68 research outputs found

    The effects of odors of lavender and peppermint on the human AEP (Auditory Evoked Potential) and EEG

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    The effects of odors (Lavender and Peppermint) on AEP (Auditory Evoked Potential) were studied with 15 healthy male subjects aged 22~39 y. o. (mean : 29.1 ± 4.8 y. o.). EEGs containing AEPs evoked by click stimuli once every 5 seconds were derived from the two derivations (3 ch : Cz→A1 +2, 6 ch : Cz→T5) , and recorded into magnetic tape. Reproducing the tape, AEPs with 1024 msec of analysis time were obtained by averaging 100 responses, and EEGs were subjected to the frequency analysis. In the experimental session, EEGs containing AEPs were recorded before, during and 15 and 30 minutes after the inhalation of odors of Lavender and Peppermint. Consecutive changes of group mean AEP were studied. Indivisual AEPs were subjected to the component analysis, and to the statistical assessment together with EEG. The following results were obtained. 1. Subjective assessment for the intensity and pleasantness of odors was not only so much different between Lavender and Peppermint, but close similar among the subjects. 2. During and after the inhalation of Lavender, latencies of the middle latency AEP including P2 latency, and latencies of long latency components (P6~) significantly or not significantly increased. Peak-to-peak amplitudes including P2-N2 of the middle latecy AEP significantly or not significantly decreased. During and after the inhalation of the odor of Peppermint, latencies of the middle latency AEP including P2 latency decreased but not significant, and peak-to-peak amplitudes including P2-N2 significantly or not significantly increased. Amplitudes of long latency component (P6~) did not change significantly. In conclusion, sedative effect of Lavender and a kind of stimulating effect of Peppermint on the middle latecy component were confirmed by AEP. 3. From the changes of P2, which derived from the brainstem reticular formation, it was said that Lavender inhibited, and Peppermint activated the reticular formation. Increased latencies of the long latency component of AEP during and after Lavender indicated the secondary inhibition of cortex succeeding to inhibition of the brainstem reticular formation. 4. Although the mechanism of olfactory system is not clarified, the odors of Lavender and Peppermint were might be differentiated in olfactory systems below neocortical olfactory area, and act on the reticular formation respectively inhibitorily or excitedly through the medial forebrain bundle. 5. It has been generally said that olfactory stimuli activate the CNS through the brainstem reticular formation, but inhibitory effect of Lavender similar to that of minor traquilizer, besides activating effect of Peppermint was verified for the first time by AEP

    VEP シカクセイ ユウハツ デンイ オヨビ ノウハ エノ ラベンダー オヨビ ペパーミント ノ ニオイ ノ コウカ

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    匂いの情報は嘆覚伝導路を通じて大脳辺縁系,視床下部に入力され,本能的行動や感情 に影響を与える.近年,匂いの脳機能に及ぼす影響については,脳波,事象関連電位, PETなどによる研究がある.しかし,匂いの大脳誘発電位ヘ及ぼす効果についての研究 は当教室の聴覚性誘発電位(AEP) による研究しかない.木研究では健常成人男性15名 を対象として,ラベンダーおよびペパーミントの匂いを含む空気を吸入させ,視覚性誘発 電位(VEP)を含む脳波を,単極誘導(O1→A1+2)および双極誘導(O1→ Cz) から, 匂い刺激前,刺激中および刺激後2回にわたって計4回記録し,各VEP成分の潜時,振幅お よび脳波パワー%について統計的に検討して以下の結果を得た. 1.ラベンダーの匂い刺激中から後にかけ,両記録誘導で短潜時VEP成分P3,N3潜時が 有意なものも含めて延長し,長潜時成分では, P4~P7潜時で概ねすべての成分が有意に 延長した.振幅は,短~長潜時成分において有意な変化はすべて減少であった.本研究で は70msecまでの短潜時成分を皮質下反応とし,それ以降を皮質視中枢における反応とと らえ,前記の短~長潜時成分における潜時延長,振幅減少から,ラベンダーの匂い刺激に より視床(外側膝状体)から後頭葉および広範囲の皮質視中枢での興奮伝達が抑制された ものと理解した.脳波パワー%では,匂い刺激中にはα2波帯域では増加したが,刺激後 はθ波帯域では有意に増加した。すなわちラベンダーの匂い刺激は脳波上,緊張抑制効果 を示した後時間経過とともに鎮静催眠効果を示したものと考えられた. 2. ペパーミントの匂い刺激中から後にかけ,両記録誘導で短潜時VEP成分潜時には有 意な変化がなく,長潜時成分ではP5潜時が有意に延長し,振幅は短~長潜時成分におい て有意に減少した.このことから,ペパーミントの匂い刺激もラベンダーの匂いと同様に 潜時延長,振幅減少を示しVEPに対して抑制的に作用したが,有意な変化をきたした成分 が少なく,短潜時成分潜時に有意な変化がないことから,その作用は弱く,皮質下におけ る視覚神経伝達にはほとんど影響を及ぼさないものと理解した.脳波パワー%では,匂い 刺激中にα2波帯域では有意な減少,β2波帯域では有意な増加,およびô波帯域では有意 でない増加を認め,これらの変化は刺激後は消失したが,匂い刺激中の変化は,抗うつ薬 の示す脳波変化のパターンに該当することから,ペパーミントの匂いが抗うつ薬に類似し た作用をもつ可能性が示された. 3.本研究での匂いによるVEPへの影響は,皮質下では嗅覚系から視床網様核を介して 外側膝状体での神経伝達に作用を及ぼしたものとして理解した.ラベンダーおよびペパー ミントの匂いのVEPへの抑制作用は.その強さおよび作用部位は異なるが,いずれも外側 膝状体および皮質視中枢の抑制性神経伝達物質GABAを介する抑制作用によるものとして 理解できた


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    The acute effects of haloperidol (HLP) and diazepam (DZP) on the Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) and EEG were studied with 16 healthy male subjects (26~43 y.o.). In the two experimental session for each subject, HLP (0.02 mg/kg) were intra-venously and DZP (0.1 mg/kg) were per-orally administered. EEGs and VEPs were recorded through the two derivations (2 ch : O1→A1+2, 5 ch : O1→Cz), with 1024 msec of analysis time, averaging 100 responses. In the experimental session, EEGs and VEPs were recorded before and 15, 30, and 45 min after administration of HLP, before and 30,60, and 90 min after DZP. Consecutive change of group mean VEP were studied. Individual VEPs were subjected to the component analysis, and to the statistical assessment together with EEG. The following results were obtained. 1. After the administration of HLP, the latencies of short, middle and long latency component significantly increased, and the peak-to-peak amplitude N 1-P 2, P 5-N 5 and N 5-P 6 significantly decreased. The largest peak-to-peak amplitude P 4-N 7 significantly increased. In EEG, δ and θ-power% increased, and α2-power% decreased significantly. Significant positive correlation was found between δ, θ-power% of EEG and VEP latencies, and significant negative correlations was found between α2-power% and VEP latencies. These findings indicate the inhibitory effect of HLP all over the visual system through dopaminergic neuron system. The largest peak-to-peak amplitude (P 4-N 7) increased significantly synchronizing with increased θ waves. 2. After the administration of DZP, the latencies of short and middle latency component, P 3 and P 5, increased, P 2 latency decreased significantly. The peak-to-peak amplitude P 3-N 3, N 3-P 4, P 5-N 5, and N 5-P 6 decreased, N 2-P 3 amplitude increased significantly. In EEG, β1-power% increased, and α2-power% decreased significantly. Significant negative correlation was found between δ, θ-power% of EEG and VEP amplitudes, and positive correlations between α2-power% and VEP amplitudes. These findings indicate the inhibitory effect of DZP mainly on lateral geniculate body, optic radiation, and up to the visual cortex making BZD-receptor and GABA-receptor complex. Some exciting effect of DZP before the lateral geniculate body was suggested

    The effect of odors of lavender and peppermint on the human VEP (Visual Evoked Potential) and EEG

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    The effects of the two kind of odors, Lavender and Peppermint, on the human VEP (Visual Evoked Potential) were studied with 15 healthy male subjects aged 22~39 years. EEGs containing VEPs evoked by flash stimuli once every 5 sec were derived from the two derivations (2 ch : O1→A1+2, 5 ch : O1→Cz) and recorded on magnetic tapes. Reproducing the tapes, VEPs with 1024 msec of analysis time were obtained by averaging 100 responses, and EEGs were subjected to the frequency analysis. In each experimental session, EEGs containing VEPs were recorded before, during and 15 and 30 minutes after the inhalation of air containing odor. Consecutive changes were observed with group mean VEP. Indivisual VEPs were subjected to the component analysis, and to the statistical assessment together with EEG frequency analysis. The following results were obtained. 1. During and after inhalation of Lavender, latencies of the short and long latency components increased, and peak-to-peak amplitudes decreased significantly. In EEG, the power % of α2 frequency band increased, and then that of θ increased significantly with EEG slowing. These findings indicate that Lavender inhibits the visual system on the lateral geniculate body and visual cortex, probably through GABA neuron system. The effect of Lavender on CNS might be relaxation at first, and then up to sedation. 2. During inhalation of Peppermint, the latencies significantly increased and the peak-to-peak amplitude significantly decreased with the long latency components of VEP, but not those of short latency components. These findings indicate that Peppermint does not inhibit the visual system at the subcortical level, and the inhibitory effect on CNS is mild, moreover it might have some effect of the thymoleptic

    The effect of odors of lavender and peppermint on the human SEP (Somatosensory Evoked Potential) and EEG

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    The effects of the odor, peppermint and lavender, on the human SEP (Somatosensory Evoked Potential) were studied with 15 healthy male subjects, aged 22~39 years. EEGs containing SEPs evoked by electric stimuli were recorded, together with EEGs, from the two derivations (monopolar : C 3'→A 1+2,bipolar : C 3'→F 3'), averaging 100 responses with 1024 msec of analysis time. In each experimental session, EEGs containing SEPs were recorded before, during and 15, 30 minutes after the inhalation of air and the odor. Consecutive changes on group mean SEPs were studied. Indivisual SEPs were subjected to the component analysis, and to the statistical assessment together with EEG . The following results were obtained. 1. During and after inhalation of peppermint, the latencies of long latency components of SEPdecreased, and the peak-to-peak amplitudes of middle and long latency components decreased significantly. In EEG, α1 power % increased during inhalation and then β2 power % decreased significantly after inhalation. 2. During and after inhalation of lavender, the latencies of middle and long latency components of SEP increased, and the peak-to-peak amplitude of middle latency components increased, and that of long latency components decreased significantly. After inhalation, in EEG, δ, θand α power % increased and β2 power % decreased. 3. These findings indicate that peppermint might activate cerebral whtite matter, lavender might release the activity in thalamocortical tract, in consequence of cerebral inhibition, besides inhibitory effects of peppermint and lavender through GABA neuron system


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     本研究は看護師の感染予防行動の省略の意図に関連した心理的要因を明らかにすることを目的とする。 公立急性期病院1 施設に勤務する看護師371 名を対象とし、仮想事例による無記名自記式質問紙調査を行った。先行研究を参考に、〈時間的圧力〉、〈社会的圧力〉、〈客観的リスク評価〉、〈客観的ベネフィット評価〉の4 要因について、16 の仮想的感染予防行動事例を作成し、各事例に対する〈感染予防行動の省略意図〉、〈感染リスクの認識〉、〈感染予防行動の省略ベネフィットの認識〉を調べた。変数間の相関を確認し、〈感染予防行動の省略意図〉を従属変数、心理的要因及び個人属性を独立変数とする順序ロジット分析を行った。 回収数は241 名(回収率68.7%)で、有効回答が得られた234 名を分析対象とした。分析の結果、感染予防行動の省略には、感染リスクの認識、感染予防行動の省略ベネフィットの認識、時間的圧力、社会的圧力が関連していることが明らかになった

    ERRγ agonist under mechanical stretching manifests hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotypes of engineered cardiac tissue through maturation

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    iPS細胞から成熟した人工心筋組織の作製方法の開発 肥大型心筋症の治療法開発への利用に期待. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-10-06.Stretching and stimulating engineered heart tissues to accurately portray hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-10-17.Engineered cardiac tissue (ECT) using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes is a promising tool for modeling heart disease. However, tissue immaturity makes robust disease modeling difficult. Here, we established a method for modeling hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) malignant (MYH7 R719Q) and nonmalignant (MYBPC3 G115∗) pathogenic sarcomere gene mutations by accelerating ECT maturation using an ERRγ agonist, T112, and mechanical stretching. ECTs treated with T112 under 10% elongation stimulation exhibited more organized and mature characteristics. Whereas matured ECTs with the MYH7 R719Q mutation showed broad HCM phenotypes, including hypertrophy, hypercontraction, diastolic dysfunction, myofibril misalignment, fibrotic change, and glycolytic activation, matured MYBPC3 G115∗ ECTs displayed limited phenotypes, which were primarily observed only under our new maturation protocol (i.e., hypertrophy). Altogether, ERRγ activation combined with mechanical stimulation enhanced ECT maturation, leading to a more accurate manifestation of HCM phenotypes, including non-cardiomyocyte activation, consistent with clinical observations

    ジドウ ジリツ シエン シセツ ヘイセツコウ キンム ニ ヨル キョウイン ノ シドウ オヨビ カカワリカタ ノ ヘンカ ニ ツイテ ノ イチコウサツ

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    Since the enforcement of the Child Welfare Law in 1998, children’s self-reliance support facilities (CSSFs; facilities for children who have displayed or are at risk of displaying unlawful or problematic behavior) have been gradually opening Alternative Provision schools (henceforth, AP schools). However, teachers generally do not know that they could be assigned to an AP school and how work conditions are in such schools. Previous studies have focused on the educational approaches and teaching methods in AP and traditional elementary and junior high schools and the issues associated with the cooperation between welfare and educational facilities. However, they have not focused on the psychological processes of teachers working at AP schools. To motivate teachers who are concerned about working at AP schools and improve education in CSSFs, it is important to clarify how teachers interpret their experiences of working in AP schools. In this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers working at AP schools. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to explore the meaning they assign to their experiences working at AP schools. The results showed that the teachers experienced a “change in the causal attribution of problematic behaviors,” “shifted to a holistic educational policy,” and “reconsidered the nature of the teaching profession.” The results also suggested that “pity and compassion” and “pride as a teacher/adult” influenced these perceptions. Initially, the teachers did not think deeply about the “causes of the children’s behavioral problems” and attributed them to the children’s personal issues. However, through their experience of working in an AP school, they came to learn about the children’s backgrounds and began to reflect on the causes of their behavioral problems. They began to emphasize fostering the children’s basic social skills rather than strengthening their academic performance and started devising new activities during classes. They found it rewarding that, due to physical proximity in the peculiar environment of AP schools, they could build close relationships with the children. However, they also expressed concerns about overstepping their boundaries as teachers and becoming fatigued

    Dietary intake, mental status, physical activity, and lifestyle affecting bowel movement frequency and stool texture in young Japanese women

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    Constipation is a symptom-based disorder, and its definition is mainly subjective. Patients are more concerned with ease ofpassage and consistency rather than frequency of bowel movement. Studies on bowel movement frequency and stool texture inthe general population are sparse, especially in young women. In this cross-sectional study, data obtained from self-administered questionnaires, including age, height, body weight, lifestyle, food habits, anxiety, depressive status, frequency of bowel movements,stool texture, and defecation-related symptoms were analyzed in 245 female Japanese university students. An establishedsemiquantitative questionnaire available for clinical investigation (FFQg) was used to obtain a detailed assessment of food intake and physical activity levels. Of the participants, 21.4% had bowel movements ?3 times per week and 33.3% had hard or lumpy stools ?25% and loose (mushy) or watery stools <25% of bowel movements. There was a positive association between infrequent bowel movements and hard or lumpy stools. These two situations both caused similar symptoms such as a sensation of incomplete evacuation and straining. There was no association of bowel movement frequency and stool texture with any specificnutrients and foods, dietary intake, mental status, or physical activity. Several lifestyle factors such as regular bowel movements and hesitation with evacuation were associated with bowel movement frequency and stool texture. Several lifestyle factors, but not mental, physical, or dietary intake factors, were associated with bowel movement frequency and stool texture in young Japanese women

    ERRγ enhances cardiac maturation with T-tubule formation in human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes

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    ヒトのiPS細胞から新生児レベルまで成熟した心筋細胞を作製する. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-06-21.Lowering the cost of heart cell therapies. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-06-21.One of the earliest maturation steps in cardiomyocytes (CMs) is the sarcomere protein isoform switch between TNNI1 and TNNI3 (fetal and neonatal/adult troponin I). Here, we generate human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) carrying a TNNI1[EmGFP] and TNNI3[mCherry] double reporter to monitor and isolate mature sub-populations during cardiac differentiation. Extensive drug screening identifies two compounds, an estrogen-related receptor gamma (ERRγ) agonist and an S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 inhibitor, that enhances cardiac maturation and a significant change to TNNI3 expression. Expression, morphological, functional, and molecular analyses indicate that hiPSC-CMs treated with the ERRγ agonist show a larger cell size, longer sarcomere length, the presence of transverse tubules, and enhanced metabolic function and contractile and electrical properties. Here, we show that ERRγ-treated hiPSC-CMs have a mature cellular property consistent with neonatal CMs and are useful for disease modeling and regenerative medicine