72 research outputs found
Ethische Grundwerte unter Anhängern kirchlicher Laienbewegungen in Kroatien
U ovom je radu posebna pozornost usredotočena na vrstu
i red vrednota koje pripadnici novih laičkih crkvenih
(katoličkih) pokreta u Hrvatskoj najviše osobno cijene u
životu na temelju anketnog istraživanja "Globalizacija i
(post)moderni crkveni i religijski pokreti", provedenog na
Institutu društvenih znanosti "Ivo Pilar" iz Zagreba. Religiozna
i duhovna osnovna vrednota ispitanika je "vjera u Boga".
Istraženo je potom postoji li razlika u stavovima i mišljenjima
između ispitanika koji na prvom mjestu ljestvice vrednotâ
stavljaju "vjeru u Boga" i ispitanika koji na prvom mjestu
ljestvice vrednotâ ne stavljaju "vjeru u Boga", s obzirom
na to ima li Katolička crkva pravo govoriti o razoružanju
i miru, nezaposlenosti, rasnoj i etničkoj diskriminaciji,
eutanaziji, ekologiji i razvoju, aktualnoj politici (Vlade,
Sabora i Predsjednika). Također je istraženo postoji li
razlika u odgovorima jednih i drugih ispitanika o tome
u kojoj mjeri Katolička crkva primjereno odgovara
na moralne i duhovne potrebe pojedinca, probleme
obiteljskoga i društvenoga života, diskriminaciju Roma,
eutanaziju i "grijeh struktura". Prema dobivenim rezultatima
evidentno je kako između te dvije grupe ispitanika postoji
visoko suglasje glede njihovih stavova i mišljenja prema
religijskoj instituciji, a uočena je statistički značajna razlika u
mišljenju o tome odgovara li Katolička crkva (ne)primjereno
na probleme eutanazije i na suvremene, aktualne socijalne
probleme.In this paper, special attention was given to the type and
order of values most appreciated by members of new lay
ecclesiastical (Catholic) movements in Croatia in their
personal lives based on the survey "Globalisation and
(post)modern ecclesiastical and religious movements"
conducted in the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar in
Zagreb. The basic religious and spiritual value expressed by
the examinees is "belief in God". Then the research focuses
on whether there was a difference in the attitudes and
opinions among the examinees who ranked their "belief in
God" first on the scale and those who did not rank their
"belief in God" first, with regard to whether the Catholic
church has the right to speak of disarmament and peace,
unemployment, racial and ethnic discrimination, euthanasia,
the environment and development, current policies (of the
Government, Parliament and President). The difference
between answers of both gropus of examinees respectively
regarding the extent to which the Catholic church adequately
responds to the moral and spiritual problems of individuals,
probelms of family and social lives, discrimination of the
Romanies, euthanasia and the "sins of the establishment"
have also been analysed. According to the results obtained it
is evident that between these two groups there is
considerable agreement concerning their attitudes and
opinions towards the religious institution, and a statistically
significant difference has been observed in the opinions on
whether the Catholic church responds to the issues of
euthanasia and other contemporary social problems.Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Art und
Rangordnung von Werten, die von den Anhängern neuer
kirchlicher (katholischer) Laienbewegungen in Kroatien am
meisten geschätzt werden. Die Arbeit gründet sich auf
Aussagen, die im Rahmen der vom Ivo Pilar-Institut für
Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Zagreb durchgeführten
Umfrage "Globalisierung und (post-)moderne kirchliche und
religiöse Bewegungen" gemacht wurden. Den religiös-geistigen
Grundwert stellt für die Befragten der "Glaube an Gott"
dar. Daraufhin untersuchte man, ob es Unterschiede gibt
zwischen Umfrageteilnehmern, die diesen Grundwert an die
erste Stelle setzten, und solchen, die das nicht taten, und
zwar im Hinblick auf Fragen wie Arbeitslosigkeit, rassische
und ethnische Diskriminierung, Sterbehilfe, Umweltschutz
und Entwicklung, aktuelle Politik (von Regierung, Parlament
und Staatspräsident) sowie hinsichtlich der Frage, ob es der
katholischen Kirche gestattet sei, zu Abrüstung und Frieden
Stellung zu nehmen. Des Weiteren untersuchte man mögliche
Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Frage, mit welchem Erfolg die
katholische Kirche den moralischen und geistigen
Bedürfnissen des Menschen entgegenkomme und mit
Problemen im Bereich des familiären und gesellschaftlichen
Lebens umgehe, ferner ob sie sich auf angemessene Weise
mit den Fragen der Diskriminierung von Roma, der
Sterbehilfe und der "Sünde der Strukturen" auseinandersetze.
Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse zeigen ganz klar, dass zwischen
Umfrageteilnehmern, die den Grundwert des Gottesglaubens
an die erste Stelle setzten, und solchen, die das nicht taten,
eine hohe Übereinstimmung im Hinblick auf die religiöse
Institution [der katholischen Kirche] besteht. Ein statistisch
relevanter Unterschied besteht jedoch bei Meinungen über
die Einstellung der Kirche zu Fragen der Sterbehilfe und
aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Problemen
Using elemental concentrations and dust loadings as metrics of human exposure to potentially toxic elements in kindergarten indoor dust
Due to the hand-to-mouth activities frequently observed among the
youngest children, they are likely to ingest higher amounts of indoor dust than
adults. Since pre-schoolers are prone to exposure to potentially toxic elements
(PTEs) through the ingestion route, characterising human exposure within
kindergarten microenvironments is paramount for children who spend
considerable time in school. Ergo, a study encompassing five kindergartens in an
industrial city was performed. Indoor dust samples were collected from the
kindergartens. The present study reports dust metal concentrations and metal
loadings to estimate indoor exposure to PTEs. Total concentrations of chromium
(Cr), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As) and lead (Pb) were
determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) in the
of the <63 μm and <250 μm particle size fractions of the indoor dust. The results
show that the elemental loadings vary widely among the different kindergartens
but are consistently higher in the finer dust size fraction. Non-parametric analysis
(Spearman's rank-order correlation) shows strong and significant (p<0.001)
positive correlations between total dust loading - dust elemental loading.
Relatively strong correlations were also obtained between elemental loadings
and elemental concentrations, but the relationship is only significant for Ni and
Pb. The strong correlation (rs= 0.73) between Pb concentration and dust Pb
loading suggests that total dust loading has a greater influence on dust Pb
loading. The results suggest a negligible influence of dust mass over the dust
elemental loading for elements such as Cd, Co, Cr and As
Lead Speciation in the Dusts Emitted from Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Processes
The paper presents results for the speciation analysis of lead in dusts derived from dedusting of technological gasses from metallurgical processes of non-ferrous metals with different elementary content, made in accordance with two equal sequential extractions. Analytical procedure A provided possibilities for determination of fraction of Pb2+, metallic lead and fraction containing mainly lead sulfides. The second procedure (procedure B) was sequential extraction in accordance with Tessier. The results obtained in accordance with procedure A indicate that, regardless of the dust origin, the dominant group of Pb compounds is composed of lead salts which are soluble under alkaline conditions or lead compounds that form plumbites in the reaction with NaOH
Mercury deposition/accumulation rates in the vicinity of a lead smelter as recorded by a peat deposit
. Recent findings show that Hg records from peat tend to overestimate historical levels of Hg deposition. Therefore we used the mass loss compensation factor (MLCF) to normalize Hg accumulation rates. These corrected Hg accumulation rates were significantly lower (maximum 129 mg m À2 yr À1 ) and better corresponded to changes in historical smelter emissions, which were highest in the 1960s. The agreement between the corrected Hg accumulation rates in the uppermost peat sections (2-38 mg m À2 yr À1 ) and biomonitoring of atmospheric deposition by mosses in several recent years (4.7-34.4 mg m À2 yr À1 ) shows the usefulness of MLCF application on Hg accumulation in peat archives. However, the MLCF correction was unsuitable for Pb. The recent Pb deposition rates obtained by an independent biomonitoring study using mosses (0.5-127 mg m À2 yr À1 ) were better correlated with net Pb accumulation rates recorded in peat (7-145 mg m À2 yr À1 ) than with corrected rates obtained by the MLCF approach (1-28 mg m À2 yr À1 )
Thallium and lead variations in a contaminated peatland : a combined isotopic study from a mining/smelting area
Vertical profiles of Tl, Pb and Zn concentrations and Tl and Pb isotopic ratios in a contaminated peatland/fen
(Wolbrom, Poland) were studied to address questions regarding (i) potential long-term immobility of Tl in a peat
profile, and (ii) a possible link in Tl isotopic signatures between a Tl source and a peat sample. Both prerequisites
are required for using peatlands as archives of atmospheric Tl deposition and Tl isotopic ratios as a source proxy.
We demonstrate that Tl is an immobile element in peat with a conservative pattern synonymous to that of Pb,
and in contrast to Zn. However, the peat Tl record was more affected by geogenic source(s), as inferred from the
calculated element enrichments. The finding further implies that Tl was largely absent from the pre-industrial
emissions (>~250 years BP). The measured variations in Tl isotopic ratios in respective peat samples suggest
a consistency with anthropogenic Tl (ε205Tl between ~ -3 and 4), as well as with background Tl isotopic values
in the study area (ε205Tl between ~0 and 1), in line with detected 206Pb/207Pb ratios (1.16–1.19). Therefore,
we propose that peatlands can be used for monitoring trends in Tl deposition and that Tl isotopic ratios can serve
to distinguish source origin(s). However, given that the studied fen has a particularly complicated geochemistry
(attributed to significant environmental changes in its history), it seems that ombrotrophic peatland(s) could be
better suited for this type of Tl research
Thallium in Technosols from Allchar (North Macedonia): Isotopic and speciation insights
Allchar (North Macedonia) mining area is known for anomalous background Tl concentrations. In this study, we combine accurate detection of Tl stable isotope ratios with data on mineralogy/speciation and chemical extraction of Tl in Tl-contaminated Technosol profiles. We demonstrate that Tl in the studied soils varies significantly in both concentration (500 mg/kg-18 g/kg) and isotopic composition (− 1.6 and +3.2 of ε205Tl, a ~0.5‰ spread), which is due to changes in the phase chemistry and/or mineralogy of Tl. Moreover, the observed 205Tl/203Tl ratios do not reflect the extent to which individual soils undergo Tl isotopic fractionation during mineral weathering and soil formation. Clearly, they reflect the initial isotopic signal(s) of the primary ore or ore minerals, and thus, the general history or type of their genesis. As the Tl carriers, various types of Tl–Me-arsenates, mixtures of jarosite and dorallcharite and minor Mn-oxides predominated. We revealed intense adsorption of Tl by the identified Mn-oxides (≤6.7 at.%). It is hypothesized that these phases are of key importance in the fractionation of Tl isotopes, meaning at this type of secondary oxide-soil solution interface. However, model studies involving primary/secondary components (sulfides, sulfates, oxides and arsenates) are required to understand the mechanisms that may lead to post-depositional Tl isotopic redistribution in soils, as well as Tl isotope systematics in mining wastes in general
Peat bogs in northern Alberta, Canada reveal decades of declining atmospheric Pb contamination
Peat cores were collected from six bogs in northern Alberta to reconstruct changes in the atmospheric deposition of Pb, a valuable tracer of human activities. In each profile, the maximum Pb enrichment is found well below the surface. Radiometric age dating using three independent approaches (14C measurements of plant macrofossils combined with the atmospheric bomb pulse curve, plus 210Pb confirmed using the fallout radionuclides 137Cs and 241Am) showed that Pb contamination has been in decline for decades. Today, the surface layers of these bogs are comparable in composition to the "cleanest" peat samples ever found in the Northern Hemisphere, from a Swiss bog ~ 6000 to 9000years old. The lack of contemporary Pb contamination in the Alberta bogs is testimony to successful international efforts of the past decades to reduce anthropogenic emissions of this potentially toxic metal to the atmosphere
Circulation Patterns of Copper-Based Alloys in the Late Iron Age Oppidum of Třísov in Central Europe
This article presents an insight into the sourcing and circulation of copper alloys during the Late La Tène period in Central Europe where the specialised production of metals is regarded as complex and conducted chiefly within the bounds of the oppida. Contrary to the logical, though not necessarily data-based, assumption that local raw materials for the production of bronze were mostly used from the local primary deposits, we argue that an advanced and complex economy of Late Iron Age allowed for the steady and consistent material supply even from distant areas and that such pattern was possibly commonly practised by the oppida sites. Concurrently, we do not argue against the possibility of the exploitation and processing of the locally mined metal, we only point out that in provenance studies the evidence for that is yet difficult to find. We back our hypothesis by archaeometric analysis of the assemblage of bronze objects from the oppidum of Třísov (Czech Republic) collected during the long-term investigations of this site. The selection of objects for analyses covers the spectrum from the local products to potentially imported items. A provenancestudy based on the analysis of lead isotopes and chemical composition has shown rather homogeneous pattern of lead isotopic values and, on the contrary, quite a variability among the chemical composition of the individual artefact groups suggesting thus 1) standardised technological procedures for individual types of objects, 2) common recycling of the materials used and/or 3) contamination of low-leaded alloys from highly leaded bronzes
Effect of accelerated weathering and leaching on the chemistry and phytotoxicity of coal-mine overburden
Overburden weathering may influence its effects on soil development and plant growth. Here, an accelerated-weathering experiment was used to determine how weathering affects the chemistry and toxicity of coal-mine overburden. Seven samples of overburden were collected; two samples were from a heap of partly weathered material, and five from mining pits. In both cases, the most weathered top 10 cm was removed. Samples included coal-rich clays (with > 1% coal) and coal-free clays. The samples were artificially weathered by subjecting them to 20 cycles of drying-rewetting-freezing-thawing. Coal-rich clays that have not been weathered were acidic and toxic to Sinapis alba seedlings, but weathering increased their pH, reduced their conductivity and tended to reduce their phytotoxicity. In contrast, weathering tended to reduce the pH of coal-free alkaline clays. S. alba grew poorly in weathered coal-free clay, but when grown in coal-rich clays it grew better in some substrates whereas others were phytotoxic due to their high As content. Weathering decreased Al, As and Na contents and decreased substrate mass by 1–37%. Overall, these results indicate that weathering changes the properties of overburden in ways that are important for soil development and plant growth but the nature and extent of the changes depend on the initial composition of the substrate
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