48 research outputs found
Self-efficacy is one of the essential things that students need to have, especially in academic performance. Self-efficacy has several sources, one of which is verbal persuasion in the form of verbal encouragement. Verbal encouragement can increase individual beliefs about their ability to complete tasks. This experimental study aims to determine the effect of verbal encouragement on self-efficacy. The design used is a between-participant post-test only and conducted online. The sample of this study was 80 students of the Faculty of Psychology, Padjadjaran University, Bandung. The sample was randomly divided into two groups: The experimental group with verbal encouragement and the control group without intervention. Measurement of self-efficacy using two measuring instruments, General Self-efficacy Scale, which measures self-efficacy in general, and New General Self-efficacy Scale to measure self-efficacy more specifically, namely according to the research context. Data analysis using SPSS 26 and the results obtained based on the independent t-test showed that there was a significant effect of providing verbal encouragement on the level of self-efficacy of participants at p-value=0.0015 and p-value=0.000. This shows that giving verbal encouragement can increase the self-efficacy of participants who take tests, especially the Basic Indonesian Sign Language Quiz (BISINDO)
Generation of recombinant single-chain antibodies neutralizing the cytolytic activity of vaginolysin, the main virulence factor of Gardnerella vaginalis
Generated scFvs is the first example of recombinant single-chain antibodies with VLY-neutralizing activity produced in prokaryote expression system. G. vaginalis caused infections continue to be a world-wide problem, therefore neutralizing recombinant antibodies may provide novel therapeutic agents useful in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis and other diseases caused by G. vaginalis
Investigating the Wettability, Rheological, and Tribological Properties of Ammonium-Based Protic Ionic Liquids as Neat Lubricants for SteelâSteel and SteelâAluminium Contacts
This study aims to evaluate the tribological properties of two protic ionic liquids (PILs) under different tribological conditions as a sustainable alternative for mineral oil-based neat lubricants. The synthesis of PILs in this study uses a relatively simple and less expensive method. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy results help validate the synthesised PILsâ formation. Further, their physicochemical and tribological properties were investigated. The PILs as neat lubricants were tested on a ball-on-plate reciprocating tribometer using bearing steelâbearing steel and bearing steelâaluminium alloy friction pairs at 30 °C and 80 °C. The results show that the investigated PILs significantly reduced the coefficient of friction and wear. The dodecylamine-based PILs performed better in friction and wear reduction than the other investigated lubricants. The formation of the adsorption layer on the friction pairs was assumed to be the dominant friction and wear reduction mechanism
Pencurian Kendaraan Bermotor Roda Dua Yang Melibatkan Anak Sebagai Pelaku (Studi Di Polres Malang)
Pada skripsi ini, penulis mengangkat permasalahan mengenai Kajian Kriminologis
mengenai Tindak Pidana Pencurian Kendaraan Bermotor Roda Dua yang
Melibatkan Anak sebagai Pelaku di Kabupaten Malang. Kendaraan bermotor roda
dua merupakan mayoritas alat transportasi yang digunakan di Indonesia sehingga
dengan maraknya pencurian kendaraan bermotor dapat menimbulkan kerugian
bagi beberapa pihak serta menimbulkan keresahan masyarakat, terlebih apabila
pelaku dari pencurian kendaraan bermotor tersebut adalah anak di bawah umur.
Anak-anak dinilai masih bersifat labil dan mudah terpengaruh oleh hal-hal baru.
Anak dapat dimanfaatkan oleh orang dewasa untuk melakukan perbuatan
menyimpang yang dilarang oleh aturan hukum, salah satunya yaitu mencuri
kendaraan bermotor roda dua.
Berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas, skripsi ini mengangkat rumusan masalah: (1)
Apa saja yang menjadi faktor penyebab terlibatnya anak sebagai pelaku tindak
pidana pencurian kendaraan bermotor roda dua di Kabupaten Malang? (2)
Bagaimana upaya penanggulangan atas terlibatnya anak sebagai pelaku tindak
pidana pencurian kendaraan bermotor roda dua di Kabupaten Malang?
Kemudian jenis penelitian skripsi ini adalah penelitian yuridis empiris dengan
menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis sosiologis dan pendekatan kriminologis.
Sumber data yang digunakan antara lain data primer, data sekunder, dan data
tersier, yang kemudian dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara kepada
responden serta studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif
kualitatif, dengan menjelaskan hasil data secara merinci yang kemudian dianalisis
menggunakan teori yang sesuai dengan permasalahan.
Dari hasil penelitian dengan metode di atas, penulis memperoleh jawaban atas
permasalahan yang ada bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi anak melakukan tindak
pidana pencurian kendaraan bermotor roda dua terdiri dari faktor internal (faktor
psikis, faktor usia, dan faktor kerusakan moral), serta faktor eksternal (faktor
ekonomi, faktor keluarga, faktor pendidikan, faktor pergaulan, dan faktor
kurangnya pengawasan dan keamanan lingkungan). Upaya yang dilakukan oleh
UPPA Polres Malang antara lain: (1) Upaya Penal, dengan melalui prosedur sistem
peradilan pidana anak; (2) Upaya Non-Penal, dengan memperkuat patroli rutin,
melakukan sosialisasi kenakalan anak dan remaja di sekolah-sekolah dan pondok
pesantren, bekerja sama dengan Bhabinkamtibmas dan dengan desa, bekerja
sama dengan Telkom untuk pemasangan CCTV di wilayah rawan curanmor, serta
bekerja sama dengan tokoh masyarakat dan pemuda-pemuda desa. Untuk upaya
non-penal yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat antara lain: (1) Mengaktifkan
Siskamling (2) Meletakkan kendaraan bermotor roda dua di tempat yang aman (3)
Menciptakan lingkungan yang aman (4) Aktif melapor apabila terjadi suatuxi
kejahatan atau aktivitas yang mencurigakan (5) Menanamkan nilai-nilai positif dan
mendukung tumbuh kembang anak dengan seksama
Executivesâ personal tax behavior and corporate tax avoidance consistency
We analyze executivesâ (CEOs, CFOs, and Board Chairpersons) personal tax returns to investigate whether and how their personal tax behavior is associated with the tax avoidance of their firms. We develop various measures of executivesâ personal tax behavior that are related to their personal risk propensity, ethics, financial incentives, and awareness of tax planning opportunities and risks. Our empirical results show that CEOsâ and CFOsâ personal tax behavior is related both to nonconforming and conforming corporate tax avoidance. We find no such results for Board Chairpersons
Exposure to polystyrene nanoplastics reduces bacterial and fungal biomass in microfabricated soil models
Nanoplastics have been proven to induce toxicity in diverse organisms, yet their effect on soil microbes like bacteria and fungi remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we used micro-engineered soil models to investigate the effect of polystyrene (PS) nanospheres on Pseudomonas putida and Coprinopsis cinerea. Specifically, we explored the effects of increasing concentrations of 60 nm carboxylated bovine serum albumin (BSA) coated nanospheres (0, 0.5, 2, and 10 mg/L) on these bacterial and fungal model organisms respectively, over time. We found that both microorganisms could disperse through the PS solution, but long-distance dispersal was reduced by high concentrations. Microbial biomass decreased in all treatments, in which bacteria showed a linear dose response with the strongest effect at 10 mg/L concentration, and fungi showed a non-linear response with the strongest effect at 2 mg/L concentration. At the highest nanoplastics concentration, the first colonizing fungal hyphae adsorbed most of the PS nanospheres present in their vicinity, in a process that we termed the 'vacuum cleaner effect'. As a result, the toxicity effect of the original treatment on subsequently growing fungal hyphae was reduced to a growth level indistinguishable from the control. We did not find evidence that nanoplastics are able to penetrate bacterial nor fungal cell walls. Overall, our findings provide evidence that nanoplastics can cause a direct negative effect on soil microbes and highlight the need for further studies that can explain how the microbial stress response might affect soil functions