16,964 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Raman scattering for simultaneous measurements of in-cylinder species

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    A technique for multi-species mole fraction measurement in internal combustion engines is described. The technique is based on the spontaneous Raman scattering. It can simultaneously provide the mole fractions of several species of N-2, O-2, H2O, CO2 and fuel. Using the system, simultaneous measurement of air/fuel ratio and burnt residual gas are carried out during the mixture process in a Controlled Auto Ignition (CAI) combustion engine. The accuracy and consistency of the measured results were confirmed by the measured air fuel ratio using an exhaust gas analyzer and independently calculated mole fraction values. Measurement of species mole fractions during combustion process has also been demonstrated. It shows that the SRS can provide valuable data on this process in a CAI combustion engine

    Structure of CdTe/ZnTe superlattices

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    The structure of CdTe/ZnTe superlattices has been analyzed through θ/2θ x‐ray diffraction, photoluminescence, and in situ reflection high‐energy electron diffraction (RHEED) measurements. Samples are found to break away from Cd_(x)Zn_(1−x)Te buffer layers as a consequence of the 6% lattice mismatch in this system. However, defect densities in these superlattices are seen to drop dramatically away from the buffer layer interface, accounting for the intense photoluminescence and high‐average strain fields seen in each of our samples. Observed variations in residual strains suggest that growth conditions play a role in forming misfit defects. This could explain discrepancies with calculated values of critical thickness based on models which neglect growth conditions. Photoluminescence spectra reveal that layer‐to‐layer growth proceeded with single monolayer uniformity, suggesting highly reproducible growth. Our results give hope for relatively defect‐free Cd_(x)Zn_(1−x)Te/Cd_(y)Zn_(1−y)Te superlattices with the potential for applications to optoelectronics offered by intense visible light emitters

    Experimental high-dimensional two-photon entanglement and violations of generalised Bell inequalities

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    Quantum entanglement plays a vital role in many quantum information and communication tasks. Entangled states of higher dimensional systems are of great interest due to the extended possibilities they provide. For example, they allow the realisation of new types of quantum information schemes that can offer higher information-density coding and greater resilience to errors than can be achieved with entangled two-dimensional systems. Closing the detection loophole in Bell test experiments is also more experimentally feasible when higher dimensional entangled systems are used. We have measured previously untested correlations between two photons to experimentally demonstrate high-dimensional entangled states. We obtain violations of Bell-type inequalities generalised to d-dimensional systems with up to d = 12. Furthermore, the violations are strong enough to indicate genuine 11-dimensional entanglement. Our experiments use photons entangled in orbital angular momentum (OAM), generated through spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC), and manipulated using computer controlled holograms

    Engaging Pictorial Images and Voice Prompts Interface Design Strategy to Create Easy to use banking ATM System Interfaces in Nigeria

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    The existing banking ATMs in Nigeria do not adequately cater for a variety of people with varying abilities and literacy levels despite the significant importance of ATM technological innovations in Nigeria, especially in the banking sectors. Illiterate and semiliterate Nigerians, representing about 40.33%, do not perceive the ATMs as useful or easy-to-use. The purpose of this case study was to identify strategies used by software developers of banking ATM systems in Nigeria to create easy-to-use banking ATM system interfaces in Nigeria. The technology acceptance model was adopted as the conceptual framework. One organization in Enugu, Nigeria was used for this study’s population. Data were collected through semi-structured, in-depth face-to-face interviews with nine banking ATM system interface developers and the analysis of 11 documents. Findings from the participants were validated through member checking. One major theme that emerged from data analysis was value of pictorial images and voice prompts in interface design, that encompass the use of: (a) pictorial images, and enhanced voice prompts with short transaction cycle, (b) voice feedback in users’ own language, (c) text-free user interface and extensive use of hand-drawn, and (d) graphics /imagery and voice as inputs. Strategies illustrated by the findings from this study may serve as a basis for positive economic development and social change in this area and may advance the use of other technology outlets that require easy-to-use system interfaces. Keywords: Banking ATM, pictorial images, Voice prompt, interface design, easy-to-use, ease of use, literacy levels. DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/8-1-0

    Understanding the Role of Relationship Maintenance in Enduring Couple Partnerships in Later Adulthood

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    Intimate relationships in later adulthood are understudied despite their positive association with health and well-being. This cross-sectional mixed methods study sought to redress this gap by investigating relationship maintenance in later adulthood. Our international sub-sample comprised 1,565 participants aged 55 + and in an ongoing relationship. Results from hierarchical multiple regression indicated that overall happiness with the relationship had the largest effect size on relationship maintenance, with 53% of the variance explained. Content analyses of open-ended questions identified companionship and laughter as some of the “best liked” aspects of the relationship. Housework/cooking and saying “I love you” were among the behaviors that made participants feel appreciated. Results illustrated the types of maintenance behaviors adults in later adulthood who are in enduring partnerships employ

    Strategic Sales Conversations As A Foundation For Effective Partnership Selling

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    This paper presents a new sales organization tool, strategic sales conversations, that can be used to enhance relationships with customers. Strategic sales conversations are an adaptation of strategic conversations in an inter- and intra- organizational context in which the selling firm is attempting to utilize open and honest communication to better understand the long-term needs of the buying organization.  A process model of strategic sales conversations is developed and its implications are discussed.&nbsp

    Perspectives on formation and properties of semiconductor interfaces

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    Recent progress in experimentally and theoretically understanding interfaces at the atomic level suggest that ultimate electronic systems may one day be fabricated on a single integrated chip. If such elements as Si VLSI processors, GaAs/AIAs integrated optoelectronic 10 devices, II-VI superlattice visible displays and high speed III-V processors are to be integrated, interface formation and in situ processing will be required at a level of sophistication well beyond what is available today. In this paper, we review recent developments in interface formation by both MOCVD and MBE. To illustrate the power of our diagnostic methods, the details of epitaxial interface formation on an atomic scale are reviewed for lattice matched systems (Ge/GaAs/AIAs) and epitaxial silicides (Ni/Si2/Si) as well as oxidation of silicon to form Si/SiO2 interfaces. New developments in using lattice mismatched superlattices with strained layers are discussed for CdTe/ZnTe. Additional complications of growing compound semiconductors on elemental substrates (e.g., anti-phase domains) are discussed for GaAs growth on Si(l00)

    There's more to life than O2_2: Simulating the detectability of a range of molecules for ground-based high-resolution spectroscopy of transiting terrestrial exoplanets

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    Within the next decade, atmospheric O2_2 on Earth-like M dwarf planets may be accessible with visible--near-infrared, high spectral resolution extremely large ground-based telescope (ELT) instruments. However, the prospects for using ELTs to detect environmental properties that provide context for O2_2 have not been thoroughly explored. Additional molecules may help indicate planetary habitability, rule out abiotically generated O2_2, or reveal alternative biosignatures. To understand the accessibility of environmental context using ELT spectra, we simulate high-resolution transit transmission spectra of previously-generated evolved terrestrial atmospheres. We consider inhabited pre-industrial and Archean Earth-like atmospheres, and lifeless worlds with abiotic O2_2 buildup from CO2_2 and H2_2O photolysis. All atmospheres are self-consistent with M2V--M8V dwarf host stars. Our simulations include explicit treatment of systematic and telluric effects to model high-resolution spectra for GMT, TMT, and E-ELT configurations for systems 5 and 12 pc from Earth. Using the cross-correlation technique, we determine the detectability of major species in these atmospheres: O2_2, O3_3, CH4_4, CO2_2, CO, H2_2O, and C2_2H6_6. Our results suggest that CH4_4 and CO2_2 are the most accessible molecules for terrestrial planets transiting a range of M dwarf hosts using an E-ELT, TMT, or GMT sized telescope, and that the O2_2 NIR and H2_2O 0.9 μ\mum bands may also be accessible with more observation time. Although this technique still faces considerable challenges, the ELTs will provide access to the atmospheres of terrestrial planets transiting earlier-type M-dwarf hosts that may not be possible using JWST.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Planetary Science Journa