268 research outputs found

    Vodič za organsku proizvodnju soje

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    Značaj soje proizilazi iz izuzetno povoljnog hemijskog sastava zrna. Sadržaj proteina u zrnu od oko 40% i oko 20% ulja, čine soju ne samo izuzetno korisnom, već i veoma ekonomičnom biljnom vrstom. U naÅ”oj zemlji soja se prvenstveno koristi u industriji stočne hrane, gde se postupkom prerade dobija sojina sačma, kvalitetno, visokoproteinsko stočno hranivo. Soja proizvedena metodama organske proizvodnje bila bi namenjena pre svega za ishranu ljudi. Proizvodi od soje sastavna su komponenta mnogih prehrambenih artikala namenjenih prvenstveno deci (čokolade, keks, paÅ”tete, virÅ”le), pa je i na proizvođaču i na prerađivaču velika odgovornost da ovi proizvodi budu kvalitetni

    Photoperiodism in soybeans in dependence of planting dates

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    During 1994 and 1995 field investigations has been provided in order to examine photoperiod reaction of soybean plants from various maturity groups, that are created and grown in environmental conditions of Yugoslavia. Moreover, the objective was to examine influence of daylight changes on yield, as the main and final goal of the plant breeding. Four commercial soybean varieties created in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad were tested: Ranka, Panonka, Balkan and Vojvodjanka), The trial was set according to RCBD method in 4 replications, with 7 planting dates

    Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Properties of Colored Soybean Seeds from Central Europe

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    The antioxidant activity and contents of various polyphenol classes in the seeds of seven soybean varieties of different seed color and one yellow seed cultivar, representing a reference genotype, were evaluated. Total polyphenols and tannins were determined after extraction of plant material with 70% aqueous acetone, and total flavonoids were extracted with methanol and acetic acid, whereas anthocyanins were extracted with 20% aqueous ethanol. In addition, isoflavone content and composition were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography analysis. Antioxidant activity of seed extracts was evaluated by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging activity assay. A positive linear correlation between antioxidant activity and contents of total polyphenols and anthocyanins was established. The highest antioxidant activity was observed in the extracts of black and brown varieties, which also showed high levels of all polyphenol classes examined. Yellow seed had the highest total isoflavone content (3.62 mg/g of dry material). The highest concentration of total daidzein was determined in black seeds (>2.0 mg/g of dry material), and the highest total glycitein and genistein contents occurred in the yellow cultivar (0.53 and 1.49 mg/g of dry material, respectively). According to our results, varieties of black and brown seeds could be of special interest not only for their large content of total polyphenols, ranging from 4.94 to 6.22mg of gallic acid equivalents/g of dry material, but also for their high content of natural antioxidants such as anthocyanins

    Otpornost soje prema patogenima

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    This paper presents an overview of the research on soybean resistance to pathogens. The review included most harmful agents of soybean diseases in Serbia, as well as those that are potentially harmful. Development and cultivation of resistant cultivars is the most efficient, economical and environmentally acceptable control measure for plant disease. It points to the variability in pathogenicity (physiological races) of parasites, especially expressed in Phytophthora sojae, Peronospora manshurica and Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea, which requires continuous breeding for resistance. Resistant, partially resistant and moderately susceptible genotypes, which are used as donors of resistance genes to different pathogens, are listed in this paper. Also, avirulent genes in the parasite and resistance genes in soybean are indicated. Gene mapping significantly contributes to better understanding of the mode of inheritance and consequently, more efficient breeding for disease resistance. Significant improvement is expected by using molecular techniques, especially in dealing with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea and Phomopsis longicolla. For these parasites only partial resistance has been reported but not complete resistance.Na osnovu viÅ”egodiÅ”njih istraživanja utvrđeno je da su najÅ”tetniji i najrasprostranjeniji paraziti soje u Srbiji Peronospora manshurica (prouzrokovač plamenjače), Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea (bakteriozna pegavost), Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (bela trulež), Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora (rak stabla), Macrophomina phaseolina (ugljenasta trulež) i Phomopsis spp. (trulež semena). Postoji realna opasnost da se na soji u naÅ”oj zemlji pojave i dva veoma destruktivna parazita; Phytophthora sojae, prouzrokovač fitoftorozne truleži i Diaporthe phaseolorum var. meridionalis prouzrokovač 'južnog' raka stabla. UnoÅ”enje otpornosti prema najznačajnijim parazitima u nove sorte soje je jedan od prioritetnih zadataka svih oplemenjivačkih programa. Najpre je potrebno iznaći odgovarajući izvor otpornosti, zatim obaviti povratna ukrÅ”tanja i u kasnijim generacijama identifikovati otporne genotipove. Uspeh u radu na stvaranju otpornih sorti soje uslovljen je postojanjem dobrih izvora rezistentnosti, kao i poznavanjem prirode otpornosti i načina nasleđivanja. Rezistentnost prema P. manshurica evidentirana je u viÅ”e genotipova soje, a najčeŔće je uslovljena jednim dominantnim genom (Rpm). Ova otpornost je potpuna, ali nije trajna, jer se postepeno gubi usled pojave novih fizioloÅ”kih rasa. Rasa br. 4 P. syringae pv. glycinea je dominantna na soji u svetu i kod nas. Ne postoje potpuno otporni genotipovi prema ovoj rasi, ali su prisutne značajne razlike u stepenu osetljivosti. Parcijalna otpornost kontrolisana je od strane jednog ili nekoliko Rpg gena. Mehanizmi izbegavanja oboljenja i parcijalna fizioloÅ”ka rezistentnost uslovljavljaju razlike u reakciji sorti soje prema S. sclerotiorum. Mapirana su dva lokusa koji kontroliÅ”u mehanizme izbegavanja bolesti i jedan lokus, najverovatnije odgovoran za parcijalnu fizioloÅ”ku rezistentnost. Parcijalna rezistentnost utvrđena je kod nekoliko introdukovanih (PI) genotipova soje. U naÅ”im agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima ranostasni genotipovi izbegavaju napad ovog oboljenja. Nije evidentirana potpuna otpornost prema D. phaseolorum var. caulivora, prouzrokovaču 'severnog' tipa raka stabla. Prouzrokovač 'južnog' tipa raka stabla D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis nije prisutan na soji u Srbiji. Otpornost prema ovoj gljivi nađena je u nekoliko genotipova soje, a uslovljavaju je dva (delimična otpornost), odnosno, četiri (potpuna) major gena. Pripadnici roda Diaporthe/Phomopsis su najÅ”tetniji paraziti semena soje, a vrsta P. longicolla je najzastupljenija. Zadovoljavajući nivo rezistentnosti prema ovom parazitu semena poseduje nekoliko genotipova soje. Priroda otpornosti nije u potpunosti razjaÅ”njena, a novija istraživanja ukazuju da se radi o kvantitativnom svojstvu. Brojna istraživanja posvećena su proučavanju Phytophthora sojae (fitoftorozna trulež), veoma Å”tetnog parazita soje. Opisano je viÅ”e od 70 fizioloÅ”kih rasa, identifikovani su avirulentni geni (Avr) u pojedinim rasama i pronađeni su geni rezistentnosti (Rps) u sortama soje. Tako je omogućeno uspeÅ”no oplemenjivanje soje na otpornost prema ovom parazitu

    Changes of fatty acids content and vigor of sunflower seed during natural aging

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    Sunflower seed aging during storage affects seed vigor and content of fatty acids. In order to reveal severity of their influence, the following vigor tests were applied: standard laboratory germination test, cold test and Hiltner test. Five sunflower lines submitted to natural aging process for six and 12 months were tested under conventional storage and controlled conditions. The obtained results revealed that seed aging damaged the seed, which adversely affected seed vigor; most reliable results were obtained by the cold test and content of linoleic acids

    Phenolic content and antioxidant properties of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seeds

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    The contents and antioxidant ability of various classes of phenolic compounds present in the seeds of twenty soybean hybrids were evaluated. Total phenolics, tannins and proanthocyanidins were determined spectrophotometrically, after extraction of seeds with 70% aqueous acetone. In addition, the flavonoid contents were determined. The antioxidant activity of aqueous acetone extracts was evaluated by the 1,1-diphenyl-2picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activity assay. The highest contents of total phenolics were found in Serbian cultivar 1511 and Chinese cultivar LN92-7369, which also displayed the highest total antioxidant activity. Conversely, genotypes poor in phenolics also showed low levels of DPPH-radical scavenging activity. The results suggested that besides protein and oil contents, the phenolic contents should be also considered as an important characteristic feature of soybean seeds, and as a potential selection criterion for antioxidant activity in soybean

    Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of soybean seeds extracts

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    Plants are a good source of natural antioxidants and could provide protection against harmful free radicals. Phenolic compounds were found to be an important part of human diet and are considered as active principles in many medicinal and agricultural plants. Detailed information about health-promoting components of different soybean cultivars could lead to a better understanding and an increased consumption of this crop, including its use in functional foods. The objective of this study was to determine total phenolics, total tannins, total flavonoids and antioxidant capacity with different assays of five Serbian soybean cultivars (Merkur, Sava, Valjevka, Venera and Victoria) extracted with three different solvents (70% acetone, 70% ethanol and 70% methanol). Total phenolics varied among cultivars and among applied solvents. Antioxidant properties highly depended on a solvent used for extraction. Such results highlight an existing variability in soybean seeds and emphasise the need to evaluate diversity and to support conventional breeding programs to improve soybean nutritional value

    Proizvodne karakteristike NS-sorti soje i preporuka sortimenta za 1998. godinu

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    Najvažniji zadatak u proizvodniji soje je dobijanje visokih i stabilnih prinosa. Zato je stvaranje sorti, sa sve većim genetskim potencijalom za prinos i uvođenje novih tehnoloÅ”kih reÅ”enja u proizvodnju ove značajne biljne vrste, stalan zadatak sa aspekta zadovoljavanja čovekovih potreba (Evans, 1980). U okviru Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo upravo se ovoj problematici pridaje i najveći značaj u procesu oplemenjivanja soje. Rezultat tog rada je 47 do sada priznatih sorti soje. Između nekoliko priznatih sorti svake godine teÅ”ko je ustanoviti koja je stvarno najbolja. Upravo zbog toga važno je poznavanje proizvodnih karakteristika sorti, kao Å”to su: prinos zrna po jedinici povrÅ”ine, otpornost na poleganje i bolesti, otpornost na pucanje mahuna, dužina vegetacije, ujednačenost u sazrevanju. Te karakteristike predstavljaju značajne elemente u odlučivanju o izboru sorte za dalje Å”irenje u proizvodnii

    Variability between helianfhus tuberosus accessions collected in the USA and Montenegro

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    Morphological variability between accessions of H. tuberosus collected in Montenegro and the USA was investigated as well as possible effect of long- term cultivation or its absence and growing in different environmental conditions on morphological traits of this species. Results obtained showed that there is a large similarity between some populations collected in Montenegro and those collected in the USA. This, along with the presence of a great cluster formed exclusively from Montenegrin populations, supports the hypothesis that there were two ways of introduction of H. tuberosus to Montenegro. In a group of populations, the changes in morphology were found, probably due to absence of cultivation

    Influence of aging process on biochemical changes in sunflower seed

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    This investigation was conducted in order to determine the degree of biochemical changes during accelerated and natural aging of sunflower seed. Five sunflower lines developed in Novi Sad, submitted to accelerated aging for three and five days, and natural aging of six and twelve months under conventional storage and controlled conditions, were used in these trials. Malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase contents and peroxidase activities were studied. Lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities (especially pronounced in accelerated aging variant) were caused by both types of aging. The degree of seed damage and the ability of seed to resist the negative consequences of aging were influenced, beside duration of aging period, by type of storage and characteristics of sunflower lines
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