40 research outputs found

    On the Distribution of Random Geometric Graphs

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    Random geometric graphs (RGGs) are commonly used to model networked systems that depend on the underlying spatial embedding. We concern ourselves with the probability distribution of an RGG, which is crucial for studying its random topology, properties (e.g., connectedness), or Shannon entropy as a measure of the graph's topological uncertainty (or information content). Moreover, the distribution is also relevant for determining average network performance or designing protocols. However, a major impediment in deducing the graph distribution is that it requires the joint probability distribution of the n(nβˆ’1)/2n(n-1)/2 distances between nn nodes randomly distributed in a bounded domain. As no such result exists in the literature, we make progress by obtaining the joint distribution of the distances between three nodes confined in a disk in R2\mathbb{R}^2. This enables the calculation of the probability distribution and entropy of a three-node graph. For arbitrary nn, we derive a series of upper bounds on the graph entropy; in particular, the bound involving the entropy of a three-node graph is tighter than the existing bound which assumes distances are independent. Finally, we provide numerical results on graph connectedness and the tightness of the derived entropy bounds.Comment: submitted to the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 201

    Quantifying Link Stability in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Subject to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Mobility

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    The performance of mobile ad hoc networks in general and that of the routing algorithm, in particular, can be heavily affected by the intrinsic dynamic nature of the underlying topology. In this paper, we build a new analytical/numerical framework that characterizes nodes' mobility and the evolution of links between them. This formulation is based on a stationary Markov chain representation of link connectivity. The existence of a link between two nodes depends on their distance, which is governed by the mobility model. In our analysis, nodes move randomly according to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process using one tuning parameter to obtain different levels of randomness in the mobility pattern. Finally, we propose an entropy-rate-based metric that quantifies link uncertainty and evaluates its stability. Numerical results show that the proposed approach can accurately reflect the random mobility in the network and fully captures the link dynamics. It may thus be considered a valuable performance metric for the evaluation of the link stability and connectivity in these networks.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to IEEE International Conference on Communications 201

    Variational Bayesian Inference of Line Spectra

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    In this paper, we address the fundamental problem of line spectral estimation in a Bayesian framework. We target model order and parameter estimation via variational inference in a probabilistic model in which the frequencies are continuous-valued, i.e., not restricted to a grid; and the coefficients are governed by a Bernoulli-Gaussian prior model turning model order selection into binary sequence detection. Unlike earlier works which retain only point estimates of the frequencies, we undertake a more complete Bayesian treatment by estimating the posterior probability density functions (pdfs) of the frequencies and computing expectations over them. Thus, we additionally capture and operate with the uncertainty of the frequency estimates. Aiming to maximize the model evidence, variational optimization provides analytic approximations of the posterior pdfs and also gives estimates of the additional parameters. We propose an accurate representation of the pdfs of the frequencies by mixtures of von Mises pdfs, which yields closed-form expectations. We define the algorithm VALSE in which the estimates of the pdfs and parameters are iteratively updated. VALSE is a gridless, convergent method, does not require parameter tuning, can easily include prior knowledge about the frequencies and provides approximate posterior pdfs based on which the uncertainty in line spectral estimation can be quantified. Simulation results show that accounting for the uncertainty of frequency estimates, rather than computing just point estimates, significantly improves the performance. The performance of VALSE is superior to that of state-of-the-art methods and closely approaches the Cram\'er-Rao bound computed for the true model order.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Estimation of spectral lines using expectation propagation

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    We consider the line spectral estimation (LSE) from general linear/nonlinear measurements obtained through a generalized linear model (GLM). This paper develops expectation propagation (EP) based LSE (EPLSE) method. The proposed method automatically estimates the model order, noise variance, and can deal with the nonlinear measurements. Numerical experiments show the excellent performance of EPLSE

    Statistical Properties of Transmissions Subject to Rayleigh Fading and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Mobility

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    In this paper, we derive closed-form expressions for significant statistical properties of the link signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the separation distance in mobile ad hoc networks subject to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) mobility and Rayleigh fading. In these systems, the SNR is a critical parameter as it directly influences link performance. In the absence of signal fading, the distribution of the link SNR depends exclusively on the squared distance between nodes, which is governed by the mobility model. In our analysis, nodes move randomly according to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, using one tuning parameter to control the temporal dependency in the mobility pattern. We derive a complete statistical description of the squared distance and show that it forms a stationary Markov process. Then, we compute closed-form expressions for the probability density function (pdf), the cumulative distribution function (cdf), the bivariate pdf, and the bivariate cdf of the link SNR. Next, we introduce small-scale fading, modelled by a Rayleigh random variable, and evaluate the pdf of the link SNR for rational path loss exponents. The validity of our theoretical analysis is verified by extensive simulation studies. The results presented in this work can be used to quantify link uncertainty and evaluate stability in mobile ad hoc wireless systems

    A Value of Information Framework for Latent Variable Models

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    In this paper, a general value of information (VoI) framework is formalised for latent variable models. In particular, the mutual information between the current status at the source node and the observed noisy measurements at the destination node is used to evaluate the information value, which gives the theoretical interpretation of the reduction in uncertainty in the current status given that we have measurements of the latent process. Moreover, the VoI expression for a hidden Markov model is obtained in this setting. Numerical results are provided to show the relationship between the VoI and the traditional age of information (AoI) metric, and the VoI of Markov and hidden Markov models are analysed for the particular case when the latent process is an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. While the contributions of this work are theoretical, the proposed VoI framework is general and useful in designing wireless systems that support timely, but noisy, status updates in the physical world.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    TreeExplorer: a coding algorithm for rooted trees with application to wireless and ad hoc routing

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    Routing tables in ad hoc and wireless routing protocols can be represented using rooted trees. The constant need for communication and storage of these trees in routing protocols demands an efficient rooted tree coding algorithm. This efficiency is defined in terms of the average code length, and the optimality of the algorithm is measured by comparing the average code length with the entropy of the source. In this work, TreeExplorer is introduced as an easy-to-implement and nearly optimal algorithm for coding rooted tree structures. This method utilizes the number of leaves of the tree as an indicator for choosing the best method of coding. We show how TreeExplorer can improve existing routing protocols for ad hoc and wireless systems, which normally entails a significant communication overhead