5 research outputs found

    Average of <i>D</i><sup>−</sup> in 100 runs as a function of parameters <i>Δ</i> and <i>p</i> for a system of 40 agents.

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    <p>Average of <i>D</i><sup>−</sup> in 100 runs as a function of parameters <i>Δ</i> and <i>p</i> for a system of 40 agents.</p

    Six final absorbing states for a 20 agents system, starting from same initial condition (but different confidence levels <i>Δ</i>, indicated at the upper-left corner of each panel).

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    <p>The initial opinions are shown in the upper-left panel of <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0164323#pone.0164323.g008" target="_blank">Fig 8</a>. The random initial network has the same number of positive and negative links, and we take <i>p</i> = 0.3. The numbers in each panel indicate the number of agents with the same opinion (the number of agents in an opinion cluster). The grey lines show the positive links between agents. In the absorbing states there are neither negative links between agents in an opinion cluster nor negative links between agents in a clique. In the cases with <i>Δ</i> = 0.4 and <i>Δ</i> = 1, there is consensus of opinions in each clique.</p

    Typical (median) number of iterations <i>T</i><sub>typ</sub> -in time steps- to converge to a balanced configuration as a function of the number <i>N</i> of agents in the system for <i>p</i> = 0.1.

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    <p>The upper and lower curves correspond to the pure Antal (LTD) and the Constrained Triad Dynamics (CTD) models, respectively. The other three curves correspond to the BC-PF dynamics with <i>Δ</i> = 0, <i>Δ</i> = 0.1 and <i>Δ</i> = 0.2, respectively. Each point represents the median value of 1000 different runs departing from random initial conditions with equal proportion of positive and negative links.</p

    Number of different opinions <i>N</i><sub>op</sub> in final balanced configurations as a function of the bounded confidence parameter <i>Δ</i> for 40 agents and <i>p</i> = 0.1.

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    <p>The grey curve corresponds to the BC model and the black curve to the BC-PF model. The curves represent the mean value of <i>N</i><sub>op</sub> in 8 simulations with random initial opinions. The initial links are also set at random with equal probability for friendship (+1) and for enmity (-1). The vertical bars indicate the maximum and minimum values of <i>N</i><sub>op</sub> in the 8 simulations.</p

    Distribution of size differences <i>S</i><sub>dif</sub> -in per cent points- between the two cliques in a system with <i>N</i> = 100, <i>p</i> = 0.3 and <i>Δ</i> = 0.2.

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    <p>Each colored vertical line represents the frequency of clique size differences for a different proportion of positive links <i>ρ</i><sub>0</sub> in the initial conditions, as indicated in the legend. The back curve represents the mean of the previous frequencies. We run 1000 simulations for each <i>ρ</i><sub>0</sub> value. Each vertical line represents the frequency in 2% bins and the different cases has been shifted each other to facilitate visualization.</p