119 research outputs found

    Concern about the spread of the invader seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla (Chlorophyta: Caulerpales) towards the West Mediterranean

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    The new Australian alien seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla, after being established along the Turkish Mediterranean coast in 2006, was recorded in Southern Sicily in 2007. Since then local fishermen claimed support to counteract the effects of entanglement of large amounts of the alien strain wrack in their trammel nets, causing the gear to become ineffective. The further northward and westward spread of the new alien strain is supposed to be limited by winter temperature. We present novel data confirming that the new alien strain is fully naturalized in Central Mediterranean and is expanding its range beyond such limit (i.e. the 15°C February isotherm), thus becoming potentially able to colonize the western basin. By means of a preliminary estimation of effects on native polychaete assemblages, and considering some peculiarities of Sicily (mostly linked to its geographical position in the Mediterranean Sea), the risk linked to the increasing range of distribution of the invasive algae is highlighted

    Reducing the data-deficiency of threatened European habitats: Spatial variation of sabellariid worm reefs and associated fauna in the Sicily Channel, Mediterranean Sea

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    Biogenic reefs, such as those produced by tube-dwelling polychaetes of the genus Sabellaria, are valuable marine habitats which are a focus of protection according to European legislation. The achievement of this goal is potentially hindered by the lack of essential empirical data, especially in the Mediterranean Sea. This study addresses some of the current knowledge gaps by quantifying and comparing multi-scale patterns of abundance and distribution of two habitat-forming species (Sabellaria alveolata and S. spinulosa) and their associated fauna along 190 km of coast on the Italian side of the Sicily Channel. While the abundance of the two sabellariids and the total number of associated taxa did not differ at any of the examined scales (from tens of centimetres to tens-100 of kilometres), the structure (composition in terms of both the identity and the relative abundance of constituting taxa) of the associated fauna and the abundance of several taxa (the polychaetes Eulalia ornata, Syllis pulvinata, S. garciai, Nereis splendida and Arabella iricolor, and the amphipods Apolochus neapolitanus, Tethylembos viguieri and Caprella acanthifera) varied among locations established ~50e100 km apart. Syllis pulvinata also showed significant variation between sites (hundreds of metres apart), analogously to the other syllid polychaetes S. armillaris and S. gracilis, the nereidid polychaete Nereis rava, and the amphipod Gammaropsis ulrici. The largest variance of S. spinulosa, of the structure of the whole associated fauna and of 56% of taxa analysed individually occurred at the scale of replicates (metres apart), while that of the dominant bio-constructor S. alveolata and of 25% of taxa occurred at the scale of sites. The remaining 19% and the total richness of taxa showed the largest variance at the scale of locations. Present findings contribute to meet a crucial requirement of any future effective protection strategy, i.e., identifying relevant scales of variation to be included in protection schemes aiming at preserving representative samples not only of target habitats and organisms, but also of the processes driving such variabilit

    Assessment of the Sabellaria alveolata reefs’ structural features along the Southern coast of Sicily (Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea)

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    The honeycomb worm Sabellaria alveolata is a gregarious tube-dwelling polychaete that builds remarkable biogenic reefs in marine coastal waters. Sabellaria alveolata reefs are considered valuable marine habitats requiring protection measures for their conservation, as they play a key role in the functioning of coastal ecosystems. Sabellarid reefs are extensively developed along the Atlantic coasts of Europe and reported for the Mediterranean Sea and the Italian coasts, where large reefs have been recorded in several localities. Fragmentary information is available on their health status, Sabellaria reefs thus being listed as “Data Deficient” in the Red List of Marine Habitats. To fill this knowledge gap, this study focused on the analysis of the structure of three reefs found along the southern coast of Sicily. In particular, we aimed to assess their phases with respect to the natural cycle that characterizes the sabellarid reefs. Reef features were analyzed both on the macroscale, based on the bioconstruction size (diameter and thickness) and degree of fragmentation, and on the microscale, based on the measurement of worm density, opercular length and sand porch presence. This study reveals relevant differences among reefs of the studied locations. These differences we attribute to the temporal shift linked to the natural reef phases, albeit further analyses are needed to understand the possible effect of natural and anthropogenic sources of variation on the Southern Sicilian reefs. In conclusion, Sabellaria reefs are a unique and persistent habitat along the Sicilian coast requiring proper management and conservation measures

    Identification of novel interferon responsive protein partners of human leukocyte antigen A (HLA-A) using cross-linking mass spectrometry (CLMS) approach

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    The interferon signalling system elicits a robust cytokine response against a wide range of environmental pathogenic and internal pathological signals, leading to induction of a subset of interferon-induced proteins. We applied DSS (disuccinimidyl suberate) mediated cross-linking mass spectrometry (CLMS) to capture novel protein–protein interactions within the realm of interferon induced proteins. In addition to the expected interferon-induced proteins, we identified novel inter- and intra-molecular cross-linked adducts for the canonical interferon induced proteins, such as MX1, USP18, OAS3, and STAT1. We focused on orthogonal validation of a cohort of novel interferon-induced protein networks formed by the HLA-A protein (H2BFS-HLA-A-HMGA1) using co-immunoprecipitation assay, and further investigated them by molecular dynamics simulation. Conformational dynamics of the simulated protein complexes revealed several interaction sites that mirrored the interactions identified in the CLMS findings. Together, we showcase a proof-of-principle CLMS study to identify novel interferon-induced signaling complexes and anticipate broader use of CLMS to identify novel protein interaction dynamics within the tumour microenvironment

    Fenomeno Caulerpa 2010-2013. Rapporto sull'evoluzione delle specie aliene nel Canale di Sicilia

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    Gli studi effettuati da ARPA-Sicilia, ISPRA e CNR-IAMC hanno perseguito l’obiettivo principale di monitorare e valutare l’impatto della diffusione delle alghe indagate, attraverso l’analisi dell’evoluzione spazio-temporale del fenomeno e la caratterizzazione eco-tossicologica delle aree di pesca maggiormente interessate dalla presenza delle caulerpe. In particolare Le ricerche di ARPA-Sicilia sono state mirate a: - Definire le aree di studio principalmente interessate dal fenomeno di diffusione delle due alghe aliene; - Caratterizzare da un punto di vista ambientale le aree oggetto d’indagine; - Valutare le pressioni antropiche che insistono lungo le coste delle aree indagate; - Stimare l’influenza che le pressioni antropiche possono esercitare sulla diffusione della Caulerpa; - Indagare l’andamento spazio-temporale della distribuzione di Caulerpa in specifiche aree di indagine. Gli studi condotti da ISPRA hanno puntato a: - Valutare possibili interferenze dell’alga con le attività di pesca, l’intasamento delle reti e la riduzione della pescabilità dell’attrezzo; - Rilevare l’eventuale diversità tra aree con insediamento e prive di insediamento; - Avviare l’introduzione di buone pratiche per evitare che la pesca possa rappresentare un ulteriore vettore di invasioni secondarie attraverso disseminazione dei frammenti e propaguli dell’alga; - Definire comportamenti alieutici nel tempo utili alla mitigazione del potenziale impatto della pesca sulle risorse nelle aree colpite; - Istituire in tutta l’area di studio e, in particolare, nell’arcipelago delle Pelagie, un “Osservatorio delle Specie Aliene” per svolgere attività di monitoraggio sulla diffusione delle specie aliene, al fine di formulare proposte gestionali mirate alla salvaguardia degli ecosistemi e delle attività economiche di pesca. Le indagini realizzate dal CNR-IAMC hanno avuto come obiettivi principali: - Confrontare le caratteristiche dei popolamenti bentonici associati a praterie di Posidonia oceanica della Sicilia meridionale interessate dall’invasione di Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla con quelle di popolamenti associati a posidonieti di località limitrofe non colpite dal fenomeno; - Confrontare la struttura trofica della comunità bentonica associata a matte di Posidonia oceanica in località invase e non invase da alghe aliene del genere Caulerpa della Sicilia meridionale; - Valutare gli effetti dell’invasione di Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea sulla struttura e sulla funzione di popolamenti macrobentonici sessili di fondo duro dell’infralitorale

    Metal Bioavailability in the Sava River Water

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    Metals present one of the major contamination problems for freshwater systems, such as the Sava River, due to their high toxicity, persistence, and tendency to accumulate in sediment and living organisms. The comprehensive assessment of the metal bioavailability in the Sava River encompassed the analyses of dissolved and DGT-labile metal species of nine metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in the river water, as well as the evaluation of the accumulation of five metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) in three organs (liver, gills, and gastrointestinal tissue) of the bioindicator organism, fish species European chub (Squalius cephalus L.).This survey was conducted mainly during the year 2006, in two sampling campaigns, in April/May and September, as periods representative for chub spawning and post-spawning. Additionally, metal concentrations were determined in the intestinal parasites acanthocephalans, which are known for their high affinity for metal accumulation. Metallothionein concentrations were also determined in three chub organs, as a commonly applied biomarker of metal exposure. Based on the metal concentrations in the river water, the Sava River was defined as weakly contaminated and mainly comparable with unpolluted rivers, which enabled the analyses of physiological variability of metal and metallothionein concentrations in the chub organs, as well as the establishment of their constitutive levels

    The politics of performance: transnationalism and its limits in former Yugoslav popular music, 1999–2004

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    This paper examines transnational relations between the Yugoslav successor states from the point of view of popular music, and demonstrates how transnational musical figures (such as Djordje Balaševi?, Mom?ilo Bajagi?-Bajaga and Ceca Ražnatovi?) are interpreted as symbolic reference points in national ethnopolitical discourse in the process of identity construction. Another symbolic function is served by Serbian turbofolk artists, who in Croatia serve as a cultural resource to distance oneself from a musical genre associated by many urban Croats with the ruralization (and Herzegovinization) of Croatian city space. In addition, value judgements associated with both Serbian and Croatian newly composed folk music provide an insight into the transnational negotiation of conflicting identities in the ex-Yugoslav context. Ultimately the paper shows how the ethnonational boundaries established by nationalizing ideologies created separate cultural spaces which themselves have been transnationalized after Yugoslavia's disintegration