128 research outputs found

    Role of violations prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in the pathogenesis of experimental periodontitis in rats = Роль порушень прооксидантно-антиоксидантного гомеостазу в патогенезі експериментального пародонтиту у щурів

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    Tiupka T. I., Minaeva A. O., Labunec A. O., Zukow W. Role of violations prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in the pathogenesis of experimental periodontitis in rats = Роль порушень прооксидантно-антиоксидантного гомеостазу в патогенезі експериментального пародонтиту у щурів. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(1):341-348. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.45491http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3372https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/711804  The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 01.01.2016. Revised 12.01.2016. Accepted: 31.01.2016.   UDC 616.314.17-008.1-002-008.9-092:612.017.1УДК 616.314.17-008.1-002-008.9-092:612.017.1 ROLE OF VIOLATIONS prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in the pathogenesis of experimental periodontitis in rats Роль Порушень прооксидантно-антиоксидантного гомеостазу В патогенезІ експериментального пародонтиту у щурів Т. І. Тюпка, А. О. Мінаєва, А. О. Лабунець, W. ZukowT. I. Tiupka, A. O. Minaeva, A. O. Labunec, W. Zukow Національний фармацевтичний університет, Україна, м. ХарківNational University of Pharmacy, Kharkov Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, BydgoszczKazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz AbstractIn the experiment on 30 white non-linear rats found that the pathogenesis of experimental periodontitis significant role played violation prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis, manifested by activation of lipid peroxidation and decrease activity of antioxidant enzymes, as evidenced by the reduction of antioxidant-prooxidant index as serum, and in periodontal tissue homogenate. The use of exogenous melatonin in experimental periodontitis reduces the generation of free radicals and leads to normalization prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis confirming the feasibility of its use in pathogenetic therapy of inflammatory diseases periodontal tissues. Keywords: periodontitis, lipid peroxidation, antioxidant protection, melatonin. РезюмеВ експерименті на 30 білих нелінійних щурах встановлено, що у патогенезі експериментального пародонтиту значну роль відіграє порушення прооксидантно-антиоксидантного гомеостазу, що проявляється активацією процесів перекисного окиснення ліпідів і зменшенням активності ферментів антиоксидантного захисту, про що свідчить зниження антиоксидантно-прооксидантного індекса як у сироватці крові, так і в гомогенаті тканин пародонту. Застосування екзогенного мелатоніну при експериментальному пародонтиті зменшує генерацію вільних радикалів та призводить до нормалізації прооксидантно-антиоксидантного гомеостазу, що підтверджує доцільність його застосування в патогенетичній терапії запальних захворювань тканин пародонту. Ключові слова: пародонтит, перекисне окиснення ліпідів, антиоксидантний захист, мелатонін

    Overnight affective dynamics and sleep characteristics as predictors of depression and its development

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    INTRODUCTION: Greater affective inertia during the day (higher carry-over effects of prior affect to the current moment) is associated with depression and its development. However, the role of overnight affective inertia (from evening to morning) in depression, and the role of sleep therein, has been scarcely studied. OBJECTIVES: We examined i) the difference in overnight inertia for positive (PA) and negative affect (NA) between individuals with past depression, current depression, and no depression; ii) how sleep duration and quality influence overnight affective inertia in these groups, and iii) whether overnight affective inertia predicts depression development. METHODS: We used data of 579 women from the East-Flanders Prospective Twin Survey. First, individuals with past (n=82), current (n=26), and no depression (n=471) at baseline were examined, and then individuals who did (n=58) and did not (n=319) develop depression at 12-months follow-up. Affect was assessed 10 times a day for 5 days. Sleep was assessed with sleep diaries. Affective inertia was operationalized as the influence of affect(t-1) on affect(t). Linear mixed-effect models were used to test the hypotheses. RESULTS: Overnight affective inertia was not associated with depression, neither was it differently associated with sleep characteristics in the depression groups. However, sleep characteristics were more negatively associated with morning NA in both depression groups compared to the non-depressed group. Overnight affective inertia did not predict the development of depression at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Depression and sleep characteristics might be more related to mean affect levels rather than to more complex emotion dynamics measures. Replication of these findings with longer time-series is needed

    Risk Ahead: Actigraphy-Based Early-Warning Signals of Increases in Depressive Symptoms During Antidepressant Discontinuation

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    Antidepressant discontinuation increases the risk of experiencing depressive symptoms. In a repeated single-subject design, we tested whether transitions in depression were preceded by increases in actigraphy-based critical-slowing-down-based early-warning signals (EWSs; variance, kurtosis, autocorrelation), circadian-rhythm-based indicators, and decreases in mean activity levels. Four months of data from 16 individuals with a transition in depression and nine without a transition in depression were analyzed using a moving-window method. As expected, more participants with a transition showed at least one EWS (50% true positives; 22.2% false positives). Increases in circadian rhythm variables (25.0% true positives vs. 44.4% false positives) and decreases in activity levels (37.5% true positives vs. 44.4% false positives) were more common in participants without a transition. None of the tested risk indicators could confidently predict upcoming transitions in depression, but some evidence was found that critical-slowing-down-based EWSs were more common in participants with a transition

    Broadband source of polarization entangled photons

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    A broadband source of polarization entangled photons based on type-II spontaneous parametric down conversion from a chirped PPKTP crystal is presented. With numerical simulation and experimental evaluation, we report a source of broadband polarization entangled states with a bandwidth of approximately 125 nm for use in quantum interferometry. The technique has the potential to become a basis for the development of flexible broadband sources with designed spectral properties. © 2012 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 270.4180, 230.4320. A challenge in high resolution quantum interferometry is the production of high quality broadband polarization entangled states. In the past, broad spectra have been produced with thin crystals since the bandwidth of the spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) spectrum is inversely proportional to the length of the crystal By considering the crystal as a superposition of distributed sources along the propagation direction whose lengths vary linearly as illustrated in the inset of z j − z 0 with j ∈ 1; N, where N is the number of distributed sources, p 0 is the degenerate phase matching period given by p 0 2λ p ∕2n p λ p − n s 2λ p − n i 2λ p , Δp is a chirping parameter, z j is the location of the jth source, and z 0 is the location of p 0 along the propagation axis. For example, a chirped crystal with 20% chirping and p 0 located in the center of the crystal has parameters Δp 0.2 and z 0 L c ∕2, where L c is the total length of the crystal. Assuming a plane wave pump and considering only the collinear signal and idler modes, the joint spectrum of SPDC photons is proportional to the Fourier transform of the longitudinally varying second order nonlinear coefficient. Following the procedure from where The spectrum results from a superposition of single crystal spectra, which is evident from the sum of sinc functions. Because of a position dependent spectral phase, the output spectrum will have "bumpy" features due to interference from spectral components born at different locations in the crystal. The measured tuning curves displaying the spatial and spectral structure of a chirped PPKTP crystal with Δp 0.2 and z 0 L c ∕2 are shown i

    2030) Dispersion; (120.3180) Interferometry; (270.0270) Quantum Optics

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    Abstract: The use of quantum correlations between photons to measure polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and chromatic dispersion is investigated. Two types of apparatus are discussed which use coincidence counting of entangled photon pairs to allow sub-femtosecond resolution for measurement of both PMD and chromatic dispersion, as well as separation of even-order and odd-order chromatic effects in the PMD. Group delays can be measured with a resolution of order 0.1 fs, whereas attosecond resolution can be achieved for phase delays

    Temperature effects in low-frequency Raman spectra of corticosteroid hormones

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    Experimental Raman spectra of the corticosteroid hormones corticosterone and desoxycorticosterone are recorded at different temperatures (in the range of 30–310 K) in the region of low-frequency (15–120 cm−1) vibrations using a solid-state laser at 532.1 nm. The intramolecular vibrations of both hormones are interpreted on the basis of Raman spectra calculated by the B3LYP/6-31G(d) density functional theory method. The intermolecular bonds in tetramers of hormones are studied with the help of the topological theory of Bader using data of X-ray structural analysis for crystalline samples of hormones. The total energy of intermolecular interactions in the tetramer of desoxycorticosterone (−49.1 kJ/mol) is higher than in the tetramer of corticosterone (−36.9 kJ/mol). A strong intramolecular hydrogen bond O21-H⋯O=C20 with an energy of −42.4 kJ/mol was revealed in the corticosterone molecule, which is absent in the desoxycorticosterone molecule. This fact makes the Raman spectra of both hormones somewhat different. It is shown that the low-frequency lines in the Raman spectra are associated with skeletal vibrations of molecules and bending vibrations of the substituent at the C17 atom. The calculated Raman spectrum of the desoxycorticosterone dimer allows one to explain the splitting and shift of some lines and to interpret new strong lines observed in the spectra at low temperatures, which are caused by the intermolecular interaction and mixing of normal vibrations in a crystal cell. On the whole the calculated frequencies are in a good agreement with the experimental results

    Superconducting parallel nanowire detector with photon number resolving functionality

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    We present a new photon number resolving detector (PNR), the Parallel Nanowire Detector (PND), which uses spatial multiplexing on a subwavelength scale to provide a single electrical output proportional to the photon number. The basic structure of the PND is the parallel connection of several NbN superconducting nanowires (100 nm-wide, few nm-thick), folded in a meander pattern. Electrical and optical equivalents of the device were developed in order to gain insight on its working principle. PNDs were fabricated on 3-4 nm thick NbN films grown on sapphire (substrate temperature TS=900C) or MgO (TS=400C) substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering in an Ar/N2 gas mixture. The device performance was characterized in terms of speed and sensitivity. The photoresponse shows a full width at half maximum (FWHM) as low as 660ps. PNDs showed counting performance at 80 MHz repetition rate. Building the histograms of the photoresponse peak, no multiplication noise buildup is observable and a one photon quantum efficiency can be estimated to be QE=3% (at 700 nm wavelength and 4.2 K temperature). The PND significantly outperforms existing PNR detectors in terms of simplicity, sensitivity, speed, and multiplication noise

    The mathematical simulation of the temperature fields of building envelopes under permanent frozen soil conditions

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    The physical-mathematical model of the thermal state of the aired technical underground taking into account the air exchange and design features of construction under permanent frozen soil conditions has been suggested. The computational scheme of the temperature fields prediction of building envelopes of projected buildings and soil under and nearby buildings has been developed. The numerical simulation of the temperature fields of building envelopes changes was conducted during a year. The results of the numerical simulation showed that the heat coming from the technical undergrounds and through the walls does not influence the temperature field of the soil neither under a building nor at a distance from it

    Limits on diffuse fluxes of high energy extraterrestrial neutrinos with the AMANDA-B10 detector

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    Data from the AMANDA-B10 detector taken during the austral winter of 1997 have been searched for a diffuse flux of high energy extraterrestrial muon-neutrinos, as predicted from, e.g., the sum of all active galaxies in the universe. This search yielded no excess events above those expected from the background atmospheric neutrinos, leading to upper limits on the extraterrestrial neutrino flux. For an assumed E^-2 spectrum, a 90% classical confidence level upper limit has been placed at a level E^2 Phi(E) = 8.4 x 10^-7 GeV cm^-2 s^-1 sr^-1 (for a predominant neutrino energy range 6-1000 TeV) which is the most restrictive bound placed by any neutrino detector. When specific predicted spectral forms are considered, it is found that some are excluded.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter