39 research outputs found

    Mode of inheritance of dry matter content in onion (allium cepa l.) Bulb

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    Pavlovic N., D. Cvikic, J. Zdravkovic, M. Mijatovic and M. Brdar-Jokanovic (2011): Mode of inheritance of dry matter content in onion (A. cepa L.) bulb. - Genetika, Vol 43, No. 1, 19 -27. Onion dry matter content is very important in terms of processing. The study was undertaken in order to investigate dry matter content inheritance pattern in fresh onion bulb. Five divergent onion genotypes, originating from different geographical areas, have been crossed. Full diallel crossing method (without reciprocals) was applied in order to obtain F-1 and F-2 generation offspring. Field trial including parents and F-1 and F-2 hybrids was performed at the Institute for Vegetable Crops experimental plot, Smederevska Palanka. The trial was conducted in randomized blocks, with five replications. Intermediate inheritance pattern prevailed for both F-1 and F-2 generation. Additive genetic component value was higher than dominant for both F-1 and F-2 generation, which implies additive effect of genes. Hybrid combination PR x BB was characterized by the highest heterosis value (11.85%). Better general combining abilities were confirmed for three lines in comparison with other lines, whereas special combining abilities were significant for one F-1 hybrid. Neither general nor special combining abilities were significant for F-2 generation

    Factors Associated with Intention of Serbian Public Health Workers to Leave the Job: A Cross-Sectional, Population-Based Study

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    Recruitment and retention of public health workers (PHWs) is crucial for the optimal functioning of the public health system at a time of budget cuts and the threat of a pandemic. Individual and job-related variables were examined by univariate and multivariate logistic regression to identify predictors of the intention to leave a job during the COVID-19 outbreak among Serbian PHWs in 25 institutes of public health (n = 1663 respondents, of which 73.1% were female). A total of 20.3% of PHWs intended to leave their current job within the next five years. Males and persons aged younger than 55 years who had additional practice were more likely to report an intention to leave their job than females, those older than 54 years and those without additional work. While uncertainty and fear of infection during the COVID-19 pandemic were almost perceived as job attractiveness, other job-related characteristics were identified as significant barriers to maintaining the sufficient capacity of qualified PHWs in the future. Authorities need to address these factors, including the following: the feeling of tension, stress or pressure, and unavailability of information during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as dissatisfaction with respect, valuation, and the job in general

    Integration of biological and chemical methods in control of pepper bacterial spot

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    Bacterial spot, caused by Xanthomonas euvesicatoria, is widely spread disease of pepper in Serbia. When weather conditions are favorable for disease development, pepper producers do not have adequate resources to control this pathogen. Copper based bactericides registered in our country are not effective enough. However, effective protection could be achieved only by integrating positive effects of different protection methods. In order to develop sustainable and integrated control strategy for this disease, we investigated various combinations of biological control agents and chemicals. Intensity of the disease ranged from 31 to 59% on untreated control plants. All integrated treatments were effective against X. euvesicatoria and significantly reduced disease severity in all experiments, compared to untreated control. The most efficient treatment was integration of acibenzolar-S-methyl, copper hydroxide and bacteriophages, reducing disease severity 97-99%. This combination may be an effective new tool for pepper growers to manage bacterial spot

    Pregled oplemenjivanja na otpornost prema patogenima u Srbiji

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    Oplemenjivanje na otpornost prema patogenima je najefikasnija i najprihvatljivija mera sa stanoviÅ”ta zaÅ”tite bilja i zaÅ”tite životne sredine. U Srbiji se razvijala paralelno sa razvojem oplemenjivačkih programa ratarskih, povrtarskih i voćarskih biljnih vrsta. Istraživanja su se vrÅ”ila u dva pravca u zavisnosti od toga da li je proučavana genetička osnova biljke ili varijabilnost patogena u uslovima spoljne sredine. Problemi u proizvodnji najznačajnijih ratarskih, povrtarskih i voćarskih biljnih vrsta, često su bili vezani za pojavu novih patogena koji su pretili da onemoguće gajenje na teritoriji Srbije. ReÅ”enja su bila u pronalaženju i ugradnji jednog ili viÅ”e gena koji su omogućavali vertikalnu (kratkotrajnu) ili horizontalnu (dugotrajnu) otpornost. Zbog toga je najperspektivnija sintetička selekcija koja podrazumeva istovremenu inkorporaciju gena vertikalne i horizontalne otpornosti

    Istorijski razvoj biljne virusologije u Srbiji

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    Otkriće biljnih virusa vezuje se za 1898. godinu kada je Martinus Willem Beijerinck proučavajući mozak duvana ukazao na novi svet infektivnih agenasa (ā€žcontagium vivum fluidumā€œ). U Srbiji tridesetih godina proÅ”log veka, proučavanja biljnih virusa započela su naučnim radom Mladena Josifovića na Å”arki Å”ljive. Posle Drugog svetskog rata, Dragoljub Å utić, Veljko Nikolić i Mitar Jordović uvode naučne eksperimentalne metode u istraživanja viroza, i time postavljaju temelje razvoja proučavanja biljnih virusa kod nas. Razvoj virusologije u Srbiji, kao i u većini zemalja, obuhvatao je nekoliko faza: početnu deskriptivnu (otkrivanje i opisivanje brojnih viroza), potom epidemioloÅ”ku (proučavanje načina održavanja i Å”irenja virusa), fizičko-hemijsku (proučavanje morfoloÅ”kih osobina i hemijskog sastava virusa), molekularno-bioloÅ”ku fazu (razumevanje strukture i funkcije genoma virusa, mehanizama replikacije, unapređenje starih i uvođenje novih metoda detekcije i identifikacije virusa i njihovih sojeva, pravilna taksonomija virusa u skladu sa poreklom i evolutivnim međuodnosima)

    New pepper lines selected for resistance to tobacco mosaic virus

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    Each year pepper production suffers great losses due to the Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV). Selecting and growing pepper varieties resistant to TMV is one of the most significant and successful methods in preventing TMV infection. Since all our pepper varieties and populations are more or less susceptible to TMV, the aim of this research was to create, using selection, new pepper lines and varieties which possess both good agro-botanical characteristics and resistance to TMV. Consequently, we carried out the selection on pepper resistance to 2 strains of TMV: M-5 and P-l 1. The following parental components were chosen for the selection. Yolo Wonder variety, carrying L gene, was used as the donor for resistance to M-5 strain. The following were used as the donors for resistance to P-l 1 strain of TMV: 8/1, 8/2, 8/3, 10/6 genotypes of Capsicum chinense species, all of them carrying L2L2 genes. The following varieties were used as receptors: Zlatna medalja, NiŔka Ŕipka, ŠorokŔari, Al-12, Kobra, Beli kalvil and Prima. Applying crossing to the chosen genotypes, back crossing with their recurrent parents and their self-pollination, in F1 generation we selected pepper lines with a high level of homozygosity concerning resistance to TMV and with good agro-technological features. This paper will show the characteristics of these lines

    Patogene gljive semena povrća

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    Many plant pathogen fungi are disseminated practically wholly or predominantly by seed, and the effective control measures are exclusion through certification and seed treatment. Some genera and species are frequent in vegetable and potato seed, others occur only occasionally. Some are easily detected, others do occur but cannot be revealed by conventional testing procedures. The direct impact of fungi on vegetable seed is considerable. Many fungi are serious parasites of primary and maturing seeds and reduce yields of seed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Other fungi including saprophytes, may lower the quality of seeds by causing discoloration which may seriously depreciate the commercial value of seeds.Mnoge fitopatogene gljive prenose se samo semenom ili je to dominantan način njihovog Å”irenja. Stoga se sertifikacija pri proizvodnji i tretman semena nameću kao isključive mere kontrole. Neki patogeni često su prisutni na semenu povrtarskih biljaka i krtolama krompira, a neki se pojavljuju samo povremeno. Jedne je lako detektovati, a druge teÅ”ko dokazati standardnim metodama. Direktan uticaj gljiva na seme povrtarskih vrsta je veliki. Mnoge gljive su značajni paraziti primarnog i zrelog semena, umanjujući prinos kako u pogledu kvantiteta, tako i kvaliteta. Neki patogeni, uključujući i saprofitne, smanjuju kvalitet semena prouzrokujući promenu boje i na taj način umanju njegovu tržiÅ”nu vrednost

    Effect of sodium bicarbonate on Alternaria solani in tomato

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    Considering the public concern about the use of pesticides in plant protection and the frequent appearance of pathogen resistance to pesticides, the effects of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) as an alternative 'biocompatible' fungicide in the control of plant diseases, were investigated. The inhibitory effects of sodium bicarbonate (SBC) on conidial germination and mycelial growth of Alternaria solani (Sorauer), causal agent of tomato target spot were studied in vitro using four different concentrations of SBC (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0%). The same concentrations of SBC were used for spraying tomato plants before or after artificial inoculation with the pathogen. The SBC treatment inhibited the conidial germination by 72-95%. In the case of treatment with SBC before inoculation, germination was slightly inhibited. The inhibitory effect of SBC on hyphal growth was not statistically significant. The SBC provided good control of target leaf spot of tomato in greenhouse trials only when used at the highest concentration (5%). The bicarbonate treatments were more effective when applied prior to inoculation

    Reaction of some tomato cultivars and hybrids to late blight (P-infestans Mont. de Bary)

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    Late blight (P. infestans Mont. de Bary) is one of the most common diseases of tomato in Serbia and it causes great economical losses. Control of this pathogen with fungicides is not always efficient and satisfactory. The solution is in the growing of less sensitive i.e. resistant cultivars and hybrids of tomato. The programme of breeding of tomato for resistance to late blight in Serbia started in 1980. Tomato genotypes, bearers of Ph-2 gene of resistance to late blight and sensitive genotypes which have good yield and quality were hybridized. New lines and hybrids of tomato were more resistant than their sensitive parents. Testing of lines and F-1 hybrids showed the intermediate type of heredity to late blight. During 2003, in order to test the resistance of these new lines, cultivars and hybrids to P. infestans, we inoculated the plants artificially, in greenhouse conditions. We researched 7 lines and 16 cultivars and tomato hybrids, and tested twenty, six weeks old plants from each genotype. Plants were inoculated with suspension of fungi spores in concentration of 10(5)sporangia/mL. The inoculums were prepared from fungi culture 15 days old, grown on rye and agar on 18 degrees C. After inoculation, plants spent 48 hours on 18 degrees C, in condition of great humidity. The resistance, i.e. sensibility, depending on surface covered with necrotic spots has been evaluated 10 days after inoculation. The results, presented on a scale from I to VI, showed that the tested tomato genotypes could not be considered resistant. Hybrids Zlatni Jubilej F-1 and Luna F-1, cultivar Gruzanski Zlatni and line P3 are in category - very tolerant (I). Middle sensitive (III) were Nada F-1 and Jasenicki Jabucar, while other genotypes were very sensitive. The most sensitive (VI) were cultivars Narvik and Adonis