55 research outputs found


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    This paper present the results obtained at National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea, during 2021-2022, according to the new herbicide treatments: Floramix (70,8 g/kg piroxsulam + 14,2 g/kg florasulam + 70,8 g/kg cloquintocet-mexil - safener) + Dasoil 26-2 N (Adjuvant); Pallas (7.5% piroxsulam + 7.5% cloquintocet-mexil safener) + Adjuvant; Omnera + Foxtrot 69 EW (135 g/l fluroxypyr + 30 g/l thifensulfuron metil + 5 g/l metsulfuron metil 69 g/l fenoxaprop-P-etil + 34,5 g/l cloquintocet mexil - safener) și Pixxaro Super (2 g/l halauxifen-metil + 280 g/l fluroxipir meptil + 12 g/l cloquintocet-mexil), postemergently applied for the weeds controlling from the w. wheat crop. The main objective of this work focused on the study of the selectivity and effectiveness of the application of herbicide treatments to combat monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds present in the wheat crop. Wheat is an important crop affected by many weeds which, fortunately, can be effectively controlled by specific applications of herbicides. The herbicides must be correlated with the infestation degree of weed, the spectrum and dominance of weeds, the time of application, the technical potential for efficacy, the local climatic conditions

    New research on the study of selectivity and efficacy of treatments on weed control for the maize crop

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    This paper present the results obtained at National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea, during 2019-2020, according to the new herbicide treatments: Diniro (prosulfuron 40 g/kg + dicamba 400 g/kg + nicosulfuron 100 g/kg) + Trend (adjuvant); Radial 40 (40 g/l nicosulfuron) + Dicopur Top (344 g/l acid 2,4 D from DMA salt and 120 g/l dicamba); Principal plus (50 g/kg dicamba + 92 g/kg nicosulfuron + 23 g/kg rimsulfuron) +Trend (adjuvant); Radial 60 (60 g/l nicosulfuron) + Hudson (fluroxypyr 200 gr/l), postemergently applied - BBCH 14-16, maize 4-6 leaves-, for the annual and perennial weeds controlling from the maize crop. The weather from the experimentation years is representative for the local trend for last decade. The differences (5.64 t/ha in average) between yields of control plots and the yields of treated plots were significant in all years, but the differences within the yields of treated plots were not significant. The herbicides must be correlated with the infestation degree of weed, the spectrum and dominance of weeds, the time of application, the technical potential for efficacy, the local climatic conditions

    First record of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the Eastern Carpathians: implications for chemostratigraphic and biostratigraphic correlations

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    This study aims to investigate a marlstone and claystone succession located at the southern end of the Eastern Carpathians, a region where oceanic anoxic event 2 (OAE2) has not been pointed out so far. Toward the upper half of this succession, a 17-cm-thick black shale was identified. The investigated depositional interval lies within the late Cenomanian–early Turonian, encompassing the UC3d up to UC7 nannofossil zones. The δ13C values fluctuated between 2.06‰ and 3.89‰, showing a positive isotope excursion that was assigned to OAE2. The δ13C isotope curve displays the following intervals: pre-excursion, first build-up, trough, second build-up, plateau, and post-excursion. Within the second build-up interval of OAE2, a substantial shift in CaCO3 values, accompanied by high concentrations of total organic carbon and a significant decline in the abundance and diversity of calcareous nannofossil assemblages, was observed. The nannofossil turnover related to OAE2 climax revealed predominance of Watznaueria barnesiae and temporary disappearance from the record of surface-water higher fertility taxa, such as Biscutum constans, Zeugrhabdotus erectus, and Discorhabdus ignotus. Above OAE2, peaks of Eprolithus floralis, followed by increased abundance of Eiffellithus turriseiffelii and Nannoconus spp., were identified. In the lower part of the studied succession (i.e., the upper Cenomanian UC3d nannofossil subzone), during the pre-excursion characterized by low δ13C values and less negative δ18O values, a small group of nannofossils more related to mid- and high-paleolatitudes, such as Crucibiscutum salebrosum, Repagulum parvidentatum, and Seribiscutum primitivum, is present, always showing a low abundance

    Artificial intelligence in improving the outcome of surgical treatment in colorectal cancer

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    BackgroundA considerable number of recent research have used artificial intelligence (AI) in the area of colorectal cancer (CRC). Surgical treatment of CRC still remains the most important curative component. Artificial intelligence in CRC surgery is not nearly as advanced as it is in screening (colonoscopy), diagnosis and prognosis, especially due to the increased complexity and variability of structures and elements in all fields of view, as well as a general shortage of annotated video banks for utilization.MethodsA literature search was made and relevant studies were included in the minireview.ResultsThe intraoperative steps which, at this moment, can benefit from AI in CRC are: phase and action recognition, excision plane navigation, endoscopy control, real-time circulation analysis, knot tying, automatic optical biopsy and hyperspectral imaging. This minireview also analyses the current advances in robotic treatment of CRC as well as the present possibility of automated CRC robotic surgery.ConclusionsThe use of AI in CRC surgery is still at its beginnings. The development of AI models capable of reproducing a colorectal expert surgeon’s skill, the creation of large and complex datasets and the standardization of surgical colorectal procedures will contribute to the widespread use of AI in CRC surgical treatment

    Influența exercitată de Led-uri și tuburile fluorescente, de diferite culori, asupra proceselor regenerative și a morfogenezei la culturile in vitro de Rebutia heliosa

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    The paper traces how the light source and light color influence the regenerative processes and morphogenesis in vitro cultures of Rebutia heliosa. To establish the vitroculture of R. heliosa, some explants from young plants, either buds or rounds cut from young stems and cross-sectioned were considered. The culture medium consisted of: macroelements and Fe EDTA Murashige-Skoog (1962), microelements Heller (1953), a mineral mixture to which the following vitamins were added: pyridoxine HCl, thiamine HCl and nicotinic acid (each 1 mg/l, each), m-inositol – 100 mg/l, sucrose – 20 g/l and agar-agar 7 g/l, without growth phytoregulators.The variable element was the lighting source. Fluorescent tubes and LEDs (monochrome but differently coloured) have been used: blue (λ = 470 nm), yellow (λ = 580 nm), green (λ = 540 nm), red (λ = 670 nm) as well as LED`s emitting white light (λ = 510 nm) at a luminous intensity of 1000 lux. The evolution of R. heliosa vitro cultures was monitored for 90 days and analyzed their reaction variability. Based on the comparative study, the following can be stated: the light of fluorescent tubes is more suitable for the morphogenesis of R. heliosa vitroplants, but the processes of regeneration and organogenesis are directly influenced by the source and color of light influenced, thus rhizogenesis and caulogenesis is favored by the presence of green and red light emitted by LEDs, while the white and yellow light of fluorescent tubes favors the caulogenesis and callusogenesis processes.Lucrarea urmărește modul în care sursa de iluminare și culoarea luminii influențează procesele regenerative și morfogeneza în vitroculturile de R. heliosa. Pentru a înființa vitrocultura de R. heliosa am prelevat explante de la plante t inere, fie mugurași, fie rondele decupate din tulpinile tinere și secţionate transversal. Mediul de cultură utilizat de noi a constat din: macroe-lemente şi Fe EDTA Murashige-Skoog (1962), microelemente Heller (1953), amestec mineral la care au fost adăugate vitaminele: piridoxină HCl, tiamină HCl şi acid nicotinic (câte 1 mg/l, fiecare), m-inozitol – 100 mg/l, zaharoză – 20 g/l şi agar-agar 7 g/l, fără fitoregulatori de creștere. Variabila este reprezentată de sursa de iluminare, tuburi fluorescente și LED-uri (monocrome și diferit colorate): albastru (λ = 470nm), galben (λ = 580nm), verde (λ = 540nm), roșu (λ = 670nm) și LED-uri care emit lumină albă (λ = 510nm) la o intensitate luminoasă de 1000 lux. Am urmărit timp de 90 de zile evoluţia vitroculturilor de R. heliosa și am analizat variabilitatea de reacţie a acestora iar pe baza studiului comparativ putem afirma următoarele: lumina tuburilor fluorecente este mai potrivită pentru morfogeneza vitroplantulelor de R. heliosa, dar procesele de regenerare și organogeză sunt influențate în mod direct de sursa și culoarea luminii, astfel rizogeneza și caulogeneza este favorizează de prezența luminii verde și roșie emisă de LED-uri în timp ce lumina albă și galbenă a tuburilor fluorescente avantajează procesele de caulogeneză și calusogeneză

    Necrotic enteritis in meat chicken raised at the ground in permanent bedding

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    Poultry necrotic enteritis is an acute clostridial infection characterized by severe necroses of intestinal mucosa. The disease begins suddenly, with a sharp increase in death rate and dehydration. Clostridium perfringens, a sporulated, anaerobic, Gram-positive bacterium is commonly found in the environment and in the gastrointestinal tract as part of the normal intestinal flora. Frequent presence in the digestive tract of healthy birds is associated with necrotic enteritis in broilers. The research was conducted on 323 samples (120 live chickens, 89 corpses, 104 feed samples and 10 water samples) collected from a farm with 32 253 hybrid Ross 308 broilers (21 days), raised at the ground on permanent bedding, where there was a significant increase in mortality above the permissible limit. The necropsy performed on 980 chicken corps revealed a different prevalence of intestinal tract lesions: bleeding wall (28.37%), mucosal necrosis (23.22%), gas content (18.57%), mucosal inflammation (15.73%) and red orange mucus in the intestines (14.10%). Bacteriological examination identified Clostridium perfringens in 11.66% of live broilers, 10.11% of chicken corps, 61.53% of feed samples and 3.09% of water samples. Increased percentage this species isolation suggests that feed taken from the hall was an important source of infection for broilers reared on the ground

    The Romanian version of the Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR)

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    The Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR) is a new parent/patient-reported outcome measure that enables a thorough assessment of the disease status in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We report the results of the cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the parent and patient versions of the JAMAR in the Romanian language. The reading comprehension of the questionnaire was tested in 15 JIA parents and patients. Each participating centre was asked to collect demographic, clinical data and the JAMAR in 100 consecutive JIA patients or all consecutive patients seen in a 6-month period and to administer the JAMAR to 100 healthy children and their parents. The statistical validation phase explored descriptive statistics and the psychometric issues of the JAMAR: the three Likert assumptions, floor/ceiling effects, internal consistency, Cronbach\u2019s alpha, interscale correlations, test\u2013retest reliability, and construct validity (convergent and discriminant validity). A total of 310 JIA patients (11.9% systemic, 21.6% oligoarticular, 31.9% RF-negative polyarthritis, 34.6% other categories) and 100 healthy children, were enrolled in six centres. The JAMAR components discriminated well healthy subjects from JIA patients except for the health-related quality of life psychosocial health subscales. All JAMAR components revealed good psychometric performances. In conclusion, the Romanian version of the JAMAR is a valid tool for the assessment of children with JIA and is suitable for use both in routine clinical practice and clinical research

    Septicemic Outbreak in A Rainbow Trout Intensive Aquaculture System: Clinical Finds, Etiological Agents, and Predisposing Factors

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    On the 23rd of September 2022, a small intensive aquaculture unit populated with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reported increased mortality in adults and juvenile fish. The unit comprised 12 enclosed concrete basins with a capacity of ten cubic meters of water, populated with 150 kg of fish each. Fish were subjected to a clinical examination on the site, after which whole fish were harvested for a bacteriological and histopathological examination. Water quality parameters were examined using classic biochemical methods and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in order to find out whether the environment in which the fish live is also a predisposing factor that could facilitate different pathogens and induce a state of disease in the fish. Real-time PCR was performed on strains of Aeromonas spp. sampled from the fish to accurately identify the pathogen species. The goal was to accurately identify the problems and predisposing factors that lead to disease outbreaks