16 research outputs found

    Genetic parameters for carcass traits in beef cattle

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    Viimeisten kahden vuosikymmenen aikana eri tutkimuksissa on havaittu selviĂ€ eroja, rotujen vĂ€lillĂ€, teurasominaisuuksien periytymisasteissa (vaihteluvĂ€li, teuraspaino 0,06 - 0,65) ja varianssikomponenteissa. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa tutkimuskohteina olivat seuraavat teurasominaisuudet: teuraspaino, rasvaluokka ja ruholuokka, sekĂ€ seuraavat rodut: hereford, charolais, aberdeen angus, limousin, simmental ja ylĂ€maankarja. Rodut voivat erota fysiologisilta ominaisuuksiltaan voimakkaasti ja rotuja jaetaan erilaisiin ryhmiin muun muassa niiden alkuperĂ€mantereen perusteella. Yksi tĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tarkoituksista oli selvittÀÀ nĂ€iden erojen suuruutta ja vaikutusta teurasominaisuuksien jalostettavuuteen. NĂ€iden asioiden selvittĂ€misen kannalta on oleellista mÀÀrittÀÀ eri roduille omat perinnölliset tunnuslukunsa jokaiselle teurasominaisuudelle. Teurasominaisuuksien geneettisten tunnuslukujen mÀÀrityksen jĂ€lkeen testattiin, onko rotujen geneettisissĂ€ variansseissa tilastollisesti merkitseviĂ€ eroja. Kahta mallia verrattiin: rajoittamatonta mallia, jossa kukin rotu oli omana ominaisuutenaan ja kaikille viidelle rodulle estimoitiin omat varianssikomponentit, sekĂ€ rajoitettua mallia, jossa kaikki rodut ovat erillisinĂ€ ominaisuuksina, mutta kaikille roduille on estimoitu yksi yhteinen geneettinen varianssi. Tulokset vahvistavat rajoittamattomien mallien paremmuuden rajoitettuihin malleihin verrattuina. Rotujen vĂ€lillĂ€ oli eroja sekĂ€ varianssikomponenteissa ettĂ€ periytymisasteissa, mutta johtuen ylĂ€maankarjan pienestĂ€ aineistosta, tĂ€lle rodulle saatiin vain suuntaa antavia tuloksia. Voidaan todeta, ettĂ€ koska rotujen vĂ€lillĂ€ on eroja, ne mahdollisesti vaikuttavat rotujen jalostusarvojen laskemiseen. Parhaan tuloksen jokaiselle rodulle saisi todennĂ€köisimmin laskemalla jalostusarvot rotukohtaisesti.In the last two decades, a variety of studies have introduced the idea that there are significant differences between levels of variance components and heritabilities, between breeds of beef cattle. In this study the following carcass traits were observed for these differences: slaughter weight, carcass class and carcass fatness. The breeds used for this evaluation were hereford, charolais, aberdeen angus, limousin, simmental and highland cattle. Cattle breeds may differ by their physiological traits and breeds are often divided into groups by their original continents. One of the objectives of this study was to analyse the level of such differences and their impact on the genetic improvement of carcass traits. To successfully define these matters it is essential to determine the genetic parameters of carcass traits for each breed separately. After assessing the levels of genetic parameters for each breed in question, the significance of the differences between genetic variances was evaluated. Two models were compared: an unconstrained model, in which the breeds were seen as different traits, with their own variances and a constrained model in which the breeds were also as separate traits but with one joint variance. The results suggest that the unconstrained model is to be preferred over the constrained model. The differences between the levels of variances and heritabilities were apparent between breeds. For highland cattle the results were only indicative due to the limited amount of data acquired. These differences between the breeds’ genetic parameters may affect the prediction of breeding values severely. Therefore, it may be noted in the light of this study that the best breeding values might be obtained by assessing the breeds separately

    It’s complex : studies on the genetics of canine hip dysplasia

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    This thesis addresses the genetic background of hip dysplasia, a complex hereditary disorder common in many species, including dogs and humans. The highly polygenic nature of hip dysplasia has become evident after many years of arduous research conducted in numerous studies that have explained only a small proportion of the disease heritability in dogs. The studies included in this thesis revealed multiple new loci, a novel regulatory variant for a gene that is imperative to normal joint development and validated numerous loci that have been associated with the disorder. In Study I, genome-wide association analyses uncovered four loci that associated with the disorder with either protective or risk effects. A subsequent targeted resequencing and variant analysis found disease associated variants for multiple genes. Deletion variants in the putative regulatory region of the gene NOG were found to protect against moderate-to-severe hip dysplasia. These variants were shown to downregulate reporter gene expression in vitro. In Study II, different hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis phenotypes were investigated. The genome-wide association analyses revealed three novel loci associated with hip joint incongruity and osteoarthritis. New candidate genes were identified: NOG and NANOS1 for hip joint incongruity and NOX3 and ARID1B for osteoarthritis. In Study III, a total of 21 loci on 14 different chromosomes were validated in across- and within-breed association analyses in a large cohort of dogs comprised of 10 breeds. One locus was specific to the across-breed data. Neddylation-pathway was found to be significantly enriched in a candidate gene set that included 254 genes from the 21 validated loci. These studies have generated new, long-awaited knowledge about the complex genetic background of hip dysplasia and related osteoarthritis in dogs. They also highlighted that mild hip dysplasia and the more severe disease forms may be induced by partially different genetic factors. Validation of associated loci for hip dysplasia has not been conducted to this extent before these studies, so an important step forward was taken in our latest study. Finally, finding causal variants has been uncommon. The regulatory NOG variants were an exciting finding, although their causality in hip dysplasia is yet to be revealed. Overall, our studies emphasise the complexity of the genetic background of hip dysplasia.TÀssÀ vÀitöskirjatutkimuksessa selvitettiin lonkkaniveldysplasian geneettistÀ taustaa. Lonkkaniveldysplasia on yleinen monitekijÀinen sairaus, jota esiintyy kaikilla nisÀkkÀillÀ, kuten koirilla ja ihmisillÀ. TÀmÀn sairauden perinnöllistÀ taustaa on selvitetty monissa eri tutkimuksessa lÀhes kahden vuosikymmenen ajan, mutta tulokset ovat selittÀneet vain pienen osan sairauden periytymisasteesta. Tutkimuksemme toi esiin useita uusia perimÀn alueita, jotka liittyvÀt sairauteen. Löysimme myös uuden perimÀn muutoksen, joka sijaistee nivelten normaalille kehitykselle oleellisen geenin mahdollisella sÀÀtelyalueella. LisÀksi vahvistimme useita aiemmin julkaistuja perimÀn alueita. EnsimmÀisessÀ osatyössÀ löysimme neljÀ perimÀn aluetta kahdessa eri kromosomissa, jotka liittyivÀt lonkkaniveldysplasiaan, ja joilla oli joko lonkkaniveldysplasialta suojaavia tai sairastumisriskiÀ lisÀÀviÀ vaikutuksia. Yhden tÀllaisen alueen kohdennettu sekvensointi ja varianttianalyysi paljasti useita muutoksia koirien perimÀssÀ, jotka liittyivÀt lonkkaniveldysplasian ilmiasuun. NOG-geenin mahdollisella sÀÀtelyalueella olevat 24-27 emÀksen hÀviÀmien havaittiin suojaavan koiria vakavammilta lonkkaniveldysplasian muodoilta. Osoitimme, ettÀ nÀmÀ hÀviÀmÀt vÀhensivÀt reportterigeenin ekspressiota in vitro. Toisessa osatyössÀ tutkimme erilaisia lonkkaniveldysplasiaa kuvaavia ilmiasuja sekÀ nivelrikkoa. PerimÀnlaajuinen assosiaatioanalyysi paljasti kolme perimÀn aluetta kolmesta eri kromosomista, jotka liittyivÀt eri lonkkanivelen epÀyhdenmukaisuutta eli inkongruenssia kuvaavaan ilmiasuun sekÀ nivelrikkoon. Löysimme nÀiltÀ perimÀn alueilta useita kandidaattigeenejÀ. Geenit NOG ja NANOS1 sijaitsivat lonkan inkongruenssiin liittyvÀllÀ alueella, kun taas geenit NOX3 ja ARID1B olivat nivelrikkoon liittyvÀllÀ perimÀn alueella. Kolmannessa osatyössÀ kÀytimme suurta, kymmenen eri rotua sisÀltÀvÀÀ, aineistoa ja suoritimme analyysit sekÀ rotujen vÀlillÀ ettÀ niiden sisÀllÀ. Vahvistimme yhteensÀ 21 perimÀn aluetta neljÀssÀtoista eri kromosomissa. Yksi nÀistÀ alueista ilmeni vain analyysissÀ, joka tehtiin yli rotujen. Vahvistetuilta perimÀn alueilta kootuista 254 kandidaattigeenistÀ tehtiin vuorovaikutusanalyysi, jossa havaitiin, ettÀ neddylaatio-polku oli rikastunut tÀssÀ geenisarjassa. TÀmÀ vÀitöskirjatutkimus on tuottanut merkittÀvÀÀ uutta tietoa lonkkaniveldysplasian sekÀ nivelrikon perinnöllisestÀ taustasta. Tuloksemme korostavat, ettÀ lievÀ lonkkaniveldysplasia eroaa tÀmÀn sairauden vakavammista muodoista perimÀn tasolla. Lonkkaniveldysplasiaan liittyvien perimÀn alueiden validointi on ollut harvinaista ennen tÀtÀ tutkimusta, joten useiden perimÀn alueiden vahvistaminen tÀssÀ vÀitöskirjatutkimuksessa oli huomattava edistysaskel tutkimusalalle. Myös kausaalisten perimÀn muutosten löytÀminen on ollut hidasta. NOG-geenin hÀviÀmÀ-muutosten löytÀminen ja niiden funktionaalisen merkityksen osoittaminen oli erityisen arvokasta, vaikka niiden kausaalisuus lonkkaniveldysplasiaan on vielÀ osoittamatta. Kaikkiaan tÀssÀ vÀitöskirjatutkimuksessa tuotettu tieto korostaa sitÀ, kuinka monimutkainen lonkkaniveldysplasian perinnöllinen tausta oikeasti on

    An across-breed validation study of 46 genetic markers in canine hip dysplasia

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    BackgroundCanine hip dysplasia (CHD) is a common disease, with a complex genetic background. Dogs with severe CHD sometimes also suffer from osteoarthritis (OA), an inflammatory, often painful and incurable condition. Previous studies have reported breed-specific genetic loci associated with different hip dysplasia and OA phenotypes. However, the independent replication of the known associations within or across breeds has been difficult due to variable phenotype measures, inadequate sample sizes and the existence of population specific variants.ResultsWe execute a validation study of 46 genetic markers in a cohort of nearly 1600 dogs from ten different breeds. We categorize the dogs into cases and controls according to the hip scoring system defined by the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI). We validate 21 different loci associated on fourteen chromosomes. Twenty of these associated with CHD in specific breeds, whereas one locus is unique to the across-breed study. We show that genes involved in the neddylation pathway are enriched among the genes in the validated loci. Neddylation contributes to many cellular functions including inflammation.ConclusionsOur study successfully replicates many loci and highlights the complex genetic architecture of CHD. Further characterisation of the associated loci could reveal CHD-relevant genes and pathways for improved understanding of the disease pathogenesis.Peer reviewe

    Genetic dissection of canine hip dysplasia phenotypes and osteoarthritis reveals three novel loci

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    Background Hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis continue to be prevalent problems in veterinary and human medicine. Canine hip dysplasia is particularly problematic as it massively affects several large-sized breeds and can cause a severe impairment of the quality of life. In Finland, the complex condition is categorized to five classes from normal to severe dysplasia, but the categorization includes several sub-traits: congruity of the joint, Norberg angle, subluxation degree of the joint, shape and depth of the acetabulum, and osteoarthritis. Hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis have been proposed to have separate genetic etiologies. Results Using Federation Cynologique Internationale -standardized ventrodorsal radiographs, German shepherds were rigorously phenotyped for osteoarthritis, and for joint incongruity by Norberg angle and femoral head center position in relation to dorsal acetabular edge. The affected dogs were categorized into mild, moderate and severe dysplastic phenotypes using official hip scores. Three different genome-wide significant loci were uncovered. The strongest candidate genes for hip joint incongruity were noggin (NOG), a bone and joint developmental gene on chromosome 9, and nanos C2HC-type zinc finger 1 (NANOS1), a regulator of matrix metalloproteinase 14 (MMP14) on chromosome 28. Osteoarthritis mapped to a long intergenic region on chromosome 1, between genes encoding for NADPH oxidase 3 (NOX3), an intriguing candidate for articular cartilage degradation, and AT-rich interactive domain 1B (ARID1B) that has been previously linked to joint laxity. Conclusions Our findings highlight the complexity of canine hip dysplasia phenotypes. In particular, the results of this study point to the potential involvement of specific and partially distinct loci and genes or pathways in the development of incongruity, mild dysplasia, moderate-to-severe dysplasia and osteoarthritis of canine hip joints. Further studies should unravel the unique and common mechanisms for the various sub-traits.Peer reviewe

    An across-breed validation study of 46 genetic markers in canine hip dysplasia

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    Abstract Background Canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is a common disease, with a complex genetic background. Dogs with severe CHD sometimes also suffer from osteoarthritis (OA), an inflammatory, often painful and incurable condition. Previous studies have reported breed-specific genetic loci associated with different hip dysplasia and OA phenotypes. However, the independent replication of the known associations within or across breeds has been difficult due to variable phenotype measures, inadequate sample sizes and the existence of population specific variants. Results We execute a validation study of 46 genetic markers in a cohort of nearly 1600 dogs from ten different breeds. We categorize the dogs into cases and controls according to the hip scoring system defined by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI). We validate 21 different loci associated on fourteen chromosomes. Twenty of these associated with CHD in specific breeds, whereas one locus is unique to the across-breed study. We show that genes involved in the neddylation pathway are enriched among the genes in the validated loci. Neddylation contributes to many cellular functions including inflammation. Conclusions Our study successfully replicates many loci and highlights the complex genetic architecture of CHD. Further characterisation of the associated loci could reveal CHD-relevant genes and pathways for improved understanding of the disease pathogenesis

    Perunan tyvimÀdÀn tunnistaminen infektiossa vapautuvien yhdisteiden perusteella

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    Erwinia-bakteerien aiheuttama tyvi- ja mĂ€rkĂ€mĂ€tĂ€ on yksi pahimmista tautiongelmista perunantuotannossa. TyvimĂ€tĂ€ on emomukulasta alkavaa ja siitĂ€ perunan varsiin leviĂ€vÀÀ mĂ€tĂ€nemistĂ€, kun taas mukuloiden mĂ€tĂ€nemistĂ€ kutsutaan mĂ€rkĂ€mĂ€dĂ€ksi. Mukuloita pilaava mĂ€rkĂ€mĂ€tĂ€ aiheuttaa vuosittain suuria varastohĂ€vikkejĂ€ niin siemen- kuin ruokaperunatuotannossa. Taudin tekee erityisen ongelmalliseksi taudinaiheuttajien leviĂ€minen oireettomana siemenmukulassa kasvikaudesta toiseen. NĂ€kyvĂ€t tyvimĂ€dĂ€n oireet alkavat kehittyĂ€ vasta, kun mukulassa on riittĂ€vĂ€sti bakteerisoluja. Erwinia-bakteerien infektioiden yhteydessĂ€ vapautuu haihtuvia yhdisteitĂ€, jotka ovat nĂ€ille bakteereille ominaisia. Jos nĂ€mĂ€ yhdisteet voidaan mitata ja mÀÀrittÀÀ luotettavasti, piilevĂ€n tyvimĂ€dĂ€n infektio voidaan havaita ennen oireiden ilmenemistĂ€ ja koko perunaerĂ€n/-varaston saastumista tai pilaantumista.MTT Pohjois-Pohjanmaan tutkimusaseman, Turun yliopiston elintarvikekemian laboratorion, fysiikan laitoksen optiikan laboratorion ja Gasera Oy:n yhteistyönĂ€ toteuttaman tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ, voidaanko piilevĂ€ tyvimĂ€tĂ€ havaita Erwinia-bakteerien infektion yhteydessĂ€ vapautuvien haihtuvien yhdisteiden perusteella ennen nĂ€kyvien oireiden ilmenemistĂ€. Perunalajikkeen Asterix mukuloita saastutettiin keinotekoisesti Erwinia carotovora alalaji atroseptica -bakteerilla ja sĂ€ilytettiin huoneen- tai varastolĂ€mpötilassa. Haihtuvia yhdisteitĂ€ kerĂ€ttiin eri ajankohtina ja analysoitiin SPME-GC-MS- ja FTIR -menetelmillĂ€. Molemmilla menetelmillĂ€ voitiin osoittaa selvĂ€ ero terveestĂ€ ja Erwi-nia-bakteerilla saastutetusta perunasta vapautuvien haihtuvien yhdisteiden vĂ€lillĂ€. SPME-GC-MS –menetelmĂ€llĂ€ ero havaittiin 15-18 ja FTIR-menetelmĂ€llĂ€ 12-18 tunnin kuluttua saastutuksesta, kun perunat sĂ€ilytettiin huoneenlĂ€mpötilassa (21-23 ÂșC). NĂ€kyvĂ€t mĂ€tĂ€nemisen oireet alkoivat ilmetĂ€ 48 tunnin kuluttua saastutuksesta. Samanlainen selvĂ€ ero havaittiin saastutettujen ja saastuttamattomien perunoiden haihtuvissa yhdisteissĂ€, kun perunoita sĂ€ilytettiin varastolĂ€mpötilassa (5 ÂșC). Inkubointiajan jatkuessa sekĂ€ haihtuvien yhdisteiden mÀÀrĂ€ ettĂ€ pitoisuudet kasvoivat. Saastuttamattomissa kontrollimukuloissa samoja haihtuvia yhdisteitĂ€ ei havaittu.SekĂ€ SPME-GC-MS- ettĂ€ FTIR –menetelmĂ€t soveltuivat perunoista vapautuvien haihtuvien yh-disteiden mÀÀritykseen laboratorio-oloissa, sillĂ€ molemmilla menetelmillĂ€ voitiin osoittaa selvĂ€ ero terveen ja Erwinia-bakteerilla saastutetun perunan vĂ€lillĂ€ ennen nĂ€kyvien oireiden ilmenemistĂ€. Menetelmien optimoinnilla ja validoinnilla voidaan saada tarkempia tuloksia mm. yhdisteiden absoluuttisista pitoisuuksista. Kumpikaan menetelmĂ€ ei sellaisenaan sovellu piilevĂ€n tyvimĂ€dĂ€n tunnistamiseen tuotanto-oloissa, mutta nĂ€illĂ€ menetelmillĂ€ voidaan kerĂ€tĂ€ aineistoa, joka mahdollistaa kenttĂ€kelpoisen sovelluksen kehittĂ€misen

    The LifeCycle Project-EU Child Cohort Network : a federated analysis infrastructure and harmonized data of more than 250,000 children and parents

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    Early life is an important window of opportunity to improve health across the full lifecycle. An accumulating body of evidence suggests that exposure to adverse stressors during early life leads to developmental adaptations, which subsequently affect disease risk in later life. Also, geographical, socio-economic, and ethnic differences are related to health inequalities from early life onwards. To address these important public health challenges, many European pregnancy and childhood cohorts have been established over the last 30 years. The enormous wealth of data of these cohorts has led to important new biological insights and important impact for health from early life onwards. The impact of these cohorts and their data could be further increased by combining data from different cohorts. Combining data will lead to the possibility of identifying smaller effect estimates, and the opportunity to better identify risk groups and risk factors leading to disease across the lifecycle across countries. Also, it enables research on better causal understanding and modelling of life course health trajectories. The EU Child Cohort Network, established by the Horizon2020-funded LifeCycle Project, brings together nineteen pregnancy and childhood cohorts, together including more than 250,000 children and their parents. A large set of variables has been harmonised and standardized across these cohorts. The harmonized data are kept within each institution and can be accessed by external researchers through a shared federated data analysis platform using the R-based platform DataSHIELD, which takes relevant national and international data regulations into account. The EU Child Cohort Network has an open character. All protocols for data harmonization and setting up the data analysis platform are available online. The EU Child Cohort Network creates great opportunities for researchers to use data from different cohorts, during and beyond the LifeCycle Project duration. It also provides a novel model for collaborative research in large research infrastructures with individual-level data. The LifeCycle Project will translate results from research using the EU Child Cohort Network into recommendations for targeted prevention strategies to improve health trajectories for current and future generations by optimizing their earliest phases of life.Peer reviewe

    The LifeCycle Project-EU Child Cohort Network: a federated analysis infrastructure and harmonized data of more than 250,000 children and parents

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    Siemenperunan taudinkestÀvyyttÀ uudella pesu- ja desinfiointitekniikalla II -tutkimushanke

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    Genetic parameters for carcass conformation in 5 beef cattle breeds

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