65 research outputs found

    Gasotransmitters: Novel Regulators of Epithelial Na+ Transport?

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    The vectorial transport of Na+ across epithelia is crucial for the maintenance of Na+ and water homeostasis in organs such as the kidneys, lung, or intestine. Dysregulated Na+ transport processes are associated with various human diseases such as hypertension, the salt-wasting syndrome pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1, pulmonary edema, cystic fibrosis, or intestinal disorders, which indicate that a precise regulation of epithelial Na+ transport is essential. Novel regulatory signaling molecules are gasotransmitters. There are currently three known gasotransmitters: nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). These molecules are endogenously produced in mammalian cells by specific enzymes and have been shown to regulate various physiological processes. There is a growing body of evidence which indicates that gasotransmitters may also regulate Na+ transport across epithelia. This review will summarize the available data concerning NO, CO, and H2S dependent regulation of epithelial Na+ transport processes and will discuss whether or not these mediators can be considered as true physiological regulators of epithelial Na+ transport biology

    Gasotransmitters: novel regulators of ion channels and transporters

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    More than 25 years ago, it was a big surprise for physiologists that nitric oxide (NO) was identified as the endothelium derived relaxing factor which is responsible for endothelium-induced smooth muscle relaxation (Ignarro et al., 1987). Until then, small gaseous molecules were simply regarded as byproducts of cellular metabolism which were unlikely to be of any physiological relevance. The discovery that NO was synthesized by specific enzymes (NO-synthases), upon stimulation by specific, physiologically relevant stimuli (e.g., acetylcholine stimulation of endothelial cells), as well as the fact that it acted on specific cellular targets (e.g., soluble guanylate cyclase), set the course for numerous studies which investigated the physiological roles of gaseous signaling molecules—in other words, gasotransmitters (Wang, 2002)

    Amiloride-Sensitive Sodium Channels and Pulmonary Edema

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    The development of pulmonary edema can be considered as a combination of alveolar flooding via increased fluid filtration, impaired alveolar-capillary barrier integrity, and disturbed resolution due to decreased alveolar fluid clearance. An important mechanism regulating alveolar fluid clearance is sodium transport across the alveolar epithelium. Transepithelial sodium transport is largely dependent on the activity of sodium channels in alveolar epithelial cells. This paper describes how sodium channels contribute to alveolar fluid clearance under physiological conditions and how deregulation of sodium channel activity might contribute to the pathogenesis of lung diseases associated with pulmonary edema. Furthermore, sodium channels as putative molecular targets for the treatment of pulmonary edema are discussed

    Why Do We have to Move Fluid to be Able to Breathe?

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    The ability to breathe air represents a fundamental step in vertebrate evolution that was accompanied by several anatomical and physiological adaptations. The morphology of the air-blood barrier is highly conserved within air-breathing vertebrates. It is formed by three different plies, which are represented by the alveolar epithelium, the basal lamina, and the endothelial layer. Besides these conserved morphological elements, another common feature of vertebrate lungs is that they contain a certain amount of fluid that covers the alveolar epithelium. The volume and composition of the alveolar fluid is regulated by transepithelial ion transport mechanisms expressed in alveolar epithelial cells. These transport mechanisms have been reviewed extensively. Therefore, the present review focuses on the properties and functional significance of the alveolar fluid. How does the fluid enter the alveoli? What is the fate of the fluid in the alveoli? What is the function of the alveolar fluid in the lungs? The review highlights the importance of the alveolar fluid, its volume and its composition. Maintenance of the fluid volume and composition within certain limits is critical to facilitate gas exchange. We propose that the alveolar fluid is an essential element of the air-blood barrier. Therefore, it is appropriate to refer to this barrier as being formed by four plies, namely (1) the thin fluid layer covering the apical membrane of the epithelial cells, (2) the epithelial cell layer, (3) the basal membrane, and (4) the endothelial cells

    Pitfalls of using sequence databases for heterologous expression studies : a technical review

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    Synthesis of DNA fragments based on gene sequences that are available in public resources has become an efficient and affordable method that has gradually replaced traditional cloning efforts such as PCR cloning from cDNA. However, database entries based on genome sequencing results are prone to errors which can lead to false sequence information and, ultimately, errors in functional characterisation of proteins such as ion channels and transporters in heterologous expression systems. We have identified five common problems that repeatedly appear in public resources: (1) Not every gene has yet been annotated; (2) not all gene annotations are necessarily correct; (3) transcripts may contain automated corrections; (4) there are mismatches between gene, mRNA and protein sequences; and (5) splicing patterns often lack experimental validation. This technical review highlights and provides a strategy to bypass these issues in order to avoid critical mistakes that could impact future studies of any gene/protein of interest in heterologous expression systems

    Pharmacological inhibitors of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator exert off-target effects on epithelial cation channels

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    The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) anion channel and the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) play essential roles in transepithelial ion and fluid transport in numerous epithelial tissues. Inhibitors of both channels have been important tools for defining their physiological role in vitro. However, two commonly used CFTR inhibitors, CFTRinh-172 and GlyH-101, also inhibit non-CFTR anion channels, indicating they are not CFTR specific. However, the potential off-target effects of these inhibitors on epithelial cation channels has to date not been addressed. Here, we show that both CFTR blockers, at concentrations routinely employed by many researchers, caused a significant inhibition of store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) that was time-dependent, poorly reversible and independent of CFTR. Patch clamp experiments showed that both CFTRinh-172 and GlyH-101 caused a significant block of Orai1-mediated whole cell currents, establishing that they likely reduce SOCE via modulation of this Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channel. In addition to off-target effects on calcium channels, both inhibitors significantly reduced human αβγ-ENaC-mediated currents after heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes, but had differential effects on δβγ-ENaC function. Molecular docking identified two putative binding sites in the extracellular domain of ENaC for both CFTR blockers. Together, our results indicate that caution is needed when using these two CFTR inhibitors to dissect the role of CFTR, and potentially ENaC, in physiological processes

    A succinate/SUCNR1-brush cell defense program in the tracheal epithelium

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    Host-derived succinate accumulates in the airways during bacterial infection. Here, we show that luminal succinate activates murine tracheal brush (tuft) cells through a signaling cascade involving the succinate receptor 1 (SUCNR1), phospholipase Cβ2, and the cation channel transient receptor potential channel subfamily M member 5 (TRPM5). Stimulated brush cells then trigger a long-range Ca2+ wave spreading radially over the tracheal epithelium through a sequential signaling process. First, brush cells release acetylcholine, which excites nearby cells via muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. From there, the Ca2+ wave propagates through gap junction signaling, reaching also distant ciliated and secretory cells. These effector cells translate activation into enhanced ciliary activity and Cl− secretion, which are synergistic in boosting mucociliary clearance, the major innate defense mechanism of the airways. Our data establish tracheal brush cells as a central hub in triggering a global epithelial defense program in response to a danger-associated metabolite

    Proteolytic ENaC activation in health and disease—a complicated puzzle

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    The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is a heterotrimeric ion channel that plays a key role in sodium and water homeostasis in tetrapod vertebrates. In the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron, hormonally controlled ENaC expression matches dietary sodium intake to its excretion. Furthermore, ENaC mediates sodium absorption across the epithelia of the colon, sweat ducts, reproductive tract, and lung. ENaC is a constitutively active ion channel and its expression, membrane abundance, and open probability (PO) are controlled by multiple intracellular and extracellular mediators and mechanisms [9]. Aberrant ENaC regulation is associated with severe human diseases, including hypertension, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary edema, pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1, and nephrotic syndrome [9]