221 research outputs found

    Rekonstrukcija ženske odjeće u eneolitiku međuriječja Dunava, Drave i Save

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    Prema nekim idolima badenske i vučedolske kulture može se prilično vjerno rekonstruirati odjeća i obuća tog razdoblja. Materijali za njezinu izradu su bili životinjskog (vuna, koža) i biljnog porijekla (lan, konoplja). Obilje oblika i boja pokazuje da je odijevanje preraslo funkcionalnost i postalo ukras tijela i pokazatelj društvenog položaja

    Vučedolska "golubica" kao posuda

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    Ispitivanje raširenosti virusnih bolesti enzootskog potencijala kod divljih svinja (Sus scrofa) i analiza razlika u regionu centralne Srbije

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    U ovoj disertaciji ispitano je prisustvo i raširenost virusnih bolesti enzootskog potencijala kod divljih svinja kao i analiza rizika od širenja bolesti sa divljih na domaće svinje. )straživanjem su obuhvaćene divlje svinje iz 10 okruga centralne Srbije: beogradskog, borskog, braničevskog, moravičkog, pomoravskog, rasinskog, raškog, šumadijskog, zaječarskog i zlatiborskog. Za utvrđivanje prisustva virusnih bolesti kod divljih svinja ispitano je po 200 uzoraka krvnih seruma za svaku godinu u periodu od 2012. do 2014. na prisustvo specifičnih antitela protiv virusa reproduktivnog i respiratornog sindroma svinja (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus - PRRSV), Aujeckijeve bolesti (Pseudorabies virus - PRV), parvovirusa svinja (Porcine Parvovirus - PPV), cirkovirusa 2 svinja (Porcine Circovirus 2 - PCV2), virusa influence svinja (Swine Influenca Virus) i virusa transmisivnog gastroenteritisa/respiratornog Coronavirusa svinja (TGEV/PRCV). Ustanovljeno je da su Aujeckijeva bolest, parvoviroza i cirkoviroza tip 2 enzootske bolesti kod divljih svinja: prosečna seroprevalencija za tri godine je najviša za Aujeckijevu bolest (66%), zatim za PPV (47%) i PCV2 infekciju (16%). Ispitivanjem nivoa i odnosa )gG i )gM antitela, utvrđena je aktivna PCV2 infekcija u rasinskom i zlatiborskom okrugu. Budući da je serokonverzija kod mladih divljih svinja otkrivena tek u 2014. godini, pretpostavlja se da je u zlatiborski okrug PCV2 unet tek 2014. godine. Ispitivanjem krvnih seruma, ustanovljeno je da je populacija divljih svinja sa područja 10 ispitanih okruga slobodna od PRRS-a, influence svinje i TGE/PRCV infekcije. Za dokazivanje uzročnika navedenih bolesti, ispitano je 50 uzoraka organa divljih svinja koje su pokazivale znakove bolesti. PCR metodom dokazano je prisustvo genoma virusa Aujeckijeve bolesti kod 13 divljih svinja. Na ćelijskoj liniji PKͳͷ, virus je izolovan iz 4 uzorka. Filogenetskom analizom nukleotidnih sekvenci za tri gena, us4, us9 i ul49,5, utvrđena je srodnost virusa Aujeckijeve bolesti izolovanih iz domaćih životinja i divljih svinja, ali i različito poreklo ovih virusa. Uz to, ustanovljeno je da je virus Aujeckijeve bolesti izolovan iz divljih svinja najsličniji visokopatogenom Kaplan soju i da ne potiče od vakcinalnog Bartha soja. Na osnovu seroloških i virusoloških ispitivanja i podataka o starosti divljih svinja, pretpostavlja se da je infekcija virusom Aujeckijeve bolesti u braničevskom i zaječarskom okrugu u periodu uzorkovanja bila aktivna i uzrok ispoljenih znakova bolesti ȋdepresija, otežano disanje, gubitak straha od ljudi). )straživanjem odnosa pojave bolesti i gustine populacija divljih i domaćih svinja, utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija između seroprevalencije Aujeckijeve bolesti i gustine populacije divljih svinja. Pokazano je da, pored gustine populacije, pol i starost životinja utiču na pojavu Aujeckijeve bolesti što je u skladu sa različitim načinom života solitarnih mužjaka i ženki koje žive u grupama. Budući da su Aujeckijeva bolest, PPV i PCV2 infekcije dokazane kod divljih svinja, izvršena je analiza rizika od prenošenja uzročnika ovih bolesti sa divljih na domaće svinje. Visok rizik za širenje Aujeckijeve bolesti je utvrđen u borskom, raškom i zlatiborskom okrugu dok je rizik u ostalim okruzima srednji. Rizik od prenošenja PPV infekcije je visok za zaječarski okrug i srednji za ostala područja, dok je rizik od širenja PCV2 infekcije sa divljih na domaće svinje za sve okruge umeren. Rezultati ovog istraživanja predstavljaju doprinos poznavanju epizootiološke situacije kod divljih svinja, koja se, s obzirom na odsustvo influence svinja, TGE/PRCV infekcije i PRRS-a, i stabilno stanje Aujeckijeve bolesti, parvoviroze i cirkoviroze tip 2, u ispitivanom periodu može smatrati povoljnom

    Ispitivanja urodinamskih disfunkcija kod bolesnika sa multiplom sklerozom

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    Background/Aim. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disorder of the unknown origin leading to multifocal demyelization, axonal damage and the loss of the nervous tissue in various parts of the central nervous system. Most MS patients have decreased functionality of the bladder leading to various dysuria disorders during the course of the illness. However, in 2% of the cases dysuric problems are the first symptoms of the disease. Urodynamic testing could help to diagnose functional disorders of the lower urinary tract, which might not be otherwise possible by performing the standard invasive procedures or noninvasive scans, such us ultrasound, computed tomography or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Methods. Urodynamic testing - cystometry with electromyographic (EMG) potentials from the external anal sphincter (EAS), was performed in 34 patients (25 female and 9 male patients). Those patients fulfilled Mc Donald's multiple sclerosis criteria. The urodynamic values were compared to neurological signs and the present disease symptoms. Results. The MS patients with (27) and without (7) miction problems were tested. Detrusor hyperreflexia is the most common finding, present in 58.8% of the cases. More than a half of the patients have detrusor sphincter dissynergia. Conclusions. Urodynamic testing helps us to determine neurological disorders characteristics and to prepare an appropriate treatment plan. During the course of the disease different urodynamic disfunctions may occur as well as changes in the urinating functionality. The rationale for urodynamic testing in patients suffering from MS before any other treatment procedure is to confirm the diagnosis of dysuric disorders and to secure appropriate treatment.Uvod/Cilj. Multipla skleroza (MS) je hronično zapaljensko autoimuno oboljenje nepoznate etiologije koje dovodi do multifokalne demijelinizacije, oštećenja aksona i gubitka nervnog tkiva u različitim delovima centralnog nervnog sistema. Većina bolesnika sa multiplom sklerozom ima i poremećenu funkciju mokraćne bešike koja dovodi do različitih dizuričnih smetnji tokom trajanja bolesti. Samo kod 2% bolesnika ove smetnje su prvi simptom bolesti. Urodinamsko ispitivanje omogućava nam da postavimo dijagnozu funkcionalnih poremećaja donjeg urinarnog trakta, što uobičajenim invazivnim procedurama ili neinvazivnim snimanjima (ultrazvuk, kompjuterizovana tomografija ili funkcionalna magnetna rezonanca) često nije moguće ustanoviti. Metode. Urodinamsko ispitivanje - cistometrija i registrovanje elektromiografskih (EMG) potencijala sa spoljašnjeg analnog sfinktera (SAS) urađeno je kod 34 bolesnika (25 žena i 9 muškaraca), koji ispunjavaju Mc Donaldove dijagnostičke kriterijume za multiplu sklerozu. Dobijene vrednosti su upoređivane sa neurološkom simptomatologijom i znacima bolesti. Rezultati. Ispitivani su bolesnici sa (n = 27) i bez (n = 7) mikcionih tegoba. Hiperrefleksija detrusor bila je najčešći nalaz, prisutan čak kod 58,8% bolesnika. Više od polovine ovih bolesnika imalo je detrusor-sfinkter disinergiju. Zaključak. Urodinamsko ispitivanje može pomoći da se utvrde postojeći neurourološki poremećaji i na osnovu njih planira sprovođenje odgovarajućeg terapijskog plana. Tokom trajanja bolesti mogu se ustanoviti različiti oblici urodinamskih nalaza disfunkcije, kao i promena funkcije mokrenja. Razlog za sprovođenje urodinamskog ispitivanja kod bolesnika sa MS pre svake terapije bio bi postavljanje jasne dijagnoze dizuričnih poremećaja koja bliže određuje pravilnu i adekvatnu terapiju


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    The evolution of daily extreme precipitation from 1966 to 2013 in Vojvodina Region (Serbia) was investigated. We calculated trends of ten precipitation indices and tested their corresponding significances using the Student’s t-test for seven locations. The obtained results suggest that the climate of the northern and central parts of Vojvodina region becomes wetter in terms of precipitation magnitude and frequency, reflecting the characteristic of the central European regime, while the southernmost part of the region is drier, reflecting the characteristic of the Mediterranean regime. In addition, the results indicate an increase in the amount of precipitation in short time intervals. Positive annual trends are strongly influenced by the significant increase of autumn frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation. According to the correlation between extreme precipitation indices and atmospheric teleconnection patterns, it was found that the NAO has the strongest influence on precipitation intensity indices in spring and winter, while during winter it also affects the frequency of dry conditions. The EAWR pattern has a strong influence on the statistically significant positive autumn trends

    Risk assessment and risk management of contaminants in the feed to food chain

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    In feed production processes, factories usually produce different mixtures within the same production line. Consequently, remainders of the first-produced feed can stay in the system and be mixed with the following feed charge. This type of transfer (carry-over) is unavoidable in the production systems currently used, and thus, non-medicated feed can be contaminated with veterinary drugs present in a previously manufactured charge of medicated feed. The carry-over of veterinary medicinal products is associated with the risk of residues remaining in the tissues of treated animals at the time of slaughter and poses a health hazard to consumers. Producing safe feed and food products is, first and foremost, a question of good management practices at each stage of the feed and food chain, from primary production to final processing. Primary responsibility for feed safety rests with the feed business operator, who must ensure that all stages of production, processing and distribution under their control are carried out in accordance with relevant legislation, good manufacturing practice and principles contained in the HACCP system. Concrete steps for feed manufacturers to prevent drug carry-over are using one or more approved cleanout procedures of manufacturing equipment, such as cleaning, flushing or sequencing

    Estimation of photovoltaic power generation potential in Serbia based on irradiance, air temperature, and wind speed data

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    This study is devoted to the research of spatial-temporal variation of electricity generation from the kilowatt-peak photovoltaic system made of crystalline silicon solar cells. The research was conducted in the territory of Serbia using the model for estimation photovoltaic performances as a function of incident irradiance and module temperature. Preparation of input data and calculation of the final results was done within the geographical information system. Some of the required raster data, like solar irradiance and wind speed, were already available, while air temperature raster was created from discrete set of observed data using the regression-kriging model. Obtained results were presented in the form of raster maps that enabled further analysis and discussion about new findings. The analysis of seasonal variations reveals that during spring and summer months photovoltaic systems are producing up to 70% of total annual electricity yield. In terms of the spatial distribution, the most promising areas for electricity generation are located in the south part of Serbia and along main river valleys. In addition, discussion part addresses the issue of data imperfection caused by the accuracy of the selected model, as well as quality and availability of data series

    The presence of undesirable mould species on the surface of dry sausages

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    Transition from manufacture to the industrial way of meat production and processing, as well as contemporary concept of food quality and safety, have led to the application of starter cultures. Their application leads towards the streamlining of the production process in the desired direction, quality improvement and its harmonization, and thereby to its standardization. Application of moulds in the meat industry is based on positive effects of their proteolytic and lipolytic egzoenzymes which, as a consequence, leads to the creation of characteristic sensory properties ('flavor') of fermented products. Penicillium nalgiovense is a typical representative of moulds used in the production of fermented sausages-salamis from our region. Samples of 'zimska salama' (dry sausage), produced with Penicillium nalgiovense, were evaluated as hygienically unacceptable. Their sensory properties changed due to contamination of this mould during the ripening process. Micological analysis discovered the presence of Penicillium aurantiogriseum, which is a frequent mould contaminant in the meat industry. At the same time, thin layer chromatography revealed no possibility of metabolic activity of this mould in the creation of mycotoxins. However, the presence of this mould on the surface of 'zimska salama' is considered as undesirable due to formation of 'off flavor' in products. Such product is considered as hygienically unacceptable and cannot be used for the human consumption