667 research outputs found
Salijski zakon i kazna kastracije
Lex Salica nastao je koncem V. stoljeÄa i vrijedio je za Salijske Franke. U tom vremenu nastajali su i drugi tzv. leges barbarorum, koji su svi zajedno predstavljali (kao i Lex Salica) važan izvor ranofeudalnog prava u zapadnoj Europi. Lex Salica sadržavao je obiÄajno pravo Salijskih Franaka, koje je državna vlast prihvatila, pa je imao važnost zakona. PonajviÅ”e odredaba sadržao je iz domene kazni biÄevanja, u dva sluÄaja poznavao je i tjelesnu kaznu kastriranja, doduÅ”e alternativno uz visoku novÄanu kaznu za koju treba pretpostaviti da je rob faktiÄki nije mogao platiti. Kazna kastriranja u Lex Salica bila je predviÄena samo za robove-muÅ”karce (dok je za slobodne ljude ova vrsta kazne bila strogo zabranjena) i to u sljedeÄa dva sluÄaja:
- Kada rob āobljubiā (pretpostavljamo nasilno) robinju drugoga gospodara, ako kao posljedica toga Äina nastupi smrt te robinje.
- Kad rob poÄini teÅ”ku kraÄu (obijanjem).
Iz postojeÄih zakonskih tekstova ne može se zakljuÄiti tko je nad ovim robovima obavljao sam Äin kastriranja
Tragovi zdravstvene kulture u starome KorÄulanskom statutu
KorÄulanski kodeks statutarnih propisa (iz 1214., 1265., 1271. i poslije) i Reformacija sadržavao je i zanimljive odredbe iz podruÄja zdravstvene kulture KorÄule toga vremena. U kategoriji mjera zaÅ”tite od Å”irenja kuge zabranjivao je kontaktiranje s osobama iz okuženih mjesta, ulazak u āokužene rijekeā i krajeve izvan KorÄule te ulazak u grad ljudi koji dolaze iz mjesta u kojima hara kuga. U kategoriji sanitarno-higijenskih mjera zabranjivao je zagaÄenje grada poslovanjem postolara i poslovima u vezi s kožom, držanje svinja u gradu te pranje robe u lokvama i striktno odreÄivao kako i gdje treba bacati gradsko smeÄe. Radi zaÅ”tite života i zdravlja ljudi od pripremanja otrova i trava, smatrao je teÅ”kim deliktom spremanje otrova od trava. Za sluÄaj da od toga nastupe teÅ”ke posljedice (smrt, gubitak svijesti ili kojega uda) za poÄinitelje je odreÄena kazna spaljivanja. Ako li pak nisu nastupile nikakve Å”tetne posljedice, vrstu i mjeru kazne odmjerava knez po slobodnoj ocjeni. U sluÄaju bijega poÄinitelja, odreÄen je trajni progon i zapljena cjelokupne imovine
Naturalised species from the genus Conyza Less. (Asteraceae) in Croatia
In this paper, the most recent state in the distribution of the American neophytes Conyza canadensis, C. bonariensis and C. sumatrensis (Asteraceae) in Croatia is presented. Conyza canadensis is believed to be one of the most widespread introduced species in the world. It arrived in the teritory of Croatia much before the beginning of the 19th century. A great number of new localities in Dalmatia and several new localities in the continental part of Croatia were registered in this investigation. The distribution of C. bonariensis in
Croatia is limited to the Adriatic littoral, from Istria in the north to Dubrovnik region in the south. Numerous new-discovered localities of C. sumatrensis in Dalmatia are presented. Since its first finding this neophyte has become well established and is now in the phase of
expanding in the Croatian littoral. C sumatrensis is a new species in the Croatian flora
Dopuna vaskularnoj flori otoka Krapnja (Ŕibenski arhipelag, Hrvatska)
The paper provides a list of 160 vascular plant taxa new for the flora of the island of Krapanj (Å ibenik archipelago), the outcome of research carried out in the period 2000 to 2004. These new taxa refer mainly to indigenous and naturalised (133 taxa) and less to cultivated plants (27 taxa). Together with the 270 taxa that have been published previously this makes a total of 430 taxa of vascular flora recorded for the island of Krapanj so far.
The great richness of the flora of this small island (0,36 km2) is explicable by the proximity of the mainland and diversity of habitats as well as the good population density.U radu se navodi popis od 160 svojti vaskularnih biljaka novih za floru otoka Krapnja (Å”ibenski arhipelag) zabilježenih tijekom istraživanja provedenog u razdoblju od 2000. do 2004. Od novozabilježenih svojti, veÄina su autohtone i naturalizirane biljke (133 svojti) a manji dio biljke koje dolaze u uzgoju (27 svojti). Zajedno s 270 prethodno zabilježenih svojti, dosad poznata vaskularna flora otoka Krapnja obuhva}a ukupno 430 svojti.
Veliko bogatstvo flore ovog malog otoka (0,36 km2) može se objasniti njegovim malom udaljenoÅ”Äu od kopna, velikom raznolikoÅ”Äu staniÅ”ta te brojnoÅ”Äu stanovnika
Ius sive Potentia: Pavle i Spinoza
This article is a part of a research project entitled Law as Potency, that, broadly put, investigates the relation between law and ontology. I argue, starting from St. Paul, that an ontological perspective can be understood as the possibility of justice, in a sense of a liberation of the human being. Thus, this paper offers an analysis of the concepts of potency and universality. Even though the term āuniversalismā is not explicitly mentioned, it is present in St. Paulās thinking and brought onto its practical consequences. In addition, Spinozaās reading of St. Paul opens up a possibility to challenge this concept to a concept of modern teleology. Therefore, I discuss the consequences of this confrontation in regard to law, politics and economics. This leads to an articulation of another modernity, where, perhaps, the universal appears as the affirmation of difference.Ovaj Älanak je deo istraživaÄkog projekta pod nazivom Zakon kao potencija, koji, u Å”irem smislu, istražuje odnos prava i ontologije. Tvrdim, polazeÄi od Sv. Pavla, da se ontoloÅ”ka perspektiva može shvatiti kao moguÄnost pravde, u smislu oslobaÄanja ljudskog biÄa. Stoga ovaj rad nudi analizu koncepata potencije i univerzalnosti. Iako termin āuniverzalizamā nije izriÄito pomenut, on je prisutan u miÅ”ljenju Sv. Pavla i doveden do svojih praktiÄnih posledica. Pored toga, Spinozino Äitanje Sv. Pavla otvara moguÄnost da se ovaj koncept iskuÅ”a konceptom moderne teleologije. Stoga raspravljam o posledicama ovog suÄeljavanja u pogledu zakona, politike i ekonomije. To dovodi do artikulacije druge modernosti, gde se, možda, univerzalno pojavljuje kao afirmacija razlike
Dopuna vaskularnoj flori otoka Krapnja (Ŕibenski arhipelag, Hrvatska)
The paper provides a list of 160 vascular plant taxa new for the flora of the island of Krapanj (Å ibenik archipelago), the outcome of research carried out in the period 2000 to 2004. These new taxa refer mainly to indigenous and naturalised (133 taxa) and less to cultivated plants (27 taxa). Together with the 270 taxa that have been published previously this makes a total of 430 taxa of vascular flora recorded for the island of Krapanj so far.
The great richness of the flora of this small island (0,36 km2) is explicable by the proximity of the mainland and diversity of habitats as well as the good population density.U radu se navodi popis od 160 svojti vaskularnih biljaka novih za floru otoka Krapnja (Å”ibenski arhipelag) zabilježenih tijekom istraživanja provedenog u razdoblju od 2000. do 2004. Od novozabilježenih svojti, veÄina su autohtone i naturalizirane biljke (133 svojti) a manji dio biljke koje dolaze u uzgoju (27 svojti). Zajedno s 270 prethodno zabilježenih svojti, dosad poznata vaskularna flora otoka Krapnja obuhva}a ukupno 430 svojti.
Veliko bogatstvo flore ovog malog otoka (0,36 km2) može se objasniti njegovim malom udaljenoÅ”Äu od kopna, velikom raznolikoÅ”Äu staniÅ”ta te brojnoÅ”Äu stanovnika
Novi prilog poznavanju vaskularne flore Nacionalnog parka Krka (Sjeverna Dalmacija, Hrvatska)
The most recent research of the vascular flora of the Krka National Park was conducted in the period from 2010 to 2015. 105 plant taxa, new for the flora of the Park, were recorded. Alongside 1080 previously recorded, the complete vascular flora of the Park now consists of more than 1180 taxa and represents more than 20 % of the total Croatian flora. Among the recorded taxa, five are endemic: Onosma stellulata, Ophrys liburnica, Peltaria alliacea, Thymus bracteosus and Vincetoxicum hirundinaria ssp. adriaticum. Five taxa are considered as threatened: Vaccaria hispanica (CR), Ophrys apifera (EN), Urtica pilulifera (EN), Orchis provincialis ssp. pauciflora (VU) and Orchis tridentata (VU). The most of non-native taxa, recorded in this study, are casual garden escapes but three of them are considered to be invasive plants in Croatia: Abutilon theophrasti, Datura innoxia and Solidago gigantea. In the upcoming period, special attention should be given to S. gigantea because of its possible spread in habitats along the river banks.Nova istraživanja vaskularne flore Nacionalnog Parka Krka obavljena su u razdoblju od 2010. do 2015. Zabilježeno je 105 vrsta i podvrsta novih za floru Parka. Zajedno s prethodno zabilježenim svojtama, ukupna flora u Parku je sada viÅ”e od 1180 svojti Å”to je viÅ”e od 20% ukupne flore Hrvatske. MeÄu novozabilježenim svojtama je pet endema: Onosma stellulata, Ophrys liburnica, Peltaria alliacea, Thymus bracteosus, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria ssp. adriaticum. Pet svojti ima jednu od kategorija ugroženosti: Vaccaria hispanica je kritiÄno ugrožena (CR), Ophrys apifera i Urtica pilulifera su ugrožene (EN), a Orchis provincialis ssp. pauciflora i Orchis tridentata su osjetljive svojte (VU). Od stranih svojti prevladavaju povremeni prebjezi iz kulture, ali su pronaÄene i tri svojte koje se smatraju invazivnima u Hrvatskoj (Abutilon theophrasti, Datura innoxia i Solidago gigantea). UoÄena je opasnost od moguÄeg invazivnog Å”irenja svojte S. gigantea na staniÅ”tima uz obale rijeke
Complexes of palladium(II) and platinum(II) as synthetic proteases
Selective cleavage of proteins is a common procedure in many biochemical applications ranging from standard protein sequencing to novel methods in proteomics and bioengineering. Few enzymes and synthetic reagents are available for this important task, but new chemical reagents with improved efficiency and adjustable selectivity are highly desired. Complexes of palladium(II) and platinum(II), two chemically similar transition-metal ions, are new reagents for selective cleavage of peptides and proteins. The cleavage by Pd(II) complexes, such as [Pd(H2O)4]2+ or cis-[Pd(en)(H 2O)2]2+, consistently occurs in weakly acidic aqueous solutions at the amide bond involving the N-terminus of the residue preceding histidine and methionine residues, i.e., the X-Y bond in the sequence segments X-Y-Met-Z and X-Y-His-Z, where X, Y, and Z are any non-coordinating residues. As pH is raised to neutral, the cleavage becomes sequence-specific---only the X-Pro bond in X-Pro-Met-Z and X-Pro-His-Z sequences is cleaved because of the unique interplay between the anchoring residue and the proline residue preceding it. The cleavage by Pt(II) complexes, such as cis-[Pt(en)(H 2O)2]2+, occurs exclusively at the peptide bond involving the C-terminus of methionine residues, i.e. the Met-Z bond;In studies with peptide substrates, we explain the exceptional proteolytic selectivity of Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes by identifying the hydrolytically-active modes in which these metal ions bind to the side chains of the anchoring residues and to the polypeptide backbone. The selectivity of cleavage originates in the selectivity of the coordination---under the reaction conditions, both methionine and histidine residues can bind to the Pd(II) reagents, whereas only methionine residue can bind to the Pt(II) reagent. The mechanism of cleavage originates in the modes of coordination---the anchored metal ion can approach the scissile peptide bond and activate it toward hydrolysis. The studies with protein substrates confirmed the cleavage pattern observed with peptides, and demonstrated that the Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes are well-suited for biochemical applications. The ability of these complexes to cleave proteins at relatively few sites, with explicable selectivity and good yields, bodes well for their growing use in biochemical and bioanalytical practice
Prilog vaskularnoj flori otoka Ŕibenskog arhipelaga (Dalmacija, Hrvatska)
The paper provides a list of 546 vascular plant taxa for which 855 new findings for the islands of the Å ibenik archipelago (Kaprije, Krapanj, Murter, Obonjan, PrviÄ, Zlarin and Žirje) were recorded. Of the total number of new findings, 254 refer to 158 taxa which, in the area researched, grow either in cultivation or demonstrate the ability to subspontaneously spread out of the cultivated area. The previously published records of Echium vulgare, Oxalis deppei and Vicia cracca for the islands of Å ibenik archipelago are based on a misidentification and actually refer to E. plantagineum, O. articulata and Vicia villosa ssp. varia. Therefore, E. vulgare, O. deppei and V. cracca have to be cancelled from the list of vascular plants occurring on the islands of Å ibenik archipelago but E. plantagineum, O. articulata and Vicia villosa ssp. varia have to be included.U radu se navodi popis koji sadrži 546 svojti vaskularne flore za koje je zabilježeno ukupno 855 novih nalaza za otoke Å”ibenskog arhipelaga: Kaprije, Krapanj, Murter, Obonjan, PrviÄ, Zlarin i Žirje. Od ukupnog broja novih nalaza, 254 je zabilježeno za 158 svojti koje na istraživanim otocima dolaze ili iskljuÄivo u kulturi ili pokazuju sposobnost subspontanog Å”irenja izvan uzgoja. U popis flore otoka Å”ibenskog arhipelaga treba ukljuÄiti svojte Echium plantagineum, Oxalis articulata i Vicia villosa ssp. varia, a izdvojiti svojte E. vulgare, O. deppei i V. cracca kojima su bile zamijenjene u nekim prethodno objavljenim radovima, zbog greÅ”ke u determinaciji
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