204 research outputs found

    Spol and Rod from a Diachronic and Synchronic Perspective - Analysis of Croatian, Croatian Church Slavonic and English

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    The paper presents the diachronic and synchronic analysis of the use of Croatian words spol and rod and their Croa tian Church Slavonic (polь, spolь, and rodь) and English (sex and gender) equivalents. The starting points for diachron ic analysis are dictionaries and dictionary data, while the synchronic analysis is additionally based on the corpora and the Internet. The paper focuses on dictionary definitions of nouns rod and spol, adjectives rodni and spolni, the relation of Croatian terms rod and spol with English terms gender and sex, the terminology of sex/gender (non)discrimination, and ways of speaking about persons of non-binary gender

    Speaking About People of Non-Binary Sex/Gender in Croatian

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    The paper analyzes different language problems connected with speaking about people of non-binary sex/gender in Croatian. Research is based on corpus analysis. One of the authors compiled the Croatian Gender Corpus using the Sketch Engine corpus compiling software for this analysis. The authors analyze these issues connected with speaking about nonbinary people: using nouns of masculine, neutral, or feminine gender; using masculine, neutral, or feminine pronouns and verbal forms; ways of addressing a non-binary person, normative problems noticed in the Croatian Gender Corpus. Some issues are compared to the situation in other languages

    Homonimija kao leksikografski problem

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    U radu se preispituju uobičajena određenja homonimije i kriteriji razgraničenja homonimije od srodnih pojava. Homonimiji se pristupa kao praktičnomu leksikografskom problemu te se daju konkretni primjeri leksikografske obradbe homonimnih natuknica iz Školskog rječnika hrvatskog jezika koji se izrađuje u Institutu za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje.The authors compare and analyse various definitions of homonymy as well as different examples of homonymy cited in Croatian literature. They give their own criteria for the distinction between homonymy and polysemy. They offer possible solutions for lexicographers dealing with the problem of homonymy. All of these criteria are illustrated by numerous examples from the Croatian School Dictionary which is being compiled at the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics

    Veznička sinonimija i antonimija u hrvatskoj leksikografiji

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    U radu se razmatra problem vezničke sinonimije i antonimije. O sinonimiji i antonimiji govori se u jezikoslovnoj literaturi u pravilu kad je riječ o tradicionalno punoznačnim riječima, a o sinonimiji i antonimiji tradicionalno nepunoznačnih riječi rijetko se piÅ”e. O problemu sinonimije i antonimije ostalih nepunoznačnih riječi (usklika, zamjenica, prijedloga, odnosnih priloga i čestica) autorice su već pisale u radu Sinonimija i antonimija nepunoznačnih riječi u hrvatskoj leksikografiji. Ovaj je rad svojevrsna dopuna tomu radu te se u njemu osobita pozornost posvećuje vezničkoj sinonimiji i antonimiji (koja se pojavljuje tek iznimno) u hrvatskoj leksikografiji. Razmatra se problem sintaktičke sinonimije i antonimije te pokazuje da se u hrvatskim jednojezičnim rječnicima veoma malo pozornosti poklanja donoÅ”enju sinonima i antonima uopće, a osobito uz veznike (također i uz prijedloge, zamjenice, priloge, usklike i čestice) te da se oni i u definiciji značenja i u posebnoj rubrici donose samo iznimno i nesustavno. ObjaÅ”njavaju se načela po kojima je moguće uspostaviti sinonimne i (iznimno) antonimne nizove za veznike, a koja su uspostavljena i provedena pri izradbi Å kolskoga rječnika hrvatskog jezika, čije su urednice autorice ovog rada, te koja se razrađuju i dopunjuju kako bi se primijenila i u hrvatskome jednosvezačnom normativnom rječniku koji se izrađuje u Institutu za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje u Zagrebu.In Croatian monolingual dictionaries, little attention is paid to synonymy and antonymy of functional words. Their synonyms and antonyms are given only sporadically and unsystematically in the definition or as a special dictionary element. In the paper we try to explain the principles by which it is possible to give synonyms and antonyms of functional words. Special attention is paid to the synonymy and antonymy of conjunctions. Numerous examples of conjunctions as dictionary entries are given. These principles have been formulated and acted upon in the compilation of the School Dictionary of the Croatian Language, edited by the authors of this paper. Now they are being tested, elaborated and supplemented, as they are to be used for the Croatian Monolingual Normative Dictionary, which is being compiled at the Institute for Croatian language and linguistics in Zagreb

    Glasovne promjene : nepostojano "a" i "e" (problematizacija naziva, definicija I međuodnosa glasovnih promjena)

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    U radu se analiziraju neki problemi i nejasnoće koji se pojavljuju u temeljnim jezikoslovnim priručnicima i udžbenicima. Problemi su uočeni na svim jezičnim razinama, ali se u ovome radu govori o nejasnoćama i nepreciznostima u vezi s nepostojanim a i e.The authors analyze some terminological problems, contradictions and inconsistencies that occur in basic linguistic manuals, grammars and textbooks. The authors focus especially on two sound changes: movable a and movable e (the correct English term is vowel-zero alternation). These problems are illustrated by examples from textbooks and manuals and the authors offer their own suggestions

    Addressing the Audience: Gender Analysis

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    The analysis focuses on ways of addressing the audience in Croatian. As the function of the address is to perform a social task, as opposed to conveying information, the role of the address is phatic, and it should follow communicative conventions. Significant considerations are politeness and correctness, as the addresser wants to address the addressee most politely. Some formulaic forms of address, such as dame i gospodo (ā€˜ladies and gentlemanā€™) create no problem. Still, the speaker often faces the problem of whether to use only the masculine noun or the feminine and masculine pair. Croa tian has rich word-formation, so linguistic issues rarely occur, but pragmatic questions about using the feminine pair arise often. All nouns denoting a person and adjectives, pronouns, and some verbal forms which refer to them are gender specific in Croatian. The corpus for the analysis consists of different texts from two Croatian corpora and the Internet. The address formulas usually have the following structure dragi/poÅ”tovani/cijenjeni (ā€˜dear/respected/esteemedā€™) + ad dressee. The cases when more coordinated noun phrases denote the same addressee are also analyzed

    Challenges of Croatian Linguistic T Terminology ā€“ A Case Study of Onomastics

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    The first part of the paper gives an overview of the Croatian Linguistic Terminology ā€“ Jena project stating its goals and achievements. The project is now (March 2023) in its last year. In the second part of the paper, plans and challenges of the project are discussed. Special attention is paid to the relation of linguistic terminology to anthropological anthropolinguistic) terminology and the Jena project to the ANTRONA project, the first humanities and social sciences terminology project in the Struna program. The central part of the paper focuses on some of the most important issues and challenges (supported by examples) connected with the translation of Croatian onomastic terminology into English and vice versa

    Rračunalni nazivi s elementom -ware u engl. i hrv. Jeziku

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    U radu se analiziraju računalni nazivi sa sufiksom/dočetkom -ware koji se pojavljuju u engleskome i hrvatskome jeziku. Za engleske nazive uspostavljaju se sinonimni nizovi mogućih hrvatskih istovrijednica koji se nastoje vrednovati s pomoću terminoloÅ”kih načela. Hrvatske su istovrijednice prikupljene na internetu, ali su u analizu uključeni i prijedlozi studenata četvrte godine Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Pri analizi se vodilo računa i o razgraničenju standardnojezičnih naziva i žargonizama.The paper deals with computer terms with the suffix -ware which appear in English and Croatian. Croatian equivalents of English terms are given and they are analyzed with the help of terminological principles. Croatian equivalents have been acquired on the Internet but the analysis includes also suggestions of the 4th year students of Faculty of Electrotechnics and Computer Science. The authors also take into considereation the difference between standard and jargon terms and semantic relationships between them
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