142 research outputs found
20th century variations of the soil moisture content in East- Hungary
The present study is an illustrated version of the Abstract of a PhD Theses prepared by the first author
at the University of Szeged". The aim of the Theses is to give a modem climatographical analysis on the varied
hydrometeorological relations of the region, based on reliable observations of meteorological stations. The
analysis includes statistical characteristics of the inter-annual variability, spatial and temporal correlation of the
available soil moisture content and long-range changes, as well as their possible relation with climatic trends for
greater regions. The above-mentioned aims are intended to be realised on the basis of the Palmer's Drought Severity
Index (PDSI) data series. Monthly PDSI data series of five stations (Miskolc, NyĂregyháza, Debrecen, KecskemĂ©t and
Szeged) were determined for the 20th century, in three versions. To study the spatial correlations short PDSI sets of 17
stations were calculated for the period between 1951 and 1992, with Thornthwaite's plant-independent method
and without homogenisation. The objective and results of our work is to help further the inter-disciplinary study of
agro-ecological problems, influenced by the soil moisture content, by performing objective regionalization based
on soil moisture anomalies in the region; by publishing the characteristics and the calendar of the objective yeartypes;
and also by determining climatically representative, long dry and wet periods
Spatial and temporal variations of the palmer drought severity index in South-East Hungary
Összefoglalás - Havi száraz és nedves anomáliák térbeli és időbeli jellemzőit elemezzük a Körös-Maros köze
(gyakorlatilag Csongrád és Békés megye) területén, amelyet a termesztett növények nagy területi aránya jellemez. A
nedvessĂ©gi viszonyokat a Palmer-fĂ©le aszályossági index (PDSI) felhasználásával számszerűsĂtjĂĽk. A Palmer-modell
számĂtásait az 1951-1990 Ă©vek (fokĂ©nt a tenyĂ©szidöszakra kiterjedĹ‘) havi adatsoraira vĂ©geztĂĽk el a tĂ©rsĂ©g 17
állomására. Az alapvetĹ‘ statisztikai jellemzĹ‘k, ill. a tĂ©rbĂ©li Ă©s idĹ‘beli korreláciĂłk megállapĂtása mellett faktoranalĂzis
segĂtsĂ©gĂ©vel alrĂ©giĂłkat is meghatároztunk, amelyeken belĂĽl a PDSI Ă©rtĂ©kek hasonlĂł fázisban ingadoznak. Vizsgáltuk
a nyári félcvbén a térségen belli! fennálló egyidejű korrelációk szorosságát, valamint a kiszáradási folyamat kezdetén
(áprilisban) megfigyelt állapot hatását a rákövetkező hónapok PDSI értékeire. A hosszabb, 1881-1990 évek idősoraira
elemeztük a lassúbb, egyirányú változásokat, valamint a teljes időszak átlagától szignifikánsan eltérő szakaszok
Summary - Spatial and diachronic characteristics of monthly dry and wet anomalies are examined in the Körös-Maros
Interfluve Area (in the practical calculations, Csongrád and Békés counties, on the Great Hungarian Plain),
characterized by high proportionality of managed vegetation. Assessment of humidity conditions is performed by
employing the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). Palmer's model is applied to monthly data (mostly in the
vegetation period) for the period of 1951 -1990 at 17 stations of the region. Besides computation of basic statistics and
determination ofthe spatial and temporal correlations, factor analysis is also employed to define subareas in the region,
inside of which PDSls covary in time. Synchronous correlations between the stations of the region and the effect of
April conditions on the following months PDSI values are also investigated. Long-term, unidirectional changes and
also the length of periods are demonstrated, exhibiting averages which are significantly different from that case in
which the whole period of 1881-1990 is covered
A pedagĂłgusok tartalmi Ă©s mĂłdszertani tudásának fejlesztĂ©se a klĂmaváltozáshoz kapcsolĂłdva
Az Ă©ghajlatváltozás az oktatás számára is kihĂvást jelent, hiszen meg kell ismertetnĂĽnk az oktatásban rĂ©sztvevĹ‘kkel, hogy mi a folyamat lĂ©nyege, mik a következmĂ©nyei, Ă©s mit tehetĂĽnk a változás lefĂ©kezĂ©sĂ©Ă©rt. ĂŤrásunk elsĹ‘ fele e kĂ©rdĂ©sekrĹ‘l szĂłl, mĂg a második rĂ©szben arra mutatunk pĂ©ldákat, hogy mikĂ©nt tudjuk kihasználni a klĂmaváltozás iránti Ă©rdeklĹ‘dĂ©st arra, hogy más fontos kĂ©rdĂ©sekre hĂvjuk fel a figyelmet Ă©s fejlesszĂĽnk bizonyos kulcskompetenciákat
Education in the Sustainability Development Goals (2016-2030), sustainability in the education
The United Nations (UN) accepted the Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030) for mankind, including 17 Goals and 169 Targets. Sustainability is understood in its widest sense, considering society and economy as equally important pillars, as environmental safety. Fulfilment of these aims needs active and prepared participation of future generations, hence education of these tasks is inevitable. In the paper, a reasonable classification of the Goals is provided, which is missing in the document. This classification sorts the 17 Goals into five groups: Primary needs of humans (Goals 2, 3, 6 and 7); Equality between humans (1, 4, 5 and 10); Efficient, sustainable production (8, 9, 12 and 13); Landscapes in danger (11, 14 and 15) and Worldwide cooperation (16, 17). Goal 4 is devoted to education with 10 Targets, whereas eight further Targets of six Goals literally mention education or synonyms. Having them briefly presented, the paper critically notes those Targets, where education is also requested, but not mentioned by the document. There are also recommendations on how to teach sustainability in the various secondary school subjects. Reversely, examples are also provided to convince the Reader about possibility and usefulness of applying sustainability to support practically all school subjects and to develop key competences by selected aspects of sustainability. In the Appendices, there are global and European indicators, to be used in education of and by sustainability
Adalékok az éghajlatváltozás tudományos hátteréhez
In a previous paper scientific background of climate change was comprehended (Mika J. 2019), mostly based on the Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC 2013). Since then, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change issued the Physical Science Basis of Climate Change in its Sixth Assessment Report (IPCC 2021).
The present paper surveys the key aspects of climate change established by the new report and presents them in the structure of our former study. The main conclusion of the paper is that the new report reinforces the previous conclusions concerning the human contribution to the warming trends, and supports the projected changes for the future. Some open details remained challenging future research efforts
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