177 research outputs found

    CS Lines Profiles in Hot Cores

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    We present a theoretical study of CS line profiles in archetypal hot cores. We provide estimates of line fluxes from the CS(1-0) to the CS(15-14) transitions and present the temporal variation of these fluxes. We find that \textit{i)} the CS(1-0) transition is a better tracer of the Envelope of the hot core whereas the higher-J CS lines trace the ultra-compact core; \textit{ii)} the peak temperature of the CS transitions is a good indicator of the temperature inside the hot core; \textit{iii)} in the Envelope, the older the hot core the stronger the self-absorption of CS; \textit{iv)} the fractional abundance of CS is highest in the innermost parts of the ultra-compact core, confirming the CS molecule as one of the best tracers of very dense gas.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, In press in Ap

    Intermediate-mass hot cores at 500 AU: disks or outflows?

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    Observations with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer in the most extended configuration toward two intermediate-mass star-forming regions, IRAS22198+6336 and AFGL5142, reveal the presence of several complex organic molecules at ~500 AU scales, confirming the presence of hot cores in both regions. The hot cores are not rich in CN-bearing molecules, as often seen in massive hot cores, and are mainly traced by CH3CH2OH, (CH2OH)2, CH3COCH3, and CH3OH, with additionally CH3CHO, CH3OD and HCOOD for IRAS22198+6336, and C6H, and O13CS for AFGL5142. The emission of complex molecules is resolved down to sizes of ~300 and ~600 AU, for IRAS22198+6336 and AFGL5142, respectively, and most likely is tracing protostellar disks rather than flattened envelopes or toroids as usually found. This is specially clear for the case of IRAS22198+6336, where we detect a velocity gradient for all the mapped molecules perpendicular to the most chemically rich outflow of the region, yielding a dynamic mass >4 Msun. As for AFGL5142, the hot core emission is resolved into two elongated cores separated 1800 AU. A detailed comparison of the complex molecule peaks to the new CO(2-1) data and H2O maser data from literature suggests that also for AFGL5142 the complex molecules are mainly associated with disks, except for a faint and extended molecular emission found to the west, which is possibly produced in the interface between one of the outflows and the dense surrounding gas.Comment: ApJ letters, in press; references and typos adde

    VLA Observations of the Infrared Dark Cloud G19.30+0.07

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    We present Very Large Array observations of ammonia (NH3) (1,1), (2,2), and CCS (2_1-1_0) emission toward the Infrared Dark Cloud (IRDC) G19.30+0.07 at ~22GHz. The NH3 emission closely follows the 8 micron extinction. The NH3 (1,1) and (2,2) lines provide diagnostics of the temperature and density structure within the IRDC, with typical rotation temperatures of ~10 to 20K and NH3 column densities of ~10^15 cm^-2. The estimated total mass of G19.30+0.07 is ~1130 Msun. The cloud comprises four compact NH3 clumps of mass ~30 to 160 Msun. Two coincide with 24 micron emission, indicating heating by protostars, and show evidence of outflow in the NH3 emission. We report a water maser associated with a third clump; the fourth clump is apparently starless. A non-detection of 8.4GHz emission suggests that the IRDC contains no bright HII regions, and places a limit on the spectral type of an embedded ZAMS star to early-B or later. From the NH3 emission we find G19.30+0.07 is composed of three distinct velocity components, or "subclouds." One velocity component contains the two 24 micron sources and the starless clump, another contains the clump with the water maser, while the third velocity component is diffuse, with no significant high-density peaks. The spatial distribution of NH3 and CCS emission from G19.30+0.07 is highly anti-correlated, with the NH3 predominantly in the high-density clumps, and the CCS tracing lower-density envelopes around those clumps. This spatial distribution is consistent with theories of evolution for chemically young low-mass cores, in which CCS has not yet been processed to other species and/or depleted in high-density regions.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by ApJ. Please contact the authors for higher resolution versions of the figure

    Water destruction by X-rays in young stellar objects

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    We study the H2O chemistry in star-forming environments under the influence of a central X-ray source and a central far ultraviolet (FUV) radiation field. The gas-phase water chemistry is modeled as a function of time, hydrogen density and X-ray flux. To cover a wide range of physical environments, densities between n_H = 10^4-10^9 cm^-3 and temperatures between T = 10-1000 K are studied. Three different regimes are found: For T < 100 K, the water abundance is of order 10^-7-10^-6 and can be somewhat enhanced or reduced due to X-rays, depending on time and density. For 100 K < T < 250 K, H2O is reduced from initial x(H2O) ~ 10^-4 following ice evaporation to x(H2O) ~ 10^-6 for F_X > 10^-3 ergs s-1 cm^-2 (t = 10^4 yrs) and for F_X > 10^-4 ergs s^-1 cm^-2 (t = 10^5 yrs). At higher temperatures (T > 250 K) and hydrogen densities, water can persist with x(H2O) ~ 10^-4 even for high X-ray fluxes. The X-ray and FUV models are applied to envelopes around low-mass Class 0 and I young stellar objects (YSOs). Water is destroyed in both Class 0 and I envelopes on relatively short timescales (t ~ 5000 yrs) for realistic X-ray fluxes, although the effect is less prominent in Class 0 envelopes due to the higher X-ray absorbing densities there. FUV photons from the central source are not effective in destroying water. The average water abundance in Class I sources for L_X > 10^27 ergs s^-1 is predicted to be x(H2O) < 10^-6.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Will fire danger be reduced by using Solar Radiation Management to limit global warming to 1.5°C compared to 2.0°C

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from American Geophysical Union (AGU) via the DOI in this record.The commitment to limit warming to 1.5°C as set out in the Paris Agreement is widely regarded as ambitious and challenging. It has been proposed that reaching this target may require a number of actions, which could include some form of carbon removal or Solar Radiation Management in addition to strong emission reductions. Here we assess one theoretical solution using Solar Radiation Management to limit global mean warming to 1.5°C above pre‐industrial temperatures, and use the McArthur fire danger index to evaluate the change in fire danger. The results show that globally fire danger is reduced in most areas when temperatures are limited to 1.5°C compared to 2.0°C. The number of days where fire danger is ‘high’ or above is reduced by up to 30 days per year on average, although there are regional variations. In certain regions, fire danger is increased, experiencing 31 more days above ‘high’ fire danger.This work was supported by the European Commission‟s 7th Framework Programme (EU/FP7) under Grant Agreement 603864 (HELIX), and the Joint UK BEIS/Defra Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme (GA01101)

    Lunar Mining: Designing a Robust Robotic Mining System

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    The annual NASA Robotic Mining Challenge: Lunabotics tasks teams with building robots capable of traversing and mining simulated Lunar terrain. The competition goal is to utilize automation and sensing alongside mechanical systems to harvest icy regolith (gravel) from beneath the satellite’s surface. This year, Utah Student Robotics sought to improve upon the design from last year. The 2019-2020 rover is based on proven NASA concepts, such as the RASSOR 2.0 digging drum, and the Rocker-Bogie mobility platform

    Combining information from multiple flood projections in a hierarchical Bayesian framework

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    This study demonstrates, in the context of flood frequency analysis, the potential of a recently proposed hierarchical Bayesian approach to combine information from multiple models. The approach explicitly accommodates shared multi-model discrepancy as well as the probabilistic nature of the flood estimates, and treats the available models as a sample from a hypothetical complete (but unobserved) set of models. The methodology is applied to flood estimates from multiple hydrological projections (the Future Flows Hydrology dataset) for 135 catchments in the UK. The advantages of the approach are shown to be: 1) to ensure adequate ‘baseline' with which to compare future changes; 2) to reduce flood estimate uncertainty; 3) to maximise use of statistical information in circumstances where multiple weak predictions individually lack power, but collectively provide meaningful information; 4) to diminish the importance of model consistency when model biases are large; and 5) to explicitly consider the influence of the (model performance) stationarity assumption. Moreover, the analysis indicates that reducing shared model discrepancy is the key to further reduction of uncertainty in the flood frequency analysis. The findings are of value regarding how conclusions about changing exposure to flooding are drawn, and to flood frequency change attribution studies. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    A Cluster Randomised Trial Introducing Rapid Diagnostic Tests into Registered Drug Shops in Uganda: Impact on Appropriate Treatment of Malaria

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    Background: Inappropriate treatment of malaria is widely reported particularly in areas where there is poor access to health facilities and self-treatment of fevers with anti-malarial drugs bought in shops is the most common form of care-seeking. The main objective of the study was to examine the impact of introducing rapid diagnostic tests for malaria (mRDTs) in registered drug shops in Uganda, with the aim to increase appropriate treatment of malaria with artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) in patients seeking treatment for fever in drug shops. Methods: A cluster-randomized trial of introducing mRDTs in registered drug shops was implemented in 20 geographical clusters of drug shops in Mukono district, central Uganda. Ten clusters were randomly allocated to the intervention (diagnostic confirmation of malaria by mRDT followed by ACT) and ten clusters to the control arm (presumptive treatment of fevers with ACT). Treatment decisions by providers were validated by microscopy on a reference blood slide collected at the time of consultation. The primary outcome was the proportion of febrile patients receiving appropriate treatment with ACT defined as: malaria patients with microscopically-confirmed presence of parasites in a peripheral blood smear receiving ACT or rectal artesunate, and patients with no malaria parasites not given ACT. Findings: A total of 15,517 eligible patients (8672 intervention and 6845 control) received treatment for fever between January-December 2011. The proportion of febrile patients who received appropriate ACT treatment was 72·9% versus 33·7% in the control arm; a difference of 36·1% (95% CI: 21·3 – 50·9), p<0·001. The majority of patients with fever in the intervention arm accepted to purchase an mRDT (97·8%), of whom 58·5% tested mRDT-positive. Drug shop vendors adhered to the mRDT results, reducing over-treatment of malaria by 72·6% (95% CI: 46·7– 98·4), p<0·001) compared to drug shop vendors using presumptive diagnosis (control arm). Conclusion: Diagnostic testing with mRDTs compared to presumptive treatment of fevers implemented in registered drug shops substantially improved appropriate treatment of malaria with ACT

    Imaging of Light-Enhanced Extracellular Vesicle-Mediated Delivery of Oxaliplatin to Colorectal Cancer Cells via Laser Ablation, Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid bilayer structures released by all cells that mediate cell-to-cell communication via the transfer of bioactive cargo. Because of the natural origin of EVs, their efficient uptake by recipient cells, capacity to stabilize and transport biomolecules and their potential for cell/tissue targeting and preferential uptake by cancer cells, they have enormous potential for bioengineering into improved and targeted drug delivery systems. In this work, we investigated the use of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) as a tool to measure the loading of platinum-based chemotherapeutic agents. The EV loading of oxaliplatin via co-incubation was demonstrated, and LA-ICP-MS imaging showed greater efficiency of delivery to colorectal cancer cells compared to free oxaliplatin, leading to enhanced cytotoxic effect. Further, the impact of EV co-loading with a porphyrin (C5SHU, known as ‘C5’) photosensitizer on oxaliplatin delivery was assessed. Fluorescence analysis using nano-flow cytometry showed dose-dependent EV loading as well as a trend towards the loading of larger particles. Exposure of OXA-C5-EV-treated colorectal cancer cells to light indicated that delivery was enhanced by both light exposure and porphyrins, with a synergistic effect on cell viability observed between oxaliplatin, EVs and light exposure after the delivery of the co-loaded EVs. In summary, this work demonstrates the utility of LA-ICP-MS and mass spectrometry imaging in assessing the loading efficiency and cellular delivery of platinum-based therapeutics, which would also be suitable for agents containing other elements, confirms that EVs are more efficient at delivery compared to free drugs, and describes the use of light exposure in optimizing delivery and therapeutic effects of EV-mediated drug delivery both in combination and independently of porphyrin-based photosensitizers

    Preclinical evaluation of a semi-automated and rapid commercial electrophoresis assay for von Willebrand factor multimers

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    BackgroundThe von Willebrand factor (VWF) multimer test is required to correctly subtype qualitative type 2 von Willebrand disease (VWD). The current VWF multimer assays are difficult, nonstandardized, and time-consuming. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical utility of the commercial VWF multimer kit by Sebia (Lisses, France), an electrophoresis technique yielding same-day results. MethodsTen healthy volunteer plasma samples, in-house reference plasma (IRP) and commercial normal plasma (CNP) samples, 10 plasma samples from patients with a known VWD type, 1 hemophilia A plasma sample, and 7 external quality assurance (EQA) samples were analyzed using the commercial VWF multimer kit. Additional coagulation testing included measurements of VWF antigen (VWF:Ag), VWF activity (VWF:Ac), and FVIII activity (FVIII:C). ResultsThe CNP results revealed a relative loss of the highest molecular weight multimers; therefore, IRP was preferred as the reference sample. The interpretations of 10 patients with a known VWD type could be successfully reproduced and agreed with previous VWF multimer results. In all EQA surveys, the multimer results and final VWD diagnosis agreed with expert opinion. ConclusionsThe VWF multimer assay by Sebia is easy to perform and can be successfully implemented in any clinical laboratory for second-stage evaluation of VWD. The resolution power of multimer distribution is adequate to correctly classify VWD types 1, 2A, 2B, and 3.Peer reviewe