157 research outputs found

    Speaking About People of Non-Binary Sex/Gender in Croatian

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    The paper analyzes different language problems connected with speaking about people of non-binary sex/gender in Croatian. Research is based on corpus analysis. One of the authors compiled the Croatian Gender Corpus using the Sketch Engine corpus compiling software for this analysis. The authors analyze these issues connected with speaking about nonbinary people: using nouns of masculine, neutral, or feminine gender; using masculine, neutral, or feminine pronouns and verbal forms; ways of addressing a non-binary person, normative problems noticed in the Croatian Gender Corpus. Some issues are compared to the situation in other languages

    Spol and Rod from a Diachronic and Synchronic Perspective - Analysis of Croatian, Croatian Church Slavonic and English

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    The paper presents the diachronic and synchronic analysis of the use of Croatian words spol and rod and their Croa tian Church Slavonic (polь, spolь, and rodь) and English (sex and gender) equivalents. The starting points for diachron ic analysis are dictionaries and dictionary data, while the synchronic analysis is additionally based on the corpora and the Internet. The paper focuses on dictionary definitions of nouns rod and spol, adjectives rodni and spolni, the relation of Croatian terms rod and spol with English terms gender and sex, the terminology of sex/gender (non)discrimination, and ways of speaking about persons of non-binary gender


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    U radu se analizira prevođenje latinske konstrukcije ablativ apsolutni u odabranim hrvatskoglagoljskim tekstovima prevedenim s latinskoga. Ablativ apsolutni u prijevodnim se tekstovima najčešće prevodi hrvatskim crkvenoslavenskim apsolutnim konstrukcijama u dativu ili instrumentalu. Dativ je apsolutni starija konstrukcija, čija pojava u tekstovima može poslužiti i za dataciju prijevoda. Instrumental se u prijevodima pojavljuje jer ga prevoditelji doživljavaju kao hrvatsku crkvenoslavensku istovrijednicu ablativa. Pri prijevodu ablativa apsolutnoga mnogo se češće pojavljuju apsolutne konstrukcije nego zavisne surečenice, koje su danas najčešće prijevodne istovrijednice te konstrukcije kako bi prijevod bio što vjerniji izvorniku. Pri prevođenju ablativa apsolutnoga apsolutnim konstrukcijama vjerno se oponaša red riječi izvornika. U radu se analiziraju načini prevođenja te konstrukcije te uporaba različitih participa kao istovrijednica latinskim participima koji su dio te konstrukcije.In this paper we analyse the translations of the Latin ablative absolute in chosen Croato-Glagolitic texts that were translated from Latin. Ablative absolute is most frequently translated with the help of the Croatian Church Slavonic absolute structures in the dative or instrumental case. Dative absolute is an older structure and its appearance in a translation can be used to date it. The instrumental case appears in the translations because the translators see it as the Croatian Church Slavonic equivalent of the ablative. In the analysed translations absolute constructions were used more frequently than dependent clauses, which are nowadays used as translation equivalents in order to remain as close as possible to the original text. When translating the ablative absolute with the help of absolute constructions the word order from the original is closely mirrored. The Latin participle which is a part of that construction is translated by the present or past participle. Present participle is often translated by the past participle of perfective verbs when dealing with prefixed verbs and verbs which are considered as momentary by the translator (e.g. veniente abbate: opatь prišad’še)

    Latin Influence on the Syntax of Dependent Sentences in Croatian Glagolitic Texts

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    U radu se analizira utjecaj latinskoga na sintaksu hrvatskoglagoljskih tekstova prevedenih s latinskoga. Pri prevođenju zavisnih rečenica s latinskoga na hrvatski crkvenoslavenski prevoditelji uglavnom doslovno prenose rečenice ne mijenjajući njihovu strukturu. Međutim, dva su glavna problema koja se pojavljuju pri prevođenju. Prvi je problem kako prevesti konjunktiv koji se pojavljuje u velikome broju zavisnih rečenica, a koji nema formalni korespondent u hrvatskome crkvenoslavenskome. Drugi je problem kako prevesti pojedine veznike jer se značenja i funkcije pojedinih veznika u latinskome ne podudaraju s pojedinim veznicima u hrvatskome crkvenoslavenskom. Pri prevođenju je veznika problem što se u latinskome isti veznik može pojavljivati u raznim vrstama zavisnih rečenica, a u svakome kontekstu u hrvatskome crkvenoslavenskom značenjski mu odgovara drugi veznik. Osobito su česte nedoumice pri prevođenju vrlo čestih latinskih veznika ut, cum i quia te katkad hrvatski prevoditelj pogrešno prevodi rečenicu pod utjecajem tipičnoga značenja koji veznik u latinskome ima. U radu se analizira uporaba vremena i veznika u zavisnim rečenicama, odnos izričnih rečenica i konstrukcija s infinitivom i drugi latinski utjecaji u sintaksi zavisnosloženih rečenica. Korpus uključuje biblijske knjige Esteru i Makabejce, apokrife Život Adama i Eve, Nikodemovo evanđelje i Protoevanđelje Jakovljevo, hagiografske tekstove Čtenie s(ve)te Margarite, Čistilište svetoga Patricija i Život Marije Magdalene te brevijarsku službu u čast sv. Anti.This paper analyses the influence of Latin on the syntax of Croatian Glagolitic texts translated from Latin. While translating dependent sentences from Latin into Croatian Church Slavonic, the translators usually literally translated sentences without changing their structure. However, two major problems occur in such translations. The first is how to translate the conjunctive, which occurs in many dependent sentences and which has no formal equivalent in Croatian Church Slavonic. The second is how to translate certain conjunctions, as the meaning and function of certain Latin conjunctions does not correspond with that of conjunctions in Croatian Church Slavonic. While translating these conjunctions, the same Latin conjunctions can occur in different classes of dependent sentences, and they are translated with different Croatian Church Slavonic conjunctions in different contexts. Problems arise when translating very common Latin conjunctions such as ut, cum, and quiaas the translators often use the typical meaning of the Latin conjunction, thus resulting in translation errors. The paper focuses on the usage of tense and conjunctions in dependent clauses, the relationship between declarative sentences and constructions with the infinitive, and some other cases of Latin influence on the syntax of dependent clauses. The corpus includes the apocryphal texts: Vita Adae et Evae, Evangelium Nicodemi, Protoevangelium Jacobi, hagiographies: Lectio B. Margaritae, Tractatus de purgatorio sancti Patricii, Vita Mariae Magdalenae, the Biblical books of Esther and the Maccabees, and the service in honor of st. Anthony

    Optimization of Distribution Network-Case Study

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    Strategija tvrtke po pitanju dizajna distribucijske mreže jedno je od najvažnijih pitanja cjelokupne politike tvrtke. Troškovi koji pri distribuciji nastaju mogu zauzimati veliki dio u sveukupnim troškovima te je stoga posebnu pažnju potrebno posvetiti optimizaciji distribucijske mreže. Imati što manje troškove a što veću kvalitetu usluge cilj je svake tvrtke, neovisno o njezinoj djelatnosti. Nakon analize određene distribucijske mreže, u radu će se prikazati najprije matematički modeli a zatim i optimalna rješenja u programskom alatu Solver.The company's strategy of designing the distribution network is one of the most important issues of the company's overall policy. Costs that are generated at distribution can take up a large part in overall costs, and therefore special attention should be paid to the optimization of the distribution network. Having as little cost as possible and the highest quality of service is the goal of every company, regardless of its business. After analyzing a particular distribution network, the paper will first outline the mathematical models and then the optimum solutions in the Solver programming tool for a specific problem