40 research outputs found

    Chrysomalla Förster 1859 (Hymenoptera: Perilampidae : Chrysolampinae)’nin Palearktik türleri, Türkiye’den yeni türlerin tanımlanması

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    Chrysomalla Förster 1859 (Hymenoptera: Perilampidae: Chrysolampinae)’nın Palearktik türleri incelenmiş, bazı yeni karakterler ile bu türlerin teşhisi için bir anahtar oluşturulmuştur. Chrysomalla stigmatica Boucek, 1972 ve C. roseri Förster, 1859’in dağılış alanları belirtilmiş ve yeniden tanımları yapılmıştır. Turkey’den üç yeni tür, Chrysomalla sekilica, C. nevsehirica, ve C. gulsehirica tanımlanmış ve türlerin ayırt edici özelliklerinin resimleri verilmiştir.Palearctic species of Chrysomalla Förster 1859 (Hymenoptera: Perilampidae: Chrysolampinae) are reviewed, and a key provided to identify the species by inserting some new characters. Distributions and redescriptions of Chrysomalla stigmatica Boucek, 1972, and C. roseri Förster, 1859 were given. Three new species, Chrysomalla sekilica, C. nevsehirica, and C. gulsehirica are described from Turkey and the diagnostic characteristics of the species illustrated

    Türkiye’de bulunan yeni bir Westralianus Boucek 1988 (Hymenoptera: Torymidae: Megastigminae) türünün tanımlanması

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    A new species of the Australian genus Westralianus Boucek (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) is described from Altınözü, Hatay, Turkey. Some new diagnostic characters of the genus are provided by inclusion of a second species in the genus. The new species, W. altinoezus n.sp., is compared with the type species, W. microstigma Boucek 1988. The new species was recorded as a parasitoid of caterpillars of an unknown species of Lepidoptera living in galls of Gymnosporangium confusum (Uredinales: Pucciniaceae) on shoots of Crataegus monogyna Jacq. A description of the new species is provided and its diagnostic characters are photographed.Altınözü, Hatay, Türkiye’den yeni bir Westralianus (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) türü, bu zamana kadar Avustralya cinsi olarak bilinen bu cinsin Palearktik Bölge için yeni kayıdı olarak bulunmuştur. Cins için bazı yeni ayırt edici karakterler daha önceden bu cinsin yazarı tarafından verilen karakterlere eklenmiştir. Westralianus altinoezus cinsin tek türü olan W. microstigma Boucek 1988 ile mukayese edilmiş ve bu türleri birbirinden ayırt eden karakterler oluşturulmuştur. Yeni tür alıç, Crataegus monogyna Jacq., dallarında Gymnosporangium confusum (Uredinales: Pucciniaceae) tarafından oluşturulan galler içinde beslenen bir Lepidoptera türünün tırtıllarının parazitoiti olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu yeni tür tanımlanmış, ayırt edici karakterlerinin resimleri verilmiştir

    Türkiye'de yeni bir okaliptüs tohum gal arısı Quadrastichodella nova girault, 1922 (Eulophidae: Tetrastichinae)

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    The present study was carried out during 2006 and 2007 in a eucalyptus planted area in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. The eulophid species Quadrastichodella nova Girault (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae: Tetrastichinae) was collected on Eucalyptus spp. seed capsules for the first time in Turkey. This species induces galls on the seeds, attaining low levels of infestation. The plant species Eucalyptus camaldulensis L. (Myrtaceae) is reported as new host for Q. nova.Bu çalışma, 2006 ve 2007 yıllarında Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde okaliptüs yetiştirilen alanlarda yürütülmüştür. Eucalyptus spp. tohum kapsüllerinde Quadrastichodella nova Girault (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae: Tetrastichinae) ülkemizde ilk defa elde edilmiştir. Tohumlar üzerinde gal oluşturan bu türün enfeksiyonunun düşük düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Eucalyptus camaldulensis L. (Myrtaceae) bitkisinın Q. nova için yeni bir konukçu olduğu saptanmıştır

    Türkiye ve Avrupa’da bulunan Gugolzia Delucchi and Steffan (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) türlerinin revizyonu ve yeni türlerin tanımlanması

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    The species of Gugolzia (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) in Europe and Turkey were reviewed, and an identification key for differentiating the species is provided. Newly discovered diagnostic characters of the genus were added to the diagnoses given by earlier authors. Species were recorded as parasitoids of phytophagous Eurytomidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). New host and distributions are for Gugolzia harmolitae, which was reared from Tetramesa romana feeding on shoots of Arundo donax (Poaceae), Gugolzia karadagae n.sp. from Eurytoma plotnikovi feeding on fruits of Pistacia vera together with Megastigmus pistaciae (Chalcidoidea: Torymidae) in Gaziantep province, and Gugolzia melengicia n.sp. from fruits of Pistacia terebinthi together with M. pistaciae, Eurytoma sp., and Scophyla sp. (Eurytomidae) in Hatay province, Turkey. The new species are described, their diagnostic characters are illustrated by photographs, and biological data for the species are given.Gugolzia (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) türleri yeniden ele alınarak çalışılmıştır. Cins için bazı yeni ayırt edici karakterler bulunmuş ve bu karakterler daha önceden diğer yazarlarca verilen karakterlere eklenmiştir. Cinsin Türkiye ve Avrupa türleri için teşhis anahtarı oluşturulmuştur. Gugolzia türleri fitofag Eurytomidae’lerin parazitoitleri olarak belirlenmiştir. Arundo donax (Poaceae) sürgünlerinde beslenen Tetramesa romana (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) ve bunun paraziti olan Gugolzia harmolitae konukçularından elde edilmiş ve Türkiye’de ilk kez bulunmuşlardır. Gaziantep İlinde Gugolzia karadagae n. sp. antepfıstığı meyvelerinde Megastigmus pistaciae (Hymenoptera. Torymidae) ile birlikte zarar yapan Eurytoma plotnikovi (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae)’den elde edilmiştir. Hatay İlinde diğer bir yeni tür olan Gugolzia melengicia n.sp. Pistacia terebinthi meyvelerinden M. pistaciae, Eurytoma sp. ve Scophyla sp. (Eurytomidae) ile birlikte elde edilmiştir. Yeni türler tanımlanmış, ayırt edici karakterlerinin resimleri ve türlere ait bazı biyolojik bilgiler verilmiştir

    Occurrence of fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) in Ficus caria and F. microcarpa in Hatay, Turkey

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    This study focuses on fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), considering that only 2 fig wasp species, Blastophaga psenes (L.) and Philotrypesis caricae (L.) (new record) are associated with Ficus carica in Turkey. Five fig wasps species, namely Eupristina verticillata Waterston, Walkerella microcarpae Bouček, Odontofroggatia ishii Wiebes, Philotrypesis taiwanensis Chen, and Philotrypesis emeryi Grandi were found on Ficus microcarpa (L.), which is an Asian fig tree, and has been ornamentally cultivated in Turkey since the 1930s. Among them, E. verticillata was detected as a specific pollinator of F. microcarpa, the rest of the species were not pollinators, and all of them are new records for Turkey. The results suggest that the time of influx of these wasps into Turkey is unknown, but it can be assumed that they came together with F. microcarpa when it was brought from somewhere in the world during the period before the Hatay Republic. Distribution, biology, and systematic notes of each species are all given.This study focuses on fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), considering that only 2 fig wasp species, Blastophaga psenes (L.) and Philotrypesis caricae (L.) (new record) are associated with Ficus carica in Turkey. Five fig wasps species, namely Eupristina verticillata Waterston, Walkerella microcarpae Bouček, Odontofroggatia ishii Wiebes, Philotrypesis taiwanensis Chen, and Philotrypesis emeryi Grandi were found on Ficus microcarpa (L.), which is an Asian fig tree, and has been ornamentally cultivated in Turkey since the 1930s. Among them, E. verticillata was detected as a specific pollinator of F. microcarpa, the rest of the species were not pollinators, and all of them are new records for Turkey. The results suggest that the time of influx of these wasps into Turkey is unknown, but it can be assumed that they came together with F. microcarpa when it was brought from somewhere in the world during the period before the Hatay Republic. Distribution, biology, and systematic notes of each species are all given

    Bootanomyia Girault 1915 (Hymenoptera: Torymidae: Megastigminae)’nın dünya türlerinin revizyonu ve yeni türlerin tanımlanması

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    The world species of Bootanomyia Girault (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) are reviewed. Nine species are transferred from Megastigmus to Bootanomyia as new combinations: B. almusiensis (Doğanlar, 1989), B. dorsalis (Fabricius 1789), B. dumicola (Boucek 1982), B. habui (Kamijo, 1962), B. maculipennis (Yasumatsu and Kamijo, 1979), B. nipponicus (Yasumatsu and Kamijo, 1979), B. stigmatizans (Fabricious 1789), B. synophri (Mayr 1874), and B. zhaoi (Xu & He, 2003). Megastigmus bohemanii Ratzeburg, 1848 is reinstated as a species from synonymy under M. dorsalis Fabricius and transferred to Bootanomyia as B. bohemanii (Ratzeburg, 1848) (comb. and status n.). Seven species are described as new species: B. balikesirensis, B. emrezaferi, B. hepdurgunae, B. mehmeti, B. onuri, B. saragoldae, and B. shebnemae. An identii cation key for the world species of Bootanomyia is provided. Species of Bootanomyia are recorded as parasitoids of insect gall inducers in several plant parts.Dünyadaki Bootanomyia (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) türleri ele alınarak çalışılmıştır. Dokuz tür, Megastigmus’tan Bootanomyia cinsine new combination olarak aktarılmıştır. Bunlar: B. almusiensis (Doğanlar, 1989), B. dorsalis (Fabricius 1789), B. dumicola (Boucek 1982), B. habui (Kamijo, 1962), B. maculipennis (Yasumatsu and Kamijo, 1979), B. nipponicus (Yasumatsu and Kamijo, 1979), B. stigmatizans (Fabricious 1789), B. synophri (Mayr 1874) ve B. zhaoi (Xu & He, 2003). Megastigmus bohemanii Ratzeburg, 1848 tür seviyesine yükseltilmiş ve Bootanomyia cinsine B. bohemanii (Ratzeburg, 1848) (comb. and status n.) olarak aktarılmıştır. Yedi yeni tür isimlendirilmiş ve tanımlanmıştır (new species): B. balikesirensis, B. emrezaferi, B. hepdurgunae, B. mehmeti, B. onuri, B. saragoldae ve B. shebnemae. Bootanomyia cinsinin dünyadaki bütün türleri için teşhis anahtarı oluşturulmuştur. Bootanomyia türleri çoğunlukla gall oluşturan i tofag böceklerin parazitoitleri olarak belirlenmiştir

    Arthrolytus (Anarthrolytus)

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    <i>Arthrolytus</i> (<i>Anarthrolytus</i>) GRAHAM, 1969 <p> D i a g n o s i s: <b>♀</b>: Right mandible with 4 teeth, left mandible with 3 teeth; Malar space at most 0.48x length of an eye; Pedicel almost as long as first funicle or slightly longer.</p> <p>♂: Right mandible with 4 teeth, left mandible with 3 teeth; F1 at most slightly constric- ted basally; Antenna with pedicel at least slightly longer than F1 (1.1x) and distinctly narrower than F1 (at most 0.67x); Antenna with combined length of pedicel and flagellum equal to breadth of head; fore wing with a fuscous spot.</p>Published as part of <i>Doğanlar, Mikdat, 2018, World species of Arthrolytus (Hymenoptera Pteromalidae, Pteromalinae), with description of new species, pp. 255-289 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1)</i> on page 268, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3985426">10.5281/zenodo.3985426</a&gt

    Arthrolytus usubai Kamijo 1981

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    <i>Arthrolytus usubai</i> KAMIJO, 1981 (Figs 1g, 2k, 3j) <p> T y p e m a t e r i a l s: Holotype ♀, Kita-Asaka, Saimata-ken, emerged -. iv. 1980, ex gall of <i>Neuroterus</i> sp., Leg. S. Usuba. Paratypes: Honshu: 11♀♀ 13♂♂, same data as the holotype; Urawa, Saitama-ken, emerged -. Xii. 1978. Leg. S. Usuba. The types were deposited in the Entomological Institute, Hokkaido University, Sapporo.</p> <p> D i a g n o s i s: ♀: Antenna (Fig. 1a) with combined length of pedicel and flagellum equal to breadth of the head; 2.3x as long as scape.anelli plus F1 1.44x as long as pedicel; pedicel 0.82x as long as F1; club 1.64x as long as F1. Malar space 0.30x length of an eye. POL 1.8 OOL. Forewing (Fig. 3j) with stigmal vein forming angle 45 o with the postmarginal vein; marginal vein 1.3-1.5x stigmal vein; post marginal vein 0.9x as long as marginal vein. Propodeum medially 0.33x as long as scutellum, median area transversally elevated and finely strigose-reticulate, with apical and basal foveae deep and large; with distinct median carina, plicae sherp posteriorly, indicated anteriorly bybasal foveae; nucha occupying1/4 median length of propodeum, well defined in front, weakly and transversally sculptured. Legs brownish yellow, except coxae concolorous with mesosoma; tarsi darker at apex.</p> <p> <b>♂♂</b>: Smilar to ♀ except as follows: Anterior margin of clypeus truncate; Antenna (Fig. 2k) with pedicel 1.7-1.9x as long as broad, 0.6x as long as F1; flagellum 2.68x length of scape; F1 2.28x as long as broad 1.78x as long as pedicel; 1.23x as long as F2; F6 1.33x as long as broad; club 3.13x as long as broad 1.56x length of F1. Number of linear sensillae on F1 and F2 1; F3 2; F4 and F6 3-4; C1 and C2 3 sensillae; Propodeum with median carina strong, plicae sharp posteriorly, indicated anteriorly by basal foveae; dorsum of Metasoma with a large brown spot basally; forewing with a cloud slightly darker.</p> <p>D e s c r i p t i o n:givenbyKAMIJO (1981).</p> <p> H o s t: reared from galls of <i>Neuroterus</i> sp. on leaves of <i>Quercus acutissima</i>.</p> <p>D i s t r i b u t i o n: Japan: Honshu.</p>Published as part of <i>Doğanlar, Mikdat, 2018, World species of Arthrolytus (Hymenoptera Pteromalidae, Pteromalinae), with description of new species, pp. 255-289 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1)</i> on pages 276-277, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3985426">10.5281/zenodo.3985426</a&gt

    Arthrolytus oswalpecki Doğanlar 2018, nov.sp.

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    <i>Arthrolytus oswalpecki</i> nov.sp. (Figs 2b, 3b) <p>T y p e m a t e r i a l s: Holotype ♂, Canada: Ontario, Dundas, 28.vi.1955, O. Peck, deposited in the CNC. Paratype: ♂, same data as holotype.</p> <p>E t y m o l o g y: The name is derived from the name of Dr. Oswald Peck who collected the types.</p> <p>D i a g n o s i s: Malar space 0.19-0.22x eye length; combined length of pedicel plus flagellum 1.37x as long as breadth of head; Antenna: scape basally narrow, slightly expanded medially; pedicel 1.54x as long as wide and 0.5x as long as F1; flagellum 3.14x length of scape; F1 2x; F2-F4 1.3x; F5 1.05; F6 quadrate; club 2.4x as long as broad, as wide as F6,1.2x as long as F1; linear sensillae on F1 4; F2 6 in two rows; F3-F6 3-4, in one row apically; C1 3; C2 3; C3 2;. Forewing with stigmal vein forming 40° angle to the postmarginal vein; with a faint cloud slightly darker around stigmal vein; costal cell 8.67 times as long as broad; post marginal vein 1.21x marginal vein and 1.7x stigmal vein; marginal vein 1.4x stigmal vein; speculum narrowly open; Propodeum about 0.54x length of scutellum, median area finely reticulated; with transverse costula, plicae and median carina; median area 1.37x as wide as long body black with bluish metallic reflection; legs with coxae concolorous with body; femora fuscous, tibiae and tarsi yellow. Propodeum about 0.54x length of scutellum, median area finely reticulated; with transverse costula, plicae and median carina; median area 1.37x as wide as long with broad metasoma pale band basally; 0.9x as long as mesonotum.</p> <p>D e s c r i p t i o n: The diagnostic characters of this species are given above and need not be repeated here. Some additional characters are the following:</p> <p>♂: Body 2.1 mm long. body black with bluish metallic reflection, Metasoma black, basally with yellow band; antenna with scape pale yellow, pedicel and anelli fuscous, funicular segments and club black legs with coxae, concolorous with body; femora testa-</p> <p>ceous, tibiae and tarsi yellow; forewing with a faint cloud slightly darker around stigmal vein.</p> <p>Head in lateral view 37:18; in anterior view 47:37, almost as wide as height; in dorsal view 48: 18, 1.37x wider than mesoscutum (35); wide of frons 29; lower margin of clypeus entire in the middle; POL: OOL 13: 9; eye long oval 28:15, malar space 6. Malar space 0.37x eye length. Antenna (Fig. 2b) with combined length of pedicel and flagellum (110), almost 1.27x as long as breadth of the head; flagellum 3.12x length of scape, club about 2.7 times as long as broad, about as long as 2.2 of the preceding funicular segments; F1 1.9x as long as broad, the sixth almost quadrate; scape 32, basally slightly narrow, slightly expanded medially; pedicel 9:5, 1.8x as long as wide and 0.53x as long as F1; flagellum 100; flagellum filiform, funicular segments distinctly wider than pedicel, almost in same width, gradually shortening towards tip, F1 distinctly constricted basally, 17:9, F2 12:9; F3-F4 11:9; F5-F6 9:9, quadrate; club 23:8.5, 3 segmented, acuminate, long, 1.35x as long as F1, 2.7x as long as broad, 0.76x as long as 3 preceding segments; linear sensillae on flagellar segment placed apically in a row, F1-F2 with 4, F3-F6 4-5; in apical half, C1 5; C2 5; C3 3. Scutellum almost as long as width (with axillullae) 18:17; Forewing (Fig. 3b) with stigmal vein forming 50° angle to the postmarginal vein; stigmal vein thin, long with a broad knob; costal cell 8.64 times as long as broad; post marginal vein 1.1x marginal vein and 1.4x stigmal veins; basal cell with 4-5 hairs distally, basal vein slightly indicated, speculum open; marginal vein distinctly enlarged, measurements of m: pm: st as 38: 42: 30; Propodeum with median area (20:12) at least 0.66x length of scutellum; transverse costula, plicae and median carina distinctly developed.. Metasoma 0.92x as long as mesosoma.</p> <p>F e m a l e: unknown.</p> <p>B i o l o g y: unknown.</p> <p> C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: The new species similar to ♂ of <i>Arthrolytus oezbeki</i> DOĞANLAR, 1978 in having the both mandible with 3 tooth (2 teeth sharp and one tooth entire) and antenna with F1 distinctly constricted basally; distinctly wider than pedicel (at least 1.7x), combined length of pedicel plus flagellum almost 1.4x as long as breadth of head, but it differs from the ♂ of <i>A. oezbeki</i> in having malar space 0.19-0.22x eye length; forewing with stigmal vein forming 40° angle to the postmarginal vein; propodeum about 0.54x length of scutellum, median area finely reticulated; with transverse costula, plicae and median carina; median area 1.37x as wide as long; body black with bluish metallic reflection; legs with coxae concolorous with body; femora fuscous, tibiae and tarsi yellow; metasoma with a pale band basally (in <i>A. oezbeki</i> malar space more than half length of an eye; forewing with angle between stigmal and post marginal veins 320; propodeum about 0.4x length of scutellum, median area punctured-reticulated; costula slightly indicated, plicae distinct posteriorly; median carina complete, broken medially; median area 2.5x as wide as long; body metallic green with golden reflection; femora testaceous; metasoma black).</p> <p>D i s t r i b u t i o n: Canada: Ontario, Dundas.</p>Published as part of <i>Doğanlar, Mikdat, 2018, World species of Arthrolytus (Hymenoptera Pteromalidae, Pteromalinae), with description of new species, pp. 255-289 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1)</i> on pages 267-268, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3985426">10.5281/zenodo.3985426</a&gt

    World species of Arthrolytus (Hymenoptera Pteromalidae, Pteromalinae), with description of new species

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    Doğanlar, Mikdat (2018): World species of Arthrolytus (Hymenoptera Pteromalidae, Pteromalinae), with description of new species. Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1): 255-289, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.398542