4,068 research outputs found

    Evidence of microhabitat overlap between juvenile of introduced salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and the native fish Trichomycterus areolatus in the Allipén River, Chile

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    Juveniles del salmón Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) introducido en el sur de Chile han sido observados co-ocurriendo con peces nativos en el río Allipén, Chile. Con objeto de identificar las potenciales implicancias ecológicas de esta invasión sobre la fauna íctica nativa, durante el verano y otoño de los años 2007-2008, se determinaron las preferencias y grado de solapamiento de microhábitat entre el salmón Chinook y el pez nativo bagre, Trichomycterus areolatus. Las preferencias y grado de solapamiento de microhábitat entre el salmón Chinook y el bagre se determinaron utilizando el método incremental para la asignación de caudales mínimos y el índice Pianka. En ambas especies, las preferencias de microhábitat variaron estacionalmente mostrando además un alto grado de similitud y solapamiento (mayor al 80%). Los resultados obtenidos sugieren una potencial interacción negativa entre el salmón Chinook y el bagre a través de una segregación interactiva por hábitat. De este modo, el actual proceso de invasión del salmón Chinook en el sur de Chile representaría una amenaza para la estabilidad de las poblaciones de bagre en el río Allipén

    Development of a correlated Fe‐Mn Crust stratigraphy using Pb and Nd isotopes and its application to paleoceanographic reconstruction in the Atlantic

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    Eight ferromanganese crust samples spanning the complete depth range of Tropic Seamount in the north‐east Atlantic were analysed for Pb and Nd isotopes to reconstruct water mass origin and mixing over the last 75 Ma. Pb isotopes were determined by LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS, which enables the rapid production of large, high spatial‐resolution datasets. This makes it possible to precisely correlate stratigraphy between different samples, compare contemporaneous layers, and create a composite record given the abundance of hiatuses in crusts. Pb and Nd isotope data show the influence of various oceanic and continental end‐members in the north‐east Atlantic Ocean. This reflects its evolution from a restricted, isolated basins in the Late Cretaceous with influxes from the Tethys Ocean, to an increasingly well‐mixed, large‐scale basin, with a dominant Southern Ocean signature until the Miocene. Less‐radiogenic Nd isotope signatures suggest Labrador Sea Water influenced the north‐east Atlantic basin as early as 17‐15 Ma, flowing through a northern route such as the Charlie‐Gibbs Fracture Zone. Pb and Nd isotopes highlight the increasing influence of Saharan aeolian dust input about 7 Ma, imparting a less‐radiogenic excursion to the binary mixing between North Atlantic water masses and riverine discharge from West and Central Africa. This highlights the influence of aeolian dust input on the open ocean Pb and Nd budget, and supports an early stage of North African aridification in the Late Miocene. This signature is overprinted about 3 Ma to the present by a strong North Atlantic Deep Water signature following the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation

    Distribution and kinematics of the HCN(3-2) emission down to the innermost region in the envelope of the O-rich star W Hya

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    We report high angular resolution observations of the HCN (3-2) line emission in the circumstellar envelope of the O-rich star W Hya with the Submillimeter Array. The proximity of this star allows us to image its molecular envelope with a spatial resolution of just ~40 AU, corresponding to about 10 times the stellar diameter. We resolve the HCN (3-2) emission and find that it is centrally peaked and has a roughly spherically symmetrical distribution. This shows that HCN is formed in the innermost region of the envelope (within ~10 stellar radii), which is consistent with predictions from pulsation-driven shock chemistry models, and rules out the scenario in which HCN forms through photochemical reactions in the outer envelope. Our model suggests that the envelope decreases steeply in temperature and increases smoothly in velocity with radius, inconsistent with the standard model for mass-loss driven by radiative pressure on dust grains. We detect a velocity gradient of ~5 km/s in the NW--SE direction over the central 40 AU. This velocity gradient is reminescent of that seen in OH maser lines, and could be caused by the rotation of the envelope or by a weak bipolar outflow.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ

    Density-enhanced gas and dust shells in a new chemical model for IRC+10216

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    A new chemical model is presented for the carbon-rich circumstellar envelope of the AGB star IRC+10216. The model includes shells of matter with densities that are enhanced relative to the surrounding circumstellar medium. The chemical model uses an updated reaction network including reactions from the RATE06 database and a more detailed anion chemistry. In particular, new mechanisms are considered for the formation of CN-, C3N- and C2H-, and for the reactions of hydrocarbon anions with atomic nitrogen and with the most abundant cations in the circumstellar envelope. New reactions involving H- are included which result in the production of significant amounts of C2H- and CN- in the inner envelope. The calculated radial molecular abundance profiles for the hydrocarbons C2H, C4H and C6H and the cyanopolyynes HC3N and HC5N show narrow peaks which are in better agreement with observations than previous models. Thus, the narrow rings observed in molecular microwave emission surrounding IRC+10216 are interpreted as arising in regions of the envelope where the gas and dust densities are greater than the surrounding circumstellar medium. Our models show that CN- and C2H- may be detectable in IRC+10216 despite the very low theorised radiative electron attachment rates of their parent neutral species. We also show that magnesium isocyanide (MgNC) can be formed in the outer envelope through radiative association involving Mg+ and the cyanopolyyne species.Comment: Accepted for publication in May 2009 edition of Ap

    Optical properties of highly n-doped germanium obtained by in situ doping and laser annealing

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    High n-type doping in germanium is essential for many electronic and optoelectronic applications especially for high performance Ohmic contacts, lasing and mid-infrared plasmonics. We report on the combination of in situ doping and excimer laser annealing to improve the activation of phosphorous in germanium. An activated n-doping concentration of 8.8  ×  1019 cm−3 has been achieved starting from an incorporated phosphorous concentration of 1.1  ×  1020 cm−3. Infrared reflectivity data fitted with a multi-layer Drude model indicate good uniformity over a 350 nm thick layer. Photoluminescence demonstrates clear bandgap narrowing and an increased ratio of direct to indirect bandgap emission confirming the high doping densities achieved

    Atomic Diagnostics of X-ray Irradiated Protoplanetary Disks

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    We study atomic line diagnostics of the inner regions of protoplanetary disks with our model of X-ray irradiated disk atmospheres which was previously used to predict observable levels of the NeII and NeIII fine-structure transitions at 12.81 and 15.55mum. We extend the X-ray ionization theory to sulfur and calculate the fraction of sulfur in S, S+, S2+ and sulfur molecules. For the D'Alessio generic T Tauri star disk, we find that the SI fine-structure line at 25.55mum is below the detection level of the Spitzer Infrared Spectrometer (IRS), in large part due to X-ray ionization of atomic S at the top of the atmosphere and to its incorporation into molecules close to the mid-plane. We predict that observable fluxes of the SII 6718/6732AA forbidden transitions are produced in the upper atmosphere at somewhat shallower depths and smaller radii than the neon fine-structure lines. This and other forbidden line transitions, such as the OI 6300/6363AA and the CI 9826/9852AA lines, serve as complementary diagnostics of X-ray irradiated disk atmospheres. We have also analyzed the potential role of the low-excitation fine-structure lines of CI, CII, and OI, which should be observable by SOFIA and Herschel.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    The effect of transmucosal 0.2mg/kg Midazolam premedication on dental anxiety, anaesthetic induction and psychological morbidity in children undergoing general anaesthesia for tooth extraction

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    <b>Background:</b> The project aims were to evaluate the benefit of transmucosal Midazolam 0.2mg/kg pre-medication on anxiety, induction behaviour and psychological morbidity in children undergoing general anaesthesia (GA) extractions. <b>Method:</b> 179 children aged 5-10 years (mean 6.53 years) participated in this randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial. Ninety children had Midazolam placed in the buccal pouch. Dental anxiety was recorded pre operatively and 48 hours later using a child reported MCDAS-FIS scale. Behaviour at anaesthetic induction was recorded and psychological morbidity was scored by the parent using the Rutter Scale pre-operatively and again one-week later. Subsequent dental attendance was recorded at one, three and six months after GA. <b>Results:</b> Whilst levels of mental anxiety did not reduce overall, the most anxious patients demonstrated a reduction in anxiety after receiving midazolam premedicationmay (p=0.01). Neither induction behaviour nor psychological morbidity improved. Irrespective of group, parents reported less hyperactive (p= 0.002) and more prosocial behaviour (p=0.002) after the procedure:;, older children improved most (p=0.048), Post GA Dental attendance was poor and unrelated to after the procedure and unaffected by premedication. <b>Conclusion:</b> 0.2mg/kg buccal Midazolam provided some evidence for reducing anxiety in the most dentally anxious patients. However, induction behaviour, psychological morbidity and subsequent dental attendance were not found to alter between the premedication groups

    Surgical cyst decortication in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

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    PURPOSE: To provide a summary of the relevant literature regarding the impact of surgical cyst decortication on hypertension, renal function, and pain management in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). METHODS: Data collection was conducted via a Medline search using the subject headings autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, surgery, decortication, and marsupialization. Additional reports were derived from references included within these articles. RESULTS: Despite a trend for improved blood pressure control after cyst decortication in some studies, this cumulative review of the literature did not provide consistent evidence supporting the role of this procedure in blood pressure management in patients with ADPKD. Surgical cyst decortication was associated with renal deterioration in a subset of patients with compromised baseline renal function but did not otherwise appear to have a significant impact on renal function in the majority of studies reviewed. Improvement in chronic pain after this procedure was ubiquitously reported across all studies examined. CONCLUSIONS: Despite a potential role in blood pressure management in the setting of ADPKD, surgical cyst decortication has not been definitively shown to alleviate hypertension in this clinical setting. Renal function does not appear to improve following this surgery. Patients with compromised baseline renal function appear to be at increased risk for further deterioration in renal function after cyst decortication, although the role of this procedure in altering the natural trajectory of renal failure in this patient subset needs further investigation. Cyst decortication is highly effective in the management of disease-related chronic pain for the majority of patients with ADPKD, providing durable pain relief in this patient population

    KISS1R : hallmarks of an effective regulator of the neuroendocrine axis

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    Kisspeptin (KP) is now well recognized as a potent stimulator of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion and thereby a major regulator of the neuroendocrine-reproductive axis. KP signals via KISS1R, a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that activates the G proteins Gαq/11. Modulation of the interaction of KP with KISS1R is therefore a potential new therapeutic target for stimulating (in infertility) or inhibiting (in hormone-dependent diseases) the reproductive hormone cascade. Major efforts are underway to target KISS1R in the treatment of sex steroid hormone-dependent disorders and to stimulate endogenous hormonal responses along the neuroendocrine axis as part of in vitro fertilization protocols. The development of analogs modulating KISS1R signaling will be aided by an understanding of the intracellular pathways and dynamics of KISS1R signaling under normal and pathological conditions. This review focuses on KISS1R recruitment of intracellular signaling (Gαq/11- and β-arrestin-dependent) pathways that mediate GnRH secretion and the respective roles of rapid desensitization, internalization, and recycling of resensitized receptors in maintaining an active population of KISS1R at the cell surface to facilitate prolonged KP signaling. Additionally, this review summarizes and discusses the major findings of an array of studies examining the desensitization of KP signaling in man, domestic and laboratory animals. This discussion highlights the major effects of ligand efficacy and concentration and the physiological, developmental, and metabolic status of the organism on KP signaling. Finally, the potential for the utilization of KP and analogs in stimulating and inhibiting the reproductive hormone cascade as an alternative to targeting the downstream GnRH receptor is discussed.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (RGPIN/327334-2011), National Research Foundation and Medical Research Council of South Africa, and the Universities of Pretoria and Cape Town.http://www.karger.com/Journal/Home/223855hb201