8 research outputs found

    Effective action and semiclassical limit of spin foam models

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    We define an effective action for spin foam models of quantum gravity by adapting the background field method from quantum field theory. We show that the Regge action is the leading term in the semi-classical expansion of the spin foam effective action if the vertex amplitude has the large-spin asymptotics which is proportional to an exponential function of the vertex Regge action. In the case of the known three-dimensional and four-dimensional spin foam models this amounts to modifying the vertex amplitude such that the exponential asymptotics is obtained. In particular, we show that the ELPR/FK model vertex amplitude can be modified such that the new model is finite and has the Einstein-Hilbert action as its classical limit. We also calculate the first-order and some of the second-order quantum corrections in the semi-classical expansion of the effective action.Comment: Improved presentation, 2 references added. 15 pages, no figure

    Poincare 2-group and quantum gravity

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    We show that General Relativity can be formulated as a constrained topological theory for flat 2-connections associated to the Poincar\'e 2-group. Matter can be consistently coupled to gravity in this formulation. We also show that the edge lengths of the spacetime manifold triangulation arise as the basic variables in the path-integral quantization, while the state-sum amplitude is an evaluation of a colored 3-complex, in agreement with the category theory results. A 3-complex amplitude for Euclidean quantum gravity is proposed.Comment: v3: published versio

    Standard Model and 4-groups

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    We show that a categorical generalization of the the Poincaré symmetry which is based on the n-crossed modules becomes natural and simple when n = 3 and that the corresponding 3-form and 4-form gauge fields have to be a Dirac spinor and a Lorentz scalar, respectively. Hence by using a Poincaré 4-group we naturally incorporate fermionic and scalar matter into the corresponding 4-connection. The internal symmetries can be included into the 4-group structure by using a 3-crossed module based on the {{SL(2,\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}})}} \times K group, so that for K=U(1)×SU(2)×SU(3)K=U(1)\times SU(2) \times SU(3) we can include the Standard Model into this categorification scheme

    Hamiltonian analysis of the BFCG

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