6 research outputs found

    Cardiac biomarkers as predictors of severity and mortality in patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća (HOBP) spada u bolesti sa rastućom stopom morbiditeta i mortaliteta uprkos svim preventivnim strategijama koje se aktivno sprovode. S obzirom na to da se radi o bolesti hroničnog, progresivnog toka, periodi remisije i egzacerbacija, deo su njenog „prirodnog“ toka. Epizode egzacerbacija (pogoršanja) bolesti mogu zahtevati ambulantno ili pak hospitalno lečenje i značajno utiču na kvalitet života ali i smrtnost u ovoj populaciji bolesnika. Težina egzacerbacije odredjena je izmedju ostalog i uticajem pridruženih bolesti (komorbiditeta). U nekim slučajevima nije lako razgraničiti uticaj komorbiditeta na tok i ishod osnovne HOBP bolesti, naročito kada se simptomi i znaci pogoršanja preklapaju kao što je to slučaj sa pridruženim kardiovaskularnim bolestima. U većini ovakvih slučajeva potrebno je brzo i adekvatno zbrinjavanje pacijenata. Stoga su nam potrebne precizne metode dijagnostike kojima bi se na relativno brz način mogla izvršiti diferencijacija ovih pacijenata a samim tim i sprovodjenje odgovarajućeg nivoa lečenja. Kardijalni biomarkeri kao što su NT-proBNP i troponin I, pokazali su u dosadašnjim istraživanjima dobru korelaciju sa stepenom srčane insuficijencije i ishemije miokarda. S obzirom da egzacerbacija HOBP-a u nekom smislu predstavlja i kardiovaskularan dogadjaj s obzirom na hipoksemiju i povećan srčani napor, moguće je da se isti biomarkeri mogu koristiti i u predikciji stepena težine pogoršanja, odnosno mortaliteta. Primarni ciljevi ovog istraživanja su bili da se odredi uticaj kardijalnih biomarkera, NT-proBNP i troponin I markera, u odnosu na stepen pogoršanja (srednje teško ili teško) i ishod akutne egzacerbacije HOBP-a. Sekundarni cilj bilo je odredjivanje granične (cut-off) vrednosti NT-proBNP markera koja bi poredjeno sa ehokardiografskim nalazom ukazivala na disfunkciju isključivo „desnog srca“. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 209 pacijenata koji su zbog akutne egzacerbacije HOBP-a bili hospitalizovani u Institutu za plućne bolesti Vojvodine, u periodu od juna 2013. do oktobra 2014.godine. U odnosu na stepen težine pogoršanja HOBP-a, 44% pacijenata je imalo srednje teško, a 55% pacijenata teško pogoršanje osnovne bolesti. Vrednosti NT-proBNP markera pokazale su pozitivnu korelaciju u odnosu na ove procente. Prosečna vrednost NT-proBNP markera iznosila je 1589 pg/ml. Vrednosti NT-proBNP markera takodje su bile statistički značajne i u odnosu na ishod hospitalizacije (pozitivan ili negativan). Više vrednosti zabeležene su kod pacijenata sa negativnim odnosno smrtnim ishodom. Prema ehokardiografskim kriterijumima 60% pacijenata je imalo znake hroničnog plućnog srca. Vrednosti NT-proBNP markera bile su statistički značajno više kod pacijenata sa smanjenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore. Odredjena granična, tzv „cut off“ vrednost NT proBNP markera u diferencijaciji pacijenata sa HOBP-om i pridruženom insuficijencijom „levog srca“ je iznosila 1505 pg/l. Senzitivnost i specifičnost ovog testa su iznosile: 76,6% I 83,3%. Pozitivna (PPV) i negativna prediktivna (NPV) vrednost ovog testa su iznosile 57,14% i 92,4%. Istraživanje predstavlja detaljnu analizu slučajeva pacijenata u akutnoj egzacerbaciji HOBP-a na našoj teritoriji i moglo bi biti od koristi u boljem razumevanju difierencijalnodijagnostičkih problema vezano za navedenu populaciju pacijenata, naročito sa pridruženim kardiovaskularnim bolestima.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is still among diseases with an increasing rate of morbidity and mortality despite all preventive and actively involved treatment strategies. Considering that this is a disease with a chronic and progressive course, periods of reemission and exacerbation are inevitable part. Episodes of exacerbation of the disease may be treated ambulatory or in hospital which has significant influence on quality of life as and survival rate for this group of patience. Severity of exacerbation is defined, among other, by concomitant diseases. In some cases, it is hard to distinguish between symptoms and signs of basic disease and comorbidity. That is especially in the case of concomitant cardiovascular diseases. Most of these patients require adequate treatment as soon as possible due to severity of disease. There is a need for rapid and precise diagnostic approach to this problem. Cardiac biomarkers, NT/proBNP and troponin I, are well known biomarkers of cardiac insufficiency and ischemia. As the COPD exacerbation represents also a cardiovascular event due to increased cardiac stress and effort these biomarkers may be also used as markers of severity and mortality prediction. Primary goal of this research was to investigate the influenze of cardiac biomarkers on sverety and intrahospital mortality in pacients admitted to the hospital due to acute exacerbation of COPD. Secondary goal was to determined cut off value of NT/proBNP marker which will be significant in differentiation of patients with left heart failure at COPD exacerbation. We include 209 consecutive patients hospitalized at the Institute of Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodine due to acute exacerbation of COPD. There were 44% of patients with moderate an

    Cardiac biomarkers as predictors of severity and mortality in patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća (HOBP) spada u bolesti sa rastućom stopom morbiditeta i mortaliteta uprkos svim preventivnim strategijama koje se aktivno sprovode. S obzirom na to da se radi o bolesti hroničnog, progresivnog toka, periodi remisije i egzacerbacija, deo su njenog „prirodnog“ toka. Epizode egzacerbacija (pogoršanja) bolesti mogu zahtevati ambulantno ili pak hospitalno lečenje i značajno utiču na kvalitet života ali i smrtnost u ovoj populaciji bolesnika. Težina egzacerbacije odredjena je izmedju ostalog i uticajem pridruženih bolesti (komorbiditeta). U nekim slučajevima nije lako razgraničiti uticaj komorbiditeta na tok i ishod osnovne HOBP bolesti, naročito kada se simptomi i znaci pogoršanja preklapaju kao što je to slučaj sa pridruženim kardiovaskularnim bolestima. U većini ovakvih slučajeva potrebno je brzo i adekvatno zbrinjavanje pacijenata. Stoga su nam potrebne precizne metode dijagnostike kojima bi se na relativno brz način mogla izvršiti diferencijacija ovih pacijenata a samim tim i sprovodjenje odgovarajućeg nivoa lečenja. Kardijalni biomarkeri kao što su NT-proBNP i troponin I, pokazali su u dosadašnjim istraživanjima dobru korelaciju sa stepenom srčane insuficijencije i ishemije miokarda. S obzirom da egzacerbacija HOBP-a u nekom smislu predstavlja i kardiovaskularan dogadjaj s obzirom na hipoksemiju i povećan srčani napor, moguće je da se isti biomarkeri mogu koristiti i u predikciji stepena težine pogoršanja, odnosno mortaliteta. Primarni ciljevi ovog istraživanja su bili da se odredi uticaj kardijalnih biomarkera, NT-proBNP i troponin I markera, u odnosu na stepen pogoršanja (srednje teško ili teško) i ishod akutne egzacerbacije HOBP-a. Sekundarni cilj bilo je odredjivanje granične (cut-off) vrednosti NT-proBNP markera koja bi poredjeno sa ehokardiografskim nalazom ukazivala na disfunkciju isključivo „desnog srca“. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 209 pacijenata koji su zbog akutne egzacerbacije HOBP-a bili hospitalizovani u Institutu za plućne bolesti Vojvodine, u periodu od juna 2013. do oktobra 2014.godine. U odnosu na stepen težine pogoršanja HOBP-a, 44% pacijenata je imalo srednje teško, a 55% pacijenata teško pogoršanje osnovne bolesti. Vrednosti NT-proBNP markera pokazale su pozitivnu korelaciju u odnosu na ove procente. Prosečna vrednost NT-proBNP markera iznosila je 1589 pg/ml. Vrednosti NT-proBNP markera takodje su bile statistički značajne i u odnosu na ishod hospitalizacije (pozitivan ili negativan). Više vrednosti zabeležene su kod pacijenata sa negativnim odnosno smrtnim ishodom. Prema ehokardiografskim kriterijumima 60% pacijenata je imalo znake hroničnog plućnog srca. Vrednosti NT-proBNP markera bile su statistički značajno više kod pacijenata sa smanjenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore. Odredjena granična, tzv „cut off“ vrednost NT proBNP markera u diferencijaciji pacijenata sa HOBP-om i pridruženom insuficijencijom „levog srca“ je iznosila 1505 pg/l. Senzitivnost i specifičnost ovog testa su iznosile: 76,6% I 83,3%. Pozitivna (PPV) i negativna prediktivna (NPV) vrednost ovog testa su iznosile 57,14% i 92,4%. Istraživanje predstavlja detaljnu analizu slučajeva pacijenata u akutnoj egzacerbaciji HOBP-a na našoj teritoriji i moglo bi biti od koristi u boljem razumevanju difierencijalnodijagnostičkih problema vezano za navedenu populaciju pacijenata, naročito sa pridruženim kardiovaskularnim bolestima.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is still among diseases with an increasing rate of morbidity and mortality despite all preventive and actively involved treatment strategies. Considering that this is a disease with a chronic and progressive course, periods of reemission and exacerbation are inevitable part. Episodes of exacerbation of the disease may be treated ambulatory or in hospital which has significant influence on quality of life as and survival rate for this group of patience. Severity of exacerbation is defined, among other, by concomitant diseases. In some cases, it is hard to distinguish between symptoms and signs of basic disease and comorbidity. That is especially in the case of concomitant cardiovascular diseases. Most of these patients require adequate treatment as soon as possible due to severity of disease. There is a need for rapid and precise diagnostic approach to this problem. Cardiac biomarkers, NT/proBNP and troponin I, are well known biomarkers of cardiac insufficiency and ischemia. As the COPD exacerbation represents also a cardiovascular event due to increased cardiac stress and effort these biomarkers may be also used as markers of severity and mortality prediction. Primary goal of this research was to investigate the influenze of cardiac biomarkers on sverety and intrahospital mortality in pacients admitted to the hospital due to acute exacerbation of COPD. Secondary goal was to determined cut off value of NT/proBNP marker which will be significant in differentiation of patients with left heart failure at COPD exacerbation. We include 209 consecutive patients hospitalized at the Institute of Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodine due to acute exacerbation of COPD. There were 44% of patients with moderate an

    Association Between the Inflammatory Biomarkers and Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction in Patients with Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Nearly a quarter of patients with the exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease present with left ventricular systolic dysfunction which may be associated with mortality. Background: Cardiovascular diseases are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. The increased inflammatory biomarker levels predict exacerbations and are associated with cardiovascular diseases in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients but their role in the settings of acute chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations has not been determined. Aims: To analyse the association between inflammatory biomarkers and heart failure and also to determine the predictors of mortality in patients with exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Study Design: Prospective observational study. Methods: We analysed 194 patients admitted for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at The Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia. In all patients, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, N-terminal of the pro-hormone brain natriuretic peptide and white blood count were measured and transthoracic echocardiography was performed. Results: There were 119 men (61.3%) and the median age was 69 years (interquartile range 62-74). Left ventricular systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction <50%) was present in 47 (24.2%) subjects. Patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction had higher C-reactive protein levels (median 100 vs. 31 mg/L, p=0.001) and fibrinogen (median 5 vs. 4 g/L, p=<0.001) compared to those with preserved ejection fraction. The overall hospital mortality was 8.2% (16/178). The levels of C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide and ejection fraction predicted hospital mortality in univariate analysis. After adjusting for age, hypoxemia and C-reactive protein, ejection fraction remained significant predictors of hospital mortality (OR 3.89, 95% CI 1.05-15.8). Conclusion: Nearly a quarter of patients with the exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease present with left ventricular systolic dysfunction which may be associated with mortalit

    Allergic asthma and rhinitis comorbidity

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    PH CARE COVID survey: an international patient survey on the care for pulmonary hypertension patients during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the health care systems suspended their non-urgent activities. This included the cancellation of consultations for patients with rare diseases, such as severe pulmonary hypertension (PH), resulting in potential medication shortage and loss of follow-up. Thus, the aim of the study was to evaluate PH patient health status evolution, access to health care and mental health experience during the early phase of the pandemic. Methods We conducted an online patient survey, available in 16 languages, between 22/05/2020 and 28/06/2020. The survey included questions corresponding to demographic, COVID-19 and PH related information. Results 1073 patients (or relatives, 27%) from 52 countries all over the world participated in the survey. Seventy-seven percent (77%) of responders reported a diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension and 15% of chronic thromboembolic PH. The COVID-19 related events were few: only 1% of all responders reported a diagnosis of COVID-19. However, 8% of patients reported health deterioration possibly related to PH, and 4% hospitalization for PH. Besides, 11% of the patients reported difficulties to access their PH expert centre, and 3% interruption of treatment due to shortage of medication. Anxiety or depression was reported by 67% of the participants. Conclusion Although COVID-19 incidence in PH patients was low, PH related problems occurred frequently as the pandemic progressed, including difficulties to have access to specialized care. The importance of primary health care was emphasized. Further studies are needed to evaluate the long-term consequences of COVID-related PH care disruption