3 research outputs found

    Uticaj soli natrijuma na klijanje semena i razvoj klijanca ječma (Hordeum Vulgare L.), jare sorte Jadran

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    Study examines the effect of different soil concentrations of NaCl, NaHCO3 Na2CO3 and Na2SO4 on germination of H. vulgare L. (spring cultivar Jadran). The results indicate that germination and growth of germs in stress conditions caused by the sodium salt depend on type of salt and it’s concentration. In terms of toxicity manifested on seed germination, on length of radicle and length of hypocotyls of germinated seeds, we can line up all salt in a series of NaCl < Na2SO4 < NaHCO3 < Na2CO3.U radu je ispitivan toksični efekat koji imaju različite koncentracije rastvora soli NaCl, NaHCO3 Na2SO4 i Na2CO3 na klijanje semena H. vulgare L. (jara sorta Jadran). Rezultati su pokazali da klijanje i porast klice u uslovima stresa izazvanog solima natrijuma zavise od vrste soli i koncentracije. U pogledu toksičnosti ispoljene na klijavost semena, na dužinu korenka i dužinu hipokotila klijalih semena, sve soli možemo da poređamo u niz NaCl< Na2SO4 < NaHCO3 < Na2CO


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    In these investigations, the yield stability of 14 winter bread wheat genotypes were analyzed. The experimental part of the trial was performed at three locations (Kragujevac, Kruševac and Sombor) during 2013/2014. AMMI analysis of variance for grain yield showed that all sources of variation (genotype, environment, their interaction) had a significant effect on the expression of this complex trait. In the total variation of the experiment, the largest contribution had genotype/enviroment interaction, and genotype had the least. The most stable genotypes have been identified, which can be considered as a desirable genotypes, widely adapted to different agroecological conditions.Publishe