9 research outputs found

    Short-term and long-term antibody response by mice after immunization against Neisseria meningitidis B or diphtheria toxoid

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    Serogroup B Neisseria meningitidis (MenB) is a major cause of invasive disease in early childhood worldwide. The only MenB vaccine available in Brazil was produced in Cuba and has shown unsatisfactory efficacy when used to immunize millions of children in Brazil. In the present study, we compared the specific functional antibody responses evoked by the Cuban MenB vaccine with a standard vaccine against diphtheria (DTP: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) after primary immunization and boosting of mice. The peak of bactericidal and opsonic antibody titers to MenB and of neutralizing antibodies to diphtheria toxoid (DT) was reached after triple immunization with the MenB vaccine or DTP vaccine, respectively. However, 4 months after immunization, protective DT antibody levels were present in all DTP-vaccinated mice but in only 20% of the mice immunized against MenB. After 6 months of primary immunization, about 70% of animals still had protective neutralizing DT antibodies, but none had significant bactericidal antibodies to MenB. The booster doses of DTP or MenB vaccines produced a significant antibody recall response, suggesting that both vaccines were able to generate and maintain memory B cells during the period studied (6 months post-triple immunization). Therefore, due to the short duration of serological memory induced by the MenB vaccine (VA-MENGOC-BC® vaccine), its use should be restricted to outbreaks of meningococcal disease

    Diphtheria toxin IgG levels in military and civilian blood donors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Serologic data on diseases that are preventable by vaccines are necessary to evaluate the success of immunization programs and to identify susceptible subgroups. In the present study, we determined serum IgG levels against diphtheria toxin of military and civilian blood donors (N = 75; 69.3% males and 30.7% females) aged 18-64 years, from the Brazilian Army Biology Institute, Rio de Janeiro, using a commercial diphtheria kit (Diphtheria IgG ELISA; IBL, Germany). Most (63%) unprotected military donors were from the older age group of 41 to 64 years. In contrast, the majority (71%) of young military donors (18 to 30 years) were fully protected. About half of the military donors aged 31 to 40 years were protected against diphtheria. Among the civilians, about 50% of persons aged 18 to 30 years and 31 to 40 years had protective antibody levels against diphtheria as also did 64% of individuals aged 41 to 64 years. All civilians had a similar antibody response (geometric mean = 0.55 IU/mL) independent of age group. Military donors aged 18-30 years had higher IgG levels (geometric mean = 0.82 IU/mL) than military donors of 41-64 years (geometric mean = 0.51 IU/mL; P > 0.05). In conclusion, the existence of a considerable proportion of susceptible adults supports the position that reliable data on the immune status of the population should be maintained routinely and emphasizes the importance of adequate immunization during adulthood

    Seroprevalence of bactericidal antibodies against serogroup B and C Meningococci in a University Hospital

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    Meningococcus serogroup B (MenB), clonal complex 32 (cc 32), was the Brazilian epidemic strain of meningococcal disease (MD) in the 1990’s. Currently, meningococcus serogroup C (MenC), cc 103, is responsible for most of the cases of the disease in Brazil. The aim of this study was to investigate the seroprevalence of bactericidal antibody (SBA) against representative epidemic strains of MenC, (N753/00 strain, C:23:P1.22,14-6, cc103) and MenB, (Cu385/83 strain, B:4,7:P1.15,19, cc32) in students and employees of a university hospital in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS, Brazil). A second MenC strain (N79/96, C:2b:P1.5-2,10, cc 8) was used as a prototype strain of Rio de Janeiro’s outbreak that occurred in the 1990’s. Our previous study showed a 9% rate of asymptomatic carriers in these same individuals. A second goal was to compare the SBA prevalence in meningococcal carriers and non-carriers. Fifty-nine percent of the studied population showed protective levels of SBA titers (log2≥2) against at least one of the three strains. About 40% of the individuals had protective levels of SBA against N753/00 and Cu385/83 strains. Nonetheless, only 22% of the individuals showed protective levels against N79/96 strain. Significantly higher antibody levels were seen in carriers compared to non-carriers (P≤0.009). This study showed that, similar to other States in Brazil, a MenC (23:P1.22,14-6, cc103) strain with epidemic potential is circulating in this hospital. Close control by the Epidemiological Surveillance Agency of RS of the number of cases of MD caused by MenC strains in the State is recommended to prevent a new disease outbreak