43 research outputs found

    Biomechanical interactions between bone and metal-ceramic bridges composed of different types of non-noble alloys under vertical loading conditions

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the mechanical properties of three metal-ceramic bridges of different types of dental alloys and to present and evaluate the possible biomechanical interactions between a marginal bone and metal-ceramic bridges during vertical loading. The research was done as an experimental study. A mandible with an intact anterior region was used. The preparation of the remaining teeth for receiving three types of porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) restorations was performed. Vita VMK 95 was used for all three metal-ceramic restorations. These three metal-ceramic bridges composed of different alloys, nickel and non-nickel, served as different models: the Niadur-nickelferous model, the Wiron 99-nickel model and the Wirobond C-cobalt-chrome model. The maximum compressive strain of 5% for all three virtual models is observed in the region of central incisors. The Niadur model has the lowest mean strain (2.62%) in comparison with the other two models. The mean strain of Wiron 99 is lower, by 0.10%, than the mean strain of the Wirobond model. Biomechanical behavior of the presented models caused by the vertical-loading conditions is explained as an interaction between the marginal bone and the metal-ceramic bridges. All of them, nickel and non-nickel models, indicate a similar strain (deformation) distribution; however, from the biomechanical perspective, Niadur is more favorable than the other two materials

    Analiza deformacija donje vilice optičkom metrologijom

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    Background/Aim. New optical stereometric methods based on both contact and noncontact mechanisms for displacement measurement have become common methods in biomechanical behavior research of biomaterials, bone and soft tissue. The aim of this study was to register and measure possible deformations of the lower jaw (mandible) with the intact dental arch using optical metrology method. Methods. The system for full field measurement of deformations (strains) comprised of two digital cameras for a synchronized stereoview of the specimen, and the Aramis software. Results. The maximum mandibular bone strains were measured in the regions of the lower first premolar and the lower second molar. In the action force of 500 N simulated in the region of the first lower premolar the intensity of deformation was 86 Ī¼m. The value of maximum strain in the bone around the molars was 24 Ī¼m for the force of 500 N acting on the second lower molar. When it comes to premolars, 3-5 times stronger deformation was observed in the region of the first lower premolar, compared to the deformation values of the second lower premolar area. Conclusion. Under loading of the applied forces the measured strains were in the elastic deformation area, meanning that the dependence of force and deformity is linear. The highest values of strain measurements obtained by the optical method were found in the jaw bone tissue around the loading teeth, and the bony regions of the triangle and mental region. According to the obtained results from the Aramis processing software it can be concluded that this method is applicable in a variety of biomedical research.Uvod/Cilj. Nove optičke stereometrijske metode koje se zasnivaju na kontaktnim i nekontaktnim mehanizmima za merenje zapremine postaju uobičajene metode u istraživanju biomehaničkog ponaÅ”anja biomaterijala, koÅ”tanog i mekog tkiva. Cilj ove studije bio je da se optičkom metodom merenja registruju i izmere eventualne deformacije koÅ”tanog fundamenta donje vilice sa intaktnim zubnim nizom i da se, ujedno, prikažu mogućnosti primene optičke metrologije u istraživanjima u stomatologiji. Metode. Sistem za merenje deformacija ispitivane donje vilice sa intaktnim zubnim lukom obuhvatio je dve digitalne kamere koje obezbeđuju stereosinhronizovani prikaz primerka, i softver Aramis. Rezultati. Najveće deformacije koÅ”tanog tkiva donje vilice izmerene su u regionu donjeg prvog premolara i donjeg drugog molara. Pri delovanju sila od 500 N za region prvog donjeg premolara veličina deformacije bila je 86 Ī¼m. Vrednost maksimalne srednje deformacije u koÅ”tanom sistemu oko molara iznosila je 24 Ī¼m pri delovanju sile od 500 N na drugi donji molar. Kada su u pitanju premolari, 3-5 puta jače deformacije uočene su u regionu prvog donjeg premolara, nego u predelu drugog donjeg premolara. Zaključak. Prilikom delovanja primenjenih sila deformacije se nalaze u elastičnom deformacionom polju, a međusobna zavisnost sile i deformacije ima linearan karakter. Najveće vrednosti deformacija dobijene optičkom metodom merenja registruju se u koÅ”tanom tkivu donje vilice koja je u neposrednom kontaktu sa zubima koji se opterećuju, kao i u koÅ”tanim regionima zakutnjačkog trougla i bradnog (mentalnog) otvora. Na osnovu analize rezultata dobijenih primenom softvera Aramis može se reći da postoje mogućnosti primene ove metode u različitim biomedicinskim istraživanjima

    Učestalost i kvalitet punjenja kanala korena zuba kod odraslih osoba u Srbiji

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    Introduction Estimation of frequency and quality of root canal fillings is the way to evaluate endodontic treatment needs and success/failure rates of performed endodontic procedures. Objective The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and quality of root canal fillings and the frequency of apical periodontitis on endodontically treated teeth in a group of adult patients from Serbia. Methods In order to analyze the presence and quality of root canal fillings and the frequency of periapical radiolucencies on endodontically treated teeth, 3526 teeth were examined on orthopantomograms of 153 adult patients. Results Overall, 12.5% of examined teeth were root filled, and 51.8% of them had radiographic signs of apical periodontitis. The analysis of root fillings quality revealed the presence of more inadequate ones (55.9%). The frequency of apical periodontitis was significantly higher in teeth with inadequate than in those having adequate root canal obturation (72.2% and 25.9%, respectively). Conclusion The frequency of apical periodontitis on root-filled teeth in this group of patients was high, indicating a low success rate of performed endodotic procedures and high endodontic retreatment needs.Uvod Utvrđivanje učestalosti i kvaliteta punjenja kanala zuba jeste način da se procene potrebe za endodontskim lečenjem i stepen uspeha primenjenih endodontskih procedura. Cilj rada Cilj ovog rada je bio da se odrede učestalost i kvalitet punjenja kanala korena zuba, kao i učestalost apeksnih parodontitisa endodontski lečenih zuba kod odraslih pacijenata u Srbiji. Metode rada Radi utvrđivanja postojanja i kvaliteta punjenja kanala korena i učestalosti rasvetljenja u periapeksu endodontski lečenih zuba, analizirano je 3.526 zuba na ortopantomogramima 153 odrasle osobe. Rezultati Ukupno je endodontski lečeno 12,5% pregledanih zuba, od kojih je 51,8% imalo radiografske znake apeksnih parodontitisa. Analiza kvaliteta punjenja kanala pokazala je da je bilo viÅ”e neadekvatnih punjenja (55,9%). Učestalost apeksnih parodontitisa je bila značajno veća kod zuba s neodgovarajućim kanalnim opturacijama (72,2%) u odnosu na one s odgovarajućim punjenjem kanala korena (25,9%). Zaključak Kod ispitanih pacijenata utvrđena je visoka učestalost apeksnih parodontitisa zuba s punjenim kanalima korena, Å”to ukazuje na slabu uspeÅ”nost primenjenih endodontskih zahvata, kao i na potrebu za ponovljenim endodontskim lečenjem

    Biomehanički aspekt nastajanja dentalnih resorptivnih lezija u mačaka

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    Feline dental resorptive lesions affect more than one third of all adult domestic cats and continue to be an enigma in the veterinary dental science although different theories about the pathogenesis of these lesions have been proposed. Recently, a hypothesis was introduced that local mechanical trauma could be an important factor in the initiation of feline dental resorptive lesions and that there is a correlation between the occurrence of resorptive lesions and occlusal trauma in cats. The aim of this study was to analyze stress distribution in feline tooth during occlusal loading in order to accept or reject the hypothesis that dental resorptive lesions in cats might be caused by occlusal trauma. A solid model of feline tooth had to be created in order to perform the investigation. The idea was to gain data for tooth displacement (deformation) and stress and strain distribution under loading generally for any feline tooth using the finite element method. The results of the study contribute to the theory that occlusal overload might be one of the causes in multifactorial resorptive lesions in cats. Succession of tensile and compressive stresses and tooth displacement during occlusal loading might be a contributive factor in the pathogenesis of feline resorptive lesions. However, further research is required to confirm this statement.Dentalne resorptivne lezije kod mačaka su vrlo čest nalaz, i mogu se uočiti u viÅ”e od jedne trećine domaćih mačaka. One su i dalje enigma u veterinarskoj stomatologiji iako je do sada postavljeno mnogo teorija o njihovom nastanku. Nedavno je predložena hipoteza da je lokalna mehanička trauma veoma značajan faktor u inicijaciji dentalnih resorptivnih lezija u mačaka i da postoji veza između nastajanja lezija i postojanja okluzalne traume. Cilj ove studije je da se analizira distribucija napona i deformacija unutar bilo kog zuba mačke tokom okluzalnog opterećenja, kako bi se potvrdila ili odbacila hipoteza da je okluzalna trauma mogući etioloÅ”ki faktor u nastajanju dentalnih resorptivnih lezija u mačaka. Za sprovođenje ovog istraživanja bilo je potrebno krerirati matematički model bilo kog zuba mačke. Osnovna ideja je bila analizirati distribuciju napona i pomeranja tokom okluzalnog opterećenja pomoću metode konačnih elemenata. Rezultati ove studije daju doprinos teoriji da okluzalno preopterećenje može biti etioloÅ”ki faktor nastajanja dentalnih resorptivnih lezija u mačaka. Naizmenično smenjivanje zateznog i kompresionog napona u strukturama zuba tokom mastikacije može imati uticaja u patogenezi dentalnih resorptivnih lezija u mačaka

    Kompjutersko modeliranje specifičnih bioloŔko-strukturnih odlika zuba

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    Biomechanical experimental studies are often a subject of interest to many researchers. The results of such investigations give a full insight of complex structural behavior under loading, visualize potential material weaknesses and evaluate if mechanical factors play a substantial role in the pathogenesis of the lesions of the investigated biological structure. The use of FEM enables most of the researchers to abandon the experimental animal models and expand the investigation on computational models, analyzing stress and strain distribution as an indicator of structural biomechanical behavior. The aim of this paper was to present computational modeling of any (human or animal) intact tooth behavior under loading and evaluate the intact tooth stress and strain distribution pattern. For the investigation to be carried out a mathematical model of an intact tooth had to be created. The difference in stress concentration, when masticatory forces are acting lateraly comparing to the ones acting vertically, can be attributed to the basic mechanical principle of leverage which states that forces concentrate at or near the fulcrum. When subjected to lateral loading, tooth with its root acts as a simple lever that fulcrums near the cervical region. This paper offers the new approach in veterinary dental scientific research. Once when a mathematical model is made, it is possible by changing the parameters to investigate different clinical situations. With increasing popularity of veterinary dentistry, the FEM/computational analyses could became a useful tool in biomechanical veterinary dental research due to its noninvasiveness.Biomehanička eksperimentalna istraživanja pružaju potpuni uvid u kompleksno ponaÅ”anje bioloÅ”kih struktura pod opterećenjem, vizualizuju potencijalna slaba mesta u samom materijalu i analiziraju da li mehaničko opterećenje igra ulogu u nastajanju pojedinih patoloÅ”kih lezija. Primena MKE omogućuje istraživačima da napuste istraživanja na eksperimentalnim životinjama, i da se fokusiraju na kompjuterske modele i analizu distribucije napona i deformacija koji su pokazatelji biomehaničkog ponaÅ”anja strukture. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se prikaže ponaÅ”anje kompjuterskog modela intaktnog zuba nakon opterećenja i evaluira distribucija napona i deformacija. Da bi se sprovelo ovo istraživanje bilo je potrebno kreirati digitalni model bilo kog zuba (ljudskog ili životinjskog). Razlike u distribuciji napona kod lateralnog opterećenja u odnosu na vertikalno mogu se pripisati jednostavnom mehaničkom principu poluge, koji kaže da se sile koncentriÅ”u na mestu oslanjanja. Kada je zub izložen lateralnim silama, on se ponaÅ”a kao jednostavna poluga čiji je oslonac u cervikalnom delu. Ovaj rad unosi novi pristup u istraživanjima u veterinarskoj stomatologiji. Jednom izrađen model, omogućava da se menjanjem parametara ispituju i analiziraju različite kliničke situacije. Sa narastajućom popularnoŔću veterinarske stomatologije analize MKE mogu postati veoma koristan alat u biomehaničkim istraživanjima, posebno zbog svoje neinvazivnosti

    Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea patients using oral appliances: Our experiences

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    Background/Aim. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one of the most prevalent sleep disorders. It is recognized as a serious risk factor for car and workplace accidents due to daytime sleepiness, and factor for coronary heart diseases and stroke. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of oral appliances for mandibular advance in treating mild to moderate OSA. Methods. A total of 15 patients were included in this study, all diagnosed with mild or moderate OSA. Oral appliances were custom made for each patient in protrusive position at 50% of maximum mandibular advancement. The patients were given instructions not to sleep on their backs and avoid alcohol consumption during the study as these are the factors that can contribute to symptoms progression. Results. Complete and partial treatment success was achieve in 14 of the patients. Apnea-hypopnea index values were significantly lower (p < 0.05) at the end of a 6-month observation period compared to those at the treatment beginning. A great improvement in symptoms was observed, with daytime sleepiness index values significantly reduced already within the first month of the treatment. Conclusion. Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with oral appliances has proven successful. Patients were comfortable using oral appliances and were ready to wear them for prolonged period of time. Use of oral appliances is very common in the world and should not be discarded. They are also very comfortable, practical and affordable comparing to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) apparatus, not to mention surgery. Use of oral appliances is safe and very well tolerated, and ought to be offered to patients with OSA

    Identifikovanje karakteristika difuzije kroz gleđno tkivo zuba mačke oÅ”tećenog resorptivnim procesom

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    Various factors have been suggested in the pathogenesis of feline resorptive lesions, such as periodontal disease, dietary factors, mechanical stress, developmental tooth defects, breed and viral disease, although none of these factors have been definitively proven to be the direct cause. It was recently published that normally enamel in cats is significantly thinner at the cemento-enamel junction, and both enamel and dentine are significantly less mineralized than elsewhere on the tooth. However, it is still unclear what anatomical features of the tooth surface are associated with a predisposition for resorptive lesions, and what is the initiating cause for the clastic activity afterwards. The present study was undertaken with the aim to describe enamel properties of transport and distribution of organic molecules in intact feline teeth and teeth affected with resorptive lesions. The results indicate that damaged enamel is prone to a greater bilateral diffusion process, leading to continuous disruption of the enamel structure. Also, teeth that are subjected to occlusal stress are at greater risk of destruction because micro fractures produce disarrangements in feline dental tissue diffusion homeostasis. The relationship between these features with feline dental resorptive lesions requires further studies.U patogenezi dentalnih resorptivnih lezija u mačaka pominju se različiti etioloÅ”ki faktori kao Å”to su oboljenja parodontalnih tkiva, faktori načina ishrane, mehaničko opterećenje, defekti nastali u toku razvoja zuba i virusna oboljenja. Ni za jedan od navedenih faktora do sada nije potvrđeno da je direktan uzročnik lezija. Nedavno je objavljeno da je gleđ u mačaka na gleđno-cementnoj granici značajno tanja od ostale gleđi, kao i da su gleđ i dentin tog područja mnogo manje mineralizovani nego na ostalim delovima zuba. Ipak nije potvrđeno da li postoje i posebni anatomski delovi zuba koji imaju predispoziciju za nastajanje resorptivnih lezija i Å”ta je inicijalni faktor za kasnije aktiviranje odontoklasta. Istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se ispita distribucija i transport organskih molekula intaktne gleđi zuba mačke i gleđi koja je zahvaćena resorptivnim procesom. Rezultati istraživanja prikazuju da je oÅ”tećena gleđ podložnija intenzivnijem bilateralnom procesu difuzije, koja dovodi do kontinualnog oÅ”tećivanja strukture gleđi. Zubi koji su izloženi okluzalnom opterećenju su takođe pod većim rizikom od propadanja jer mikropukotine koje nastaju usled koncentracije napona uzrokuju poremećaj homeostaze dentalnih tkiva. Utvrđivanje povezanosti faktora difuzije i mehaničkog opterećenja zahteva dodatna istraživanja

    Mogućnosti protetske rehabilitacije skraćenog zubnog niza u pacijenata starije dobi

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    Introduction. Functional consequences of posterior tooth loss are multiple; late and inadequate rehabilitation lead to further collapse of stomatognathic system, which is especially distinct in elderly population. Aim of this paper is to present advantages and disadvantages of different modalities of prosthetic treatment of shortened dental arch in elderly patients. Treatment with overdentures are convenient in this population because it is non-invasive and reversible. Periodontal problems and root caries are main complications of this treatment, but denture relaying after extraction and easy conversion into complete dentures facilitate resolving this complications. Removable partial dentures are one of the mostly indicated treatments for shortened dental arch. They improve masticatory efficiency, but disadvantages are in inferior aesthetic characteristics and comfort. Mechanical failures can be avoid by detailed analyze and correct planning. Treatment of shortened dental arch with fixed partial denture with distal extension can be very convenient solution for elderly patient. Osseointegration process and implant treatment promises every day more in prosthetic rehabilitation of elderly. Relayed prosthetic rehabilitation is recommended, not because of longer process of ossteointegration, but because of delayed recovery of soft tissues and general health condition of elderly. Conclusion. Each of before mentioned therapy modalities have its advantages and disadvantages in meaning of technical procedure, duration in function, possible complications and patient's comfort and satisfaction. In elderly patients, possible complications are more complex; therefore treatment must be done quickly, efficiently, and having in mind patient's general and oral health condition, level of cooperation and economic status.Uvod. Funkcionalne posledice gubitka bočnih zuba su mnogobrojne i njihovo nepravovremeno i neadekvatno zbrinjavanje dovodi do daljeg uruÅ”avanja stomatognatnog sistema, koje je naročito izraženo kod pacijenata starije dobi. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se prikažu različite mogućnosti protetske terapije skraćenog zubnog niza i ukaže na njihove prednosti i nedostatke u protetskoj rehabilitaciji pacijenata starije dobi. Terapija supradentalnim protezama je podesan način lečenja kod ove populacije jer je neinvazivan i reverzibilan. Parodontalni problemi i karijes korena zuba su osnovne komplikacije ovakvog vida lečenja. Međutim podlaganje zubne nadoknade nakon ekstrakcije i laka konverzija u totalnu protezu olakÅ”avaju reÅ”avanje ovih komplikacija. Parcijalne proteze predstavljaju jedno od najčeŔće indikovanih reÅ”enja za skraćen zubni niz. One poboljÅ”avaju mastikatornu efikasnost, a nedostatak im je loÅ”iji estetski učinak i smanjeni komfor. Mehaničke komplikacije u tretmanu parcijalnim protezama se mogu izbeći detaljnom analizom i pravilnim dizajnom proteza. Tretman skraćenog zubnog niza fiksnim nadoknadama sa visećim članom može biti veoma pogodno i komforno reÅ”enje za pacijente starije dobi. Terapija implantatima i proces osteointegracije sve viÅ”e obećavaju u lečenju krezubih pacijenata starije dobi. Preporučuje se odložena protetska rehabilitacija ne zbog loÅ”ije osteointegracije već zbog produženog oporavka mekih tkiva i opÅ”teg zdravstvenog stanja pacijenata starije dobi. Zaključak. Brojni terapijski modalitet imaju svoje prednosti i nedostatke u smislu tehničkog izvođenja postupka, trajnosti nadoknade, mogućih komplikacija i pacijentovog komfora a samim tim i zadovoljstva. Kod pacijenata starije dobi, moguće komplikacije se usložnjavaju, a okluzalnu terapiju treba izvesti brzo, efikasno i u skladu sa opÅ”tim i oralnim stanjem zdravlja, stepenom saradnje sa pacijentom, ali i ekonomskim statusom

    Analyzing strain in samples with all-ceramic systems using the digital image correlation technique

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    Uvod/Cilj Studija je sprovedena da identifikuje maksimalnu deformaciju proizvedenu u uzorcima sastavljenim od polimetilmetakrilata, Å traumanĀ® implantata i tri vrste keramičkih sistema. Metode KoriŔćene su tri vrste eksperimentalnih modela izloženih spoljaÅ”njem opterećenju od 100 N, 300 N i 500 N i analiziranih uz pomoć metoda korelacije digitalnih slika. Modeli su bili sastavljeni od itrijum-cirkonije, e. maks. litijum disilikatne i hibridnih keramika Vita enamikĀ®, postavljenih na cilindrične dentalne implantantne sisteme Å traumanĀ® (4 Ɨ 10 mm) sa abatmentima pod pravim uglom. Rezultati Značajne razlike su otkrivene u vrednostima deformacija između uzoraka sa različitim keramičkim krunicama (p = 0,000). Ovo podrazumeva da su vrednosti deformacija zavisne od tipa keramičkog materijala. Vrednosti deformacija su zavisne i od regiona interesa (p = 0,000). Primena ANOVA testa je omogućila da se uoči interakcija između nezavisnih varijabli, meterijala keramičkih kruna i regiona od interesa, gde je takođe nađena statistički značajna razlika (p = 0,046). Ova činjenica ukazuje na to da vrednosti deformacija zavise od različite kombinacije tipa keramičkog materijala i regiona interesa. Najveće vrednosti deformacija su nađene na modelu Z (0,383 Ā± 0,015) u apikalnom regionu, dok su najmanje vrednosti deformacija nađene na modelu E (0,303 Ā± 0,015) u regionu srednje trećine. Zaključak IzveÅ”taj je pokazao maksimalne deformacije u apikalnim i marginalnim pravcima. Kada se razmatraju različite vrste keramika, najmanje deformacije su primećene ispod kruna Vita enamikĀ®, dok je najveća deformacija pronađena u uzorcima sa krunama itrijum-cirkonija.Introduction/Objective The study was conducted to identify the maximum strain generated in the samples composed of poly-methyl-methacrylate, StraumannĀ® implants, and three types of ceramic systems. Methods Three types of experimental models were used, loaded by external load of 100 N, 300 N, and 500 N and analyzed using the digital image correlation method. The models were composed of yttriastabilized zirconia, e.max lithium disilicate, and Vita EnamicĀ® hybrid ceramics, placed on the StraumannĀ® cylindrical dental implant systems (4 Ɨ 10 mm) with straight abutments. Results Significant differences in strain values between samples with different crown material groups were detected (p = 0.000). This suggests that strain values were dependent on the type of crown material. Strain values were also affected by the region of interest (p = 0.000). Application of two-way ANOVA enabled testing of the interaction effect between two independent variables, crown material and region of interest, where a significant difference was also found (p = 0.046). This indicates that strain values were also influenced by different combinations of material type and region of interest. The highest strain values were found for Z (0.383 Ā± 0.015) in the apical region, and the lowest for E (0.303 Ā± 0.015) in the middle region. Conclusion The study shows maximum strain in the apical and marginal directions. When considered various all-ceramics, we noticed the minimum strain below Vita EnamicsĀ®, while the maximum strain was found in samples with yttria-stabilized zirconia crown

    Analiza deformacija u uzorcima sastavljenim od keramičkih sistema primenom metode digitalne korelacije slika

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    Introduction/Objective The study was conducted to identify the maximum strain generated in the samples composed of poly-methyl-methacrylate, StraumannĀ® implants, and three types of ceramic systems. Methods Three types of experimental models were used, loaded by external load of 100 N, 300 N, and 500 N and analyzed using the digital image correlation method. The models were composed of yttriastabilized zirconia, e.max lithium disilicate, and Vita EnamicĀ® hybrid ceramics, placed on the StraumannĀ® cylindrical dental implant systems (4 Ɨ 10 mm) with straight abutments. Results Significant differences in strain values between samples with different crown material groups were detected (p = 0.000). This suggests that strain values were dependent on the type of crown material. Strain values were also affected by the region of interest (p = 0.000). Application of two-way ANOVA enabled testing of the interaction effect between two independent variables, crown material and region of interest, where a significant difference was also found (p = 0.046). This indicates that strain values were also influenced by different combinations of material type and region of interest. The highest strain values were found for Z (0.383 Ā± 0.015) in the apical region, and the lowest for E (0.303 Ā± 0.015) in the middle region. Conclusion The study shows maximum strain in the apical and marginal directions. When considered various all-ceramics, we noticed the minimum strain below Vita EnamicsĀ®, while the maximum strain was found in samples with yttria-stabilized zirconia crown.Uvod/Cilj Studija je sprovedena da identifikuje maksimalnu deformaciju proizvedenu u uzorcima sastavljenim od polimetilmetakrilata, Å traumanĀ® implantata i tri vrste keramičkih sistema. Metode KoriŔćene su tri vrste eksperimentalnih modela izloženih spoljaÅ”njem opterećenju od 100 N, 300 N i 500 N i analiziranih uz pomoć metoda korelacije digitalnih slika. Modeli su bili sastavljeni od itrijum-cirkonije, e. maks. litijum disilikatne i hibridnih keramika Vita enamikĀ®, postavljenih na cilindrične dentalne implantantne sisteme Å traumanĀ® (4 Ɨ 10 mm) sa abatmentima pod pravim uglom. Rezultati Značajne razlike su otkrivene u vrednostima deformacija između uzoraka sa različitim keramičkim krunicama (p = 0,000). Ovo podrazumeva da su vrednosti deformacija zavisne od tipa keramičkog materijala. Vrednosti deformacija su zavisne i od regiona interesa (p = 0,000). Primena ANOVA testa je omogućila da se uoči interakcija između nezavisnih varijabli, meterijala keramičkih kruna i regiona od interesa, gde je takođe nađena statistički značajna razlika (p = 0,046). Ova činjenica ukazuje na to da vrednosti deformacija zavise od različite kombinacije tipa keramičkog materijala i regiona interesa. Najveće vrednosti deformacija su nađene na modelu Z (0,383 Ā± 0,015) u apikalnom regionu, dok su najmanje vrednosti deformacija nađene na modelu E (0,303 Ā± 0,015) u regionu srednje trećine. Zaključak IzveÅ”taj je pokazao maksimalne deformacije u apikalnim i marginalnim pravcima. Kada se razmatraju različite vrste keramika, najmanje deformacije su primećene ispod kruna Vita enamikĀ®, dok je najveća deformacija pronađena u uzorcima sa krunama itrijum-cirkonija