230 research outputs found
Eflornithine is Safer Than Melarsoprol for the Treatment of Second-Stage Trypanosoma Brucei Gambiense Human African Trypanosomiasis.
Patients with second-stage human African trypanosomiasis treated with eflornithine (n = 251) in 2003 in Kiri, southern Sudan, had an adjusted relative risk of death of 0.2 and experienced significantly fewer cutaneous and neurological adverse effects than did patients who were treated with melarsoprol in 2001 and 2002 (n = 708)
The Effects of Using Storytelling on Reading Comprehension Through Drama and Theater
This paper was written to determine the effect that storytelling, drama and theater have on reading comprehension . Past research has shown that integrating the arts in the core subjects results in higher academic achievements with students (Dickinson et al., 1997). Further research has shown that incorporating drama and theater in the curriculum help children to construct meaning in a real way (Furman, 2000). Storytelling in the classroom is also a way to get students actively involved in their learning. In this paper a four week curriculum was set up to determine if incorporating storytelling, drama and theater during the students reading time would increase their reading levels. A baseline Diagnostic Reading Assessment (DRA) was administered prior to implementing lessons. A final reading assessment was administered to determine any changes in the students\u27 reading levels
Collaborating with Black first-generation African youth for local career interventions
Recent job market trends show growth in attainment of educational opportunities for Black adults (Bureau of Labor Statistics; BLS, 2018). While this would typically be associated with higher levels of earning, there are still existing pay disparities for Black workers and other racial groups (BLS, 2018, Gould, 2020). Many researchers in vocational psychology have looked at the career journeys of marginalized individuals (e.g., Duffy, Blustein, Diemer, & Autin, 2016; Fouad & Kantamneni, 2013; Gottfredson, 1996; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994, 2000). The purpose of this study is to contribute the voices and advocacy of Black youth, a group of individuals directly involved by disparities in career outcomes. Participatory action research (PAR; Maguire, 1987; McIntyre, 2000) endeavors to collaborate with participants for solutions and take mutually agree upon action. The study was conducted over ten months and at this time, youth have begun to make observations about their context as being an important part of career decisions (Background as a Factor), how each school system has differing access to resources and policies (Separate and Kind of Equal-ish) and speaking to the school board committee about class curriculum and possible new resources (Making Their Impact). The current study provides a glimpse into how a more interactive research methodology may help create meaningful changes as the psychology field endeavors to strengthen career attainment for all students, including talented Black youth. Research and policy implications are discussed.Includes bibliographical references
Quelles sont les réalités de la santé psychosociale des femmes survivantes de violences sexuelles en contexte de conflits armés en Afrique ? Une revue systématique qualitative rapide
Contexte: De nombreux conflits armés sévissent en Afrique. Les locaux et civils se combattent afin d’avoir accès aux ressources naturelles et les divers minéraux dont le contient regorge (Leatherman, 2011). Ces conflits armés s’accompagnent d’une arme de guerre bien précise et dévastatrice : les violences sexuelles. Les femmes survivantes de violences sexuelles (FSVS) sont aux prises avec symptômes s’apparentant à l’état de stress post-traumatique et vivent de la stigmatisation sociale. Objectif : Le principal objectif de la présente étude est de cerner la réalité des FSVS en lien avec leur santé psychosociale en contexte de conflits armés ou plutôt de féminicide. Pour ce faire, un cadre de référence basé sur le cadre théorique des violences sexuelles comme arme de guerre et un cadre conceptuel de neuf catégories (Mukamana, 2018) du trauma lié aux violences sexuelles en contexte de génocide a été conceptualisé pour guider la revue. Méthodologie: Afin de procéder, une stratégie de recherche a été mise en place. Deux bases données ont été consultées : 1) Medline (n= 136); 2) APA PsychInfo (n=172). Après révision des critères d’inclusion et l’évaluation des critères de rigueur méthodologique des études selon le JBI Qualitative Assessment (2017), 17 articles ont été sélectionnés. L’extraction des données s’est faite au moyen du logiciel Covidence. La synthèse et l’interprétation des données a été réalisée avec le logiciel Nvivo12 en se basant sur une méthode développée par Harden et Thomas dans leur article Methods for the Thematic Synthesis of Qualitative Reseach in Systematic Reviews. La dernière étape de la méthodologie consiste en l’évaluation des résultats qui a été effectuée selon l’approche Grade CERQual. Résultats: 1) la santé psychosociale est vécue difficilement en lien avec les catégories du trauma lié aux violences sexuelles en contexte de féminicide, notamment les émotions accablantes et les souvenirs insupportables; 2) le vécu de la santé psychosociale en contexte de conflits armés en lien avec les facteurs sociaux est marqué par de la stigmatisation; 3) le cadre de référence invisibilise deux éléments : i) l’émergence d’une résilience chez les FSVS soutenue par la foi et la communauté; et, ii) des besoins institutionnels, éducatifs et communautaires; et, 4) la littérature ne comporte pas assez d’information afin de s’énoncer sur la perception des FSVS de l’imbrication des trois (3) systèmes du cadre de référence dans son influence éventuelle sur leur santé psychosociale.Intro: Africa has been marked with several armed conflicts in the past years. Locals and civils are combatting to have access to the natural resources available on the continent such as minerals (Leatherman, 2011) These armed conflicts often create favorable situations where a particular weapon of war is used against the population: wartime sexual violence. Women surviving wartime sexual violence are living with multiple trauma related consequences: post-traumatic stress symptoms and social stigma. Aim: Using an original framework based on the theory of wartime sexual violence as a weapon of war and the nine categories of genocide rape trauma by Mukamana et al (2018), this review aims to explore the psychosocial wellbeing of women surviving wartime sexual violence in Africa. Methods: This rapid qualitative systematic review followed the JBI Evidence Synthesis approach. Two data bases have been consulted as part of the search strategy: 1) Medline (n=136) and 2) APA PsychInfo (n=172). After the selection process, 17 articles have been selected to be included in the study according to our criteria of inclusion. Data extraction was done using Covidence. The synthesis and interpretation of results was based on Harden and Thomas (2008) method for thematic synthesis of qualitative research in systematic reviews using Nvivo 12. The results have been evaluated using Grade CERQual. Results: 1) women surviving wartime sexual violence are experimenting overwhelming feelings and unbearable memories the most; 2) psychosocial health is affected by stigmatization, which is guided by cultural norms; 3) our framework does not account for two elements: i) the resilience emerging for the women surviving wartime sexual violence that is based on their faith and support from their communities and ii) the needs for institutional and educational changes and 4) the literature does not have enough information on the perception of women surviving wartime sexual violence regarding the interrelation of the framework used in the study and their psychosocial health
Covid-19-ის საწინააღმდეგო ვაქცინისადმი უნდობლობა: აცრის გადაწყვეტილებასთან დაკავშირებული ბარიერები
One of the most effective ways to prevent Covid-19 is vaccination. Vaccine hesitancy and distrust is a global challenge. The aim of the research is to study the distrust of the vaccine against Covid-19 and the barriers preventing the decision to be vaccinated. A qualitative study using in-depth interviews was conducted with 10 respondents who were not vaccinated against Covid-19. Three main categories related to vaccination difficulties were identified: lack of confidence (in terms of effectiveness, safety), complacency (perception that the virus is not dangerous and does not harm us) and disadvantage (problem of availability of immunization services, time, distance, etc.) barriers). The effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine, the safety of the Covid-19 vaccine, the actual need for the vaccine and the availability of the vaccine were evaluated under these categories. results. Research has shown that people\u27s decision to vaccinate is influenced by distrust of its effectiveness and safety, and skepticism about the real need. At the same time, they are not unconditionally against and partially share the benefits of vaccination. However, they are not sure about the results of immunization. Doubt the safety of the vaccine created in a short period of time. The risk of side effects and adverse health effects is no less a cause for concern.კოვიდ-19-ის პრევენციის ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე ეფექტური გზა ვაქცინაციაა. ვაქცინისადმი ყოყმანი და უნდობლობა გლობალური გამოწვევაა. კვლევის მიზანია Covid-19-ის საწინააღმდეგო ვაქცინისადმი უნდობლობის და ვაქცინაციის გადაწყვეტილების მიღების შემაფერხებელი ბარიერების შესწავლა. 10 რესპონდენტთან, რომლებიც არ იყვნენ Covid-19-ის საწინააღმდეგო ვაქცინით აცრილნი, ჩატარდა თვისებრივი კვლევა სიღრმისეული ინტერვიუების გამოყენებით. გამოიყო სამი ძირითადი კატეგორია, რომელიც აცრის სირთულეებს უკავშირდება: ნდობის ნაკლებობა (ეფექტურობის, უსაფრთხოების მიმართ), თვითკმაყოფილება (აღქმა, თოთქოს ვირუსი საშიში არ არის და არ გვავნებს, ან სულაც არ დაგვემართება) და არახელსაყრელობა (იმუნიზაციის სერვისის ხელმისაწვდომობის პრობლემა, დროის, მანძილის და სხვა ბარიერები). ამ კატეგორიების მიხედვით შეფასდა Covid-19-ის საწინააღმდეგო ვაქცინის ეფექტურობა, Covid-19-ის საწინააღმდეგო ვაქცინის უსაფრთხოება, ვაქცინის რეალური საჭიროება და მისი ვაქცინის ხელმისაწვდომობა. შედეგები. კვლევამ აჩვენა, რომ ადამიანების ვაქცინაციის გადაწყვეტილებაზე გავლენას ახდენს მისი ეფექტურობისა და უსაფრთხოებისადმი უნდობლობა, რეალური საჭიროებისადმი სკეპტიკური დამოკიდებულება. ამასთანავე, ისინი არ არიან უპირობოდ წინააღმდეგი და ნაწილობრივ აცრის ბენეფიტებსაც იზიარებენ. თუმცა, არ არიან დარწმუნებულნი იმუნიზაციის შედეგებში. აეჭვებთ მოკლე დროში შექმნილი ვაქცინის უსაფრთხოება. გვერდითი ეფექტებისა და ჯანმრთელობაზე უარყოფითი გავლენის რისკიც არანაკლები შფოთვის მიზეზია
Factors Associated with COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Georgia
Objective: The prevention of Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) is most effectively achieved through vaccination. However, the issue of vaccine hesitancy and distrust is a challenge that is experienced globally. The objective of this research is to investigate the distrust of the COVID-19 vaccine and the barriers that prevent individuals from deciding to be vaccinated.
Material and Methods: This study utilized a qualitative research design, specifically in-depth interviews, to obtain data from respondents that have not yet received any COVID-19 vaccine.
Results: Three main categories relating to vaccination difficulties were identified: lack of confidence, complacency, and disadvantage. The lack of confidence pertains to concerns regarding the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. Complacency involves the perception that the virus is not harmful and does not pose a significant threat. Lastly, disadvantage encompasses the problem of the availability of immunization services, time, distance, and similar factors.
Conclusion: This research evaluated the effectiveness, safety, necessity, and availability of the COVID-19 vaccine under these categories. The findings of this study suggest that people’s decision to vaccinate is influenced by their distrust of the vaccine’s effectiveness and safety as well as their skepticism regarding the actual need for vaccination. These individuals are not entirely against vaccination and partially recognize its benefits. However, they are uncertain about the outcome of immunization and harbor doubts about the vaccine’s safety; particularly since it was developed in a relatively short period of time. Additionally, the possibility of side effects and adverse health effects were also a significant cause for concern
Élaboration d’un lexique numérique des principaux termes utilisés dans le programme Graphisme au Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup
Cette recherche de nature qualitative avait pour objectif général de faire avancer les enseignantes et les enseignants du programme Graphisme du Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup dans l’adoption d’une terminologie commune qui serait de nature à créer une meilleure cohésion dans le programme.
La problématique a permis de constater que l’utilisation de certains termes donnant lieu à plusieurs interprétations trouble la communication entre enseignants et apprenants. L’arrivée d’un nouveau programme en Graphisme permet au personnel enseignant de travailler au développement d’une compréhension commune du vocabulaire utilisé en Graphisme.
Le cadre de référence en didactique, développée par le secteur PERFORMA de l’Université de Sherbrooke, a orienté cette recherche scientifique. Cette base de connaissances adaptée à l’enseignement collégial a permis d’encadrer cet essai et de trouver une solution au problème rencontré.
Les fondements de cette recherche s’appuient donc sur une démarche de nature didactique qui offre des solutions documentées pour définir et présenter ces termes sans équivoque. L’utilisation du wiki pour l’élaboration du lexique numérique, apporte une solution collaborative pour documenter les termes posant problème afin de coconstruire une représentation commune chez le personnel enseignant du programme Graphisme au Cégep de Rivière-du-
Estrategias para mejorar la recaudación tributaria en la municipalidad provincia de Chota
En el Perú se han implementado varios mecanismos legales de
recaudación de tributos, estas herramientas legales se han descentralizado a los
diferentes niveles de gobierno, pero que hasta la actualidad se observa muchas
falencias en los mismos. Esta investigación tomó como objetivo básico determinar
estrategias para mejorar la recaudación tributaria en la Municipalidad Provincial
de Chota. La misma corresponde a un estudio descriptivo, con diseño no
experimental; tomándose como unidad de análisis la Gerencia de Administración
y Finanzas de la Municipalidad Provincial de Chota; que tendrá como sujetos
informantes un (01) Jefe, un (01) Asistente, un (01) Auxiliar, de la Unidad de
Administración Tributaria; dos (02) Recaudadores, del Departamento de
Recaudación; dos (02) Fiscalizadores, del Departamento de Fiscalización; un (01)
Ejecutor Coactivo, dos (02) Auxiliares, del Departamento de Ejecución Coactiva.
Los métodos utilizados en la presente investigación están centrados en el
método cualitativo y cuantitativo ya que utilizamos procedimientos de recaudación
y cálculos monetarios por cada tributo que ingresa a la Municipalidad. Para
obtener la información pertinente, se aplicó como técnica de recolección de datos
la observación, análisis documental, entrevista estructurada. Teniendo como
herramienta de recolección de fundamentos, una guía de observación, fichas de
resúmenes además una guía de entrevista prediseñada de 16 preguntas. Los
resultados obtenidos permitieron deducir, que verdaderamente se necesita
implementar estrategias innovadoras de esta manera se alcance los fines
planteados por la Municipalidad, extender los pocos recursos descentralizados y
ser una Municipalidad autogestionaria y productiva
Evaluación curricular del plan de estudio de las asignaturas fundamentales del ciclo básico y pre-clínico de la Licenciatura de doctor en Medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Panamá
Objetivo: La investigación tiene como propósito evaluar el plan de estudios de las asignaturas fundamentales del ciclo básico y pre-clínico y el nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes y profesores de los elementos del diseño curricular de la licenciatura de Doctor en Medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Panamá. Para ello se utilizó un estudio descriptivo, correlacional con enfoque mixto. Se evaluó el diseño curricular, los programas analíticos de las asignaturas fundamentales y los recursos materiales e infraestructura presentes. Se aplicaron encuestas a estudiantes y profesores. Resultados: Como elemento destacado podemos señalar que el diseño curricular presenta todos los elementos; los programas analíticos muestran heterogeneidad en su diseño y no contienen objetivos específicos; hay una baja correspondencia entre los objetivos generales de las asignaturas, los objetivos curriculares y el perfil de egreso por competencias con un coeficiente de correlación de Pearson de 0.64. Conclusiones: Esto nos permitió considerar que los resultados fueron aceptables, sugiriendo que el plan de estudios vigente debe reformular los objetivos de las asignaturas para lograr alcanzar los objetivos curriculares y el perfil de egreso por competencias. No existe un plan de modernización, mantenimiento y renovación de la planta física del campu
Capturing the Practices, Challenges, and Needs of Transportation Decision-Makers
Transportation decision-makers from government agencies play an important
role in addressing the traffic network conditions, which in turn, have a major
impact on the well-being of citizens. The practices, challenges, and needs of
this group of practitioners are less represented in the HCI literature. We
address this gap through an interview study with 19 practitioners from
Transports Qu\'ebec, a government agency responsible for transportation
infrastructures in Qu\'ebec, Canada. We found that this group of
decision-makers can most benefit from research about data analysis tools and
platforms that (1) provide information to support data quality awareness, (2)
are interoperable with other tools in the complex workflow of the
practitioners, and (3) support intuitive and customizable visual analytics.
These implications can also be informative to the design of tools supporting
other decision-making tasks and domains.Comment: 7 pages, 0 figures, ACM CHI LBW Paper (2020). For personas created in
the project, see https://github.com/HCDLab/TDMPersona
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