shear stress in aortic disease in patients with a bicuspid aortic valve using 4D flow CMR. In the third part, long-term outcomes and the influence of aortic geometry in patients with an aortic coarctation are described. In the final part, we developed a method to calculate wall stress in the free wall of the right ventricle in Tetralogy of Fallot patients and associated serial wall stress measurements with right ventricular function

    Epidemiology, Aetiology and Care of Eye Disease in Suriname

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    Moll, A.C. [Promotor]Mans, D.R.A. [Promotor]Nispen, R.M.A. van [Copromotor]Saeed, P. [Copromotor

    Pompoenen - biologische teelt : de teelt van A tot Z

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    In deze teelthandleiding wordt de teelt en de afzet van de biologische pompoen besproken. Deze teelthandleiding is tot stand gekomen als onderdeel van het project Leren met Toekomst. De auteurs, studenten aan de Christelijke Agrarische Hogeschool ,hebben deze teelthandleiding geschreven voor de biologische pompoenenteler

    Некоторые аспекты парцелляции придаточных предложений с синкретичной семантикой (к постановке вопроса )

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    Стаття порушує питання про деякі аспекти синкретичного характеру парцельованих конструкцій у російському синтаксичному просторі, про семантичне поле озвучених вище мовних одиниць.The article raises the issue about the syncretic nature of parceled constructions in the Russian syntax and about the semantic field of the syntactical units mentioned previously

    La gestione degli eventi: Industria farmaceutica & Event Management

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    Il mio lavoro si propone di analizzare due macro aree principali: il settore degli eventi in senso generale, fino a scendere nel dettaglio toccando svariati settori dove gli eventi possono essere messi in atto; da qui, ci avviciniamo alla seconda macro area corrispondente all' industria farmaceutica: dalla sua nascita a livello globale, sino a scendere nel dettaglio dell' industria del farmaco sul suolo Italiano e in particolar modo su quello Pisano. Le due macro aree andranno poi ad incontrarsi quando l'evento diventerà di stampo farmaceutico. Lo scritto prende quindi in esame la realtà industriale dell'industria oftalmica presente nella città di Pisa, Farmigea e, dall'altra parte, la società di servizi che si occupa in buona parte della maggior parte degli eventi e sponsorizzazione di Farmigea. In conclusione porterò ad esempio un caso aziendale, un evento internazionale a cui Farmigea ha preso parte, e dove la società di servizi in question (OCM) si è occupata della sua organizzazione