40 research outputs found

    Pioneer 10 observation of the solar wind proton temperature heliocentric gradient

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    Solar wind isotropic proton temperatures as measured out to 12.2 AU heliocentric distance by the Ames plasma analyzer aboard Pioneer 10 are presented as consecutive averages over three Carrington solar rotations and discussed. The weighted least-squares fit of average temperature to heliocentric radial distance, R, yields the power law R sup -.52. These average proton temperatures are not correlated as well with Pioneer 10's heliocentric radial distance (-.85) as are the corresponding average Zurich sunspot numbers R sub z (-.95). Consequently, it is difficult to isolate the spatial gradient in the Pioneer 10 solar wind proton temperatures using that data alone

    Plasmas in Saturn's magnetosphere

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    The solar wind plasma analyzer on board Pioneer 2 provides first observations of low-energy positive ions in the magnetosphere of Saturn. Measurable intensities of ions within the energy-per-unit charge (E/Q) range 100 eV to 8 keV are present over the planetocentric radial distance range about 4 to 16 R sub S in the dayside magnetosphere. The plasmas are found to be rigidly corotating with the planet out to distances of at least 10 R sub S. At radial distances beyond 10 R sub S, the bulk flows appear to be in the corotation direction but with lesser speeds than those expected from rigid corotation. At radial distances beyond the orbit of Rhea at 8.8 R sub S, the dominant ions are most likely protons and the corresponding typical densities and temperatures are 0.5/cu cm and 1,000,000 K, respectively, with substantial fluctuations. It is concluded that the most likely source of these plasmas in the photodissociation of water frost on the surface of the ring material with subsequent ionization of the products and radially outward diffusion. The presence of this plasma torus is expected to have a large influence on the dynamics of Saturn's magnetosphere since the pressure ratio beta of these plasmas approaches unity at radial distances as close to the planet as 6.5 R sub S. On the basis of these observational evidences it is anticipated that quasi-periodic outward flows of plasma, accompanied with a reconfiguration of the magnetosphere beyond about 6.5 R sub S, will occur in the local night sector in order to relieve the plasma pressure from accretion of plasma from the rings

    Observations of Ionospheric Escape on Venus' Nightside

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    A population of low-energy (0-250 V E/q) ions with tailward directed velocity vectors and energies above that for escape from Venus is evident in nightside data from the Ames plasma analyzer on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter spacecraft. Good correlations with solar wind parameters were not obtained for the magnitudes of these ion fluxes, but tendencies for occurrence at times of tailward oriented magnetic fields and for alignment of the ion flows with the magnetic field were found. These tendencies seemed to be enhanced for higher-energy ions. In a few cases where comparisons were made, the ion fluxes were consistent with simultaneous O(+) measurements by the neutral mass spectrometer experiment on the spacecraft. The mean flux observed of the escaping nightside ions, averaged over an approximately 10-week-long spacecraft nightside season, was less than 2 x 10(exp 6) cm(exp -2) s(exp -1)

    Observations of Ionospheric Escape on Venus' Nightside

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    A population of low-energy (0-250 V E/q) ions with tailward directed velocity vectors and energies above that for escape from Venus is evident in nightside data from the Ames plasma analyzer on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter spacecraft. Good correlations with solar wind parameters were not obtained for the magnitudes of these ion fluxes, but tendencies for occurrence at times of tailward oriented magnetic fields and for alignment of the ion flows with the magnetic field were found. These tendencies seemed to be enhanced for higher-energy ions. In a few cases where comparisons were made, the ion fluxes were consistent with simultaneous O(+) measurements by the neutral mass spectrometer experiment on the spacecraft. The mean flux observed of the escaping nightside ions, averaged over an approximately 10-week-long spacecraft nightside season, was less than 2 x 10(exp 6)/sq cm/s

    Modelling of Jupiter's Innermost Radiation Belt

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    In order to understand better source and loss processes for energetic trapped protons near Jupiter, a modification of de Pater and Goertz' finite difference diffusion calculations for Jovian equatorial energetic electrons is made to apply to the case of protons inside the orbit of Metis. Explicit account is taken of energy loss in the Jovian ring. Comparison of the results is made with Galileo Probe measurements

    Morning Martian Atmospheric Temperature Gradients and Fluctuations Observed by Mars Pathfinder

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    We have studied the most prominent atmospheric temperature fluctuations observed during Martian mornings by Mars Pathfinder and have concluded, based on comparisons with wind directions, that they appear to be a result of atmospheric heating associated with the Lander spacecraft. Also, we have examined the morning surface layer temperature lapse rates, which are found to decrease as autumn approaches at the Pathfinder location, and which have mean (and median) values as large as 7.3 K/m in the earlier portions of the Pathfinder landed mission. It is plausible that brief isolated periods with gradients twice as steep are associated with atmospheric heating adjacent to Lander air bag material. In addition, we have calculated the gradient with height of the structure function obtained with Mars Pathfinder, for Mars' atmospheric temperatures measured within about 1.3 m from the surface, assuming a power law dependence, and have found that these gradients superficially resemble those reported for the upper region of the terrestrial stable boundary layer

    Deep sequencing of plant and animal DNA contained within traditional Chinese medicines reveals legality issues and health safety concerns

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    Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been practiced for thousands of years, but only within the last few decades has its use become more widespread outside of Asia. Concerns continue to be raised about the efficacy, legality, and safety of many popular complementary alternative medicines, including TCMs. Ingredients of some TCMs are known to include derivatives of endangered, trade-restricted species of plants and animals, and therefore contravene the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) legislation. Chromatographic studies have detected the presence of heavy metals and plant toxins within some TCMs, and there are numerous cases of adverse reactions. It is in the interests of both biodiversity conservation and public safety that techniques are developed to screen medicinals like TCMs. Targeting both the p-loop region of the plastid trnL gene and the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene, over 49,000 amplicon sequence reads were generated from 15 TCM samples presented in the form of powders, tablets, capsules, bile flakes, and herbal teas. Here we show that second-generation, high-throughput sequencing (HTS) of DNA represents an effective means to genetically audit organic ingredients within complex TCMs. Comparison of DNA sequence data to reference databases revealed the presence of 68 different plant families and included genera, such as Ephedra and Asarum, that are potentially toxic. Similarly, animal families were identified that include genera that are classified as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered, including Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and Saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica). Bovidae, Cervidae, and Bufonidae DNA were also detected in many of the TCM samples and were rarely declared on the product packaging. This study demonstrates that deep sequencing via HTS is an efficient and cost-effective way to audit highly processed TCM products and will assist in monitoring their legality and safety especially when plant reference databases become better established