4 research outputs found

    Radial Dependence of Extinction in Parent Galaxies of Supernovae

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    The problem of extinction is the most important issue to be dealt with in the process of obtaining true absolute magnitudes of core-collapse supernovae (SNe). The plane-parallel model which gives absorption dependent on galaxy inclination, widely used in the past, was shown not to describe extinction adequately. We try to apply an alternative model which introduces radial ependence of extinction. A certain trend of dimmer SNe with decreasing radius from the center of a galaxy was found, for a chosen sample of stripped-envelope SNe.Comment: 4 pages, 1 table, 2 figures, 6th SCSLSA Pro

    Emission Lines in X-ray Spectra of Clusters of Galaxies

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    Emission lines in X-ray spectra of clusters of galaxies reveal the presence of heavy elements in the diffuse hot plasma (the Intra Cluster Medium, or ICM) in virial equilibrium in the dark matter potential well. The relatively simple physical state of the ICM allows us to estimate, with good accuracy, its thermodynamical properties and chemical abundances. These measures put strong constraints on the interaction processes between the galaxies and the surrounding medium, and have significant impact on models of galaxy formation as well. This field is rapidly evolving thanks to the X-ray satellites Chandra and XMM-Newton. Among the most relevant progresses in the last years, we briefly discuss the nature of cool cores and the measure of the Iron abundance in high redshift clusters. Future X-ray missions with bolometers promise to provide a substantial step forward to a more comprehensive understanding of the complex physics of the ICM.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the VI Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia June 11-15 200

    Alkali Line Profiles in Degenerate Dwarfs

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    Ultracool stellar atmospheres show absorption by alkali resonance lines severely broadened by collisions with neutral perturbers. In the coolest and densest atmospheres, such as those of T dwarfs, Na I and K I broadened by molecular hydrogen and helium can come to dominate the entire optical spectrum. Their profiles have been successfully modelled with accurate interaction potentials in the adiabatic theory, computing line profiles from the first few orders of a density expansion of the autocorrelation function. The line shapes in the emergent spectrum also depend on the distribution of absorbers as a function of depth, which can be modelled with improved accuracy by new models of dust condensation and settling. The far red K I wings of the latest T dwarfs still show missing opacity in these models, a phenomenon similar to what has been found for the Na I line profiles observed in extremely cool, metal-rich white dwarfs. We show that the line profile in both cases is strongly determined by multiple-perturber interactions at short distances and can no longer be reproduced by a density expansion, but requires calculation of the full profile in a unified theory. Including such line profiles in stellar atmosphere codes will further improve models for the coolest and densest dwarfs as well as for the deeper atmosphere layers of substellar objects in general.Comment: VI Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics; to be published by the American Institute of Physics, eds. Milan S. Dimitrijevic and Luka C. Popovic; 6 pages, 6 figure