94 research outputs found

    Proposta di un framework per i Learning Analytics nel contesto accademico

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    In the last decades, learning analytics (LA) have been considered as one of the key emerging trend in higher education (Vassakis et al., 2018) and they have attracted a lot of attention among researchers and designers for their potential to address some of the major challenges in the academic sector (Bach, 2010). Despite the broad interest and implementation of LA processes, there remain numerous issues regarding the availabilityof developed and adaptable-to-the-context reference framework across Universities (Gaševi et al., 2015). Furthermore, scholars and practitioners have approached LA from a range of perspectives: it is necessary to define not only the aims of what could be achieved using LA but also what should be done to attain it. Generally, LA are considered as measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of learners’ data and their contexts, to optimize learning and the environments in which it occurs (Khalil and Ebner, 2016). Starting from this definition, and using an action research method, we propose an “extended” LA framework that puts learner and instructor at the centre of it.Negli ultimi decenni, i learning analytics (LA) sono stati interpretati come uno dei trend di maggiore importanza nell’ambito dell’istruzione universitaria (Vassakis et al., 2018) e hanno attratto l’attenzione di ricercatori e instructional designer per il loro potenziale nell’affrontare alcune delle principali sfide all’interno delle istituzioni accademiche (Bach, 2010). Nonostante l’interesse generale e l’implementazione di processi di LA, nelle università permangono numerosi problemi relativi alla disponibilità e allo sviluppo di modelli di riferimento adattabili ai diversi contesti (Gaševi et al., 2015). Inoltre, ricercatori e instructional designer hanno indagato i LA da una serie di prospettive: è necessario definire non solo gli obiettivi che si possono raggiungere usando i LA, ma anche ciò che dovrebbe essere fatto per raggiungere tali obiettivi. Generalmente, i LA sono considerati come misura, raccolta, analisi e reporting dei dati degli studenti e dei loro contesti, per ottimizzare l’apprendimento e gli ambienti in cui esso si verifica (Khalil and Ebner, 2016). Partendo da questa definizione e adottando il metodo della ricerca-azione, il paper propone un framework di LA “esteso” che metta al centro lo studente e il docente

    Effects of acute versus chronic hypoxia on DNA damage responses and genomic instability.

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    Questions exist concerning the effects of acute versus chronic hypoxic conditions on DNA replication and genomic stability that may influence tumorigenesis. Severe hypoxia causes replication arrest independent of S-phase checkpoint, DNA damage response, or transformation status. Arrests occur during both the initiation and elongation phases of DNA replication, correlated with a rapid decrease in available deoxynucleotide triphosphates. With fluctuating oxygen tensions in tumors, arrested hypoxic cells may undergo rapid reperfusion and reoxygenation that leads to reoxygenation-induced DNA damage. In cells subjected to chronic hypoxia, we found that replicative restart was inhibited along with numerous replication factors, including MCM6 and RPA, the latter of which limits the hypoxia-induced DNA damage response. In contrast, in cells where replicative restart occurred, it was accompanied by extensive reoxygenation-induced DNA damage and compromised DNA repair. We found that cells reoxygenated after acute hypoxia underwent rapid p53-dependent apoptosis. Our findings suggest that cells lacking functional p53 are more susceptible to genomic instability and potentially tumorigenesis if they experience reoxygenation after acute exposure to hypoxia

    Faecal microbiota composition is related to response to CDK4/6-inhibitors in metastatic breast cancer: A prospective cross-sectional exploratory study

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    Background: Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)4/6-inhibitors with endocrine therapy represent the standard of treatment of hormone receptor-positive(HR+)/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Gut microbiota seems to predict treatment response in several tumour types, being directly implied in chemotherapy resistance and development of adverse effects. No evidence is available on gut microbiota impact on efficacy of HR+ breast cancer treatment. Patients and methods: We assessed the potential association among faecal microbiota and therapeutic efficacy of CDK4/6-inhibitors on 14 MBC patients classified as responders (R) and non-responders (NR) according to progression-free survival. A stool sample was collected at baseline and V3-V4 16S targeted sequencing was employed to assess its bacterial composition. Statistical associations with R and NR were studied. Results: No significant differences were observed between R and NR in terms of α-/β-diversity at the phylum and species level. Machine-learning (ML) algorithms evidenced four bacterial species as a discriminant for R (Bifidobacterium longum, Ruminococcus callidus) and NR (Clostridium innocuum, Schaalia odontolytica), and an area under curve (AUC) of 0.946 after Random Forest modelling. Network analysis evidenced two major clusters of bacterial species, named Species Interacting Groups (SIG)1-2, with SIG1 harbouring 75% of NR-related bacterial species, and SIG2 regrouping 76% of R-related species (p < 0.001). Cross-correlations among several patients' circulating immune cells or biomarkers and bacterial species' relative abundances showed associations with potential prognostic implications. Conclusions: Our results provide initial insights into the gut microbiota involvement in sensitivity and/or resistance to CDK4/6-inhibitors + endocrine therapy in MBC. If confirmed in larger trials, several microbiota manipulation strategies might be hypothesised to improve response to CDK4/6-inhibitors. Data availability statement: All raw data (fastq.gz files) and clinical metadata, complying with FAIR principles (https://www.go-fair.org/fair-principles/), are available at NCBI SRA portal under PRJNA946762 Bioproject

    Anuran species of the Salto Morato Nature Reserve in Paraná, southern Brazil: review of the species list

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    We provide an updated checklist of the anurans of the Salto Morato Nature Reserve (SMNR), Paraná, southern Brazil, including information on species endemism, conservation status, habitat use, and reproductive modes. We sampled the study area between February 2013 and July 2015, using Visual Encounter Surveys, totaling 700 hours of sampling effort. We supplement our primary data with secondary data (published papers and voucher specimens), and through these, we found a total of 54 anuran species representing 23 genera and 10 families. All the frogs recorded are endemic to the Atlantic Forest. Although no species has been listed asEndangered on the Red Lists of Paraná state, Brazil, and the IUCN, five are classified as Data Deficient. Most of the species recorded were arboreal (55.5%), a third were terrestrial (33.3%), and the remainders were rheophilic (11.1%). We identified 18 different reproductive modes, with types 1 (lay eggs in lentic water where the tadpoles develop) and 23 (direct development of terrestrial eggs) being the most common. Our findings indicate that the SMNR currently has the greatest diversity of anuran species and reproductive modes of any area in southern Brazil

    Sistemas de gestão ambiental em instituições de ensino superior

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    A preocupação com o desenvolvimento sustentável e ações de gestão ambiental vem ganhando espaço crescente nas Instituições de Ensino Superior. Isso tem se revelado a partir da abordagem educacional, na preparação de estu­dantes e colaboradores da instituição e fornecimento de informações e conhecimento sobre gestão ambiental. A proposta de uma sistematização de procedimentos, considerando um modelo para a implantação de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental (SGA), deve ser adaptada às IESs, e permitir a estas o controle dos impactos ambientais e a adequação à legislação. Essa situação revela a preocupação crescente em relação à adaptação das universidades em busca de um desenvolvimento sustentável, não somente no aspecto do ensino, mas também nas práticas de funcionamento ambientalmente corretas.Palavras-chave: Universidades. Gestão ambiental. Desenvolvimento sustentável.

    SARS-CoV-2-related bronchiolitis: a multicentre international study

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    Background: Bronchiolitis is the main acute lower respiratory tract infection in infants. Data regarding SARS-CoV-2-related bronchiolitis are limited. Objective: To describe the main clinical characteristics of infants with SARS-CoV-2-related bronchiolitis in comparison with infants with bronchiolitis associated with other viruses. Setting, patients, interventions: A multicentre retrospective study was conducted in 22 paediatric emergency departments (PED) in Europe and Israel. Infants diagnosed with bronchiolitis, who had a test for SARS-CoV-2 and were kept in clinical observation in the PED or admitted to hospital from 1 May 2021 to 28 February 2022 were considered eligible for participation. Demographic and clinical data, diagnostic tests, treatments and outcomes were collected. Main outcome measures: The main outcome was the need for respiratory support in infants testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 compared with infants testing negative. Results: 2004 infants with bronchiolitis were enrolled. Of these, 95 (4.7%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Median age, gender, weight, history of prematurity and presence of comorbidities did not differ between the SARS-CoV-2-positive and SARS-CoV-2-negative infants. Human metapneumovirus and respiratory syncytial virus were the viruses most frequently detected in the group of infants negative for SARS-CoV-2.Infants testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 received oxygen supplementation less frequently compared with SARS-CoV-2-negative patients, 37 (39%) vs 1076 (56.4%), p=0.001, OR 0.49 (95% CI 0.32 to 0.75). They received less ventilatory support: 12 (12.6%) high flow nasal cannulae vs 468 (24.5%), p=0.01; 1 (1.0%) continuous positive airway pressure vs 125 (6.6%), p=0.03, OR 0.48 (95% CI 0.27 to 0.85). Conclusions: SARS-CoV-2 rarely causes bronchiolitis in infants. SARS-CoV-2-related bronchiolitis mostly has a mild clinical course
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