16 research outputs found

    Comparison of quantile regression median and least squares of weight at size.

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    <p>Quantile median non-linear fit (continuous line) and least squares weighted non-linear fit (line with circles) by Eastern (top panel) and Western (bottom panel) bluefin tuna stocks. Outer lines represent the 25%, 75% (thin lines) and the 2.5% and 97.5% (dashed lines) of the quantile regression estimated percentiles.</p

    Sampled geographic areas.

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    <p>GOM = Gulf of Mexico, SABFEC = South Atlantic bight, Florida East Coast and Sargasso Sea, MAB = Mid-Atlantic Bight, MAGESS = Gulf of Maine, George’s Bank and Scotian Shelf, GSL = Gulf of St. Lawrence, WCA = Western Central Atlantic, ECA = Eastern Central Atlantic, BB = Bay of Biscay, AIMA = Atlantic Iberian-Moroccan Area, SG = Strait of Gibraltar, WM = Western Mediterranean, CM = Central Mediterranean, and EM = Eastern Mediterranean.</p